Overall Game Ratings
:: 2024 :: 2023 :: 2022 :: 2021 :: 2020 :: 2019 :: 2018 :: 2017 :: 2016 :: 2015 :: 2014 :: 2013 :: 2012 :: 2011 :: 2010 :: 2009 :: 2008 :: 2007


Game Ratings detail game results (R) including the final score (Final) and the score at the conclusion of non-garbage possessions in the game (N Final). Final scores are linked to Possession Splits, the complete record of game results by possession. Overall Game Ratings (GR) are opponent-adjusted data representing scoring value generated per possession relative to an average performance on a neutral field against an average opponent. Possession efficiency (PVE) is unadjusted scoring value per non-garbage possession. Net points per drive (NPD), net available yards percentage (NAY), net yards per play (NPP), and net drive success rate (NSR) are the difference between offensive and opponent offensive efficiencies on non-garbage drives. Each game rating includes the percentile rating (Pct) of the performance relative to all others recorded this season.


Air Force 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Florida Atlantic L 27-33 27-33 -.51 .282 -.24 .381 -1.33 .250 -.191 .225 -2.23 .170 -.295 .165
4 Utah State L 32-42 32-42 .23 .596 -.34 .330 -1.45 .231 -.076 .379 -3.95 .067 -.104 .371
5 Nevada L 25-28 25-28 -.27 .376 -.12 .455 -.67 .353 -.122 .314 -1.75 .233 -.135 .337
6 Navy W 35-7 35-7 .77 .811 1.40 .924 2.80 .926 .406 .934 4.76 .964 .300 .843
7 San Diego State L 17-21 17-21 -.36 .328 -.15 .423 .15 .531 -.020 .473 -1.57 .256 -.019 .475
8 UNLV W 41-35 41-35 -.37 .326 .30 .650 .60 .633 .078 .622 2.46 .850 .100 .626
9 Boise State L 38-48 38-48 -.02 .489 -.50 .287 -1.00 .299 -.196 .217 -1.34 .282 -.200 .259
10 Army L 14-17 14-17 .31 .638 -.20 .399 -.68 .350 .115 .675 .96 .663 -.179 .287
11 New Mexico W 42-24 42-24 -.01 .494 .72 .767 2.08 .852 .281 .859 3.56 .919 .250 .801
12 Wyoming L 27-35 27-35 -.53 .273 -.44 .297 -.89 .315 -.059 .405 -.79 .368 .000 .516
13 Colorado State W 27-19 27-19 -.25 .380 .44 .705 .89 .686 .031 .547 -1.56 .257 .333 .860

Akron 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
3 Northwestern W 39-34 39-34 .44 .685 .15 .576 -.46 .401 -.154 .268 -.56 .398 -.027 .468
4 Iowa State L 13-26 13-26 -.03 .482 -.54 .274 -1.08 .284 -.200 .212 -1.01 .328 -.250 .208
6 Miami (OH) L 17-41 17-41 -.96 .135 -.89 .189 -2.65 .089 -.324 .109 -2.39 .157 -.429 .089
7 Buffalo L 6-24 6-24 -.79 .188 -.86 .199 -1.85 .177 -.297 .125 -2.33 .166 -.318 .151
8 Kent State W 24-23 24-23 -.89 .155 .04 .507 .11 .525 .018 .523 .16 .535 .019 .527
9 Central Michigan W 17-10 17-10 -.62 .245 .22 .610 .44 .595 .046 .571 1.97 .797 .063 .570
10 Northern Illinois L 26-36 26-36 -.62 .241 -.38 .313 -.40 .409 -.130 .300 .07 .514 -.038 .457
11 Eastern Michigan L 7-27 7-24 -.90 .152 -.65 .250 -1.55 .220 -.294 .128 -2.00 .196 -.364 .127
12 Bowling Green L 6-21 6-21 -1.66 .035 -.75 .225 -1.50 .227 -.221 .190 -1.72 .237 -.100 .380
13 Ohio L 28-49 21-42 -.61 .249 -1.00 .163 -1.40 .240 -.185 .230 -1.91 .209 -.100 .380
14 South Carolina L 3-28 3-28 -.40 .316 -.93 .180 -1.54 .221 -.334 .104 -3.20 .096 -.107 .367

Alabama 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Louisville W 51-14 44-7 .98 .867 1.85 .961 3.41 .950 .478 .962 4.53 .959 .567 .964
2 Arkansas State W 57-7 50-7 1.79 .971 1.95 .970 3.66 .962 .462 .956 4.27 .948 .609 .973
3 Ole Miss W 62-7 52-7 2.26 .992 1.96 .970 4.14 .976 .574 .984 3.62 .924 .735 .988
4 Texas A&M W 45-23 45-16 2.19 .988 1.32 .911 2.64 .910 .286 .865 4.15 .942 .273 .819
5 Louisiana W 56-14 49-0 3.00 .997 3.50 .999 7.00 .999 .879 .999 7.55 .994 1.000 .999
6 Arkansas W 65-31 51-17 1.60 .958 1.89 .966 3.78 .966 .412 .936 6.73 .987 .556 .960
7 Missouri W 39-10 39-10 2.21 .990 1.32 .911 2.64 .910 .554 .982 4.43 .955 .545 .955
8 Tennessee W 58-21 51-14 2.23 .990 2.06 .976 4.11 .975 .414 .937 4.07 .938 .444 .919
10 LSU W 29-0 22-0 2.05 .979 1.10 .868 2.20 .870 .395 .927 4.08 .939 .300 .843
11 Mississippi State W 24-0 24-0 2.14 .986 1.04 .853 2.18 .867 .212 .800 1.40 .722 .273 .819
13 Auburn W 52-21 52-21 2.12 .985 1.29 .905 2.58 .902 .351 .908 5.16 .973 .417 .905
C Georgia W 35-28 35-28 1.77 .970 .28 .639 .76 .663 .030 .545 .97 .665 .032 .539
P Oklahoma W 45-34 45-27 2.07 .981 1.00 .846 2.00 .844 .138 .711 1.02 .674 .222 .775
P Clemson L 16-44 16-44 -.18 .407 -1.65 .053 -2.63 .093 -.075 .380 -2.77 .126 -.375 .115

Appalachian State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Penn State L 38-45 38-45 .41 .676 -.24 .380 -.58 .376 -.040 .437 -.57 .395 .000 .516
2 Charlotte W 45-9 38-9 .88 .840 1.53 .934 3.53 .956 .479 .964 7.06 .988 .414 .900
5 South Alabama W 52-7 42-7 .76 .806 1.84 .960 3.97 .971 .341 .898 3.54 .918 .467 .932
7 Arkansas State W 35-9 35-9 .76 .808 .93 .820 1.86 .823 .110 .669 1.76 .767 .214 .764
8 Louisiana W 27-17 27-17 -.12 .442 .38 .689 .94 .694 .118 .680 .86 .645 .186 .731
9 Georgia Southern L 14-34 7-27 -.89 .153 -.87 .197 -1.82 .183 -.221 .190 -3.34 .090 -.364 .127
10 Coastal Carolina W 23-7 23-7 -.27 .373 .64 .746 1.92 .835 .348 .903 2.01 .804 .167 .708
11 Texas State W 38-7 31-7 .37 .665 1.33 .915 2.67 .913 .087 .638 2.51 .856 .444 .919
12 Georgia State W 45-17 38-10 .69 .783 1.87 .963 3.00 .938 .446 .952 4.52 .959 .571 .966
13 Troy W 21-10 21-10 .26 .613 .41 .692 .90 .688 .054 .589 .20 .543 .093 .618
C Louisiana W 30-19 30-19 .00 .500 .50 .720 1.00 .707 .004 .505 .88 .650 .091 .614
B Middle Tennessee W 45-13 38-13 1.14 .902 1.32 .909 2.92 .934 .221 .810 2.70 .867 .267 .810

Arizona 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 BYU L 23-28 23-28 -.22 .391 -.25 .378 -.50 .394 -.010 .487 -.14 .472 .100 .626
2 Houston L 18-45 18-38 -.80 .187 -.71 .235 -1.43 .234 -.022 .471 -1.14 .310 -.214 .240
4 Oregon State W 35-14 35-14 .54 .724 1.17 .882 2.33 .883 .457 .953 5.51 .979 .556 .960
5 USC L 20-24 20-24 -.09 .451 -.14 .433 -.38 .415 -.073 .384 -.92 .341 -.019 .477
6 California W 24-17 24-17 .24 .603 .27 .635 -.40 .411 -.144 .280 -1.22 .297 .042 .545
7 Utah L 10-42 10-35 -.85 .165 -1.32 .092 -2.89 .071 -.172 .246 -2.19 .174 -.256 .196
8 UCLA L 30-31 30-31 -.15 .424 -.04 .497 -.07 .484 .207 .797 2.17 .823 .071 .581
9 Oregon W 44-15 37-8 1.26 .920 1.07 .861 2.23 .872 .323 .889 2.70 .866 .462 .929
10 Colorado W 42-34 42-34 .27 .619 .33 .668 .67 .648 -.040 .437 3.03 .896 .167 .708
12 Washington State L 28-69 28-55 -.57 .258 -1.13 .126 -1.56 .216 -.207 .205 -1.85 .216 -.327 .150
13 Arizona State L 40-41 40-41 .18 .581 -.04 .494 -.29 .440 .105 .659 -.35 .435 .104 .631

Arizona State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UTSA W 49-7 35-0 .86 .834 1.94 .969 3.50 .955 .426 .942 5.27 .975 .500 .946
2 Michigan State W 16-13 16-13 .49 .708 .14 .571 .15 .532 .068 .607 .15 .532 .064 .571
3 San Diego State L 21-28 21-28 -.53 .277 -.32 .341 -.64 .358 -.073 .383 .53 .597 -.182 .282
4 Washington L 20-27 20-27 .25 .611 -.37 .321 -1.00 .299 -.198 .214 -2.99 .108 -.156 .312
5 Oregon State W 52-24 45-24 .54 .724 1.17 .882 2.33 .883 .229 .817 1.87 .785 .333 .860
6 Colorado L 21-28 21-28 -.45 .301 -.39 .310 -.78 .332 -.021 .472 .00 .501 -.111 .364
8 Stanford L 13-20 13-20 .09 .538 -.29 .358 -.58 .376 .041 .564 1.24 .706 -.083 .406
9 USC W 38-35 38-35 .16 .567 .11 .544 .43 .594 .092 .644 .35 .564 .192 .735
10 Utah W 38-20 38-20 1.36 .931 .90 .813 1.80 .815 .313 .885 1.77 .769 .300 .843
11 UCLA W 31-28 31-28 .03 .515 .14 .571 1.00 .707 .045 .570 -.87 .354 .200 .749
12 Oregon L 29-31 29-31 .12 .551 -.07 .476 -.28 .440 -.124 .309 -2.07 .188 .043 .546
13 Arizona W 41-40 41-40 .03 .514 .04 .507 .29 .560 -.105 .340 .35 .565 -.104 .371
B Fresno State L 20-31 20-31 .21 .590 -.48 .290 -.73 .341 -.182 .238 -2.88 .117 -.067 .427

Arkansas 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Colorado State L 27-34 27-34 -.94 .142 -.25 .378 -.50 .394 -.006 .492 -.09 .482 -.071 .418
3 North Texas L 17-44 10-44 -1.16 .102 -1.03 .153 -1.38 .243 -.219 .192 -1.42 .275 -.213 .241
4 Auburn L 3-34 3-31 -.29 .361 -1.12 .128 -1.93 .163 -.092 .354 -.01 .497 -.288 .172
5 Texas A&M L 17-24 17-24 .58 .741 -.29 .358 -.13 .472 -.268 .148 -.88 .348 -.205 .249
6 Alabama L 31-65 17-51 -.01 .495 -1.89 .034 -3.78 .035 -.412 .063 -6.73 .012 -.556 .043
7 Ole Miss L 33-37 33-37 .11 .543 -.20 .399 -.40 .410 -.162 .258 -1.66 .244 -.100 .380
8 Tulsa W 23-0 20-0 .40 .674 .95 .826 2.00 .844 .191 .774 1.16 .692 .218 .767
9 Vanderbilt L 31-45 24-45 -.53 .275 -.95 .172 -1.91 .172 -.159 .261 .04 .510 -.182 .282
11 LSU L 17-24 17-24 .69 .784 -.26 .373 -.63 .359 -.139 .286 -1.18 .304 -.093 .383
12 Mississippi State L 6-52 6-38 -.79 .191 -1.88 .036 -4.76 .012 -.561 .016 -3.58 .078 -.524 .050
13 Missouri L 0-38 0-38 -.84 .173 -1.73 .046 -3.44 .048 -.496 .031 -3.43 .089 -.556 .043

Arkansas State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Alabama L 7-57 7-50 -.08 .461 -1.95 .030 -3.66 .037 -.462 .043 -4.27 .052 -.609 .027
3 Tulsa W 29-20 29-20 -.18 .411 .38 .685 .32 .566 .034 .553 -.21 .453 .030 .538
4 UNLV W 27-20 27-20 -.42 .309 .24 .620 .50 .609 .049 .580 1.10 .682 .143 .674
5 Georgia Southern L 21-28 21-28 -.36 .330 -.33 .335 -.89 .313 .175 .756 -1.24 .294 -.036 .459
7 Appalachian State L 9-35 9-35 -.62 .242 -.93 .179 -1.86 .177 -.110 .330 -1.76 .232 -.214 .240
8 Georgia State W 51-35 48-21 -.01 .497 1.17 .883 1.82 .820 .191 .775 3.00 .893 .364 .880
9 Louisiana L 43-47 43-47 -.67 .223 -.17 .416 -.33 .431 -.046 .427 -2.17 .178 -.167 .301
10 South Alabama W 38-14 38-7 .27 .616 1.35 .916 2.53 .896 .431 .946 3.48 .916 .492 .938
11 Coastal Carolina W 44-16 41-13 .64 .767 1.56 .938 3.68 .963 .478 .962 4.95 .968 .653 .977
12 UL Monroe W 31-17 31-17 -.03 .484 .64 .745 .85 .679 .207 .796 .80 .633 .227 .780
13 Texas State W 33-7 30-7 -.01 .499 .96 .835 1.49 .772 .163 .743 2.00 .802 .106 .631
B Nevada L 13-16 13-16 -.24 .383 -.09 .466 -.04 .490 .250 .836 1.74 .765 .117 .641

Army 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Duke L 14-34 14-31 -.83 .174 -1.06 .141 -2.13 .141 -.130 .301 -3.22 .095 -.125 .353
2 Liberty W 38-14 38-14 .35 .657 1.09 .866 2.18 .867 .178 .758 -.36 .433 .364 .880
3 Hawaii W 28-21 28-21 -.17 .415 .39 .690 .78 .668 .186 .771 -2.20 .173 .222 .775
4 Oklahoma L 21-28 21-28 .63 .760 -.44 .299 .00 .506 -.014 .482 -4.78 .034 -.143 .330
5 Buffalo W 42-13 35-13 1.44 .940 1.38 .919 2.38 .887 .154 .732 .48 .586 .196 .737
7 San Jose State W 52-3 38-3 1.70 .966 2.33 .988 4.32 .980 .525 .974 2.34 .835 .607 .972
8 Miami (OH) W 31-30 31-30 -.02 .490 .05 .519 .00 .506 -.029 .458 -.09 .481 .000 .516
9 Eastern Michigan W 37-22 37-22 .59 .747 .83 .795 1.67 .794 .376 .920 -.21 .455 .444 .919
10 Air Force W 17-14 17-14 .11 .541 .20 .603 .68 .650 -.115 .324 -.96 .336 .179 .713
15 Navy W 17-10 17-10 -.28 .372 .35 .674 .70 .652 .119 .681 .90 .653 .200 .749
B Houston W 70-14 49-7 2.72 .995 2.80 .996 6.13 .997 .657 .992 5.59 .980 .875 .996

Auburn 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Washington W 21-16 21-16 .85 .832 .23 .615 .45 .597 .023 .530 -.55 .398 .182 .728
3 LSU L 21-22 21-22 .91 .850 -.04 .490 .06 .512 -.047 .426 .38 .570 -.128 .345
4 Arkansas W 34-3 31-3 .83 .827 1.12 .872 1.93 .837 .092 .645 .01 .502 .288 .828
5 Southern Mississippi W 24-13 24-13 .07 .525 .38 .685 .85 .677 .094 .646 .48 .584 .157 .692
6 Mississippi State L 9-23 9-23 .46 .694 -.64 .257 -1.19 .268 -.068 .390 -.70 .378 -.145 .322
7 Tennessee L 24-30 24-30 -.08 .459 -.25 .378 -.09 .479 -.046 .427 -.02 .495 -.129 .342
8 Ole Miss W 31-16 31-16 .96 .863 .65 .749 1.48 .771 .082 .631 1.47 .734 .220 .771
10 Texas A&M W 28-24 28-24 1.04 .882 .16 .582 .49 .602 -.143 .283 .43 .580 -.051 .441
11 Georgia L 10-27 10-27 .43 .683 -1.06 .141 -2.13 .141 -.335 .104 -2.50 .144 -.375 .115
12 Liberty W 53-0 46-0 1.56 .952 2.30 .985 4.31 .979 .693 .994 5.76 .983 .889 .997
13 Alabama L 21-52 21-52 .58 .742 -1.29 .095 -2.58 .098 -.351 .091 -5.16 .026 -.417 .098
B Purdue W 63-14 56-7 3.37 .999 3.06 .997 6.13 .997 .716 .996 8.23 .996 .875 .996

Ball State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Notre Dame L 16-24 16-24 .46 .697 -.29 .360 -.57 .377 -.066 .396 -2.16 .179 .000 .516
3 Indiana L 10-38 10-38 -1.14 .106 -1.33 .087 -2.10 .144 -.284 .137 -1.55 .258 -.200 .259
4 Western Kentucky L 20-28 20-28 -1.22 .091 -.44 .297 -.89 .315 -.082 .367 -1.00 .331 .000 .516
5 Kent State W 52-24 45-24 -.12 .443 .81 .791 1.62 .788 .217 .805 .52 .594 .231 .784
6 Northern Illinois L 16-24 16-24 -.57 .258 -.33 .335 -.67 .353 .080 .624 -.91 .341 .000 .516
7 Central Michigan W 24-23 24-23 -.78 .194 .05 .521 .37 .580 .056 .591 -.08 .484 .056 .565
8 Eastern Michigan L 20-42 13-35 -1.12 .109 -.88 .193 -1.92 .167 -.230 .181 -1.61 .254 -.269 .189
9 Ohio L 14-52 7-45 -1.72 .028 -2.11 .021 -4.22 .023 -.614 .012 -4.93 .032 -.667 .022
10 Toledo L 13-45 13-38 -1.21 .097 -1.04 .150 -1.73 .199 -.192 .222 -3.00 .106 -.288 .172
12 Western Michigan W 42-41 42-41 -.55 .267 .04 .516 .32 .566 -.147 .278 .95 .662 -.045 .448
13 Miami (OH) L 21-42 21-42 -1.03 .126 -.95 .172 -1.91 .172 -.283 .137 -2.25 .168 -.273 .187

Baylor 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 UTSA W 37-20 37-20 -.31 .352 .77 .781 1.36 .755 .265 .847 1.55 .741 .236 .789
3 Duke L 27-40 20-40 -.51 .281 -.74 .227 -1.46 .230 -.188 .227 -1.57 .256 -.128 .345
4 Kansas W 26-7 26-7 .84 .828 1.00 .846 2.19 .868 .293 .869 .95 .663 .356 .869
5 Oklahoma L 33-66 33-63 -.18 .407 -1.25 .102 -2.25 .126 -.182 .236 -6.68 .014 -.205 .249
6 Kansas State W 37-34 37-34 .31 .634 .12 .548 .01 .506 .133 .704 -1.15 .309 .269 .812
7 Texas L 17-23 17-23 .36 .661 -.25 .378 -.50 .394 -.133 .294 -.91 .342 -.333 .147
9 West Virginia L 14-58 7-51 -1.24 .090 -2.00 .028 -3.94 .029 -.633 .010 -6.04 .015 -.900 .002
10 Oklahoma State W 35-31 35-31 .62 .757 .17 .591 .22 .543 .048 .577 1.37 .720 -.083 .399
11 Iowa State L 14-28 14-28 -.36 .327 -.88 .196 -1.75 .198 .126 .694 -.86 .355 -.125 .353
12 TCU L 9-16 9-16 -.06 .474 -.29 .358 -.58 .376 -.027 .464 -.63 .387 -.083 .406
13 Texas Tech W 35-24 35-24 .85 .834 .55 .728 1.10 .720 .101 .656 .94 .661 .000 .516
B Vanderbilt W 45-38 45-38 .76 .805 .33 .668 1.05 .710 .113 .673 -.87 .352 .164 .696

Boise State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Troy W 56-20 49-20 .97 .864 1.12 .870 1.96 .838 .240 .826 2.15 .819 .292 .834
2 Connecticut W 62-7 41-0 1.37 .932 2.93 .997 5.86 .995 .836 .999 9.43 .998 1.000 .999
3 Oklahoma State L 21-44 21-44 -.60 .250 -1.05 .146 -1.79 .187 -.180 .239 -1.75 .234 -.336 .139
5 Wyoming W 34-14 27-7 .86 .835 .95 .826 2.06 .849 .324 .892 .98 .665 .509 .948
6 San Diego State L 13-19 13-19 -.40 .314 -.19 .400 -.54 .381 -.068 .392 -1.68 .239 -.161 .306
7 Nevada W 31-27 31-27 .01 .506 .17 .586 -.07 .486 -.025 .466 .09 .517 -.136 .336
8 Colorado State W 56-28 42-14 .95 .860 1.65 .947 3.44 .953 .344 .901 1.20 .699 .492 .937
9 Air Force W 48-38 48-38 .41 .675 .50 .720 1.00 .707 .196 .782 1.34 .718 .200 .749
10 BYU W 21-16 21-16 .25 .608 .23 .615 .31 .564 -.148 .278 -1.43 .272 -.136 .336
11 Fresno State W 24-17 24-17 1.06 .887 .37 .682 .97 .697 .220 .808 .17 .536 .056 .565
12 New Mexico W 45-14 38-14 .47 .701 1.20 .889 2.67 .913 .354 .909 2.14 .817 .444 .919
13 Utah State W 33-24 33-24 .93 .854 .36 .678 .54 .615 .112 .672 .04 .510 .122 .646
C Fresno State L 16-19 16-19 .59 .744 -.10 .459 -.07 .485 .062 .598 -.33 .437 -.016 .479

Boston College 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Massachusetts W 55-21 48-7 1.06 .888 2.05 .975 3.86 .966 .459 .955 3.33 .909 .567 .964
3 Wake Forest W 41-34 41-34 .15 .565 .22 .610 .93 .693 -.013 .483 3.14 .900 .067 .576
4 Purdue L 13-30 7-30 -.65 .228 -.96 .166 -1.92 .167 -.393 .074 -3.48 .083 -.417 .098
5 Temple W 45-35 45-35 .47 .705 .33 .668 1.21 .735 .048 .575 -1.11 .317 .214 .764
6 NC State L 23-28 23-28 .17 .573 -.22 .394 -1.35 .247 -.309 .116 -.15 .469 -.227 .223
7 Louisville W 38-20 38-20 -.21 .400 .67 .753 1.04 .709 .251 .837 1.33 .716 .186 .731
9 Miami W 27-14 27-14 .88 .843 .57 .732 1.29 .745 .231 .819 .97 .664 .379 .890
10 Virginia Tech W 31-21 31-21 .23 .597 .34 .670 .81 .672 .081 .626 .79 .633 .090 .606
11 Clemson L 7-27 7-27 .69 .786 -.77 .222 -1.82 .183 -.350 .093 -4.48 .043 -.364 .127
12 Florida State L 21-22 21-22 -.20 .402 -.04 .497 -.07 .485 -.008 .489 -1.63 .249 -.143 .330
13 Syracuse L 21-42 21-42 -.44 .303 -.84 .203 -1.75 .198 -.221 .188 -1.50 .262 -.250 .208

Bowling Green 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Oregon L 24-58 24-51 -.74 .204 -.93 .179 -2.03 .153 -.212 .199 -2.88 .116 -.233 .214
2 Maryland L 14-45 14-38 -.85 .166 -1.09 .136 -2.18 .135 -.432 .052 -4.05 .062 -.364 .127
4 Miami (OH) L 23-38 17-38 -.88 .157 -.81 .211 -1.62 .212 -.133 .295 -1.81 .222 -.154 .317
5 Georgia Tech L 17-63 17-49 -1.79 .023 -1.88 .036 -4.24 .022 -.388 .076 -4.37 .048 -.542 .048
6 Toledo L 36-52 28-45 -.90 .150 -.74 .229 -1.76 .194 -.316 .113 -.24 .447 -.311 .152
7 Western Michigan L 35-42 35-42 -.86 .164 -.26 .373 -.73 .341 -.167 .252 2.70 .867 -.104 .371
8 Ohio L 14-49 14-42 -1.48 .051 -1.87 .037 -4.25 .021 -.465 .043 -4.17 .056 -.607 .028
10 Kent State L 28-35 28-35 -1.16 .104 -.23 .383 -.47 .400 -.049 .420 -1.33 .284 .067 .576
11 Central Michigan W 24-13 24-13 -.36 .332 .48 .710 .52 .610 .268 .852 1.10 .681 .218 .767
12 Akron W 21-6 21-6 .15 .565 .75 .776 1.50 .775 .221 .810 1.72 .762 .100 .626
13 Buffalo L 14-44 7-34 -1.63 .038 -1.69 .049 -3.13 .056 -.441 .049 -1.88 .213 -.446 .079

Buffalo 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Temple W 36-29 36-29 .42 .679 .28 .639 1.25 .738 .174 .755 .01 .503 .167 .708
3 Eastern Michigan W 35-28 35-28 .06 .523 .30 .655 .85 .678 .114 .674 1.78 .771 .121 .645
4 Rutgers W 42-13 35-13 .23 .597 .81 .793 1.76 .807 .295 .872 4.54 .960 .170 .709
5 Army L 13-42 13-35 -.86 .163 -1.38 .080 -2.38 .113 -.154 .267 -.48 .413 -.196 .262
6 Central Michigan W 34-24 34-17 -.06 .470 .77 .781 1.55 .782 .199 .786 1.87 .786 .182 .728
7 Akron W 24-6 24-6 .26 .615 .86 .801 1.85 .822 .297 .874 2.33 .834 .318 .848
8 Toledo W 31-17 31-17 .27 .619 .44 .701 .80 .671 .241 .829 -.39 .426 .238 .790
10 Miami (OH) W 51-42 51-42 .27 .620 .35 .672 1.02 .707 .107 .663 .83 .641 .128 .657
11 Kent State W 48-14 48-0 1.48 .948 2.40 .990 4.80 .989 .824 .998 6.56 .985 .700 .984
12 Ohio L 17-52 10-45 -1.94 .016 -2.33 .014 -5.18 .006 -.657 .007 -1.92 .207 -.750 .011
13 Bowling Green W 44-14 34-7 .78 .812 1.69 .950 3.13 .944 .441 .950 1.88 .786 .446 .920
C Northern Illinois L 29-30 29-30 -.29 .363 -.05 .483 -.36 .421 -.061 .402 -.39 .428 -.045 .448
B Troy L 32-42 32-42 -.53 .274 -.38 .313 -.96 .304 -.118 .320 -.14 .470 -.007 .482

BYU 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Arizona W 28-23 28-23 .24 .600 .25 .625 .50 .609 .010 .512 .14 .528 -.100 .380
2 California L 18-21 18-21 -.14 .427 -.12 .455 -.83 .326 -.115 .324 -1.57 .255 -.083 .406
3 Wisconsin W 24-21 24-21 .51 .714 .16 .580 .57 .622 -.039 .439 1.07 .677 .156 .691
5 Washington L 7-35 0-35 -2.07 .014 -2.69 .006 -5.00 .010 -.618 .011 -4.38 .047 -.690 .016
6 Utah State L 20-45 13-42 -.81 .181 -1.38 .080 -2.71 .081 -.149 .276 -.28 .440 -.283 .176
7 Hawaii W 49-23 42-17 .69 .786 1.25 .898 2.31 .880 .214 .802 1.53 .740 .267 .810
9 Northern Illinois L 6-7 6-7 -.28 .366 -.04 .486 -.14 .471 .119 .681 1.04 .676 .068 .577
10 Boise State L 16-21 16-21 .25 .606 -.23 .386 -.31 .435 .148 .722 1.43 .727 .136 .667
11 Massachusetts W 35-16 35-10 .15 .562 1.14 .876 2.27 .877 .184 .767 2.97 .889 .182 .728
12 New Mexico State W 45-10 45-10 .19 .582 1.25 .898 2.75 .920 .245 .832 3.04 .896 .253 .802
13 Utah L 27-35 27-35 .17 .570 -.30 .352 -.62 .363 -.054 .410 -.20 .456 -.169 .291
B Western Michigan W 49-18 35-10 .72 .795 1.32 .909 2.89 .930 .238 .825 5.04 .970 .356 .869

California 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 North Carolina W 24-17 24-17 .02 .509 .25 .625 .09 .521 .131 .700 .13 .527 .093 .618
2 BYU W 21-18 21-18 .14 .559 .12 .548 .83 .676 .115 .676 1.57 .744 .083 .600
5 Oregon L 24-42 24-42 -.59 .253 -.78 .216 -.62 .362 -.114 .325 -1.32 .287 -.136 .336
6 Arizona L 17-24 17-24 -.28 .368 -.27 .368 .40 .589 .144 .719 1.22 .702 -.042 .454
7 UCLA L 7-37 7-37 -1.48 .051 -1.36 .082 -2.36 .114 -.167 .251 -1.09 .320 -.418 .094
8 Oregon State W 49-7 35-7 .59 .747 1.22 .892 2.92 .933 .460 .955 4.27 .948 .417 .905
9 Washington W 12-10 12-10 .72 .797 .10 .540 -.33 .431 -.043 .432 -.25 .444 .133 .661
10 Washington State L 13-19 13-19 .28 .622 -.27 .364 -.72 .345 -.134 .293 -1.59 .255 -.136 .336
11 USC W 15-14 15-14 .09 .538 .04 .516 .18 .539 -.100 .345 .12 .525 .015 .520
13 Colorado W 33-21 33-21 .37 .663 .43 .698 -.17 .466 -.096 .350 -1.17 .306 .083 .600
14 Stanford L 13-23 6-23 -.35 .334 -.74 .229 -1.37 .244 -.007 .490 -.36 .434 -.144 .325
B TCU L 7-10 7-10 .14 .556 -.10 .461 .00 .506 .008 .511 .54 .598 -.071 .421

Central Michigan 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Kentucky L 20-35 20-35 .14 .558 -.54 .277 -1.50 .227 -.196 .218 -3.02 .104 -.126 .348
2 Kansas L 7-31 7-28 -.91 .148 -.75 .225 -1.08 .286 -.203 .210 -1.32 .286 -.231 .219
3 Northern Illinois L 16-24 16-24 -.56 .265 -.32 .337 -.77 .334 .032 .551 -.12 .474 -.026 .471
5 Michigan State L 20-31 13-31 -.56 .266 -.90 .188 -2.14 .139 -.390 .075 -1.19 .303 -.256 .196
6 Buffalo L 24-34 17-34 -.71 .210 -.77 .222 -1.55 .220 -.199 .214 -1.87 .214 -.182 .282
7 Ball State L 23-24 23-24 -.81 .180 -.05 .479 -.37 .419 -.056 .409 .08 .516 -.056 .437
8 Western Michigan L 10-35 10-28 -1.26 .084 -.67 .249 -1.44 .232 -.091 .357 -1.45 .271 -.165 .302
9 Akron L 10-17 10-17 -.81 .178 -.22 .391 -.44 .404 -.046 .428 -1.97 .202 -.063 .430
10 Eastern Michigan L 7-17 7-17 -.59 .255 -.34 .330 -1.21 .266 -.239 .174 -2.48 .148 -.286 .174
11 Bowling Green L 13-24 13-24 -1.39 .063 -.48 .290 -.52 .389 -.268 .148 -1.10 .319 -.218 .233
13 Toledo L 13-51 0-44 -1.63 .038 -1.47 .071 -2.85 .073 -.458 .045 -4.26 .053 -.462 .072

Charlotte 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Appalachian State L 9-45 9-38 -1.22 .095 -1.53 .065 -3.53 .043 -.479 .036 -7.06 .011 -.414 .099
3 Old Dominion W 28-25 28-25 -.68 .216 .15 .575 .61 .635 .168 .750 -.92 .340 .156 .691
4 Massachusetts L 31-49 24-49 -2.07 .012 -1.09 .137 -2.20 .131 -.231 .179 -1.83 .220 -.367 .119
5 UAB L 7-28 7-28 -1.30 .077 -1.24 .106 -2.24 .126 -.157 .264 -2.35 .161 -.319 .150
7 Western Kentucky W 40-14 33-7 .66 .777 1.44 .927 2.89 .930 .441 .951 2.57 .860 .556 .960
8 Middle Tennessee L 13-21 13-21 -.45 .301 -.28 .363 -.63 .359 .111 .670 1.23 .703 .052 .560
9 Southern Mississippi W 20-17 20-17 -.17 .415 .14 .571 -.10 .475 -.244 .168 -1.74 .235 -.030 .465
10 Tennessee L 3-14 3-14 -.35 .334 -.52 .277 -.51 .390 -.050 .418 -.69 .380 -.131 .340
11 Marshall L 13-30 13-30 -.99 .133 -.81 .208 -1.82 .183 -.316 .112 -2.39 .158 -.327 .150
12 Florida International L 35-42 35-42 -.52 .278 -.30 .348 -.58 .376 -.158 .262 -2.06 .189 -.183 .271
13 Florida Atlantic W 27-24 27-24 -.14 .426 .13 .556 .25 .551 -.169 .249 -1.23 .297 .000 .516

Cincinnati 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UCLA W 26-17 26-17 .20 .585 .31 .657 .71 .654 .044 .569 -.80 .365 .086 .605
2 Miami (OH) W 21-0 21-0 .88 .841 .95 .832 1.91 .831 .087 .637 .47 .584 .273 .819
4 Ohio W 34-30 34-30 .56 .728 .17 .586 .33 .571 -.077 .378 .55 .600 .000 .516
5 Connecticut W 49-7 42-7 .63 .760 2.19 .983 4.38 .983 .432 .948 2.83 .876 .500 .946
6 Tulane W 37-21 37-21 .18 .580 .50 .720 1.15 .726 .223 .812 2.45 .847 .213 .759
8 Temple L 17-24 17-24 -.07 .466 -.21 .396 .00 .506 .028 .538 .15 .530 .200 .749
9 SMU W 26-20 26-20 -.27 .376 .19 .600 -.10 .478 .083 .633 .08 .516 -.090 .394
10 Navy W 42-0 35-0 2.07 .982 2.69 .994 5.83 .995 .562 .984 3.95 .933 .833 .994
11 South Florida W 35-23 35-23 -.01 .496 .44 .705 1.27 .744 .209 .797 1.21 .701 .214 .764
12 UCF L 13-38 13-38 -.48 .291 -1.14 .125 -2.75 .078 -.103 .342 -2.43 .154 -.336 .139
13 East Carolina W 56-6 49-6 1.68 .965 2.39 .989 4.78 .988 .635 .990 3.87 .931 .667 .981
B Virginia Tech W 35-31 35-31 .06 .521 .17 .591 .60 .631 .028 .539 1.02 .675 -.045 .448

Clemson 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Texas A&M W 28-26 28-26 .95 .859 .07 .525 .30 .562 -.087 .361 -.08 .484 -.192 .266
3 Georgia Southern W 38-7 31-7 1.07 .889 1.09 .866 2.18 .867 .492 .968 4.38 .952 .545 .955
4 Georgia Tech W 49-21 42-14 1.49 .948 1.40 .924 2.49 .894 .365 .915 4.04 .937 .256 .806
5 Syracuse W 27-23 27-23 .54 .723 .14 .571 .43 .595 .164 .745 1.26 .707 .104 .631
6 Wake Forest W 63-3 49-3 1.64 .960 1.70 .951 3.27 .948 .393 .925 7.29 .992 .423 .906
8 NC State W 41-7 34-7 1.61 .959 1.23 .893 2.45 .892 .296 .873 1.47 .733 .455 .924
9 Florida State W 59-10 45-3 1.58 .955 1.75 .955 3.48 .953 .430 .944 4.47 .956 .492 .938
10 Louisville W 77-16 56-3 1.92 .978 2.79 .995 5.11 .992 .540 .981 7.77 .995 .667 .981
11 Boston College W 27-7 27-7 .95 .858 .77 .777 1.82 .820 .350 .906 4.48 .957 .364 .880
12 Duke W 35-6 35-6 1.49 .949 1.26 .899 2.37 .886 .189 .773 3.27 .907 .144 .676
13 South Carolina W 56-35 56-35 1.44 .941 .91 .816 1.48 .771 .156 .734 .50 .589 .295 .836
C Pittsburgh W 42-10 35-10 1.25 .918 1.04 .850 2.08 .852 .301 .878 4.52 .958 .250 .801
P Notre Dame W 30-3 30-3 2.10 .984 1.35 .917 2.70 .918 .226 .815 3.77 .929 .500 .946
P Alabama W 44-16 44-16 3.52 .999 1.65 .947 2.63 .907 .075 .619 2.77 .874 .375 .886

Coastal Carolina 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 South Carolina L 15-49 6-42 -2.24 .008 -2.77 .005 -5.00 .010 -.490 .034 -3.47 .084 -.524 .050
2 UAB W 47-24 47-24 1.09 .892 1.15 .878 2.30 .879 .159 .740 1.66 .756 .100 .626
4 Louisiana W 30-28 30-28 -.39 .320 .11 .544 .22 .545 .067 .605 -1.39 .278 .000 .516
5 Troy L 21-45 21-45 -1.24 .089 -1.09 .136 -1.89 .174 -.292 .131 -5.12 .027 -.427 .093
7 UL Monroe L 20-45 20-38 -1.52 .045 -.86 .199 -1.98 .160 -.096 .350 -2.44 .153 -.236 .213
8 Massachusetts W 24-13 24-13 -.51 .282 .48 .710 1.00 .707 .137 .710 1.12 .685 .273 .819
9 Georgia State W 37-34 37-34 -1.03 .123 .15 .575 .30 .562 .089 .640 -1.19 .302 .200 .749
10 Appalachian State L 7-23 7-23 -.34 .341 -.64 .253 -1.92 .167 -.348 .096 -2.01 .196 -.167 .301
11 Arkansas State L 16-44 13-41 -1.72 .029 -1.56 .063 -3.68 .036 -.478 .037 -4.95 .031 -.653 .023
12 Georgia Southern L 17-41 10-41 -1.66 .036 -1.63 .057 -3.56 .042 -.536 .021 -4.95 .030 -.578 .033
13 South Alabama L 28-31 28-31 -1.21 .096 -.13 .442 -.48 .398 -.218 .193 -1.83 .220 -.212 .244

Colorado 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Colorado State W 45-13 45-10 .97 .865 1.67 .948 3.59 .959 .516 .973 6.98 .988 .518 .949
2 Nebraska W 33-28 33-28 .27 .617 .18 .593 .36 .577 -.111 .329 -1.97 .203 .214 .764
5 UCLA W 38-16 38-16 .99 .870 1.10 .868 2.20 .870 .284 .863 2.08 .812 .200 .749
6 Arizona State W 28-21 28-21 .61 .755 .39 .690 .78 .668 .021 .527 .00 .499 .111 .637
7 USC L 20-31 20-31 -.31 .354 -.35 .324 -.60 .369 -.072 .386 -1.97 .203 -.120 .357
8 Washington L 13-27 13-27 -.04 .480 -.67 .249 -1.52 .223 -.204 .208 -1.61 .253 -.227 .223
9 Oregon State L 34-41 34-41 -.84 .169 -.22 .391 -.34 .428 .135 .708 2.63 .863 .100 .626
10 Arizona L 34-42 34-42 -.34 .337 -.33 .335 -.67 .353 .040 .562 -3.03 .104 -.167 .301
11 Washington State L 7-31 7-24 -.22 .392 -.77 .222 -1.55 .220 -.198 .216 .58 .606 -.273 .187
12 Utah L 7-30 7-30 -.42 .310 -.88 .192 -1.77 .191 -.246 .166 -2.87 .119 -.462 .072
13 California L 21-33 21-33 -.46 .299 -.43 .302 .17 .535 .096 .650 1.17 .694 -.083 .406

Colorado State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
0 Hawaii L 34-43 34-43 -.92 .147 -.36 .323 -.97 .302 -.097 .349 -.18 .462 -.128 .345
1 Colorado L 13-45 10-45 -1.73 .027 -1.67 .052 -3.59 .041 -.516 .026 -6.98 .012 -.518 .051
2 Arkansas W 34-27 34-27 -.04 .481 .25 .625 .50 .609 .006 .508 .09 .517 .071 .585
3 Florida L 10-48 10-41 -.49 .290 -1.41 .075 -2.09 .146 -.179 .240 -2.20 .172 -.192 .267
6 San Jose State W 42-30 42-30 -.28 .367 .35 .675 .42 .593 .004 .505 1.49 .737 .077 .591
7 New Mexico W 20-18 20-18 -.65 .231 .09 .532 .03 .508 .110 .668 -.32 .438 .144 .676
8 Boise State L 28-56 14-42 -1.17 .100 -1.65 .053 -3.44 .048 -.344 .098 -1.20 .301 -.492 .062
9 Wyoming L 21-34 21-34 -.61 .249 -.52 .278 -1.22 .264 -.112 .328 -1.45 .269 -.192 .266
11 Nevada L 10-49 0-42 -2.49 .002 -2.33 .014 -4.67 .015 -.722 .003 -7.91 .004 -.667 .022
12 Utah State L 24-29 24-29 .35 .659 -.22 .394 .13 .527 .019 .524 -.01 .495 -.083 .406
13 Air Force L 19-27 19-27 -.54 .271 -.44 .297 -.89 .315 -.031 .453 1.56 .742 -.333 .147

Connecticut 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UCF L 17-56 10-42 -1.48 .049 -2.13 .019 -4.75 .013 -.301 .122 -3.97 .065 -.607 .028
2 Boise State L 7-62 0-41 -2.45 .003 -2.93 .003 -5.86 .004 -.836 .001 -9.43 .001 -1.000 .001
4 Syracuse L 21-51 21-48 -.60 .251 -1.00 .163 -1.92 .167 -.371 .082 -2.48 .149 -.369 .117
5 Cincinnati L 7-49 7-42 -1.87 .018 -2.19 .018 -4.38 .018 -.432 .052 -2.83 .123 -.500 .060
6 Memphis L 14-55 14-48 -2.10 .011 -2.13 .020 -4.25 .021 -.525 .025 -7.52 .006 -.750 .011
8 South Florida L 30-38 30-38 -.76 .199 -.31 .343 -.62 .364 -.108 .334 -2.86 .120 -.154 .317
9 Massachusetts L 17-22 17-22 -1.21 .095 -.23 .386 -.65 .354 -.225 .185 -2.05 .191 -.227 .223
10 Tulsa L 19-49 13-49 -2.35 .005 -1.80 .040 -3.60 .040 -.396 .071 -2.38 .159 -.400 .103
11 SMU L 50-62 44-62 -1.18 .098 -.72 .233 -1.78 .188 -.116 .323 -2.45 .152 -.141 .331
12 East Carolina L 21-55 21-55 -2.50 .001 -1.79 .041 -3.17 .054 -.528 .023 -3.01 .105 -.567 .038
13 Temple L 7-57 7-47 -1.86 .020 -2.00 .028 -3.55 .043 -.539 .020 -7.37 .006 -.650 .024

Duke 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Army W 34-14 31-14 1.57 .954 1.06 .859 2.13 .859 .130 .699 3.22 .905 .125 .650
2 Northwestern W 21-7 21-7 .82 .824 .54 .725 1.08 .715 -.098 .348 .38 .568 .154 .686
3 Baylor W 40-27 40-20 .80 .819 .74 .773 1.46 .769 .188 .773 1.57 .743 .128 .657
5 Virginia Tech L 14-31 14-31 -.89 .155 -.77 .222 -1.55 .220 -.121 .316 -1.94 .206 -.182 .282
7 Georgia Tech W 28-14 28-14 .67 .780 .58 .734 1.06 .711 -.045 .430 .70 .620 .152 .681
8 Virginia L 14-28 14-28 -.28 .365 -.58 .266 -1.17 .272 -.117 .321 .24 .553 -.417 .098
9 Pittsburgh L 45-54 45-54 -.17 .414 -.38 .316 -.24 .451 .103 .657 -.22 .451 -.114 .361
10 Miami W 20-12 20-12 .58 .738 .26 .626 .58 .628 .068 .610 -.55 .400 .079 .592
11 North Carolina W 42-35 42-35 .00 .501 .23 .618 .47 .599 .153 .731 .71 .623 .133 .661
12 Clemson L 6-35 6-35 .20 .587 -1.26 .100 -2.37 .113 -.189 .226 -3.27 .093 -.144 .325
13 Wake Forest L 7-59 7-45 -1.65 .037 -1.58 .058 -2.87 .072 -.360 .086 -2.86 .121 -.462 .069
B Temple W 56-27 56-27 1.21 .913 1.07 .861 2.69 .915 .332 .894 3.24 .905 .385 .894

East Carolina 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 North Carolina W 41-19 41-19 .72 .797 .96 .833 2.14 .860 .211 .799 .74 .628 .220 .771
4 South Florida L 13-20 13-20 -.72 .209 -.26 .373 -.61 .366 .116 .677 -1.81 .222 -.016 .479
5 Old Dominion W 37-35 37-35 -.77 .198 .07 .524 .31 .565 .141 .716 2.17 .821 .029 .534
6 Temple L 6-49 6-42 -1.36 .066 -1.50 .069 -2.68 .085 -.267 .150 -2.70 .134 -.288 .172
7 Houston L 20-42 6-42 -1.42 .058 -1.33 .087 -2.49 .106 -.203 .210 -2.61 .137 -.202 .250
8 UCF L 10-37 10-30 -.15 .425 -.80 .213 -1.32 .252 .070 .611 1.35 .718 -.224 .224
10 Memphis L 41-59 41-59 -.59 .254 -.62 .258 -.78 .330 -.136 .290 -1.90 .210 -.062 .431
11 Tulane L 18-24 18-24 -.47 .295 -.15 .423 -.36 .422 -.038 .440 -1.99 .199 -.061 .432
12 Connecticut W 55-21 55-21 .23 .598 1.79 .959 3.17 .945 .528 .976 3.01 .894 .567 .964
13 Cincinnati L 6-56 6-49 -2.07 .013 -2.39 .010 -4.78 .011 -.635 .009 -3.87 .068 -.667 .022
14 NC State L 3-58 0-41 -1.48 .050 -1.86 .038 -4.10 .025 -.675 .006 -5.39 .023 -.700 .016

Eastern Michigan 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Purdue W 20-19 20-19 .35 .653 .04 .512 -.04 .488 -.081 .374 -1.01 .326 -.109 .365
3 Buffalo L 28-35 28-35 -.24 .384 -.30 .348 -.85 .321 -.114 .326 -1.78 .228 -.121 .356
4 San Diego State L 20-23 20-23 -.35 .335 -.14 .433 -.22 .455 -.053 .412 -1.02 .326 -.156 .312
5 Northern Illinois L 23-26 23-26 -.33 .343 -.09 .467 .00 .506 -.095 .351 -.49 .411 .071 .581
6 Western Michigan L 24-27 24-27 -.72 .209 -.12 .451 -.40 .409 .072 .614 -.49 .412 .051 .560
7 Toledo W 28-26 28-26 -.08 .462 .09 .532 .38 .584 -.020 .474 2.12 .815 .038 .541
8 Ball State W 42-20 35-13 .12 .552 .88 .807 1.92 .835 .230 .819 1.61 .745 .269 .812
9 Army L 22-37 22-37 -.32 .346 -.83 .205 -1.67 .205 -.376 .080 .21 .545 -.444 .086
10 Central Michigan W 17-7 17-7 -.49 .289 .34 .670 1.21 .735 .239 .826 2.48 .851 .286 .826
11 Akron W 27-7 24-7 .06 .521 .65 .750 1.55 .782 .294 .871 2.00 .803 .364 .880
13 Kent State W 28-20 28-20 -.66 .227 .27 .631 .87 .681 -.053 .413 .81 .637 .026 .530
B Georgia Southern L 21-23 21-23 -.13 .433 -.11 .459 .03 .508 -.002 .497 .40 .576 -.167 .301

Florida 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Kentucky L 16-27 16-21 .40 .672 -.28 .362 -.56 .380 -.056 .408 -1.83 .221 .111 .637
3 Colorado State W 48-10 41-10 .72 .793 1.41 .924 2.09 .854 .179 .759 2.20 .828 .192 .733
4 Tennessee W 47-21 40-13 1.21 .911 1.04 .848 2.01 .845 .029 .542 2.11 .814 .212 .755
5 Mississippi State W 13-6 13-6 1.46 .946 .37 .682 .84 .677 .217 .806 1.09 .680 .133 .661
6 LSU W 27-19 27-19 1.22 .914 .28 .637 .27 .553 .028 .540 .24 .551 -.036 .459
7 Vanderbilt W 37-27 37-27 .84 .829 .42 .696 .83 .676 .195 .780 .44 .582 .083 .603
9 Georgia L 17-36 17-36 .59 .744 -.90 .186 -1.57 .214 -.252 .161 -1.37 .280 -.336 .139
10 Missouri L 17-38 17-38 -.02 .490 -.91 .185 -2.04 .152 -.235 .176 -1.98 .199 -.295 .165
11 South Carolina W 35-31 35-31 .72 .794 .19 .596 1.07 .712 .232 .821 .20 .544 .212 .758
13 Florida State W 41-14 41-14 .87 .837 1.04 .848 2.08 .850 .428 .944 2.97 .888 .385 .894
B Michigan W 41-15 41-15 2.09 .983 1.18 .885 2.02 .845 .176 .756 1.76 .767 .236 .789

Florida Atlantic 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Oklahoma L 14-63 0-42 -1.40 .061 -2.47 .008 -5.00 .010 -.619 .010 -10.09 .001 -.857 .005
2 Air Force W 33-27 33-27 .15 .560 .24 .619 1.33 .751 .191 .775 2.23 .830 .295 .836
4 UCF L 36-56 29-49 -.22 .395 -.87 .197 -2.04 .152 -.206 .205 -1.40 .277 -.220 .231
5 Middle Tennessee L 24-25 24-25 -.21 .398 -.04 .497 -.07 .484 -.025 .466 -.52 .405 -.143 .330
6 Old Dominion W 52-33 52-33 -.07 .465 .76 .777 1.08 .718 .126 .692 2.18 .824 .167 .708
8 Marshall L 7-31 7-24 -.73 .206 -.55 .273 -1.16 .273 -.030 .456 .87 .647 -.146 .321
9 Louisiana Tech L 13-21 13-21 -.87 .161 -.38 .313 -.92 .308 -.020 .473 .40 .576 -.127 .347
10 Florida International W 49-14 42-14 1.34 .927 1.56 .938 3.11 .942 .297 .874 2.83 .876 .556 .960
11 Western Kentucky W 34-15 34-15 .08 .536 .86 .802 2.04 .847 .268 .850 .46 .583 .427 .909
12 North Texas L 38-41 38-41 -.22 .390 -.09 .466 -.33 .432 -.084 .365 -1.68 .238 -.026 .468
13 Charlotte L 24-27 24-27 -.77 .196 -.13 .446 -.25 .449 .169 .751 1.23 .703 .000 .516

Florida International 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Indiana L 28-38 21-38 -.71 .211 -.89 .188 -1.11 .277 -.261 .156 -.81 .364 -.222 .228
2 Old Dominion W 28-20 28-20 -.51 .280 .32 .663 .67 .648 -.042 .434 .03 .508 .000 .516
3 Massachusetts W 63-24 56-17 .79 .813 1.77 .957 2.97 .936 .305 .883 2.76 .872 .367 .882
4 Miami L 17-31 10-31 -.56 .266 -.88 .196 -1.75 .198 -.362 .085 -3.09 .101 -.250 .208
7 Middle Tennessee W 24-21 24-21 .01 .505 .19 .595 .38 .583 .059 .595 .74 .628 .375 .886
8 Rice W 36-17 36-17 -.05 .476 1.12 .871 2.61 .905 .374 .919 1.99 .801 .542 .953
9 Western Kentucky W 38-17 38-17 .39 .669 1.17 .882 2.33 .883 .143 .717 1.13 .687 .222 .775
10 Florida Atlantic L 14-49 14-42 -1.82 .021 -1.56 .063 -3.11 .058 -.297 .126 -2.83 .124 -.556 .043
11 UTSA W 45-7 31-0 .47 .703 1.55 .935 3.10 .941 .364 .915 2.25 .830 .500 .946
12 Charlotte W 42-35 42-35 -.34 .337 .30 .655 .58 .628 .158 .737 2.06 .810 .183 .729
13 Marshall L 25-28 25-28 -.33 .345 -.14 .433 .52 .611 .088 .639 .24 .552 .170 .710
B Toledo W 35-32 35-32 -.03 .486 .14 .565 .59 .630 .013 .517 1.11 .684 .045 .554

Florida State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Virginia Tech L 3-24 3-24 -.89 .153 -.78 .218 -1.20 .267 -.105 .338 .39 .575 -.107 .367
3 Syracuse L 7-30 7-30 -.49 .290 -.88 .192 -1.77 .191 -.343 .100 -1.27 .291 -.462 .072
4 Northern Illinois W 37-19 37-19 .38 .668 .62 .742 1.11 .722 .166 .747 1.00 .668 .181 .716
5 Louisville W 28-24 28-24 -.72 .207 .15 .573 .62 .639 -.037 .441 1.78 .771 .048 .556
6 Miami L 27-28 27-28 .29 .626 -.03 .499 -.53 .387 -.140 .284 -1.43 .273 .000 .516
8 Wake Forest W 38-17 38-10 .94 .856 1.00 .846 2.00 .844 .255 .839 3.99 .935 .357 .871
9 Clemson L 10-59 3-45 -.29 .362 -1.75 .045 -3.48 .046 -.430 .055 -4.47 .043 -.492 .062
10 NC State L 28-47 21-47 -.91 .148 -1.30 .094 -2.60 .097 -.441 .048 -.10 .479 -.600 .030
11 Notre Dame L 13-42 13-42 -.70 .212 -1.45 .072 -2.90 .069 -.264 .153 -2.50 .146 -.500 .060
12 Boston College W 22-21 22-21 .21 .589 .04 .505 .07 .515 .008 .510 1.63 .750 .143 .674
13 Florida L 14-41 14-41 -.12 .444 -1.04 .152 -2.08 .149 -.428 .056 -2.97 .111 -.385 .108

Fresno State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Minnesota L 14-21 14-21 -.08 .460 -.32 .341 -.64 .358 .037 .558 .53 .595 -.182 .282
3 UCLA W 38-14 38-14 .93 .853 1.04 .853 2.63 .908 .317 .888 .89 .652 .433 .912
5 Toledo W 49-27 49-13 1.64 .960 1.80 .960 3.37 .949 .500 .970 5.05 .971 .478 .935
6 Nevada W 21-3 21-3 .57 .734 .72 .767 1.52 .777 .061 .597 1.86 .784 .173 .711
7 Wyoming W 27-3 27-3 1.17 .906 1.26 .900 2.70 .918 .422 .940 2.87 .880 .344 .867
8 New Mexico W 38-7 38-7 .99 .869 1.72 .953 3.44 .953 .540 .980 3.61 .922 .667 .981
9 Hawaii W 50-20 47-13 1.33 .926 1.89 .966 3.56 .958 .492 .967 2.37 .840 .431 .911
10 UNLV W 48-3 34-0 1.12 .899 1.79 .959 3.78 .966 .424 .940 2.91 .885 .567 .964
11 Boise State L 17-24 17-24 .11 .542 -.37 .321 -.97 .303 -.220 .191 -.17 .464 -.056 .437
12 San Diego State W 23-14 23-14 .20 .586 .41 .693 .82 .673 .182 .764 .16 .534 .182 .728
13 San Jose State W 31-13 24-7 .07 .530 .71 .764 1.42 .764 .198 .783 2.50 .854 .333 .860
C Boise State W 19-16 19-16 .58 .740 .10 .540 .07 .515 -.062 .401 .33 .563 .016 .521
B Arizona State W 31-20 31-20 .70 .788 .48 .710 .73 .659 .182 .762 2.88 .883 .067 .576

Georgia 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 South Carolina W 41-17 41-10 2.16 .988 1.63 .945 2.67 .913 .292 .869 3.61 .923 .444 .919
3 Middle Tennessee W 49-7 42-7 2.16 .987 2.33 .988 4.00 .974 .370 .916 5.03 .970 .571 .966
4 Missouri W 43-29 43-29 1.39 .935 .50 .720 .35 .574 .139 .714 2.13 .816 .310 .847
5 Tennessee W 38-12 31-12 1.23 .915 1.06 .858 2.11 .858 .264 .845 .62 .611 .333 .860
6 Vanderbilt W 41-13 38-6 2.43 .994 2.00 .974 4.00 .974 .339 .897 3.46 .915 .500 .946
7 LSU L 16-36 16-36 .11 .547 -.83 .205 -1.55 .220 -.209 .201 -1.16 .308 -.394 .104
9 Florida W 36-17 36-17 1.83 .974 .90 .813 1.57 .785 .252 .838 1.37 .720 .336 .865
10 Kentucky W 34-17 34-17 1.68 .964 1.00 .846 1.65 .793 .240 .828 1.64 .752 .292 .833
11 Auburn W 27-10 27-10 1.89 .977 1.06 .859 2.13 .859 .335 .896 2.50 .855 .375 .886
12 Massachusetts W 66-27 49-13 1.13 .900 2.12 .979 5.56 .994 .686 .994 10.76 .999 .667 .981
13 Georgia Tech W 45-21 45-7 2.80 .997 2.71 .994 6.43 .998 .789 .997 7.11 .990 1.000 .999
C Alabama L 28-35 28-35 1.60 .957 -.28 .361 -.76 .336 -.030 .454 -.97 .335 -.032 .460
B Texas L 21-28 21-28 .29 .629 -.32 .341 -.64 .358 -.123 .313 .18 .540 -.273 .187

Georgia Southern 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Massachusetts W 34-13 34-13 .25 .606 1.24 .896 2.15 .862 .271 .855 2.35 .837 .292 .833
3 Clemson L 7-38 7-31 .37 .665 -1.09 .136 -2.18 .135 -.492 .032 -4.38 .047 -.545 .046
5 Arkansas State W 28-21 28-21 .17 .571 .33 .668 .89 .687 -.175 .244 1.24 .705 .036 .541
6 South Alabama W 48-13 41-13 .25 .609 1.33 .915 2.92 .933 .401 .932 3.57 .920 .427 .909
7 Texas State W 15-13 15-13 -.89 .156 .08 .527 .08 .519 -.036 .443 -.82 .362 .064 .571
8 New Mexico State W 48-31 48-31 -.12 .440 .94 .822 1.89 .824 .215 .803 1.30 .711 .333 .860
9 Appalachian State W 34-14 27-7 1.17 .905 .87 .803 1.82 .820 .221 .809 3.34 .909 .364 .880
10 UL Monroe L 25-44 25-44 -1.49 .049 -.83 .205 -2.56 .100 -.343 .099 -5.63 .018 -.250 .208
11 Troy L 21-35 21-35 -.78 .193 -.64 .257 -1.27 .258 -.258 .158 -1.47 .267 -.455 .074
12 Coastal Carolina W 41-17 41-10 .72 .796 1.63 .945 3.56 .958 .536 .978 4.95 .969 .578 .967
13 Georgia State W 35-14 28-0 .57 .736 1.75 .955 3.50 .955 .346 .902 3.64 .924 .500 .946
B Eastern Michigan W 23-21 23-21 -.14 .430 .11 .541 -.03 .491 .002 .503 -.40 .424 .167 .708

Georgia State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 NC State L 7-41 7-34 -1.03 .122 -1.42 .074 -2.62 .094 -.316 .113 -2.74 .130 -.267 .192
3 Memphis L 22-59 16-52 -1.87 .019 -1.89 .032 -3.42 .049 -.491 .033 -5.67 .017 -.467 .069
4 Western Michigan L 15-34 15-34 -1.72 .030 -1.12 .129 -2.58 .098 -.294 .129 -2.17 .177 -.417 .098
5 UL Monroe W 46-14 46-14 .73 .798 1.39 .922 2.73 .920 .396 .929 2.06 .810 .533 .951
6 Troy L 20-37 12-30 -1.09 .115 -.95 .177 -2.11 .144 -.164 .254 -1.27 .292 -.144 .323
8 Arkansas State L 35-51 21-48 -1.34 .070 -1.17 .117 -1.82 .183 -.191 .224 -3.00 .106 -.364 .127
9 Coastal Carolina L 34-37 34-37 -1.06 .120 -.15 .426 -.30 .437 -.089 .359 1.19 .698 -.200 .259
10 Texas State L 31-40 31-40 -1.32 .074 -.36 .323 -.75 .339 -.081 .370 -2.37 .161 -.167 .301
11 Louisiana L 22-36 14-36 -1.60 .040 -1.10 .133 -2.20 .131 -.355 .089 -4.02 .063 -.300 .163
12 Appalachian State L 17-45 10-38 -1.56 .042 -1.87 .037 -3.00 .062 -.446 .047 -4.52 .041 -.571 .035
13 Georgia Southern L 14-35 0-28 -1.77 .024 -1.75 .045 -3.50 .045 -.346 .097 -3.64 .075 -.500 .060

Georgia Tech 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 South Florida L 38-49 38-49 -.90 .152 -.44 .297 -.58 .376 -.075 .381 1.79 .774 -.038 .457
3 Pittsburgh L 19-24 19-24 -.01 .495 -.22 .394 -.60 .369 .005 .507 -.85 .357 -.030 .465
4 Clemson L 21-49 14-42 .06 .523 -1.40 .077 -2.49 .105 -.365 .084 -4.04 .062 -.256 .196
5 Bowling Green W 63-17 49-17 .97 .866 1.88 .964 4.24 .977 .388 .924 4.37 .951 .542 .953
6 Louisville W 66-31 52-17 1.32 .924 2.19 .983 4.38 .983 .482 .964 1.66 .756 .625 .974
7 Duke L 14-28 14-28 -.35 .335 -.58 .266 -1.06 .288 .045 .569 -.70 .379 -.152 .319
9 Virginia Tech W 49-28 42-21 1.12 .898 1.24 .896 2.63 .907 .354 .910 -.56 .396 .375 .886
10 North Carolina W 38-28 38-28 .18 .580 .42 .696 1.26 .739 .275 .856 1.90 .790 .136 .667
11 Miami W 27-21 27-21 .63 .762 .32 .658 .75 .663 .061 .598 .58 .606 .250 .801
12 Virginia W 30-27 30-27 .44 .688 .14 .571 -.65 .355 .003 .504 -1.17 .305 -.056 .437
13 Georgia L 21-45 7-45 -1.22 .094 -2.71 .005 -6.43 .001 -.789 .002 -7.11 .009 -1.000 .001
B Minnesota L 10-34 10-27 -1.07 .119 -1.31 .093 -3.07 .060 -.426 .057 -1.84 .218 -.714 .014

Hawaii 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
0 Colorado State W 43-34 43-34 -.33 .341 .36 .678 .97 .698 .097 .650 .18 .538 .128 .657
1 Navy W 59-41 52-35 .22 .594 .85 .800 1.50 .775 .244 .830 1.67 .760 .278 .821
2 Rice W 43-29 43-29 -.61 .247 .56 .731 1.34 .751 .013 .516 1.66 .754 .115 .641
3 Army L 21-28 21-28 .12 .551 -.39 .310 -.78 .332 -.186 .228 2.20 .826 -.222 .228
5 San Jose State W 44-41 44-41 -.54 .269 .09 .536 .00 .506 -.030 .455 -.59 .390 -.091 .392
6 Wyoming W 17-13 17-13 .10 .540 .19 .596 1.10 .720 .192 .776 .12 .523 .100 .626
7 BYU L 23-49 17-42 -1.22 .093 -1.25 .102 -2.31 .120 -.214 .197 -1.53 .260 -.267 .192
8 Nevada L 22-40 22-40 -.80 .187 -.64 .253 -1.76 .193 -.324 .108 -2.11 .185 -.452 .077
9 Fresno State L 20-50 13-47 -1.20 .097 -1.89 .034 -3.56 .042 -.492 .032 -2.37 .159 -.431 .088
10 Utah State L 17-56 11-49 -1.43 .057 -2.00 .028 -4.34 .019 -.400 .068 -2.50 .144 -.689 .017
12 UNLV W 35-28 35-28 -.40 .317 .27 .635 .54 .617 .099 .652 2.35 .837 .154 .686
13 San Diego State W 31-30 31-30 -.17 .413 .04 .508 .18 .539 .060 .596 1.89 .789 -.053 .438
B Louisiana Tech L 14-31 14-31 -1.14 .107 -.65 .250 -1.31 .253 -.290 .133 -3.43 .088 -.231 .219

Houston 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Rice W 45-27 45-27 -.53 .276 .64 .747 1.53 .778 .204 .790 3.76 .929 .044 .549
2 Arizona W 45-18 38-18 .70 .788 .71 .765 1.43 .766 .022 .528 1.14 .690 .214 .764
3 Texas Tech L 49-63 49-63 -.12 .440 -.42 .303 -.88 .316 -.067 .394 .23 .550 -.125 .353
6 Tulsa W 41-26 41-26 -.07 .468 .48 .712 1.11 .721 .106 .662 2.35 .836 .092 .615
7 East Carolina W 42-20 42-6 .63 .759 1.33 .915 2.49 .894 .203 .790 2.61 .862 .202 .749
8 Navy W 49-36 49-24 .57 .732 1.19 .885 1.80 .815 .183 .766 3.71 .927 .300 .843
9 South Florida W 57-36 57-36 .38 .668 .84 .797 1.40 .759 .106 .663 2.89 .885 .115 .641
10 SMU L 31-45 31-45 -.94 .142 -.48 .288 -1.15 .274 -.132 .296 -1.32 .285 -.159 .307
11 Temple L 49-59 49-59 -.18 .408 -.32 .335 -1.48 .229 -.105 .341 -.79 .367 -.255 .196
12 Tulane W 48-17 48-17 .88 .839 1.19 .886 2.38 .887 .254 .839 .75 .629 .385 .894
13 Memphis L 31-52 31-52 -.70 .214 -.72 .231 -1.62 .210 -.243 .170 -2.20 .172 -.226 .223
B Army L 14-70 7-49 -2.29 .006 -2.80 .003 -6.13 .003 -.657 .008 -5.59 .019 -.875 .004

Illinois 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Kent State W 31-24 31-24 -.63 .238 .29 .646 .58 .628 .008 .512 .42 .579 .167 .708
3 South Florida L 19-25 19-25 -.68 .219 -.22 .389 -.57 .379 -.184 .233 -1.96 .205 -.104 .371
4 Penn State L 24-63 24-49 -.44 .304 -1.09 .137 -2.45 .108 -.313 .114 -3.13 .100 -.227 .223
6 Rutgers W 38-17 38-17 .33 .645 .91 .816 1.62 .790 .184 .768 2.46 .848 .220 .771
7 Purdue L 7-46 7-39 -1.29 .078 -1.60 .058 -3.20 .053 -.474 .039 -4.13 .059 -.500 .060
8 Wisconsin L 20-49 20-49 -.76 .199 -1.12 .130 -2.23 .128 -.304 .117 -1.21 .298 -.308 .155
9 Maryland L 33-63 19-56 -1.52 .045 -1.76 .043 -3.00 .062 -.280 .142 -5.39 .022 -.200 .259
10 Minnesota W 55-31 45-17 1.41 .937 1.17 .882 3.08 .940 .347 .903 8.26 .997 .450 .922
11 Nebraska L 35-54 28-54 -.95 .139 -1.04 .151 -1.40 .240 -.132 .297 -2.88 .117 -.215 .235
12 Iowa L 0-63 0-49 -1.47 .052 -2.23 .016 -3.89 .031 -.350 .092 -4.56 .039 -.556 .043
13 Northwestern L 16-24 16-24 -.22 .394 -.50 .287 -1.00 .299 .126 .694 -.17 .462 .000 .516

Indiana 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida International W 38-28 38-21 .68 .780 .89 .811 1.11 .722 .261 .843 .81 .635 .222 .775
2 Virginia W 20-16 20-16 .47 .704 .17 .591 .36 .580 .147 .720 1.67 .758 .182 .728
3 Ball State W 38-10 38-10 .58 .740 1.33 .915 2.10 .855 .284 .863 1.55 .742 .200 .749
4 Michigan State L 21-35 21-35 -.12 .438 -.47 .292 -.60 .367 -.068 .391 -1.93 .207 -.019 .477
5 Rutgers W 24-17 24-17 -.15 .423 .44 .701 .88 .684 .155 .733 .51 .592 .125 .650
6 Ohio State L 26-49 26-49 -.06 .473 -.88 .192 -1.77 .191 -.138 .288 -.50 .411 -.077 .414
7 Iowa L 16-42 16-35 -.30 .355 -1.06 .142 -2.11 .144 -.170 .247 -1.78 .229 -.222 .228
8 Penn State L 28-33 28-33 .49 .709 -.16 .417 -.49 .396 .035 .556 -.36 .432 -.162 .304
9 Minnesota L 31-38 31-38 -.03 .483 -.27 .368 -.54 .385 -.082 .367 -2.93 .113 .000 .516
11 Maryland W 34-32 34-32 .32 .642 .08 .529 .37 .582 -.053 .413 .91 .657 -.038 .457
12 Michigan L 20-31 20-31 .41 .677 -.50 .287 -1.00 .299 -.266 .151 -1.63 .250 -.364 .127
13 Purdue L 21-28 21-28 .00 .501 -.30 .348 -.80 .330 -.040 .438 -.72 .376 -.030 .465

Iowa 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Northern Illinois W 33-7 26-0 .89 .847 1.13 .874 2.35 .884 .211 .799 1.65 .753 .197 .738
2 Iowa State W 13-3 13-3 .96 .863 .45 .707 .91 .690 .159 .740 1.00 .670 .364 .880
4 Wisconsin L 17-28 17-28 -.15 .424 -.50 .287 -.66 .354 .031 .549 1.45 .731 -.030 .465
6 Minnesota W 48-31 48-31 .83 .825 .59 .736 .99 .699 .090 .641 .39 .573 .176 .712
7 Indiana W 42-16 35-16 1.24 .917 1.06 .858 2.11 .858 .170 .753 1.78 .770 .222 .775
8 Maryland W 23-0 23-0 1.68 .964 1.44 .926 2.29 .878 .514 .973 2.49 .852 .571 .966
9 Penn State L 24-30 24-30 .45 .688 -.20 .399 -.80 .328 .107 .665 -.33 .437 -.186 .270
10 Purdue L 36-38 36-38 .21 .591 -.09 .466 -.18 .462 -.031 .451 -1.34 .283 .000 .516
11 Northwestern L 10-14 10-14 .13 .556 -.15 .423 -.31 .436 .064 .602 1.23 .705 .000 .516
12 Illinois W 63-0 49-0 1.67 .963 2.23 .984 3.89 .969 .350 .907 4.56 .960 .556 .960
13 Nebraska W 31-28 31-28 .26 .613 .17 .586 .33 .571 .110 .667 -.03 .491 .111 .637
B Mississippi State W 27-22 27-22 1.26 .921 .17 .587 .61 .634 -.035 .444 .63 .613 .051 .560

Iowa State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Iowa L 3-13 3-13 .30 .631 -.45 .294 -.91 .310 -.159 .259 -1.00 .330 -.364 .127
3 Oklahoma L 27-37 27-37 .57 .733 -.50 .287 -1.00 .299 -.079 .376 -.70 .378 -.200 .259
4 Akron W 26-13 26-13 -.05 .475 .54 .726 1.08 .718 .200 .787 1.01 .671 .250 .801
5 TCU L 14-17 14-17 .09 .537 -.15 .426 .29 .561 -.149 .277 -.17 .463 -.022 .472
6 Oklahoma State W 48-42 48-42 .64 .766 .20 .603 .62 .639 .204 .792 2.71 .869 .100 .626
7 West Virginia W 30-14 30-14 1.46 .946 .70 .756 2.09 .854 .399 .931 3.30 .908 .455 .924
9 Texas Tech W 40-31 40-31 .59 .748 .29 .641 1.14 .725 .076 .620 1.41 .724 .214 .764
10 Kansas W 27-3 27-3 .98 .867 1.14 .877 2.43 .891 .130 .698 2.78 .874 .509 .948
11 Baylor W 28-14 28-14 .94 .856 .88 .806 1.75 .805 -.126 .306 .86 .644 .125 .650
12 Texas L 10-24 10-24 -.03 .486 -.64 .257 -1.27 .258 -.265 .152 -2.75 .128 -.182 .282
13 Kansas State W 42-38 42-38 .36 .662 .17 .591 .72 .656 .270 .854 2.72 .869 .167 .708
B Washington State L 26-28 26-28 .46 .699 -.09 .470 -.38 .416 .128 .696 2.15 .818 .136 .667

Kansas 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Central Michigan W 31-7 28-7 -.08 .456 .75 .776 1.08 .715 .203 .789 1.32 .714 .231 .784
3 Rutgers W 55-14 41-14 .41 .678 1.00 .846 1.92 .832 .341 .898 2.42 .845 .559 .961
4 Baylor L 7-26 7-26 -.94 .143 -1.00 .163 -2.19 .131 -.293 .130 -.95 .337 -.356 .131
5 Oklahoma State L 28-48 28-48 -.36 .330 -.80 .213 -1.36 .247 -.207 .204 -2.22 .171 -.199 .260
6 West Virginia L 22-38 14-31 -.01 .497 -.77 .222 -1.42 .234 -.333 .105 -2.00 .197 -.255 .197
8 Texas Tech L 16-48 9-34 -.74 .205 -1.04 .150 -2.08 .148 -.159 .260 -1.62 .252 -.333 .147
9 TCU W 27-26 27-26 .29 .626 .05 .519 .10 .523 -.227 .183 -2.65 .135 .100 .626
10 Iowa State L 3-27 3-27 -.63 .238 -1.14 .123 -2.43 .109 -.130 .301 -2.78 .125 -.509 .052
11 Kansas State L 17-21 17-21 .02 .508 -.17 .412 -.55 .380 -.031 .450 -.58 .392 -.127 .347
12 Oklahoma L 40-55 32-55 -.14 .426 -1.21 .109 -1.78 .189 -.265 .152 -1.04 .324 -.222 .228
13 Texas L 17-24 17-24 .32 .641 -.29 .358 -.77 .335 -.105 .339 -.82 .361 -.114 .361

Kansas State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Mississippi State L 10-31 10-31 -.14 .428 -1.24 .106 -2.76 .078 -.283 .139 -4.65 .036 -.292 .169
3 UTSA W 41-17 41-7 .81 .821 1.89 .966 3.78 .966 .373 .918 4.26 .947 .556 .960
4 West Virginia L 6-35 6-35 -.69 .215 -1.45 .072 -2.90 .069 -.379 .079 -4.10 .060 -.400 .103
5 Texas L 14-19 14-19 .31 .639 -.29 .353 -.10 .478 -.074 .381 -.53 .402 -.206 .247
6 Baylor L 34-37 34-37 -.05 .477 -.12 .455 -.01 .493 -.133 .295 1.15 .690 -.269 .189
7 Oklahoma State W 31-12 31-12 1.44 .943 1.00 .846 1.77 .808 .163 .742 .39 .573 .267 .810
9 Oklahoma L 14-51 7-41 -1.36 .065 -2.43 .008 -4.69 .014 -.695 .005 -8.95 .002 -.833 .007
10 TCU L 13-14 13-14 .20 .584 -.04 .490 -.19 .459 .047 .574 -1.08 .321 -.015 .480
11 Kansas W 21-17 21-17 .01 .505 .17 .591 .55 .619 .031 .549 .58 .608 .127 .653
12 Texas Tech W 21-6 21-6 .98 .869 .68 .755 1.36 .755 .350 .907 2.05 .808 .273 .819
13 Iowa State L 38-42 38-42 .34 .650 -.17 .412 -.72 .343 -.270 .146 -2.72 .130 -.167 .301

Kent State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Illinois L 24-31 24-31 -.85 .165 -.29 .358 -.58 .376 -.008 .488 -.42 .420 -.167 .301
3 Penn State L 10-63 10-49 -1.13 .108 -1.77 .043 -3.99 .028 -.513 .027 -4.62 .037 -.518 .051
4 Ole Miss L 17-38 17-38 -.57 .262 -.88 .196 -1.75 .198 -.240 .172 -3.66 .073 -.250 .208
5 Ball State L 24-52 24-45 -1.56 .041 -.81 .211 -1.62 .212 -.217 .194 -.52 .405 -.231 .219
6 Ohio L 26-27 26-27 .34 .652 -.05 .483 -.64 .358 -.158 .263 -1.67 .240 .101 .627
7 Miami (OH) L 6-31 0-31 -1.70 .031 -1.63 .057 -3.88 .032 -.533 .022 -3.60 .078 -.650 .024
8 Akron L 23-24 23-24 -.63 .237 -.04 .494 -.11 .475 -.018 .477 -.16 .464 -.019 .475
10 Bowling Green W 35-28 35-28 -.68 .221 .23 .618 .47 .600 .049 .579 1.33 .715 -.067 .427
11 Buffalo L 14-48 0-48 -2.34 .005 -2.40 .010 -4.80 .010 -.824 .001 -6.56 .014 -.700 .016
12 Toledo L 34-56 34-56 -.95 .138 -.79 .214 -1.07 .287 -.183 .234 -1.72 .236 -.071 .418
13 Eastern Michigan L 20-28 20-28 -.51 .283 -.27 .369 -.87 .319 .053 .586 -.81 .363 -.026 .471

Kentucky 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Central Michigan W 35-20 35-20 -.30 .356 .54 .723 1.50 .775 .196 .782 3.02 .895 .126 .652
2 Florida W 27-16 21-16 1.20 .910 .28 .637 .56 .620 .056 .591 1.83 .778 -.111 .364
4 Mississippi State W 28-7 28-7 2.05 .980 .95 .832 1.91 .831 .222 .812 2.49 .852 .364 .880
5 South Carolina W 24-10 24-10 1.16 .904 .64 .745 1.27 .744 .063 .599 -.24 .449 .182 .728
6 Texas A&M L 14-20 14-20 .64 .767 -.23 .383 -.53 .387 -.213 .198 -1.84 .218 -.159 .306
8 Vanderbilt W 14-7 14-7 .76 .805 .33 .668 .76 .664 .014 .518 -.15 .466 .118 .642
9 Missouri W 15-14 15-14 .93 .852 .04 .512 -.42 .406 .146 .720 1.50 .739 -.083 .406
10 Georgia L 17-34 17-34 .49 .710 -1.00 .163 -1.65 .207 -.240 .172 -1.64 .247 -.292 .169
11 Tennessee L 7-24 7-24 -.54 .271 -.71 .240 -1.42 .238 -.139 .287 -3.73 .071 -.083 .406
12 Middle Tennessee W 34-23 34-23 .37 .666 .55 .728 .70 .652 -.063 .399 .75 .630 .156 .691
13 Louisville W 56-10 42-10 1.13 .900 2.00 .974 4.00 .974 .614 .987 1.89 .788 .500 .946
B Penn State W 27-24 27-24 .75 .802 .11 .542 -.18 .463 -.072 .385 -.03 .492 -.121 .356

Liberty 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Old Dominion W 52-10 38-10 .29 .627 1.12 .872 2.69 .915 .302 .880 3.48 .917 .238 .790
2 Army L 14-38 14-38 -.58 .257 -1.09 .136 -2.18 .135 -.178 .241 .36 .567 -.364 .127
4 North Texas L 7-47 7-33 -1.43 .055 -1.30 .094 -2.60 .097 -.192 .223 -2.08 .188 -.300 .163
5 New Mexico W 52-43 52-43 -.47 .296 .26 .630 .53 .611 .052 .585 -.90 .346 .059 .567
6 New Mexico State L 41-49 41-49 -1.31 .075 -.25 .378 -.50 .394 .000 .500 -1.45 .270 -.063 .430
7 Troy W 22-16 22-16 .07 .526 .21 .605 .34 .573 .057 .593 .74 .626 -.093 .383
10 Massachusetts L 59-62 59-62 -1.07 .119 -.08 .472 -.47 .400 -.116 .321 -1.41 .276 -.067 .427
11 Virginia L 24-45 24-45 -.75 .202 -1.05 .143 -1.82 .179 -.224 .186 -1.66 .242 -.167 .301
12 Auburn L 0-53 0-46 -1.47 .053 -2.30 .014 -4.31 .020 -.693 .005 -5.76 .016 -.889 .003
13 New Mexico State W 28-21 28-21 -.85 .168 .22 .610 .90 .688 -.100 .347 -1.18 .304 .195 .736

Louisiana 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
3 Mississippi State L 10-56 3-49 -2.45 .003 -3.54 .000 -6.50 .001 -.583 .014 -4.38 .046 -.833 .007
4 Coastal Carolina L 28-30 28-30 -1.02 .128 -.11 .457 -.22 .455 -.067 .394 1.39 .721 .000 .516
5 Alabama L 14-56 0-49 -1.62 .039 -3.50 .001 -7.00 .000 -.879 .000 -7.55 .005 -1.000 .001
6 Texas State W 42-27 42-27 -.31 .351 .65 .749 1.57 .784 .170 .751 1.43 .727 .212 .758
7 New Mexico State W 66-38 66-38 .27 .618 1.33 .915 2.56 .900 .293 .870 2.77 .873 .354 .868
8 Appalachian State L 17-27 17-27 -.08 .460 -.38 .313 -.94 .306 -.118 .319 -.86 .354 -.186 .269
9 Arkansas State W 47-43 47-43 .00 .502 .17 .586 .33 .571 .046 .572 2.17 .821 .167 .708
10 Troy L 16-26 16-26 -.60 .251 -.45 .294 -.91 .310 -.101 .344 -2.39 .157 -.182 .282
11 Georgia State W 36-22 36-14 -.08 .457 1.10 .868 2.20 .870 .355 .911 4.02 .936 .300 .843
12 South Alabama W 48-38 48-31 -.31 .354 .77 .781 1.26 .740 .181 .761 3.46 .914 .227 .780
13 UL Monroe W 31-28 31-28 -.53 .275 .14 .565 .72 .655 .050 .582 .40 .578 .145 .678
C Appalachian State L 19-30 19-30 -.20 .402 -.50 .287 -1.00 .299 -.004 .494 -.88 .349 -.091 .392
B Tulane L 24-41 24-41 -1.02 .127 -.71 .240 -1.42 .238 -.357 .088 -1.63 .251 -.250 .208

Louisiana Tech 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 South Alabama W 30-26 30-26 -.93 .144 .15 .579 .50 .609 .126 .692 .90 .655 .109 .635
4 LSU L 21-38 21-38 .24 .600 -.71 .240 -1.42 .238 -.084 .365 .48 .585 -.167 .301
5 North Texas W 29-27 29-27 -.06 .470 .07 .525 .15 .531 .024 .532 -.22 .452 .077 .590
6 UAB L 7-28 7-28 -.84 .171 -.78 .218 -1.65 .206 -.153 .269 -1.73 .236 -.165 .302
7 UTSA W 31-3 24-3 -.13 .435 .95 .832 1.91 .831 .079 .624 .32 .562 .273 .819
8 UTEP W 31-24 31-24 -.87 .162 .27 .635 .15 .531 .051 .583 .63 .614 .026 .530
9 Florida Atlantic W 21-13 21-13 .11 .546 .38 .686 .92 .691 .020 .526 -.40 .423 .127 .653
10 Mississippi State L 3-45 3-38 -1.41 .060 -2.50 .007 -5.00 .010 -.554 .017 -4.17 .056 -.714 .014
11 Rice W 28-13 28-13 -.57 .260 .60 .738 1.33 .751 .152 .727 .83 .639 .026 .530
12 Southern Mississippi L 20-21 20-21 -.37 .326 -.06 .478 -.40 .409 .079 .622 .35 .563 .181 .714
13 Western Kentucky L 15-30 15-30 -1.34 .071 -.56 .271 -1.21 .266 .094 .647 1.13 .688 .049 .558
B Hawaii W 31-14 31-14 .09 .540 .65 .750 1.31 .747 .290 .867 3.43 .911 .231 .784

Louisville 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Alabama L 14-51 7-44 .03 .513 -1.85 .038 -3.41 .049 -.478 .038 -4.53 .040 -.567 .038
3 Western Kentucky W 20-17 20-17 -.64 .232 .14 .565 .27 .558 -.057 .406 -.21 .454 -.091 .392
4 Virginia L 3-27 3-20 -.65 .231 -.94 .178 -1.89 .176 -.303 .119 -3.37 .089 -.444 .086
5 Florida State L 24-28 24-28 -.31 .349 -.15 .427 -.62 .361 .037 .558 -1.78 .229 -.048 .444
6 Georgia Tech L 31-66 17-52 -2.10 .010 -2.19 .018 -4.38 .018 -.482 .035 -1.66 .243 -.625 .025
7 Boston College L 20-38 20-38 -.49 .288 -.67 .249 -1.04 .290 -.251 .162 -1.33 .284 -.186 .269
9 Wake Forest L 35-56 35-56 -.98 .133 -.91 .185 -1.98 .159 -.193 .221 -2.60 .138 -.283 .175
10 Clemson L 16-77 3-56 -1.33 .073 -2.79 .004 -5.11 .007 -.540 .019 -7.77 .005 -.667 .022
11 Syracuse L 23-54 14-51 -.92 .146 -1.32 .088 -2.92 .065 -.416 .062 -2.40 .156 -.478 .064
12 NC State L 10-52 3-38 -1.56 .043 -1.94 .031 -3.89 .031 -.403 .066 -3.00 .107 -.444 .086
13 Kentucky L 10-56 10-42 -1.32 .074 -2.00 .028 -4.00 .027 -.614 .012 -1.89 .211 -.500 .060

LSU 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Miami W 33-17 33-17 .93 .854 .62 .740 .86 .680 .068 .611 .06 .513 .192 .735
3 Auburn W 22-21 22-21 .87 .837 .04 .512 -.06 .488 .047 .573 -.38 .429 .128 .657
4 Louisiana Tech W 38-21 38-21 .22 .593 .71 .764 1.42 .764 .084 .634 -.48 .415 .167 .708
5 Ole Miss W 45-16 38-16 1.36 .931 1.05 .856 2.35 .883 .467 .957 3.66 .926 .336 .865
6 Florida L 19-27 19-27 .65 .768 -.28 .363 -.27 .446 -.028 .460 -.24 .448 .036 .540
7 Georgia W 36-16 36-16 2.33 .992 .83 .795 1.55 .782 .209 .798 1.16 .691 .394 .896
8 Mississippi State W 19-3 19-3 1.71 .967 .62 .740 1.23 .736 .052 .584 -.99 .332 .308 .846
10 Alabama L 0-29 0-22 .78 .812 -1.10 .133 -2.20 .131 -.395 .073 -4.08 .060 -.300 .163
11 Arkansas W 24-17 24-17 -.03 .488 .26 .629 .63 .640 .139 .713 1.18 .695 .093 .618
12 Rice W 42-10 35-3 1.11 .896 2.29 .984 4.57 .984 .596 .986 5.52 .979 .429 .909
13 Texas A&M L 72-74 72-74 .82 .824 -.05 .479 -.18 .460 .041 .565 .38 .571 .083 .600
B UCF W 40-32 40-32 .95 .859 .30 .649 1.41 .761 .418 .939 2.18 .825 .359 .872

Marshall 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Miami (OH) W 35-28 35-28 .22 .592 .29 .646 .58 .628 -.004 .493 .16 .534 .083 .603
4 NC State L 20-37 20-37 -.32 .347 -.71 .240 -1.82 .183 -.267 .150 -1.48 .264 -.327 .150
5 Western Kentucky W 20-17 20-17 -.69 .216 .09 .536 .19 .540 .012 .514 .51 .593 .125 .650
6 Middle Tennessee L 24-34 24-34 -.61 .248 -.43 .300 -1.09 .281 -.040 .436 -.38 .431 -.129 .342
7 Old Dominion W 42-20 42-20 .01 .506 .85 .799 1.69 .797 .245 .833 2.01 .804 .154 .686
8 Florida Atlantic W 31-7 24-7 .28 .622 .55 .727 1.16 .727 .030 .543 -.87 .352 .146 .679
10 Southern Mississippi L 24-26 24-26 -.39 .321 -.08 .473 -.17 .466 .081 .630 1.13 .687 -.083 .406
11 Charlotte W 30-13 30-13 .16 .568 .81 .792 1.82 .820 .316 .887 2.39 .841 .327 .852
12 UTSA W 23-0 23-0 -.12 .438 .96 .835 1.92 .835 .552 .981 5.37 .976 .583 .968
13 Florida International W 28-25 28-25 -.08 .464 .14 .571 -.52 .389 -.088 .360 -.24 .448 -.170 .290
14 Virginia Tech L 20-41 13-34 -1.07 .118 -.95 .172 -1.91 .172 -.155 .266 -.90 .344 -.364 .127
B South Florida W 38-20 38-20 .36 .661 .82 .793 1.64 .790 .193 .779 .64 .617 .182 .728

Maryland 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Texas W 34-29 34-29 .77 .809 .16 .583 .45 .596 .127 .695 .63 .615 .150 .680
2 Bowling Green W 45-14 38-14 .18 .578 1.09 .866 2.18 .867 .432 .947 4.05 .938 .364 .880
3 Temple L 14-35 14-35 -.67 .223 -.81 .211 -2.33 .119 -.270 .146 -1.63 .251 -.333 .147
4 Minnesota W 42-13 35-13 1.29 .922 1.05 .856 1.93 .836 .027 .534 5.21 .975 .172 .710
6 Michigan L 21-42 14-35 -.26 .378 -1.17 .120 -3.01 .061 -.527 .024 -4.29 .051 -.542 .048
7 Rutgers W 34-7 34-0 1.11 .896 1.70 .951 3.40 .949 .434 .948 4.42 .955 .600 .970
8 Iowa L 0-23 0-23 -.68 .218 -1.44 .073 -2.29 .122 -.514 .027 -2.49 .148 -.571 .035
9 Illinois W 63-33 56-19 1.20 .911 1.76 .956 3.00 .938 .280 .858 5.39 .977 .200 .749
10 Michigan State L 3-24 3-24 -.61 .246 -.95 .172 -1.88 .176 -.271 .145 -3.56 .080 -.264 .193
11 Indiana L 32-34 32-34 .11 .544 -.08 .471 -.37 .418 .053 .587 -.91 .343 .038 .544
12 Ohio State L 51-52 51-52 .79 .816 -.03 .498 -.54 .383 -.150 .275 1.40 .722 .000 .516
13 Penn State L 3-38 3-31 -.91 .149 -1.56 .063 -3.11 .058 -.371 .082 -4.48 .042 -.333 .147

Massachusetts 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Boston College L 21-55 7-48 -1.87 .017 -2.05 .024 -3.86 .033 -.459 .045 -3.33 .091 -.567 .038
2 Georgia Southern L 13-34 13-34 -1.26 .085 -1.24 .106 -2.15 .137 -.271 .144 -2.35 .162 -.292 .169
3 Florida International L 24-63 17-56 -1.99 .015 -1.77 .043 -2.97 .063 -.305 .117 -2.76 .127 -.367 .119
4 Charlotte W 49-31 49-24 .44 .687 1.09 .863 2.20 .870 .231 .820 1.83 .779 .367 .882
5 Ohio L 42-58 42-58 -.28 .372 -.67 .249 -1.65 .209 -.247 .165 -2.09 .187 -.379 .111
6 South Florida L 42-58 35-58 -1.18 .100 -.72 .234 -.90 .312 -.152 .271 -2.98 .109 -.243 .209
8 Coastal Carolina L 13-24 13-24 -1.39 .062 -.48 .290 -1.00 .299 -.137 .289 -1.12 .314 -.273 .187
9 Connecticut W 22-17 22-17 -1.33 .073 .23 .615 .65 .645 .225 .815 2.05 .808 .227 .780
10 Liberty W 62-59 62-59 -.66 .225 .08 .528 .47 .600 .116 .678 1.41 .723 .067 .576
11 BYU L 16-35 10-35 -1.11 .111 -1.14 .125 -2.27 .124 -.184 .232 -2.97 .111 -.182 .282
12 Georgia L 27-66 13-49 -.63 .240 -2.12 .021 -5.56 .005 -.686 .006 -10.76 .000 -.667 .022

Memphis 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Navy L 21-22 21-22 -.67 .224 -.04 .490 -.22 .456 -.020 .475 3.27 .907 -.103 .372
3 Georgia State W 59-22 52-16 .71 .793 1.89 .967 3.42 .951 .491 .966 5.67 .983 .467 .932
4 South Alabama W 52-35 52-35 -.40 .315 .68 .754 1.08 .718 .137 .710 .83 .640 .276 .820
5 Tulane L 24-40 14-40 -1.68 .034 -1.37 .081 -2.47 .106 -.384 .078 -1.47 .266 -.378 .113
6 Connecticut W 55-14 48-14 .57 .733 2.13 .979 4.25 .979 .525 .975 7.52 .994 .750 .992
7 UCF L 30-31 30-31 .62 .758 -.04 .497 -.07 .484 .109 .666 .00 .500 .071 .581
8 Missouri L 33-65 27-55 -.33 .345 -1.22 .108 -2.55 .101 -.383 .078 -5.07 .028 -.383 .108
10 East Carolina W 59-41 59-41 -.09 .455 .62 .742 .78 .669 .136 .709 1.90 .790 .062 .569
11 Tulsa W 47-21 47-14 1.02 .880 1.57 .940 2.60 .904 .427 .943 2.54 .858 .500 .946
12 SMU W 28-18 28-18 -.08 .462 .38 .689 .77 .666 -.029 .459 1.01 .670 .154 .686
13 Houston W 52-31 52-31 .64 .764 .72 .768 1.62 .789 .243 .830 2.20 .827 .226 .776
C UCF L 41-56 41-56 .12 .549 -.54 .277 -1.38 .241 -.128 .304 -.51 .409 -.044 .451
B Wake Forest L 34-37 34-37 -.16 .418 -.10 .462 -1.04 .291 -.125 .308 -1.14 .310 -.181 .284

Miami 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 LSU L 17-33 17-33 .33 .648 -.62 .260 -.86 .319 -.068 .389 -.06 .486 -.192 .266
3 Toledo W 49-24 49-24 .97 .865 1.14 .876 2.27 .877 .248 .835 .88 .649 .182 .728
4 Florida International W 31-17 31-10 .66 .773 .88 .806 1.75 .805 .362 .914 3.09 .898 .250 .801
5 North Carolina W 47-10 40-10 1.20 .909 1.43 .926 1.38 .758 .178 .758 4.02 .937 .200 .749
6 Florida State W 28-27 28-27 -.13 .431 .03 .501 .53 .613 .140 .715 1.43 .727 .000 .516
7 Virginia L 13-16 13-16 .16 .569 -.14 .440 -.27 .444 .081 .627 1.44 .728 -.091 .392
9 Boston College L 14-27 14-27 -.39 .321 -.57 .267 -1.29 .254 -.231 .180 -.97 .335 -.379 .111
10 Duke L 12-20 12-20 -.03 .487 -.26 .374 -.58 .376 -.068 .389 .55 .599 -.079 .407
11 Georgia Tech L 21-27 21-27 -.23 .389 -.32 .341 -.75 .339 -.061 .402 -.58 .394 -.250 .208
12 Virginia Tech W 38-14 38-14 .88 .843 1.00 .846 1.65 .791 .121 .683 .22 .547 .205 .752
13 Pittsburgh W 24-3 24-3 .98 .868 .78 .783 1.20 .733 .152 .727 2.80 .875 .179 .713
B Wisconsin L 3-35 3-21 -.55 .268 -.90 .188 -1.80 .185 -.302 .121 -1.32 .288 -.400 .103

Miami (OH) 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Marshall L 28-35 28-35 -.48 .293 -.29 .358 -.58 .376 .004 .506 -.16 .465 -.083 .399
2 Cincinnati L 0-21 0-21 -.64 .236 -.95 .172 -1.91 .172 -.087 .362 -.47 .416 -.273 .187
3 Minnesota L 3-26 3-26 -.76 .200 -1.00 .163 -2.10 .145 -.179 .240 -.36 .433 -.280 .178
4 Bowling Green W 38-23 38-17 -.10 .448 .81 .791 1.62 .788 .133 .705 1.81 .777 .154 .686
5 Western Michigan L 39-40 39-40 -.64 .233 -.04 .486 -.73 .343 -.195 .218 -.58 .391 .000 .516
6 Akron W 41-17 41-17 .29 .631 .89 .810 2.65 .911 .324 .890 2.39 .842 .429 .911
7 Kent State W 31-6 31-0 .71 .790 1.63 .945 3.88 .968 .533 .977 3.60 .922 .650 .976
8 Army L 30-31 30-31 .46 .698 -.05 .481 .00 .506 .029 .541 .09 .518 .000 .516
10 Buffalo L 42-51 42-51 -.28 .365 -.35 .328 -1.02 .292 -.107 .336 -.83 .359 -.128 .345
11 Ohio W 30-28 30-28 .47 .703 .08 .529 .75 .663 -.018 .476 -1.17 .306 .000 .516
12 Northern Illinois W 13-7 13-7 -.02 .494 .22 .612 .00 .506 .007 .508 -.90 .345 .095 .619
13 Ball State W 42-21 42-21 .20 .585 .95 .832 1.91 .831 .283 .862 2.25 .831 .273 .819

Michigan 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Notre Dame L 17-24 17-24 .43 .683 -.32 .341 -1.18 .269 .027 .536 -.23 .451 -.164 .304
2 Western Michigan W 49-3 35-0 1.59 .955 2.19 .983 4.38 .983 .473 .960 7.32 .992 .750 .992
3 SMU W 45-20 38-20 .54 .722 1.00 .846 1.65 .793 .216 .804 1.89 .788 .292 .833
4 Nebraska W 56-10 46-3 2.24 .991 2.15 .981 4.00 .974 .491 .966 4.69 .964 .556 .960
5 Northwestern W 20-17 20-17 .42 .681 .14 .565 .27 .558 .157 .734 1.79 .773 .091 .614
6 Maryland W 42-21 35-14 1.41 .937 1.17 .882 3.01 .938 .527 .975 4.29 .949 .542 .953
7 Wisconsin W 38-13 31-7 1.55 .951 1.20 .889 1.97 .839 .338 .896 1.29 .710 .678 .982
8 Michigan State W 21-7 21-7 .84 .830 .50 .720 .96 .696 .230 .818 2.26 .832 .209 .754
10 Penn State W 42-7 28-0 2.12 .984 1.47 .929 2.63 .907 .408 .935 2.46 .849 .500 .946
11 Rutgers W 42-7 35-7 1.16 .905 1.75 .955 3.50 .955 .396 .928 .51 .590 .500 .946
12 Indiana W 31-20 31-20 .69 .785 .50 .720 1.00 .707 .266 .848 1.63 .749 .364 .880
13 Ohio State L 39-62 32-55 -.06 .473 -.88 .192 -1.90 .172 -.258 .157 -3.45 .087 -.266 .192
B Florida L 15-41 15-41 -.26 .378 -1.18 .115 -2.02 .154 -.176 .243 -1.76 .233 -.236 .213

Michigan State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Utah State W 38-31 38-31 .89 .846 .32 .662 1.05 .710 .068 .608 .71 .622 .236 .789
2 Arizona State L 13-16 13-16 .08 .532 -.14 .433 -.15 .468 -.068 .392 -.15 .468 -.064 .429
4 Indiana W 35-21 35-21 .66 .771 .47 .708 .60 .633 .068 .609 1.93 .793 .019 .524
5 Central Michigan W 31-20 31-13 .07 .525 .90 .813 2.14 .861 .390 .924 1.19 .696 .256 .806
6 Northwestern L 19-29 19-29 -.09 .454 -.37 .317 -.87 .317 -.048 .424 -.75 .370 -.099 .380
7 Penn State W 21-17 21-17 .78 .813 .13 .558 .27 .552 .024 .532 -1.34 .282 -.067 .427
8 Michigan L 7-21 7-21 .41 .677 -.50 .287 -.96 .304 -.230 .181 -2.26 .168 -.209 .245
9 Purdue W 23-13 23-13 .71 .789 .40 .692 1.09 .719 .183 .764 -.26 .442 .161 .694
10 Maryland W 24-3 24-3 1.19 .908 .95 .832 1.88 .823 .271 .854 3.56 .920 .264 .806
11 Ohio State L 6-26 6-26 .16 .567 -.67 .249 -.95 .305 -.183 .233 -.20 .457 -.086 .395
12 Nebraska L 6-9 6-9 -.03 .483 -.12 .451 -.29 .439 .016 .519 -.28 .441 -.019 .475
13 Rutgers W 14-10 14-10 -.43 .306 .15 .579 .24 .549 .080 .625 -.23 .450 -.013 .481
B Oregon L 6-7 6-7 .15 .563 -.04 .494 -.11 .473 .121 .684 -.10 .480 .137 .668

Middle Tennessee 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Vanderbilt L 7-35 7-28 -.81 .179 -1.24 .106 -2.22 .128 -.120 .317 -2.53 .142 -.206 .247
3 Georgia L 7-49 7-42 -.84 .172 -2.33 .014 -4.00 .027 -.370 .083 -5.03 .030 -.571 .035
5 Florida Atlantic W 25-24 25-24 -.23 .387 .04 .505 .07 .517 .025 .533 .52 .595 .143 .674
6 Marshall W 34-24 34-24 .25 .608 .43 .699 1.09 .719 .040 .563 .38 .569 .129 .659
7 Florida International L 21-24 21-24 -.41 .313 -.19 .405 -.38 .417 -.059 .404 -.74 .372 -.375 .115
8 Charlotte W 21-13 21-13 -.37 .325 .28 .637 .63 .641 -.111 .330 -1.23 .296 -.052 .439
9 Old Dominion W 51-17 45-17 .57 .734 1.40 .924 2.52 .896 .129 .697 .48 .585 .478 .935
10 Western Kentucky W 29-10 29-10 -.08 .464 .70 .759 1.30 .746 .131 .701 .63 .615 .269 .812
11 UTEP W 48-32 48-32 -.64 .235 .50 .720 1.00 .707 .216 .804 .90 .656 .125 .650
12 Kentucky L 23-34 23-34 .13 .554 -.55 .272 -.70 .348 .063 .600 -.75 .369 -.156 .312
13 UAB W 27-3 27-3 1.03 .880 1.09 .866 2.18 .867 .396 .927 4.92 .967 .364 .880
C UAB L 25-27 25-27 -.15 .422 -.09 .470 -.37 .418 .043 .567 1.11 .685 .045 .554
B Appalachian State L 13-45 13-38 -1.01 .129 -1.32 .092 -2.92 .065 -.221 .189 -2.70 .133 -.267 .192

Minnesota 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 New Mexico State W 48-10 41-10 .08 .536 1.15 .878 2.12 .858 .186 .772 2.53 .857 .357 .871
2 Fresno State W 21-14 21-14 1.01 .876 .32 .662 .64 .644 -.037 .442 -.53 .404 .182 .728
3 Miami (OH) W 26-3 26-3 .93 .852 1.00 .846 2.10 .854 .179 .760 .36 .566 .280 .821
4 Maryland L 13-42 13-35 -.81 .181 -1.05 .144 -1.93 .163 -.027 .465 -5.21 .025 -.172 .289
6 Iowa L 31-48 31-48 .17 .573 -.59 .264 -.99 .301 -.090 .359 -.39 .427 -.176 .288
7 Ohio State L 14-30 14-30 .03 .512 -.80 .213 -1.60 .213 -.177 .242 -.10 .481 -.200 .259
8 Nebraska L 28-53 28-46 -.66 .226 -.75 .225 -1.50 .227 -.058 .405 -3.45 .087 -.250 .208
9 Indiana W 38-31 38-31 .46 .696 .27 .635 .54 .615 .082 .633 2.93 .886 .000 .516
10 Illinois L 31-55 17-45 -1.73 .027 -1.17 .120 -3.08 .059 -.347 .097 -8.26 .003 -.450 .078
11 Purdue W 41-10 34-3 1.86 .975 1.55 .935 2.70 .918 .394 .926 4.36 .950 .456 .927
12 Northwestern L 14-24 14-24 -.13 .432 -.42 .306 -.83 .326 -.033 .447 -.94 .339 -.083 .406
13 Wisconsin W 37-15 30-7 1.56 .953 1.21 .891 2.18 .863 .251 .837 .94 .661 .550 .955
B Georgia Tech W 34-10 27-10 1.40 .936 1.31 .907 3.07 .940 .426 .942 1.84 .782 .714 .986

Mississippi State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Kansas State W 31-10 31-10 1.43 .938 1.24 .896 2.76 .922 .283 .861 4.65 .963 .292 .833
3 Louisiana W 56-10 49-3 3.04 .998 3.54 .999 6.50 .999 .583 .985 4.38 .953 .833 .994
4 Kentucky L 7-28 7-28 -.28 .369 -.95 .172 -1.91 .172 -.222 .188 -2.49 .147 -.364 .127
5 Florida L 6-13 6-13 .55 .727 -.37 .321 -.84 .323 -.217 .194 -1.09 .319 -.133 .339
6 Auburn W 23-9 23-9 1.47 .947 .64 .745 1.19 .731 .068 .609 .70 .622 .145 .678
8 LSU L 3-19 3-19 .33 .648 -.62 .260 -1.23 .263 -.052 .416 .99 .667 -.308 .155
9 Texas A&M W 28-13 28-13 1.66 .962 .79 .786 1.81 .816 .063 .601 2.87 .881 .044 .550
10 Louisiana Tech W 45-3 38-3 2.01 .979 2.50 .992 5.00 .992 .554 .983 4.17 .944 .714 .986
11 Alabama L 0-24 0-24 .83 .826 -1.04 .148 -2.18 .135 -.212 .199 -1.40 .278 -.273 .187
12 Arkansas W 52-6 38-6 1.60 .957 1.88 .964 4.76 .988 .561 .983 3.58 .921 .524 .950
13 Ole Miss W 35-3 28-3 1.70 .966 1.39 .921 2.78 .922 .225 .814 2.02 .805 .333 .860
B Iowa L 22-27 22-27 .58 .742 -.17 .413 -.61 .365 .035 .555 -.63 .387 -.051 .441

Missouri 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Wyoming W 40-13 37-10 1.20 .909 1.29 .904 2.79 .924 .499 .970 2.99 .891 .618 .973
3 Purdue W 40-37 40-37 .43 .684 .13 .556 .25 .551 .050 .581 -1.35 .280 .083 .603
4 Georgia L 29-43 29-43 .99 .871 -.50 .287 -.35 .426 -.139 .286 -2.13 .183 -.310 .152
6 South Carolina L 35-37 35-37 .46 .698 -.06 .477 .04 .510 .048 .576 1.01 .672 .134 .662
7 Alabama L 10-39 10-39 .56 .729 -1.32 .090 -2.64 .091 -.554 .017 -4.43 .044 -.545 .046
8 Memphis W 65-33 55-27 1.25 .918 1.22 .892 2.55 .898 .383 .921 5.07 .972 .383 .891
9 Kentucky L 14-15 14-15 .64 .763 -.04 .490 .42 .593 -.146 .280 -1.50 .260 .083 .600
10 Florida W 38-17 38-17 1.84 .975 .91 .816 2.04 .848 .235 .823 1.98 .800 .295 .836
11 Vanderbilt W 33-28 33-28 .65 .770 .23 .615 .45 .597 .017 .521 -.51 .408 .182 .728
12 Tennessee W 50-17 43-17 1.35 .929 1.18 .885 2.05 .848 .399 .930 1.19 .697 .427 .909
13 Arkansas W 38-0 38-0 1.44 .942 1.73 .953 3.44 .953 .496 .968 3.43 .911 .556 .960
B Oklahoma State L 33-38 33-38 .24 .604 -.20 .399 -.63 .360 .053 .585 1.42 .725 .038 .544

Navy 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Hawaii L 41-59 35-52 -1.41 .059 -.85 .200 -1.50 .227 -.244 .169 -1.67 .240 -.278 .179
2 Memphis W 22-21 22-21 .07 .527 .04 .512 .22 .543 .020 .525 -3.27 .092 .103 .628
4 SMU L 30-31 30-31 -.50 .284 -.04 .487 .35 .576 -.172 .245 -.18 .461 -.061 .431
6 Air Force L 7-35 7-35 -1.49 .048 -1.40 .077 -2.80 .075 -.406 .065 -4.76 .035 -.300 .163
7 Temple L 17-24 17-24 -.23 .389 -.37 .321 -.97 .303 -.303 .119 -1.78 .230 -.256 .196
8 Houston L 36-49 24-49 -1.27 .082 -1.19 .114 -1.80 .185 -.183 .234 -3.71 .073 -.300 .163
9 Notre Dame L 22-44 22-44 -.21 .400 -.96 .167 -2.17 .137 -.238 .175 -1.66 .245 -.386 .105
10 Cincinnati L 0-42 0-35 -2.37 .004 -2.69 .006 -5.83 .005 -.562 .016 -3.95 .067 -.833 .007
11 UCF L 24-35 17-35 -.63 .239 -1.29 .096 -2.57 .099 -.241 .171 -1.85 .216 -.286 .174
12 Tulsa W 37-29 37-29 -.08 .458 .47 .709 1.38 .758 .246 .834 2.56 .859 .306 .843
13 Tulane L 28-29 28-29 -.36 .328 -.04 .486 -.30 .437 -.131 .299 -2.06 .190 .045 .554
15 Army L 10-17 10-17 .16 .569 -.35 .326 -.70 .348 -.119 .318 -.90 .347 -.200 .259

NC State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Georgia State W 41-7 34-7 .24 .602 1.42 .925 2.62 .905 .316 .886 2.74 .870 .267 .810
4 Marshall W 37-20 37-20 .52 .717 .71 .764 1.82 .820 .267 .850 1.48 .736 .327 .852
5 Virginia W 35-21 35-21 1.00 .872 .70 .757 1.79 .812 .144 .718 .53 .596 .367 .882
6 Boston College W 28-23 28-23 .39 .670 .22 .608 1.35 .752 .309 .883 .15 .530 .227 .780
8 Clemson L 7-41 7-34 .24 .599 -1.23 .106 -2.45 .108 -.296 .126 -1.47 .267 -.455 .076
9 Syracuse L 41-51 41-51 .04 .517 -.36 .323 -.71 .346 -.126 .306 .15 .532 -.143 .330
10 Florida State W 47-28 47-21 1.13 .901 1.30 .906 2.60 .904 .441 .951 .10 .520 .600 .970
11 Wake Forest L 23-27 23-27 -.22 .391 -.16 .418 -.69 .349 .035 .554 -.59 .391 -.070 .422
12 Louisville W 52-10 38-3 1.07 .890 1.94 .969 3.89 .969 .403 .933 3.00 .892 .444 .919
13 North Carolina W 34-28 34-28 -.02 .492 .21 .605 .00 .506 .040 .561 -.41 .421 -.077 .414
14 East Carolina W 58-3 41-0 1.16 .903 1.86 .962 4.10 .975 .675 .993 5.39 .977 .700 .984
B Texas A&M L 13-52 13-42 -.33 .342 -1.21 .110 -2.42 .110 -.287 .133 -5.41 .021 -.250 .208

Nebraska 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Colorado L 28-33 28-33 -.24 .385 -.18 .407 -.36 .423 .111 .670 1.97 .796 -.214 .240
3 Troy L 19-24 19-24 -.34 .339 -.19 .403 -.08 .480 .110 .668 .52 .593 .112 .638
4 Michigan L 10-56 3-46 -1.24 .088 -2.15 .019 -4.00 .027 -.491 .034 -4.69 .036 -.556 .043
5 Purdue L 28-42 28-42 -.19 .403 -.50 .287 -1.00 .299 -.095 .352 -.03 .494 -.143 .330
6 Wisconsin L 24-41 24-41 -.46 .299 -.81 .208 -1.92 .164 -.226 .183 -.65 .382 -.336 .139
7 Northwestern L 31-34 31-34 .18 .574 -.11 .458 .38 .587 -.044 .431 .00 .501 .045 .551
8 Minnesota W 53-28 46-28 .99 .870 .75 .776 1.50 .775 .058 .594 3.45 .913 .250 .801
10 Ohio State L 31-36 31-36 .65 .769 -.18 .407 -.36 .423 -.082 .369 -1.83 .219 .000 .516
11 Illinois W 54-35 54-28 .48 .706 1.04 .848 1.40 .760 .132 .703 2.88 .882 .215 .765
12 Michigan State W 9-6 9-6 .46 .699 .12 .552 .29 .560 -.016 .480 .28 .558 .019 .527
13 Iowa L 28-31 28-31 .59 .745 -.17 .416 -.33 .431 -.110 .332 .03 .508 -.111 .364

Nevada 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Vanderbilt L 10-41 10-34 -.62 .244 -1.04 .148 -2.18 .135 -.407 .065 -2.84 .122 -.455 .074
3 Oregon State W 37-35 37-35 -.56 .264 .06 .523 -.04 .490 -.123 .311 -.56 .397 -.080 .407
4 Toledo L 44-63 44-63 -.74 .205 -.58 .266 -1.18 .269 -.140 .285 -.39 .427 -.145 .323
5 Air Force W 28-25 28-25 .02 .510 .12 .548 .67 .648 .122 .685 1.75 .766 .135 .663
6 Fresno State L 3-21 3-21 -.03 .485 -.72 .233 -1.52 .223 -.061 .403 -1.86 .215 -.173 .288
7 Boise State L 27-31 27-31 .31 .636 -.17 .416 .07 .514 .025 .534 -.09 .483 .136 .667
8 Hawaii W 40-22 40-22 .08 .535 .64 .747 1.76 .806 .324 .892 2.11 .815 .452 .923
9 San Diego State W 28-24 28-24 -.08 .463 .13 .558 .16 .533 -.124 .310 -1.32 .286 .048 .556
11 Colorado State W 49-10 42-0 1.64 .962 2.33 .988 4.67 .985 .722 .997 7.91 .995 .667 .981
12 San Jose State W 21-12 21-12 -.26 .377 .38 .685 .75 .663 .281 .860 2.26 .832 .167 .708
13 UNLV L 29-34 29-34 -.85 .166 -.19 .405 -.54 .381 .015 .519 .12 .524 .044 .547
B Arkansas State W 16-13 16-13 -.07 .466 .09 .535 .04 .509 -.250 .163 -1.74 .234 -.117 .358

New Mexico 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Wisconsin L 14-45 14-38 -.85 .167 -1.20 .113 -2.40 .111 -.432 .053 -4.29 .050 -.400 .103
3 New Mexico State W 42-25 42-25 -.55 .269 .52 .720 .99 .700 -.057 .407 -.85 .356 .046 .555
5 Liberty L 43-52 43-52 -1.00 .131 -.26 .370 -.53 .388 -.052 .415 .90 .653 -.059 .433
6 UNLV W 50-14 43-7 .90 .848 1.57 .939 2.88 .928 .472 .959 4.02 .935 .483 .936
7 Colorado State L 18-20 18-20 -.78 .195 -.09 .470 -.03 .492 -.110 .331 .32 .561 -.144 .325
8 Fresno State L 7-38 7-38 -1.03 .124 -1.72 .047 -3.44 .048 -.540 .019 -3.61 .077 -.667 .022
9 Utah State L 19-61 5-55 -1.51 .047 -2.08 .022 -3.91 .030 -.435 .051 -5.96 .016 -.636 .025
10 San Diego State L 23-31 23-31 -.50 .285 -.29 .360 -.98 .301 -.198 .215 -3.04 .102 -.126 .348
11 Air Force L 24-42 24-42 -.81 .177 -.72 .233 -2.08 .148 -.281 .141 -3.56 .080 -.250 .208
12 Boise State L 14-45 14-38 -.72 .208 -1.20 .113 -2.67 .088 -.354 .090 -2.14 .183 -.444 .086
13 Wyoming L 3-31 3-31 -1.36 .065 -1.27 .099 -2.55 .102 -.402 .067 -3.96 .066 -.364 .127

New Mexico State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
0 Wyoming L 7-29 0-29 -1.41 .060 -1.32 .090 -2.64 .091 -.507 .028 -5.18 .025 -.455 .074
1 Minnesota L 10-48 10-41 -.91 .150 -1.15 .122 -2.12 .141 -.186 .227 -2.53 .142 -.357 .130
2 Utah State L 13-60 13-54 -.95 .140 -1.52 .067 -2.71 .080 -.273 .144 -2.74 .129 -.442 .087
3 New Mexico L 25-42 25-42 -1.25 .086 -.52 .279 -.99 .299 .057 .592 .85 .643 -.046 .444
4 UTEP W 27-20 27-20 -.79 .192 .35 .674 -.38 .417 -.065 .397 .55 .600 -.125 .353
6 Liberty W 49-41 49-41 -.49 .288 .25 .625 .50 .609 .000 .499 1.45 .729 .063 .570
7 Louisiana L 38-66 38-66 -1.84 .021 -1.33 .087 -2.56 .100 -.293 .130 -2.77 .126 -.354 .131
8 Georgia Southern L 31-48 31-48 -.97 .135 -.94 .178 -1.89 .176 -.215 .196 -1.30 .288 -.333 .147
9 Texas State L 20-27 20-27 -1.22 .093 -.26 .373 -1.08 .286 .085 .636 -.57 .396 -.077 .414
12 BYU L 10-45 10-45 -1.22 .093 -1.25 .102 -2.75 .079 -.245 .168 -3.04 .103 -.253 .198
13 Liberty L 21-28 21-28 -.96 .136 -.22 .391 -.90 .312 .100 .653 1.18 .696 -.195 .263

North Carolina 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 California L 17-24 17-24 -.28 .370 -.25 .378 -.09 .479 -.131 .299 -.13 .473 -.093 .383
2 East Carolina L 19-41 19-41 -1.66 .034 -.96 .167 -2.14 .139 -.211 .200 -.74 .371 -.220 .231
4 Pittsburgh W 38-35 38-35 .33 .646 .13 .556 -.02 .492 .098 .651 1.21 .699 .129 .659
5 Miami L 10-47 10-40 -1.11 .111 -1.43 .074 -1.38 .243 -.178 .242 -4.02 .063 -.200 .259
7 Virginia Tech L 19-22 19-22 -.23 .388 -.12 .455 -.23 .454 .218 .807 2.18 .824 .308 .846
8 Syracuse L 37-40 37-40 .32 .641 -.08 .472 -.34 .427 .028 .538 -.64 .383 .022 .527
9 Virginia L 21-31 21-31 -.12 .441 -.42 .306 -.83 .326 -.165 .253 -.63 .386 -.167 .301
10 Georgia Tech L 28-38 28-38 -.33 .344 -.42 .306 -1.26 .260 -.275 .143 -1.90 .209 -.136 .336
11 Duke L 35-42 35-42 .00 .499 -.23 .383 -.47 .400 -.153 .269 -.71 .376 -.133 .339
13 NC State L 28-34 28-34 .17 .574 -.21 .395 .00 .506 -.040 .438 .41 .578 .077 .590

North Texas 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 SMU W 46-23 36-0 1.54 .950 2.00 .974 3.63 .960 .639 .991 4.36 .951 .750 .992
3 Arkansas W 44-17 44-10 .74 .802 1.03 .847 1.38 .758 .219 .808 1.42 .725 .213 .759
4 Liberty W 47-7 33-7 .56 .731 1.30 .906 2.60 .904 .192 .777 2.08 .812 .300 .843
5 Louisiana Tech L 27-29 27-29 -.56 .263 -.07 .475 -.15 .470 -.024 .467 .22 .547 -.077 .414
6 UTEP W 27-24 27-24 -1.00 .132 .14 .565 .27 .558 .010 .513 -.67 .381 .000 .516
7 Southern Mississippi W 30-7 30-7 .61 .753 .92 .818 1.72 .799 .081 .628 .85 .644 .218 .766
8 UAB L 21-29 21-29 -.41 .312 -.35 .327 -.87 .317 -.023 .468 .85 .641 -.205 .249
9 Rice W 41-17 34-17 -.43 .307 .74 .772 1.98 .841 .424 .941 5.13 .973 .450 .922
11 Old Dominion L 31-34 31-34 -.95 .139 -.12 .455 -.23 .454 .002 .501 .01 .503 -.077 .414
12 Florida Atlantic W 41-38 41-38 -.18 .410 .09 .535 .33 .567 .084 .635 1.68 .761 .026 .531
13 UTSA W 24-21 24-21 -.92 .145 .16 .580 .57 .622 .200 .788 1.13 .688 .044 .550
B Utah State L 13-52 13-45 -.57 .260 -1.14 .123 -2.29 .122 -.295 .127 -2.89 .115 -.357 .130

Northern Illinois 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Iowa L 7-33 0-26 -.37 .324 -1.13 .126 -2.35 .115 -.211 .201 -1.65 .247 -.197 .262
2 Utah L 6-17 6-17 .07 .528 -.39 .308 -.40 .407 -.158 .262 -2.05 .192 -.190 .267
3 Central Michigan W 24-16 24-16 -.51 .280 .32 .663 .77 .666 -.032 .449 .12 .525 .026 .530
4 Florida State L 19-37 19-37 -.79 .192 -.62 .258 -1.11 .278 -.166 .253 -1.00 .332 -.181 .284
5 Eastern Michigan W 26-23 26-23 -.15 .420 .09 .532 .00 .506 .095 .648 .49 .588 -.071 .421
6 Ball State W 24-16 24-16 -.42 .310 .33 .668 .67 .648 -.080 .375 .91 .658 .000 .516
7 Ohio W 24-21 24-21 .53 .718 .14 .565 .27 .555 .074 .617 -1.07 .321 .091 .614
9 BYU W 7-6 7-6 .07 .528 .04 .516 .14 .528 -.119 .319 -1.04 .323 -.068 .422
10 Akron W 36-26 36-26 -.21 .399 .38 .689 .40 .591 .130 .699 -.07 .486 .038 .544
11 Toledo W 38-15 38-15 .79 .817 .96 .835 1.57 .784 .063 .600 1.72 .762 .121 .645
12 Miami (OH) L 7-13 7-13 -.29 .358 -.22 .389 .00 .506 -.007 .491 .90 .654 -.095 .381
13 Western Michigan L 21-28 21-28 -.87 .163 -.27 .368 -.99 .300 -.234 .177 -1.11 .316 -.295 .165
C Buffalo W 30-29 30-29 .11 .545 .05 .517 .36 .580 .061 .597 .39 .571 .045 .554
B UAB L 13-37 13-37 -1.40 .062 -1.33 .087 -2.67 .088 -.233 .177 -3.65 .074 -.444 .086

Northwestern 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Purdue W 31-27 31-27 .45 .692 .15 .573 .46 .598 -.033 .448 -.88 .350 -.044 .453
2 Duke L 7-21 7-21 -.31 .353 -.54 .275 -1.08 .286 .098 .652 -.38 .431 -.154 .317
3 Akron L 34-39 34-39 -.75 .203 -.15 .424 .46 .598 .154 .731 .56 .602 .027 .532
5 Michigan L 17-20 17-20 .77 .810 -.14 .440 -.27 .444 -.157 .265 -1.79 .226 -.091 .392
6 Michigan State W 29-19 29-19 .71 .791 .37 .683 .87 .683 .048 .576 .75 .630 .099 .619
7 Nebraska W 34-31 34-31 .20 .584 .11 .542 -.38 .414 .044 .568 .00 .498 -.045 .449
8 Rutgers W 18-15 18-15 -.47 .294 .12 .548 .23 .547 .092 .644 .19 .541 -.077 .414
9 Wisconsin W 31-17 31-17 .87 .836 .52 .721 1.17 .729 .112 .672 -.19 .459 .027 .533
10 Notre Dame L 21-31 21-31 .29 .630 -.45 .294 -.91 .310 -.163 .256 -2.15 .182 -.182 .282
11 Iowa W 14-10 14-10 .91 .850 .15 .579 .31 .563 -.064 .398 -1.23 .295 .000 .516
12 Minnesota W 24-14 24-14 .66 .772 .42 .696 .83 .676 .033 .552 .94 .660 .083 .600
13 Illinois W 24-16 24-16 -.06 .471 .50 .720 1.00 .707 -.126 .305 .17 .537 .000 .516
C Ohio State L 24-45 24-45 .08 .531 -.75 .225 -1.50 .227 -.185 .231 .14 .528 -.286 .174
B Utah W 31-20 31-20 .81 .820 .34 .668 .35 .574 .021 .528 -.28 .440 .017 .522

Notre Dame 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Michigan W 24-17 24-17 1.23 .916 .32 .662 1.18 .731 -.027 .463 .23 .549 .164 .696
2 Ball State W 24-16 24-16 -.47 .295 .29 .641 .57 .622 .066 .603 2.16 .820 .000 .516
3 Vanderbilt W 22-17 22-17 .64 .765 .22 .608 .58 .628 -.002 .497 -.85 .358 .212 .758
4 Wake Forest W 56-27 49-13 1.57 .953 1.64 .946 3.27 .948 .350 .905 4.39 .954 .182 .728
5 Stanford W 38-17 38-17 1.26 .920 .88 .806 1.75 .805 .322 .889 1.66 .753 .333 .860
6 Virginia Tech W 45-23 45-23 .76 .807 .88 .807 1.69 .795 .091 .642 1.88 .787 .007 .517
7 Pittsburgh W 19-14 19-14 .45 .692 .25 .625 1.12 .723 .213 .802 1.81 .777 .067 .576
9 Navy W 44-22 44-22 .33 .648 .96 .833 2.17 .863 .238 .824 1.66 .755 .386 .895
10 Northwestern W 31-21 31-21 .74 .801 .45 .707 .91 .690 .163 .744 2.15 .817 .182 .728
11 Florida State W 42-13 42-13 1.28 .922 1.45 .928 2.90 .932 .264 .846 2.50 .854 .500 .946
12 Syracuse W 36-3 29-0 1.78 .970 1.38 .920 2.90 .932 .468 .958 3.27 .906 .600 .970
13 USC W 24-17 24-17 .37 .663 .32 .662 .64 .644 .122 .685 1.80 .776 .091 .614
P Clemson L 3-30 3-30 .11 .547 -1.35 .082 -2.70 .084 -.226 .184 -3.77 .070 -.500 .060

Ohio 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
3 Virginia L 31-45 28-45 -.31 .352 -.61 .261 -1.75 .198 -.329 .106 -2.98 .110 -.381 .109
4 Cincinnati L 30-34 30-34 .15 .562 -.17 .416 -.33 .431 .077 .621 -.55 .400 .000 .516
5 Massachusetts W 58-42 58-42 -.32 .347 .67 .753 1.65 .791 .247 .835 2.09 .813 .379 .890
6 Kent State W 27-26 27-26 -.88 .158 .05 .517 .64 .644 .158 .736 1.67 .759 -.101 .372
7 Northern Illinois L 21-24 21-24 -.38 .323 -.14 .440 -.27 .446 -.074 .382 1.07 .678 -.091 .392
8 Bowling Green W 49-14 42-14 .96 .862 1.87 .963 4.25 .979 .465 .957 4.17 .943 .607 .972
9 Ball State W 52-14 45-7 1.35 .930 2.11 .978 4.22 .977 .614 .988 4.93 .968 .667 .981
10 Western Michigan W 59-14 52-7 1.45 .944 2.05 .975 3.72 .964 .359 .913 2.62 .863 .578 .967
11 Miami (OH) L 28-30 28-30 -.15 .422 -.08 .471 -.75 .339 .018 .523 1.17 .693 .000 .516
12 Buffalo W 52-17 45-10 2.40 .993 2.33 .988 5.18 .993 .657 .992 1.92 .792 .750 .992
13 Akron W 49-28 42-21 .40 .674 1.00 .846 1.40 .760 .185 .769 1.91 .791 .100 .626
B San Diego State W 27-0 27-0 1.87 .977 2.08 .977 3.86 .967 .504 .971 3.15 .901 .714 .986

Ohio State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Oregon State W 77-31 63-31 .65 .771 1.28 .903 3.22 .947 .436 .949 1.49 .736 .338 .865
2 Rutgers W 52-3 45-3 1.75 .969 2.33 .988 4.67 .985 .614 .986 4.90 .966 .667 .981
3 TCU W 40-28 40-28 .66 .777 .43 .698 .17 .535 .133 .706 -.15 .468 .143 .674
4 Tulane W 49-6 42-6 2.08 .983 2.40 .990 5.25 .994 .705 .995 5.65 .982 .732 .987
5 Penn State W 27-26 27-26 .68 .781 .03 .500 .16 .532 -.070 .387 -1.23 .295 -.040 .455
6 Indiana W 49-26 49-26 1.07 .891 .88 .810 1.77 .810 .138 .712 .50 .589 .077 .590
7 Minnesota W 30-14 30-14 1.04 .883 .80 .788 1.60 .786 .177 .757 .10 .519 .200 .749
8 Purdue L 20-49 20-42 -.61 .247 -.92 .183 -1.83 .178 -.036 .442 -1.85 .217 -.083 .406
10 Nebraska W 36-31 36-31 .27 .617 .18 .593 .36 .577 .082 .631 1.83 .780 .000 .516
11 Michigan State W 26-6 26-6 1.01 .876 .67 .753 .95 .694 .183 .766 .20 .542 .086 .605
12 Maryland W 52-51 52-51 .27 .620 .03 .501 .54 .617 .150 .724 -1.40 .277 .000 .516
13 Michigan W 62-39 55-32 1.79 .972 .88 .810 1.90 .827 .258 .842 3.45 .912 .266 .807
C Northwestern W 45-24 45-24 1.03 .881 .75 .776 1.50 .775 .185 .769 -.14 .471 .286 .826
B Washington W 28-23 28-23 .81 .823 .19 .598 .38 .587 -.070 .387 .57 .605 .000 .516

Oklahoma 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida Atlantic W 63-14 42-0 2.20 .989 2.47 .992 5.00 .992 .619 .989 10.09 .999 .857 .995
2 UCLA W 49-21 42-7 1.55 .951 1.67 .948 3.12 .943 .342 .899 3.19 .902 .445 .920
3 Iowa State W 37-27 37-27 1.01 .877 .50 .720 1.00 .707 .079 .623 .70 .621 .200 .749
4 Army W 28-21 28-21 .95 .858 .44 .701 .00 .506 .014 .517 4.78 .965 .143 .674
5 Baylor W 66-33 63-33 1.31 .924 1.25 .898 2.25 .874 .182 .763 6.68 .986 .205 .752
6 Texas L 45-48 45-48 .49 .709 -.12 .451 -.54 .385 -.049 .421 2.33 .833 -.128 .345
8 TCU W 52-27 45-27 1.02 .879 .78 .784 2.27 .877 .290 .867 3.04 .897 .182 .728
9 Kansas State W 51-14 41-7 2.62 .995 2.43 .991 4.69 .986 .695 .995 8.95 .997 .833 .994
10 Texas Tech W 51-46 51-46 .49 .712 .19 .598 .38 .587 .052 .584 1.97 .798 -.077 .409
11 Oklahoma State W 48-47 48-47 .48 .707 .04 .508 .08 .518 -.030 .453 1.47 .735 .000 .516
12 Kansas W 55-40 55-32 1.05 .885 1.21 .891 1.78 .811 .265 .847 1.04 .676 .222 .775
13 West Virginia W 59-56 59-56 .88 .842 .12 .552 .19 .542 .164 .744 3.72 .927 .085 .604
C Texas W 39-27 39-27 1.21 .912 .60 .738 1.20 .732 .199 .786 1.54 .740 .300 .843
P Alabama L 34-45 27-45 .88 .839 -1.00 .163 -2.00 .157 -.138 .288 -1.02 .325 -.222 .228

Oklahoma State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 South Alabama W 55-13 48-13 .27 .615 1.35 .916 2.42 .890 .430 .945 4.23 .946 .429 .911
3 Boise State W 44-21 44-21 1.52 .949 1.05 .854 1.79 .813 .180 .760 1.75 .766 .336 .865
4 Texas Tech L 17-41 17-34 -.44 .306 -.74 .229 -1.55 .220 -.285 .135 -.80 .365 -.273 .187
5 Kansas W 48-28 48-28 .64 .764 .80 .788 1.36 .753 .207 .795 2.22 .828 .199 .740
6 Iowa State L 42-48 42-48 .31 .637 -.20 .399 -.62 .361 -.204 .207 -2.71 .131 -.100 .380
7 Kansas State L 12-31 12-31 -.81 .179 -1.00 .163 -1.77 .192 -.163 .257 -.39 .426 -.267 .192
9 Texas W 38-35 38-35 .73 .799 .12 .552 .47 .601 .193 .778 .81 .636 .282 .823
10 Baylor L 31-35 31-35 -.11 .445 -.17 .412 -.22 .457 -.048 .422 -1.37 .279 .083 .603
11 Oklahoma L 47-48 47-48 1.03 .881 -.04 .492 -.08 .481 .030 .546 -1.47 .264 .000 .516
12 West Virginia W 45-41 45-41 .88 .844 .12 .553 .59 .629 .022 .529 .58 .607 .055 .562
13 TCU L 24-31 24-31 -.01 .498 -.24 .380 -.25 .450 -.280 .141 -2.74 .128 -.195 .264
B Missouri W 38-33 38-33 1.09 .892 .20 .603 .63 .639 -.053 .414 -1.42 .274 -.038 .457

Old Dominion 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Liberty L 10-52 10-38 -1.86 .019 -1.12 .128 -2.69 .085 -.302 .120 -3.48 .082 -.238 .209
2 Florida International L 20-28 20-28 -.54 .272 -.32 .337 -.67 .353 .042 .565 -.03 .492 .000 .516
3 Charlotte L 25-28 25-28 -.80 .185 -.15 .426 -.61 .365 -.168 .249 .92 .659 -.156 .312
4 Virginia Tech W 49-35 49-35 .35 .655 .47 .708 .93 .693 .068 .606 .73 .626 .200 .749
5 East Carolina L 35-37 35-37 -.77 .196 -.07 .475 -.31 .435 -.141 .284 -2.17 .179 -.029 .466
6 Florida Atlantic L 33-52 33-52 -1.03 .125 -.76 .223 -1.08 .284 -.126 .308 -2.18 .175 -.167 .301
7 Marshall L 20-42 20-42 -1.03 .124 -.85 .202 -1.69 .203 -.245 .166 -2.01 .195 -.154 .317
8 Western Kentucky W 37-34 37-34 -.67 .222 .11 .544 .00 .506 .012 .515 .43 .580 -.154 .317
9 Middle Tennessee L 17-51 17-45 -1.58 .040 -1.40 .077 -2.52 .104 -.129 .302 -.48 .414 -.478 .065
11 North Texas W 34-31 34-31 -.02 .492 .12 .548 .23 .547 -.002 .498 -.01 .496 .077 .590
13 Rice L 13-27 13-27 -1.71 .030 -.54 .275 -1.08 .286 -.085 .363 -1.78 .227 -.077 .414

Ole Miss 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Texas Tech W 47-27 44-27 1.01 .878 .71 .764 1.11 .723 .170 .752 4.16 .942 .220 .771
3 Alabama L 7-62 7-52 -.08 .459 -1.96 .029 -4.14 .023 -.574 .015 -3.62 .076 -.735 .012
4 Kent State W 38-17 38-17 -.05 .478 .88 .806 1.75 .805 .240 .827 3.66 .926 .250 .801
5 LSU L 16-45 16-38 -.10 .447 -1.05 .144 -2.35 .116 -.467 .042 -3.66 .074 -.336 .139
6 UL Monroe W 70-21 56-7 2.60 .994 3.27 .998 6.00 .996 .475 .961 7.23 .991 .857 .995
7 Arkansas W 37-33 37-33 -.09 .453 .20 .603 .40 .589 .162 .742 1.66 .755 .100 .626
8 Auburn L 16-31 16-31 .18 .576 -.65 .251 -1.48 .229 -.082 .368 -1.47 .265 -.220 .231
10 South Carolina L 44-48 44-48 .38 .666 -.15 .427 -.27 .441 .028 .537 -1.64 .248 -.012 .481
11 Texas A&M L 24-38 24-38 .32 .640 -.56 .269 -1.75 .198 -.124 .310 .11 .522 -.167 .301
12 Vanderbilt L 29-36 29-36 .17 .571 -.26 .373 .17 .536 .186 .770 1.47 .733 .199 .740
13 Mississippi State L 3-35 3-28 -.30 .356 -1.39 .078 -2.78 .077 -.225 .185 -2.02 .194 -.333 .147

Oregon 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Bowling Green W 58-24 51-24 .02 .510 .93 .821 2.03 .846 .212 .801 2.88 .883 .233 .786
3 San Jose State W 35-22 35-22 -.20 .401 .43 .699 .87 .681 .143 .718 .61 .610 .067 .576
4 Stanford L 31-38 31-38 .08 .534 -.30 .348 .70 .652 .167 .749 -.87 .353 .100 .626
5 California W 42-24 42-24 .75 .803 .78 .784 .62 .637 .114 .674 1.32 .712 .136 .667
7 Washington W 30-27 30-27 .76 .806 .14 .565 .27 .552 -.018 .477 -2.15 .180 .056 .565
8 Washington State L 20-34 20-34 -.19 .405 -.74 .230 -1.78 .189 -.205 .206 -1.10 .318 -.156 .312
9 Arizona L 15-44 8-37 -1.08 .117 -1.07 .139 -2.23 .128 -.323 .110 -2.70 .133 -.462 .072
10 UCLA W 42-21 42-21 .70 .787 .81 .791 1.17 .729 .174 .755 .78 .631 .167 .708
11 Utah L 25-32 25-32 .19 .583 -.27 .368 -.54 .383 -.085 .364 -.39 .425 -.231 .219
12 Arizona State W 31-29 31-29 .29 .628 .07 .523 .28 .559 .124 .690 2.07 .811 -.043 .453
13 Oregon State W 55-15 41-9 .90 .847 1.52 .933 2.96 .935 .324 .891 1.67 .758 .283 .824
B Michigan State W 7-6 7-6 .38 .667 .04 .507 .11 .526 -.121 .315 .10 .519 -.137 .332

Oregon State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Ohio State L 31-77 31-63 -.45 .300 -1.28 .097 -3.22 .052 -.436 .050 -1.49 .263 -.338 .134
3 Nevada L 35-37 35-37 -.22 .393 -.06 .477 .04 .510 .123 .688 .56 .602 .080 .593
4 Arizona L 14-35 14-35 -1.18 .099 -1.17 .120 -2.33 .119 -.457 .046 -5.51 .021 -.556 .043
5 Arizona State L 24-52 24-45 -.95 .141 -1.17 .120 -2.33 .119 -.229 .182 -1.87 .214 -.333 .147
6 Washington State L 37-56 30-49 -.40 .317 -.95 .176 -2.25 .126 -.204 .209 -2.95 .112 -.250 .208
8 California L 7-49 7-35 -1.25 .087 -1.22 .108 -2.92 .067 -.460 .044 -4.27 .051 -.417 .098
9 Colorado W 41-34 41-34 .16 .566 .22 .610 .34 .571 -.135 .291 -2.63 .136 -.100 .380
10 USC L 21-38 21-38 -.80 .183 -.85 .200 -1.70 .201 -.162 .258 -2.33 .165 -.200 .259
11 Stanford L 17-48 17-48 -1.25 .087 -1.63 .057 -3.63 .038 -.358 .087 -2.40 .155 -.378 .113
12 Washington L 23-42 23-42 -.08 .457 -.70 .242 -1.58 .214 -.129 .302 -2.18 .176 -.083 .399
13 Oregon L 15-55 9-41 -1.33 .072 -1.52 .066 -2.96 .064 -.324 .109 -1.67 .242 -.283 .176

Penn State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Appalachian State W 45-38 45-38 .55 .725 .24 .620 .58 .628 .040 .563 .57 .604 .000 .516
2 Pittsburgh W 51-6 44-6 1.72 .968 1.52 .933 2.58 .902 .263 .844 1.95 .794 .333 .860
3 Kent State W 63-10 49-10 .85 .831 1.77 .957 3.99 .972 .513 .972 4.62 .962 .518 .949
4 Illinois W 63-24 49-24 .53 .718 1.09 .863 2.45 .892 .313 .885 3.13 .899 .227 .780
5 Ohio State L 26-27 26-27 .80 .818 -.03 .499 -.16 .467 .070 .613 1.23 .704 .040 .545
7 Michigan State L 17-21 17-21 .21 .589 -.13 .442 -.27 .448 -.024 .468 1.34 .717 .067 .576
8 Indiana W 33-28 33-28 .35 .656 .16 .583 .49 .604 -.035 .444 .36 .567 .162 .695
9 Iowa W 30-24 30-24 .96 .861 .20 .603 .80 .672 -.107 .335 .33 .562 .186 .729
10 Michigan L 7-42 0-28 -.57 .262 -1.47 .070 -2.63 .093 -.408 .064 -2.46 .150 -.500 .060
11 Wisconsin W 22-10 22-10 .85 .832 .50 .720 1.17 .729 .223 .813 .63 .611 .470 .933
12 Rutgers W 20-7 20-7 -.05 .479 .54 .726 1.08 .718 .204 .793 1.28 .709 .250 .801
13 Maryland W 38-3 31-3 1.80 .972 1.56 .938 3.11 .942 .371 .918 4.48 .957 .333 .860
B Kentucky L 24-27 24-27 .57 .736 -.11 .458 .18 .536 .072 .615 .03 .507 .121 .643

Pittsburgh 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Penn State L 6-51 6-44 -.87 .161 -1.52 .067 -2.58 .098 -.263 .155 -1.95 .205 -.333 .147
3 Georgia Tech W 24-19 24-19 .31 .635 .22 .608 .60 .631 -.005 .492 .85 .642 .030 .538
4 North Carolina L 35-38 35-38 -.36 .329 -.13 .446 .02 .507 -.098 .348 -1.21 .300 -.129 .342
5 UCF L 14-45 7-38 -1.28 .079 -1.94 .032 -4.75 .013 -.479 .036 -4.58 .038 -.750 .011
6 Syracuse W 44-37 44-37 .62 .758 .23 .613 -.50 .394 -.008 .490 1.21 .700 -.071 .418
7 Notre Dame L 14-19 14-19 .50 .712 -.25 .378 -1.12 .276 -.213 .198 -1.81 .223 -.067 .427
9 Duke W 54-45 54-45 .61 .752 .38 .685 .24 .548 -.103 .343 .22 .548 .114 .639
10 Virginia W 23-13 23-13 .89 .845 .59 .736 1.43 .767 .151 .725 1.45 .730 .167 .708
11 Virginia Tech W 52-22 45-22 1.09 .894 1.21 .891 2.80 .926 .264 .845 7.06 .989 .378 .888
12 Wake Forest W 34-13 34-13 .94 .856 1.00 .846 1.79 .813 .149 .722 .07 .514 .155 .687
13 Miami L 3-24 3-24 -.46 .298 -.78 .218 -1.20 .267 -.152 .272 -2.80 .124 -.179 .287
C Clemson L 10-42 10-35 .42 .680 -1.04 .150 -2.08 .148 -.301 .122 -4.52 .041 -.250 .208
B Stanford L 13-14 13-14 .34 .651 -.04 .486 -.19 .459 .151 .725 .74 .627 .152 .681

Purdue 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Northwestern L 27-31 27-31 .14 .557 -.15 .427 -.46 .402 .033 .551 .88 .650 .044 .547
2 Eastern Michigan L 19-20 19-20 -.28 .367 -.04 .490 .04 .511 .081 .626 1.01 .673 .109 .635
3 Missouri L 37-40 37-40 .77 .808 -.13 .446 -.25 .449 -.050 .418 1.35 .719 -.083 .399
4 Boston College W 30-13 30-7 1.14 .902 .96 .835 1.92 .835 .393 .926 3.48 .916 .417 .905
5 Nebraska W 42-28 42-28 .59 .746 .50 .720 1.00 .707 .095 .648 .03 .505 .143 .674
7 Illinois W 46-7 39-7 1.04 .883 1.60 .942 3.20 .946 .474 .960 4.13 .940 .500 .946
8 Ohio State W 49-20 42-20 1.74 .968 .92 .817 1.83 .821 .036 .557 1.85 .782 .083 .600
9 Michigan State L 13-23 13-23 -.06 .473 -.40 .308 -1.09 .281 -.183 .235 .26 .558 -.161 .305
10 Iowa W 38-36 38-36 .85 .830 .09 .535 .18 .539 .031 .548 1.34 .716 .000 .516
11 Minnesota L 10-41 3-34 -1.31 .076 -1.55 .065 -2.70 .084 -.394 .073 -4.36 .049 -.456 .073
12 Wisconsin L 44-47 44-47 .26 .614 -.09 .466 -.32 .433 -.038 .440 -.43 .418 -.143 .330
13 Indiana W 28-21 28-21 .49 .710 .30 .655 .80 .670 .040 .562 .72 .624 .030 .538
B Auburn L 14-63 7-56 -2.23 .008 -3.06 .002 -6.13 .003 -.716 .003 -8.23 .003 -.875 .004

Rice 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Houston L 27-45 27-45 -.73 .207 -.64 .253 -1.53 .222 -.204 .209 -3.76 .071 -.044 .451
2 Hawaii L 29-43 29-43 -1.12 .110 -.56 .269 -1.34 .248 -.013 .484 -1.66 .245 -.115 .359
4 Southern Mississippi L 22-40 15-34 -1.26 .084 -.95 .176 -1.90 .174 -.353 .091 -3.82 .069 -.400 .103
5 Wake Forest L 24-56 24-56 -1.34 .067 -1.28 .097 -2.35 .115 -.300 .123 -2.49 .146 -.215 .235
6 UTSA L 3-20 3-20 -1.79 .023 -.71 .240 -1.42 .238 .017 .521 .66 .618 -.250 .208
7 UAB L 0-42 0-42 -1.74 .026 -1.68 .051 -3.18 .054 -.386 .076 -6.71 .013 -.469 .067
8 Florida International L 17-36 17-36 -1.34 .071 -1.12 .129 -2.61 .095 -.374 .080 -1.99 .198 -.542 .048
9 North Texas L 17-41 17-34 -.87 .160 -.74 .229 -1.98 .159 -.424 .058 -5.13 .027 -.450 .078
10 UTEP L 26-34 26-34 -1.43 .056 -.30 .352 -.62 .364 -.054 .411 -.04 .490 -.077 .414
11 Louisiana Tech L 13-28 13-28 -1.09 .117 -.60 .262 -1.33 .250 -.152 .273 -.83 .360 -.026 .471
12 LSU L 10-42 3-35 -1.34 .068 -2.29 .015 -4.57 .016 -.596 .014 -5.52 .020 -.429 .090
13 Old Dominion W 27-13 27-13 -.30 .357 .54 .725 1.08 .715 .085 .637 1.78 .772 .077 .590

Rutgers 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Texas State W 35-7 35-7 .20 .587 1.17 .882 2.80 .926 .417 .938 3.45 .913 .309 .847
2 Ohio State L 3-52 3-45 -1.51 .047 -2.33 .014 -4.67 .015 -.614 .013 -4.90 .033 -.667 .022
3 Kansas L 14-55 14-41 -1.16 .102 -1.00 .163 -1.92 .168 -.341 .102 -2.42 .155 -.559 .038
4 Buffalo L 13-42 13-35 -.75 .201 -.81 .207 -1.76 .192 -.295 .128 -4.54 .040 -.170 .290
5 Indiana L 17-24 17-24 -.25 .381 -.44 .299 -.88 .316 -.155 .267 -.51 .407 -.125 .353
6 Illinois L 17-38 17-38 -1.47 .052 -.91 .185 -1.62 .210 -.184 .231 -2.46 .152 -.220 .231
7 Maryland L 7-34 0-34 -1.46 .054 -1.70 .049 -3.40 .050 -.434 .051 -4.42 .045 -.600 .030
8 Northwestern L 15-18 15-18 .17 .572 -.12 .455 -.23 .454 -.092 .356 -.19 .458 .077 .590
10 Wisconsin L 17-31 10-31 -.65 .230 -1.00 .163 -1.82 .183 -.256 .159 -2.68 .135 -.155 .313
11 Michigan L 7-42 7-35 -.84 .170 -1.75 .045 -3.50 .045 -.396 .071 -.51 .409 -.500 .060
12 Penn State L 7-20 7-20 .11 .541 -.54 .274 -1.08 .284 -.204 .207 -1.28 .290 -.250 .208
13 Michigan State L 10-14 10-14 .19 .582 -.15 .423 -.24 .451 -.080 .374 .23 .549 .013 .519

San Diego State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Stanford L 10-31 10-31 -.61 .245 -1.00 .163 -1.75 .199 -.258 .157 -2.56 .141 -.232 .215
3 Arizona State W 28-21 28-21 .54 .722 .32 .662 .64 .644 .073 .616 -.53 .402 .182 .728
4 Eastern Michigan W 23-20 23-20 -.10 .449 .14 .571 .22 .545 .053 .587 1.02 .674 .156 .691
6 Boise State W 19-13 19-13 .67 .778 .19 .600 .54 .619 .068 .608 1.68 .760 .161 .694
7 Air Force W 21-17 21-17 .06 .522 .15 .579 -.15 .470 .020 .527 1.57 .744 .019 .527
8 San Jose State W 16-13 16-13 -.47 .297 .17 .586 .33 .571 -.049 .422 .44 .582 .111 .637
9 Nevada L 24-28 24-28 -.29 .364 -.13 .442 -.16 .466 .124 .689 1.32 .713 -.048 .444
10 New Mexico W 31-23 31-23 -.45 .302 .29 .641 .98 .698 .198 .784 3.04 .898 .126 .652
11 UNLV L 24-27 24-27 -.79 .190 -.13 .446 -.25 .449 -.029 .457 -1.06 .323 .000 .516
12 Fresno State L 14-23 14-23 .28 .623 -.41 .306 -.82 .326 -.182 .236 -.16 .466 -.182 .282
13 Hawaii L 30-31 30-31 -.60 .253 -.04 .492 -.18 .462 -.060 .403 -1.89 .210 .053 .561
B Ohio L 0-27 0-27 -1.69 .033 -2.08 .023 -3.86 .032 -.504 .028 -3.15 .098 -.714 .014

San Jose State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Washington State L 0-31 0-31 -.92 .144 -1.48 .069 -2.82 .073 -.536 .021 -4.14 .058 -.545 .046
3 Oregon L 22-35 22-35 -.24 .383 -.43 .301 -.87 .319 -.143 .282 -.61 .389 -.067 .427
5 Hawaii L 41-44 41-44 -.65 .227 -.09 .464 .00 .506 .030 .545 .59 .609 .091 .614
6 Colorado State L 30-42 30-42 -1.05 .122 -.35 .324 -.42 .407 -.004 .495 -1.49 .262 -.077 .408
7 Army L 3-52 3-38 -1.82 .022 -2.33 .014 -4.32 .019 -.525 .025 -2.34 .164 -.607 .028
8 San Diego State L 13-16 13-16 -.38 .323 -.17 .416 -.33 .431 .049 .578 -.44 .417 -.111 .364
9 UNLV W 50-37 50-31 .04 .516 .70 .759 1.28 .745 .116 .676 .11 .521 .282 .823
10 Wyoming L 9-24 9-24 -.77 .198 -.68 .245 -1.36 .246 -.385 .077 -2.70 .131 -.273 .187
11 Utah State L 24-62 17-59 -1.11 .113 -1.68 .051 -3.63 .039 -.498 .030 -5.60 .019 -.587 .031
12 Nevada L 12-21 12-21 -.53 .277 -.38 .316 -.75 .339 -.281 .139 -2.26 .167 -.167 .301
13 Fresno State L 13-31 7-24 -.02 .493 -.71 .240 -1.42 .238 -.198 .216 -2.50 .145 -.333 .147

SMU 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 North Texas L 23-46 0-36 -2.13 .010 -2.00 .028 -3.63 .040 -.639 .008 -4.36 .049 -.750 .011
2 TCU L 12-42 12-42 -.84 .174 -1.07 .139 -1.45 .231 -.349 .095 -3.14 .099 -.274 .180
3 Michigan L 20-45 20-38 -.09 .451 -1.00 .163 -1.65 .207 -.216 .196 -1.89 .212 -.292 .169
4 Navy W 31-30 31-30 -.58 .256 .04 .512 -.35 .424 .172 .754 .18 .538 .061 .568
6 UCF L 20-48 13-41 -.62 .243 -1.27 .099 -2.43 .109 -.157 .264 -1.98 .200 -.336 .139
8 Tulane W 27-23 27-23 -.19 .404 .13 .556 .73 .659 .034 .554 .25 .556 .067 .576
9 Cincinnati L 20-26 20-26 .12 .552 -.19 .400 .10 .522 -.083 .366 -.08 .483 .090 .606
10 Houston W 45-31 45-31 .40 .673 .48 .711 1.15 .725 .132 .703 1.32 .714 .159 .692
11 Connecticut W 62-50 62-44 -.84 .172 .72 .767 1.78 .812 .116 .677 2.45 .847 .141 .668
12 Memphis L 18-28 18-28 -.36 .331 -.38 .313 -.77 .334 .029 .540 -1.01 .329 -.154 .317
13 Tulsa L 24-27 24-27 -.67 .222 -.12 .451 -.83 .326 -.100 .345 -.69 .380 -.250 .208

South Alabama 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Louisiana Tech L 26-30 26-30 -.64 .233 -.15 .423 -.50 .394 -.126 .307 -.90 .345 -.109 .365
2 Oklahoma State L 13-55 13-48 -.90 .151 -1.35 .084 -2.42 .110 -.430 .054 -4.23 .054 -.429 .089
3 Texas State W 41-31 41-31 -.66 .225 .30 .650 .49 .604 .022 .530 1.27 .709 .054 .562
4 Memphis L 35-52 35-52 -.65 .229 -.68 .245 -1.08 .284 -.137 .290 -.83 .359 -.276 .179
5 Appalachian State L 7-52 7-42 -1.54 .044 -1.84 .039 -3.97 .028 -.341 .101 -3.54 .081 -.467 .069
6 Georgia Southern L 13-48 13-41 -1.36 .067 -1.33 .087 -2.92 .066 -.401 .067 -3.57 .079 -.427 .093
9 Troy L 17-38 17-38 -1.10 .113 -.95 .172 -2.25 .124 -.136 .291 -3.19 .097 -.236 .213
10 Arkansas State L 14-38 7-38 -1.51 .046 -1.35 .083 -2.53 .103 -.431 .054 -3.48 .084 -.492 .062
11 UL Monroe L 10-38 10-38 -2.22 .009 -1.56 .063 -3.64 .038 -.530 .023 -4.18 .055 -.417 .098
12 Louisiana L 38-48 31-48 -1.27 .082 -.77 .222 -1.26 .260 -.181 .238 -3.46 .085 -.227 .223
13 Coastal Carolina W 31-28 31-28 -.78 .194 .13 .557 .48 .602 .218 .806 1.83 .780 .212 .758

South Carolina 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Coastal Carolina W 49-15 42-6 1.86 .976 2.77 .995 5.00 .992 .490 .965 3.47 .915 .524 .950
2 Georgia L 17-41 10-41 -.14 .429 -1.63 .057 -2.67 .088 -.292 .131 -3.61 .076 -.444 .086
4 Vanderbilt W 37-14 37-14 1.35 .928 .92 .818 1.68 .795 .345 .902 3.17 .902 .372 .883
5 Kentucky L 10-24 10-24 .04 .517 -.64 .257 -1.27 .258 -.063 .400 .24 .551 -.182 .282
6 Missouri W 37-35 37-35 .96 .861 .06 .523 -.04 .490 -.048 .423 -1.01 .327 -.134 .337
7 Texas A&M L 23-26 23-26 .74 .800 -.14 .440 -.06 .486 -.107 .335 -.25 .445 -.336 .139
9 Tennessee W 27-24 27-24 .35 .653 .18 .591 .71 .653 .131 .702 2.86 .878 .181 .714
10 Ole Miss W 48-44 48-44 .46 .695 .15 .573 .27 .558 -.028 .462 1.64 .751 .012 .518
11 Florida L 31-35 31-35 .73 .799 -.19 .404 -1.07 .288 -.232 .178 -.20 .455 -.212 .244
13 Clemson L 35-56 35-56 .55 .726 -.91 .185 -1.48 .229 -.156 .266 -.50 .410 -.295 .165
14 Akron W 28-3 28-3 .33 .646 .93 .819 1.54 .778 .334 .895 3.20 .903 .107 .633
B Virginia L 0-28 0-21 -.81 .182 -1.11 .131 -2.33 .119 -.245 .167 -.83 .361 -.344 .133

South Florida 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Georgia Tech W 49-38 49-38 .53 .720 .44 .702 .58 .623 .075 .619 -1.79 .225 .038 .544
3 Illinois W 25-19 25-19 -.34 .340 .22 .612 .57 .620 .184 .767 1.96 .795 .104 .631
4 East Carolina W 20-13 20-13 -.45 .302 .26 .629 .61 .633 -.116 .322 1.81 .778 .016 .521
6 Massachusetts W 58-42 58-35 -.27 .375 .72 .766 .90 .688 .152 .728 2.98 .890 .243 .791
7 Tulsa W 25-24 25-24 -.51 .279 .04 .507 -.06 .487 .168 .749 1.16 .692 .049 .558
8 Connecticut W 38-30 38-30 -1.25 .085 .31 .656 .62 .636 .108 .665 2.86 .879 .154 .686
9 Houston L 36-57 36-57 -.92 .146 -.84 .203 -1.40 .240 -.106 .337 -2.89 .115 -.115 .359
10 Tulane L 15-41 15-34 -1.05 .121 -.73 .231 -1.37 .244 -.092 .356 -1.78 .227 -.288 .170
11 Cincinnati L 23-35 23-35 -.13 .436 -.44 .297 -1.27 .255 -.209 .202 -1.21 .299 -.214 .240
12 Temple L 17-27 17-27 -.17 .413 -.31 .342 .13 .528 -.151 .273 -.98 .334 -.108 .366
13 UCF L 10-38 10-31 -.15 .421 -.81 .211 -1.62 .212 -.153 .270 -2.23 .170 -.231 .219
B Marshall L 20-38 20-38 -1.00 .131 -.82 .206 -1.64 .209 -.193 .220 -.64 .383 -.182 .282

Southern Mississippi 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 UL Monroe L 20-21 20-21 -.70 .212 -.04 .497 .35 .575 .033 .552 -.53 .403 .198 .738
4 Rice W 40-22 34-15 -.22 .392 .95 .825 1.90 .826 .353 .909 3.82 .931 .400 .900
5 Auburn L 13-24 13-24 .45 .691 -.38 .314 -.85 .322 -.094 .353 -.48 .415 -.157 .308
7 North Texas L 7-30 7-30 -1.05 .120 -.92 .182 -1.72 .201 -.081 .372 -.85 .356 -.218 .234
8 UTSA W 27-17 27-17 -.70 .214 .38 .689 1.24 .738 .231 .821 2.37 .839 .218 .766
9 Charlotte L 17-20 17-20 -.79 .189 -.14 .433 .10 .524 .244 .831 1.74 .764 .030 .538
10 Marshall W 26-24 26-24 -.11 .446 .08 .527 .17 .535 -.081 .370 -1.13 .313 .083 .600
11 UAB L 23-26 23-26 -.16 .418 -.10 .461 .00 .506 -.123 .313 -1.80 .224 -.071 .418
12 Louisiana Tech W 21-20 21-20 -.43 .308 .06 .521 .40 .590 -.079 .377 -.35 .436 -.181 .286
13 UTEP W 39-7 33-0 .44 .685 1.57 .940 2.70 .918 .324 .891 2.04 .806 .300 .843

Stanford 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 San Diego State W 31-10 31-10 .79 .815 1.00 .846 1.75 .801 .258 .843 2.56 .859 .232 .784
2 USC W 17-3 17-3 .69 .782 .64 .745 1.27 .744 -.002 .496 .88 .648 .091 .614
4 Oregon W 38-31 38-31 .49 .711 .30 .655 -.70 .348 -.167 .251 .87 .646 -.100 .380
5 Notre Dame L 17-38 17-38 -.13 .434 -.88 .196 -1.75 .198 -.322 .111 -1.66 .246 -.333 .147
6 Utah L 21-40 21-40 -.54 .273 -1.00 .163 -1.33 .250 .004 .506 -.04 .488 -.444 .086
8 Arizona State W 20-13 20-13 .51 .715 .29 .646 .58 .628 -.041 .435 -1.24 .293 .083 .600
9 Washington State L 38-41 38-41 .41 .679 -.14 .440 -.27 .446 .031 .550 .04 .512 -.091 .392
10 Washington L 23-27 23-27 .45 .690 -.17 .412 -.54 .386 .100 .653 1.80 .775 -.121 .356
11 Oregon State W 48-17 48-17 1.01 .874 1.63 .945 3.63 .961 .358 .912 2.40 .844 .378 .888
13 UCLA W 49-42 49-42 .12 .550 .23 .618 .78 .667 -.010 .486 .38 .569 .033 .540
14 California W 23-13 23-6 .71 .791 .74 .772 1.37 .756 .007 .509 .36 .565 .144 .676
B Pittsburgh W 14-13 14-13 .25 .605 .04 .516 .19 .541 -.151 .274 -.74 .372 -.152 .319

Syracuse 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Western Michigan W 55-42 55-35 .12 .549 .71 .765 1.43 .766 .135 .707 -1.92 .208 .214 .764
3 Florida State W 30-7 30-7 .72 .795 .88 .810 1.77 .810 .343 .900 1.27 .708 .462 .929
4 Connecticut W 51-21 48-21 -.56 .264 1.00 .846 1.92 .835 .371 .917 2.48 .850 .369 .883
5 Clemson L 23-27 23-27 1.32 .925 -.14 .433 -.43 .405 -.164 .255 -1.26 .293 -.104 .371
6 Pittsburgh L 37-44 37-44 -.02 .491 -.23 .387 .50 .609 .008 .510 -1.21 .299 .071 .585
8 North Carolina W 40-37 40-37 -.15 .420 .08 .528 .34 .572 -.028 .461 .64 .616 -.022 .472
9 NC State W 51-41 51-41 .74 .801 .36 .676 .71 .654 .126 .693 -.15 .467 .143 .674
10 Wake Forest W 41-24 41-24 .52 .716 .59 .736 1.33 .749 .123 .687 -.26 .442 .233 .786
11 Louisville W 54-23 51-14 .45 .690 1.32 .911 2.92 .935 .416 .937 2.40 .843 .478 .935
12 Notre Dame L 3-36 0-29 -.63 .236 -1.38 .080 -2.90 .069 -.468 .041 -3.27 .093 -.600 .030
13 Boston College W 42-21 42-21 1.02 .878 .84 .797 1.75 .805 .221 .811 1.50 .738 .250 .801
B West Virginia W 34-18 34-18 1.33 .926 .57 .733 1.14 .725 -.027 .464 -.18 .460 .071 .581

TCU 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 SMU W 42-12 42-12 .61 .755 1.07 .860 1.45 .769 .349 .905 3.14 .900 .274 .819
3 Ohio State L 28-40 28-40 .40 .672 -.43 .302 -.17 .466 -.133 .293 .15 .531 -.143 .330
4 Texas L 16-31 16-31 .05 .519 -.56 .271 -1.24 .262 -.030 .455 .26 .556 -.181 .283
5 Iowa State W 17-14 17-14 .66 .775 .15 .575 -.29 .438 .149 .723 .17 .536 .022 .528
7 Texas Tech L 14-17 14-17 .18 .578 -.12 .451 -.34 .427 .047 .574 .24 .554 -.019 .475
8 Oklahoma L 27-52 27-45 .28 .624 -.78 .216 -2.27 .124 -.290 .132 -3.04 .102 -.182 .282
9 Kansas L 26-27 26-27 -.21 .396 -.05 .481 -.10 .477 .227 .817 2.65 .864 -.100 .380
10 Kansas State W 14-13 14-13 .23 .598 .04 .512 .19 .541 -.047 .426 1.08 .679 .015 .520
11 West Virginia L 10-47 10-40 -.44 .305 -1.20 .113 -2.79 .076 -.417 .062 -3.50 .082 -.379 .111
12 Baylor W 16-9 16-9 .36 .660 .29 .646 .58 .628 .027 .535 .63 .612 .083 .600
13 Oklahoma State W 31-24 31-24 .68 .782 .24 .620 .25 .549 .280 .858 2.74 .871 .195 .736
B California W 10-7 10-7 .07 .529 .10 .540 .00 .506 -.008 .488 -.54 .401 .071 .581

Temple 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Buffalo L 29-36 29-36 -.22 .394 -.28 .361 -1.25 .261 -.174 .244 -.01 .497 -.167 .301
3 Maryland W 35-14 35-14 1.05 .885 .81 .791 2.33 .883 .270 .853 1.63 .749 .333 .860
4 Tulsa W 31-17 31-17 .01 .504 .56 .731 .39 .588 .000 .501 1.64 .751 .092 .615
5 Boston College L 35-45 35-45 -.16 .419 -.33 .335 -1.21 .266 -.048 .424 1.11 .683 -.214 .240
6 East Carolina W 49-6 42-6 .79 .817 1.50 .931 2.68 .914 .267 .849 2.70 .865 .288 .828
7 Navy W 24-17 24-17 -.26 .379 .37 .682 .97 .697 .303 .881 1.78 .769 .256 .806
8 Cincinnati W 24-17 24-17 .53 .720 .21 .604 .00 .506 -.028 .462 -.15 .470 -.200 .259
10 UCF L 40-52 40-52 .23 .595 -.43 .302 -.86 .320 -.109 .334 -2.46 .151 -.071 .418
11 Houston W 59-49 59-49 .24 .601 .32 .664 1.48 .770 .105 .659 .79 .632 .255 .803
12 South Florida W 27-17 27-17 -.14 .427 .31 .657 -.13 .472 .151 .726 .98 .666 .108 .633
13 Connecticut W 57-7 47-7 .44 .687 2.00 .974 3.55 .957 .539 .979 7.37 .993 .650 .976
B Duke L 27-56 27-56 -.84 .170 -1.07 .139 -2.69 .084 -.332 .106 -3.24 .094 -.385 .108

Tennessee 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 West Virginia L 14-40 14-33 -.29 .359 -1.06 .142 -2.11 .144 -.286 .134 -3.82 .069 -.444 .086
3 UTEP W 24-0 24-0 -.09 .450 1.04 .853 2.40 .889 .471 .959 4.56 .961 .400 .900
4 Florida L 21-47 13-40 -.12 .444 -1.04 .152 -2.01 .155 -.029 .457 -2.11 .185 -.212 .245
5 Georgia L 12-38 12-31 .44 .686 -1.06 .142 -2.11 .144 -.264 .155 -.62 .389 -.333 .147
7 Auburn W 30-24 30-24 1.08 .891 .25 .625 .09 .520 .046 .573 .02 .505 .129 .659
8 Alabama L 21-58 14-51 -.18 .409 -2.06 .023 -4.11 .024 -.414 .063 -4.07 .061 -.444 .086
9 South Carolina L 24-27 24-27 .35 .655 -.18 .408 -.71 .347 -.131 .297 -2.86 .122 -.181 .286
10 Charlotte W 14-3 14-3 -.13 .437 .52 .722 .51 .609 .050 .582 .69 .619 .131 .659
11 Kentucky W 24-7 24-7 1.38 .933 .71 .764 1.42 .764 .139 .712 3.73 .928 .083 .600
12 Missouri L 17-50 17-43 -.29 .361 -1.18 .115 -2.05 .151 -.399 .069 -1.19 .302 -.427 .093
13 Vanderbilt L 13-38 13-31 -.52 .278 -.95 .177 -2.14 .139 -.302 .120 -.40 .422 -.467 .069

Texas 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Maryland L 29-34 29-34 .08 .534 -.16 .417 -.45 .403 -.127 .304 -.63 .385 -.150 .320
2 Tulsa W 28-21 28-21 -.25 .382 .30 .655 .80 .670 .081 .628 .88 .652 -.136 .336
3 USC W 37-14 37-14 1.09 .894 1.05 .854 1.73 .799 .182 .762 -.05 .487 .327 .852
4 TCU W 31-16 31-16 .79 .815 .56 .729 1.24 .737 .030 .544 -.26 .443 .181 .716
5 Kansas State W 19-14 19-14 .48 .707 .29 .646 .10 .522 .074 .618 .53 .598 .206 .753
6 Oklahoma W 48-45 48-45 1.19 .907 .12 .552 .54 .615 .049 .578 -2.33 .166 .128 .657
7 Baylor W 23-17 23-17 .31 .639 .25 .625 .50 .609 .133 .705 .91 .657 .333 .860
9 Oklahoma State L 35-38 35-38 .32 .644 -.12 .451 -.47 .398 -.193 .222 -.81 .363 -.282 .177
10 West Virginia L 41-42 41-42 .71 .792 -.05 .481 -.10 .476 .067 .604 -.12 .476 .000 .516
11 Texas Tech W 41-34 41-34 .61 .753 .30 .655 1.27 .740 -.031 .452 -1.20 .301 .200 .749
12 Iowa State W 24-10 24-10 1.15 .903 .64 .745 1.27 .744 .265 .848 2.75 .872 .182 .728
13 Kansas W 24-17 24-17 .13 .555 .29 .646 .77 .665 .105 .660 .82 .638 .114 .639
C Oklahoma L 27-39 27-39 .47 .701 -.60 .262 -1.20 .267 -.199 .213 -1.54 .259 -.300 .163
B Georgia W 28-21 28-21 1.81 .973 .32 .662 .64 .644 .123 .687 -.18 .459 .273 .819

Texas A&M 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Clemson L 26-28 26-28 1.39 .934 -.07 .475 -.30 .438 .087 .639 .08 .515 .192 .735
3 UL Monroe W 48-10 41-10 1.06 .886 1.72 .953 3.14 .944 .281 .859 .73 .625 .417 .905
4 Alabama L 23-45 16-45 .56 .729 -1.32 .090 -2.64 .091 -.286 .135 -4.15 .058 -.273 .187
5 Arkansas W 24-17 24-17 .01 .503 .29 .646 .13 .527 .268 .851 .88 .651 .205 .752
6 Kentucky W 20-14 20-14 .91 .849 .23 .616 .53 .612 .213 .801 1.84 .781 .159 .693
7 South Carolina W 26-23 26-23 .66 .775 .14 .565 .06 .513 .107 .664 .25 .554 .336 .865
9 Mississippi State L 13-28 13-28 .30 .632 -.79 .214 -1.81 .183 -.063 .398 -2.87 .119 -.044 .450
10 Auburn L 24-28 24-28 .67 .779 -.16 .418 -.49 .397 .143 .716 -.43 .420 .051 .560
11 Ole Miss W 38-24 38-24 .87 .835 .56 .731 1.75 .805 .124 .690 -.11 .477 .167 .708
12 UAB W 41-20 34-7 1.44 .940 1.50 .931 2.50 .895 .237 .824 2.99 .891 .250 .801
13 LSU W 74-72 74-72 1.00 .873 .05 .521 .18 .540 -.041 .435 -.38 .429 -.083 .406
B NC State W 52-13 42-13 1.60 .956 1.21 .889 2.42 .890 .287 .866 5.41 .978 .250 .801

Texas State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Rutgers L 7-35 7-35 -1.75 .025 -1.17 .120 -2.80 .075 -.417 .061 -3.45 .086 -.309 .153
3 South Alabama L 31-41 31-41 -1.38 .064 -.30 .349 -.49 .395 -.022 .470 -1.27 .291 -.054 .438
4 UTSA L 21-25 21-25 -1.22 .091 -.14 .433 .23 .547 -.043 .433 .99 .666 .000 .516
6 Louisiana L 27-42 27-42 -1.15 .104 -.65 .251 -1.57 .216 -.170 .248 -1.43 .273 -.212 .244
7 Georgia Southern L 13-15 13-15 -.10 .448 -.08 .473 -.08 .481 .036 .556 .82 .637 -.064 .428
8 UL Monroe L 14-20 14-20 -.95 .137 -.29 .360 -.73 .343 -.049 .420 -.73 .375 -.127 .347
9 New Mexico State W 27-20 27-20 -.80 .183 .26 .629 1.08 .715 -.085 .363 .57 .604 .077 .590
10 Georgia State W 40-31 40-31 -.82 .176 .36 .678 .75 .663 .081 .629 2.37 .839 .167 .708
11 Appalachian State L 7-38 7-31 -1.03 .126 -1.33 .087 -2.67 .088 -.087 .361 -2.51 .143 -.444 .086
12 Troy L 7-12 7-12 -.34 .339 -.19 .403 -.38 .414 .046 .571 1.98 .799 -.231 .219
13 Arkansas State L 7-33 7-30 -1.12 .109 -.96 .166 -1.49 .227 -.163 .256 -2.00 .198 -.106 .368

Texas Tech 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Ole Miss L 27-47 27-44 -.40 .315 -.71 .240 -1.11 .277 -.170 .247 -4.16 .057 -.220 .231
3 Houston W 63-49 63-49 .34 .650 .42 .696 .88 .684 .067 .606 -.23 .449 .125 .650
4 Oklahoma State W 41-17 34-17 1.18 .907 .74 .772 1.55 .782 .285 .864 .80 .635 .273 .819
5 West Virginia L 34-42 34-42 .47 .702 -.30 .352 -.49 .396 -.073 .383 -1.50 .261 -.071 .418
7 TCU W 17-14 17-14 .36 .659 .12 .552 .34 .573 -.047 .425 -.24 .446 .019 .527
8 Kansas W 48-16 34-9 .88 .841 1.04 .850 2.08 .852 .159 .739 1.62 .747 .333 .860
9 Iowa State L 31-40 31-40 .22 .593 -.29 .358 -1.14 .275 -.076 .380 -1.41 .275 -.214 .240
10 Oklahoma L 46-51 46-51 .87 .838 -.19 .403 -.38 .414 -.052 .415 -1.97 .201 .077 .591
11 Texas L 34-41 34-41 .30 .633 -.30 .348 -1.27 .259 .031 .547 1.20 .698 -.200 .259
12 Kansas State L 6-21 6-21 -.49 .287 -.68 .245 -1.36 .246 -.350 .093 -2.05 .192 -.273 .187
13 Baylor L 24-35 24-35 -.49 .291 -.55 .272 -1.10 .280 -.101 .343 -.94 .338 .000 .516

Toledo 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
3 Miami L 24-49 24-49 -.82 .177 -1.14 .125 -2.27 .124 -.248 .164 -.88 .350 -.182 .282
4 Nevada W 63-44 63-44 .42 .681 .58 .733 1.18 .730 .140 .714 .39 .572 .145 .677
5 Fresno State L 27-49 13-49 -1.11 .112 -1.80 .040 -3.37 .051 -.500 .029 -5.05 .028 -.478 .065
6 Bowling Green W 52-36 45-28 -.17 .416 .74 .772 1.76 .806 .316 .887 .24 .552 .311 .848
7 Eastern Michigan L 26-28 26-28 -.33 .343 -.09 .470 -.38 .416 .020 .525 -2.12 .184 -.038 .458
8 Buffalo L 17-31 17-31 -.38 .324 -.44 .299 -.80 .328 -.241 .170 .39 .574 -.238 .210
9 Western Michigan W 51-24 51-24 .58 .739 1.17 .883 2.07 .850 .186 .771 1.00 .669 .386 .895
10 Ball State W 45-13 38-13 .29 .625 1.04 .850 1.73 .800 .192 .777 3.00 .894 .288 .828
11 Northern Illinois L 15-38 15-38 -1.20 .098 -.96 .166 -1.57 .216 -.063 .400 -1.72 .238 -.121 .356
12 Kent State W 56-34 56-34 -.14 .429 .79 .785 1.07 .712 .183 .765 1.72 .763 .071 .585
13 Central Michigan W 51-13 44-0 .63 .761 1.47 .929 2.85 .927 .458 .954 4.26 .946 .462 .929
B Florida International L 32-35 32-35 -.35 .333 -.14 .440 -.59 .370 -.013 .483 -1.11 .315 -.045 .448

Troy 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Boise State L 20-56 20-49 -.64 .234 -1.12 .130 -1.96 .161 -.240 .173 -2.15 .181 -.292 .166
3 Nebraska W 24-19 24-19 .28 .624 .19 .598 .08 .519 -.110 .332 -.52 .406 -.112 .361
4 UL Monroe W 35-27 35-27 -.32 .348 .35 .673 .93 .692 .094 .646 2.04 .806 .212 .758
5 Coastal Carolina W 45-21 45-21 .18 .576 1.09 .866 1.89 .825 .292 .868 5.12 .972 .427 .909
6 Georgia State W 37-20 30-12 -.23 .387 .95 .823 2.11 .858 .164 .745 1.27 .707 .144 .676
7 Liberty L 16-22 16-22 -.95 .137 -.21 .395 -.34 .426 -.057 .407 -.74 .373 .093 .618
9 South Alabama W 38-17 38-17 -.13 .437 .95 .832 2.25 .875 .136 .709 3.19 .903 .236 .789
10 Louisiana W 26-16 26-16 -.05 .479 .45 .707 .91 .690 .101 .655 2.39 .843 .182 .728
11 Georgia Southern W 35-21 35-21 .61 .756 .64 .745 1.27 .744 .258 .841 1.47 .732 .455 .926
12 Texas State W 12-7 12-7 -.77 .197 .19 .598 .38 .587 -.046 .429 -1.98 .201 .231 .784
13 Appalachian State L 10-21 10-21 -.10 .446 -.41 .307 -.90 .311 -.054 .411 -.20 .457 -.093 .383
B Buffalo W 42-32 42-32 .45 .689 .38 .689 .96 .695 .118 .679 .14 .529 .007 .517

Tulane 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Wake Forest L 17-23 17-23 -.29 .363 -.22 .389 .11 .525 .017 .520 -.03 .494 -.058 .433
3 UAB L 24-31 24-31 -.36 .332 -.29 .358 -.18 .462 -.104 .341 .49 .587 -.030 .465
4 Ohio State L 6-49 6-42 -1.57 .041 -2.40 .010 -5.25 .006 -.705 .004 -5.65 .017 -.732 .012
5 Memphis W 40-24 40-14 1.40 .935 1.37 .918 2.47 .893 .384 .922 1.47 .734 .378 .888
6 Cincinnati L 21-37 21-37 -.18 .409 -.50 .287 -1.15 .273 -.223 .187 -2.45 .153 -.213 .241
8 SMU L 23-27 23-27 -.59 .255 -.13 .443 -.73 .341 -.034 .446 -.25 .444 -.067 .427
9 Tulsa W 24-17 24-17 -.25 .382 .30 .655 .77 .665 .105 .661 .11 .521 .030 .538
10 South Florida W 41-15 34-15 .27 .621 .73 .769 1.37 .755 .092 .643 1.78 .773 .288 .830
11 East Carolina W 24-18 24-18 -.55 .267 .15 .579 .36 .578 .038 .559 1.99 .801 .061 .567
12 Houston L 17-48 17-48 -1.28 .081 -1.19 .113 -2.38 .112 -.254 .161 -.75 .370 -.385 .108
13 Navy W 29-28 29-28 -.58 .256 .04 .516 .30 .563 .131 .701 2.06 .809 -.045 .448
B Louisiana W 41-24 41-24 .21 .588 .71 .764 1.42 .764 .357 .911 1.63 .748 .250 .801

Tulsa 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Texas L 21-28 21-28 .30 .633 -.30 .348 -.80 .330 -.081 .371 -.88 .348 .136 .667
3 Arkansas State L 20-29 20-29 -.54 .270 -.38 .316 -.32 .434 -.034 .446 .21 .546 -.030 .465
4 Temple L 17-31 17-31 -.42 .311 -.56 .269 -.39 .411 .000 .499 -1.64 .249 -.092 .384
6 Houston L 26-41 26-41 -.57 .261 -.48 .288 -1.11 .278 -.106 .337 -2.35 .163 -.092 .385
7 South Florida L 24-25 24-25 -.49 .286 -.04 .494 .06 .512 -.168 .250 -1.16 .307 -.049 .442
8 Arkansas L 0-23 0-20 -1.24 .089 -.95 .174 -2.00 .157 -.191 .225 -1.16 .308 -.218 .233
9 Tulane L 17-24 17-24 -.62 .242 -.30 .348 -.77 .335 -.105 .339 -.11 .478 -.030 .465
10 Connecticut W 49-19 49-13 .24 .602 1.80 .960 3.60 .959 .396 .929 2.38 .841 .400 .900
11 Memphis L 21-47 14-47 -1.54 .043 -1.57 .060 -2.60 .097 -.427 .056 -2.54 .141 -.500 .060
12 Navy L 29-37 29-37 -1.10 .115 -.47 .291 -1.38 .243 -.246 .165 -2.56 .140 -.306 .156
13 SMU W 27-24 27-24 -.34 .338 .12 .552 .83 .676 .100 .654 .69 .620 .250 .801

UAB 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Coastal Carolina L 24-47 24-47 -2.06 .014 -1.15 .121 -2.30 .120 -.159 .260 -1.66 .244 -.100 .380
3 Tulane W 31-24 31-24 -.02 .488 .29 .646 .18 .539 .104 .658 -.49 .413 .030 .538
5 Charlotte W 28-7 28-7 .59 .743 1.24 .896 2.24 .873 .157 .735 2.35 .838 .319 .849
6 Louisiana Tech W 28-7 28-7 .29 .628 .78 .783 1.65 .793 .153 .730 1.73 .764 .165 .698
7 Rice W 42-0 42-0 .51 .714 1.68 .949 3.18 .946 .386 .923 6.71 .986 .469 .933
8 North Texas W 29-21 29-21 .21 .591 .35 .673 .87 .682 .023 .531 -.85 .358 .205 .752
9 UTEP W 19-0 19-0 -.19 .405 .95 .825 1.90 .826 .309 .884 2.94 .887 .300 .843
10 UTSA W 52-3 38-3 1.11 .895 2.19 .983 4.38 .983 .451 .953 7.09 .990 .750 .992
11 Southern Mississippi W 26-23 26-23 -.21 .398 .10 .540 .00 .506 .123 .686 1.80 .775 .071 .585
12 Texas A&M L 20-41 7-34 -.62 .240 -1.50 .069 -2.50 .104 -.237 .176 -2.99 .109 -.250 .208
13 Middle Tennessee L 3-27 3-27 -1.27 .083 -1.09 .136 -2.18 .135 -.396 .072 -4.92 .032 -.364 .127
C Middle Tennessee W 27-25 27-25 -.09 .452 .09 .532 .37 .581 -.043 .433 -1.11 .315 -.045 .448
B Northern Illinois W 37-13 37-13 1.09 .893 1.33 .915 2.67 .913 .233 .822 3.65 .925 .444 .919

UCF 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Connecticut W 56-17 42-10 .57 .738 2.13 .980 4.75 .987 .301 .877 3.97 .934 .607 .972
4 Florida Atlantic W 56-36 49-29 .60 .750 .87 .803 2.04 .848 .206 .794 1.40 .723 .220 .771
5 Pittsburgh W 45-14 38-7 2.14 .986 1.94 .968 4.75 .987 .479 .963 4.58 .962 .750 .992
6 SMU W 48-20 41-13 .81 .821 1.27 .902 2.43 .891 .157 .736 1.98 .799 .336 .865
7 Memphis W 31-30 31-30 .06 .524 .04 .505 .07 .517 -.109 .333 .00 .499 -.071 .421
8 East Carolina W 37-10 30-10 .09 .539 .80 .788 1.32 .747 -.070 .388 -1.35 .281 .224 .775
10 Temple W 52-40 52-40 .57 .737 .43 .698 .86 .679 .109 .666 2.46 .848 .071 .585
11 Navy W 35-24 35-17 .66 .774 1.29 .904 2.57 .900 .241 .828 1.85 .783 .286 .826
12 Cincinnati W 38-13 38-13 1.45 .945 1.14 .876 2.75 .921 .103 .657 2.43 .845 .336 .865
13 South Florida W 38-10 31-10 .35 .657 .81 .791 1.62 .788 .153 .729 2.23 .829 .231 .784
C Memphis W 56-41 56-41 .56 .731 .54 .723 1.38 .758 .128 .696 .51 .591 .044 .549
B LSU L 32-40 32-40 .65 .769 -.30 .352 -1.41 .238 -.418 .060 -2.18 .174 -.359 .128

UCLA 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Cincinnati L 17-26 17-26 .01 .503 -.31 .343 -.71 .346 -.044 .431 .80 .634 -.086 .395
2 Oklahoma L 21-49 7-42 -.60 .252 -1.67 .052 -3.12 .056 -.342 .100 -3.19 .097 -.445 .080
3 Fresno State L 14-38 14-38 -.35 .336 -1.04 .148 -2.63 .091 -.317 .111 -.89 .347 -.433 .087
5 Colorado L 16-38 16-38 -1.16 .103 -1.10 .133 -2.20 .131 -.284 .136 -2.08 .187 -.200 .259
6 Washington L 24-31 24-31 .25 .611 -.37 .321 -1.04 .291 -.203 .211 .03 .506 -.056 .437
7 California W 37-7 37-7 1.34 .927 1.36 .918 2.36 .885 .167 .748 1.09 .679 .418 .905
8 Arizona W 31-30 31-30 .03 .512 .04 .505 .07 .517 -.207 .203 -2.17 .177 -.071 .421
9 Utah L 10-41 10-38 -1.09 .116 -1.56 .063 -2.97 .063 -.368 .084 -2.09 .186 -.292 .169
10 Oregon L 21-42 21-42 -.62 .244 -.81 .211 -1.17 .272 -.174 .245 -.78 .369 -.167 .301
11 Arizona State L 28-31 28-31 .08 .532 -.14 .433 -1.00 .299 -.045 .429 .87 .646 -.200 .259
12 USC W 34-27 34-27 .35 .658 .30 .655 1.27 .744 .152 .729 -.14 .472 .091 .614
13 Stanford L 42-49 42-49 .15 .563 -.23 .383 -.78 .332 .010 .514 -.38 .430 -.033 .460

UL Monroe 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Southern Mississippi W 21-20 21-20 -.28 .371 .04 .505 -.35 .424 -.033 .448 .53 .597 -.198 .261
3 Texas A&M L 10-48 10-41 -.85 .168 -1.72 .047 -3.14 .055 -.281 .140 -.73 .374 -.417 .098
4 Troy L 27-35 27-35 -.50 .286 -.35 .327 -.93 .308 -.094 .354 -2.04 .193 -.212 .244
5 Georgia State L 14-46 14-46 -2.57 .001 -1.39 .078 -2.73 .080 -.396 .070 -2.06 .190 -.533 .049
6 Ole Miss L 21-70 7-56 -2.96 .000 -3.27 .001 -6.00 .003 -.475 .038 -7.23 .008 -.857 .005
7 Coastal Carolina W 45-20 38-20 -.05 .475 .86 .801 1.98 .839 .096 .649 2.44 .846 .236 .789
8 Texas State W 20-14 20-14 -.68 .220 .29 .641 .73 .657 .049 .580 .73 .624 .127 .653
10 Georgia Southern W 44-25 44-25 .80 .819 .83 .794 2.56 .900 .343 .900 5.63 .981 .250 .801
11 South Alabama W 38-10 38-10 .48 .705 1.56 .938 3.64 .962 .530 .977 4.18 .944 .417 .905
12 Arkansas State L 17-31 17-31 -.80 .184 -.64 .257 -.85 .321 -.207 .203 -.80 .366 -.227 .223
13 Louisiana L 28-31 28-31 -.64 .234 -.14 .440 -.72 .345 -.050 .417 -.40 .422 -.145 .322

UNLV 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 USC L 21-43 21-43 -.80 .186 -.85 .202 -1.69 .203 -.194 .220 -1.01 .328 -.385 .108
2 UTEP W 52-24 45-17 .14 .558 1.27 .902 2.55 .898 .298 .875 3.22 .904 .364 .880
4 Arkansas State L 20-27 20-27 -.41 .313 -.24 .380 -.50 .394 -.049 .419 -1.10 .317 -.143 .330
6 New Mexico L 14-50 7-43 -2.30 .006 -1.57 .060 -2.88 .071 -.472 .040 -4.02 .064 -.483 .063
7 Utah State L 28-59 21-49 -.43 .308 -1.00 .163 -2.00 .157 -.275 .142 -4.22 .054 -.452 .077
8 Air Force L 35-41 35-41 -.39 .318 -.30 .350 -.60 .367 -.078 .378 -2.46 .150 -.100 .380
9 San Jose State L 37-50 31-50 -1.34 .069 -.70 .242 -1.28 .255 -.116 .323 -.11 .479 -.282 .177
10 Fresno State L 3-48 0-34 -1.10 .114 -1.79 .041 -3.78 .035 -.424 .059 -2.91 .114 -.567 .038
11 San Diego State W 27-24 27-24 -.08 .455 .13 .556 .25 .551 .029 .543 1.06 .677 .000 .516
12 Hawaii L 28-35 28-35 -.83 .175 -.27 .368 -.54 .383 -.099 .347 -2.35 .163 -.154 .317
13 Nevada W 34-29 34-29 .03 .516 .19 .594 .54 .618 -.015 .481 -.12 .475 -.044 .453

USC 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UNLV W 43-21 43-21 .18 .577 .85 .799 1.69 .797 .194 .780 1.01 .672 .385 .894
2 Stanford L 3-17 3-17 -.25 .380 -.64 .257 -1.27 .258 .002 .503 -.88 .351 -.091 .392
3 Texas L 14-37 14-37 -.44 .304 -1.05 .146 -1.73 .200 -.182 .237 .05 .512 -.327 .150
4 Washington State W 39-36 39-36 .69 .784 .14 .565 .27 .555 -.055 .409 1.28 .710 -.091 .392
5 Arizona W 24-20 24-20 .13 .554 .14 .566 .38 .585 .073 .615 .92 .659 .019 .524
7 Colorado W 31-20 31-20 .29 .630 .35 .676 .60 .630 .072 .613 1.97 .797 .120 .642
8 Utah L 28-41 21-41 -.28 .369 -.74 .227 -1.99 .158 -.349 .095 -2.87 .118 -.288 .170
9 Arizona State L 35-38 35-38 .11 .545 -.11 .457 -.43 .405 -.092 .355 -.35 .435 -.192 .266
10 Oregon State W 38-21 38-21 .22 .595 .85 .800 1.70 .798 .162 .741 2.33 .834 .200 .749
11 California L 14-15 14-15 -.07 .467 -.04 .486 -.18 .462 .100 .655 -.12 .475 -.015 .480
12 UCLA L 27-34 27-34 -.42 .312 -.30 .348 -1.27 .258 -.152 .271 .14 .527 -.091 .392
13 Notre Dame L 17-24 17-24 .43 .683 -.32 .341 -.64 .358 -.122 .315 -1.80 .223 -.091 .392

Utah 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Northern Illinois W 17-6 17-6 .15 .564 .39 .691 .40 .592 .158 .738 2.05 .807 .190 .732
3 Washington L 7-21 7-21 .01 .507 -.61 .260 -1.33 .251 -.091 .358 -1.61 .253 -.189 .268
5 Washington State L 24-28 24-28 .37 .664 -.18 .406 -.36 .421 -.082 .369 -1.96 .204 -.091 .392
6 Stanford W 40-21 40-21 1.39 .933 1.00 .846 1.33 .751 -.004 .494 .04 .511 .444 .919
7 Arizona W 42-10 35-10 1.31 .923 1.32 .909 2.89 .930 .172 .753 2.19 .826 .256 .806
8 USC W 41-28 41-21 .79 .814 .74 .773 1.99 .841 .349 .904 2.87 .881 .288 .830
9 UCLA W 41-10 38-10 1.44 .944 1.56 .938 2.97 .937 .368 .916 2.09 .813 .292 .833
10 Arizona State L 20-38 20-38 -.68 .218 -.90 .188 -1.80 .185 -.313 .115 -1.77 .231 -.300 .163
11 Oregon W 32-25 32-25 .46 .696 .27 .635 .54 .617 .085 .635 .39 .574 .231 .784
12 Colorado W 30-7 30-7 .82 .823 .88 .810 1.77 .810 .246 .834 2.87 .880 .462 .929
13 BYU W 35-27 35-27 .32 .643 .30 .649 .62 .637 .054 .589 .20 .543 .169 .709
C Washington L 3-10 3-10 .25 .611 -.37 .321 -.08 .482 -.268 .147 -.32 .439 -.150 .320
B Northwestern L 20-31 20-31 -.06 .472 -.34 .331 -.35 .425 -.021 .472 .28 .560 -.017 .477

Utah State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Michigan State L 31-38 31-38 .02 .511 -.32 .341 -1.05 .289 -.068 .391 -.71 .377 -.236 .213
2 New Mexico State W 60-13 54-13 .45 .693 1.52 .932 2.71 .919 .273 .856 2.74 .870 .442 .913
4 Air Force W 42-32 42-32 .25 .607 .34 .670 1.45 .768 .076 .620 3.95 .932 .104 .631
6 BYU W 45-20 42-13 1.41 .938 1.38 .920 2.71 .918 .149 .723 .28 .559 .283 .824
7 UNLV W 59-28 49-21 .33 .649 1.00 .846 2.00 .844 .275 .857 4.22 .945 .452 .923
8 Wyoming W 24-16 24-16 .18 .575 .27 .631 .15 .529 -.123 .312 -1.12 .313 .019 .524
9 New Mexico W 61-19 55-5 1.35 .929 2.08 .977 3.91 .970 .435 .949 5.96 .984 .636 .975
10 Hawaii W 56-17 49-11 1.44 .942 2.00 .974 4.34 .981 .400 .931 2.50 .856 .689 .983
11 San Jose State W 62-24 59-17 1.04 .884 1.68 .949 3.63 .960 .498 .969 5.60 .981 .587 .968
12 Colorado State W 29-24 29-24 -.48 .292 .22 .608 -.13 .473 -.019 .475 .01 .504 .083 .600
13 Boise State L 24-33 24-33 .12 .548 -.36 .323 -.54 .385 -.112 .328 -.04 .489 -.122 .354
B North Texas W 52-13 45-13 1.01 .875 1.14 .877 2.29 .878 .295 .872 2.89 .884 .357 .871

UTEP 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 UNLV L 24-52 17-45 -1.94 .016 -1.27 .099 -2.55 .102 -.298 .124 -3.22 .095 -.364 .127
3 Tennessee L 0-24 0-24 -.87 .159 -1.04 .148 -2.40 .111 -.471 .041 -4.56 .038 -.400 .103
4 New Mexico State L 20-27 20-27 -1.41 .058 -.35 .326 .38 .583 .065 .602 -.55 .399 .125 .650
5 UTSA L 21-30 21-30 -1.43 .056 -.35 .328 -.75 .339 -.067 .395 .18 .539 -.333 .147
6 North Texas L 24-27 24-27 -.27 .374 -.14 .440 -.27 .444 -.010 .486 .67 .619 .000 .516
8 Louisiana Tech L 24-31 24-31 -.76 .201 -.27 .368 -.15 .470 -.051 .416 -.63 .385 -.026 .471
9 UAB L 0-19 0-19 -1.01 .128 -.95 .176 -1.90 .174 -.309 .115 -2.94 .113 -.300 .163
10 Rice W 34-26 34-26 -.88 .159 .30 .649 .62 .636 .054 .588 .04 .509 .077 .590
11 Middle Tennessee L 32-48 32-48 -.68 .220 -.50 .287 -1.00 .299 -.216 .195 -.90 .343 -.125 .353
12 Western Kentucky L 16-40 16-40 -1.70 .032 -.92 .181 -1.52 .223 -.256 .159 1.77 .768 -.346 .132
13 Southern Mississippi L 7-39 0-33 -1.88 .017 -1.57 .060 -2.70 .084 -.324 .108 -2.04 .194 -.300 .163

UTSA 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Arizona State L 7-49 0-35 -1.72 .028 -1.94 .031 -3.50 .045 -.426 .058 -5.27 .024 -.500 .060
2 Baylor L 20-37 20-37 -.71 .210 -.77 .222 -1.36 .246 -.265 .153 -1.55 .258 -.236 .213
3 Kansas State L 17-41 7-41 -1.70 .032 -1.89 .034 -3.78 .035 -.373 .081 -4.26 .052 -.556 .043
4 Texas State W 25-21 25-21 -.82 .176 .14 .571 -.23 .454 .043 .566 -.99 .333 .000 .516
5 UTEP W 30-21 30-21 -.79 .190 .35 .672 .75 .663 .067 .604 -.18 .460 .333 .860
6 Rice W 20-3 20-3 -.46 .297 .71 .764 1.42 .764 -.017 .479 -.66 .381 .250 .801
7 Louisiana Tech L 3-31 3-24 -1.44 .054 -.95 .172 -1.91 .172 -.079 .376 -.32 .438 -.273 .187
8 Southern Mississippi L 17-27 17-27 -.70 .213 -.38 .313 -1.24 .262 -.231 .179 -2.37 .160 -.218 .234
10 UAB L 3-52 3-38 -2.25 .007 -2.19 .018 -4.38 .018 -.451 .047 -7.09 .010 -.750 .011
11 Florida International L 7-45 0-31 -1.77 .025 -1.55 .065 -3.10 .058 -.364 .085 -2.25 .169 -.500 .060
12 Marshall L 0-23 0-23 -1.14 .106 -.96 .166 -1.92 .167 -.552 .018 -5.37 .023 -.583 .032
13 North Texas L 21-24 21-24 -.29 .360 -.16 .420 -.57 .378 -.200 .212 -1.13 .311 -.044 .450

Vanderbilt 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Middle Tennessee W 35-7 28-7 1.06 .887 1.24 .896 2.22 .871 .120 .682 2.53 .858 .206 .753
2 Nevada W 41-10 34-10 .89 .845 1.04 .853 2.18 .867 .407 .935 2.84 .877 .455 .926
3 Notre Dame L 17-22 17-22 .53 .719 -.22 .394 -.58 .376 .002 .502 .85 .642 -.212 .244
4 South Carolina L 14-37 14-37 -.39 .319 -.92 .182 -1.68 .205 -.345 .098 -3.17 .098 -.372 .116
6 Georgia L 13-41 6-38 -.51 .284 -2.00 .028 -4.00 .027 -.339 .102 -3.46 .085 -.500 .060
7 Florida L 27-37 27-37 .51 .713 -.42 .306 -.83 .326 -.195 .219 -.44 .418 -.083 .399
8 Kentucky L 7-14 7-14 .34 .652 -.33 .335 -.76 .335 -.014 .481 .15 .533 -.118 .358
9 Arkansas W 45-31 45-24 .67 .778 .95 .832 1.91 .831 .159 .738 -.04 .490 .182 .728
11 Missouri L 28-33 28-33 .66 .776 -.23 .386 -.45 .403 -.017 .478 .51 .591 -.182 .282
12 Ole Miss W 36-29 36-29 .57 .735 .26 .629 -.17 .464 -.186 .229 -1.47 .266 -.199 .260
13 Tennessee W 38-13 31-13 1.12 .898 .95 .823 2.14 .861 .302 .879 .40 .577 .467 .932
B Baylor L 38-45 38-45 -.27 .374 -.33 .335 -1.05 .290 -.113 .326 .87 .648 -.164 .304

Virginia 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Indiana L 16-20 16-20 .02 .508 -.17 .412 -.36 .421 -.147 .279 -1.67 .241 -.182 .282
3 Ohio W 45-31 45-28 1.00 .872 .61 .738 1.75 .805 .329 .893 2.98 .889 .381 .891
4 Louisville W 27-3 20-3 .07 .530 .94 .822 1.89 .824 .303 .880 3.37 .910 .444 .919
5 NC State L 21-35 21-35 -.31 .350 -.70 .242 -1.79 .187 -.144 .281 -.53 .403 -.367 .119
7 Miami W 16-13 16-13 .45 .694 .14 .565 .27 .558 -.081 .372 -1.44 .271 .091 .614
8 Duke W 28-14 28-14 .81 .822 .58 .734 1.17 .729 .117 .679 -.24 .446 .417 .905
9 North Carolina W 31-21 31-21 .18 .580 .42 .696 .83 .676 .165 .746 .63 .613 .167 .708
10 Pittsburgh L 13-23 13-23 -.38 .322 -.59 .263 -1.43 .233 -.151 .275 -1.45 .269 -.167 .301
11 Liberty W 45-24 45-24 .31 .637 1.05 .856 1.82 .821 .224 .813 1.66 .757 .167 .708
12 Georgia Tech L 27-30 27-30 -.05 .477 -.14 .433 .65 .644 -.003 .495 1.17 .694 .056 .565
13 Virginia Tech L 31-34 31-34 -.21 .397 -.10 .462 .67 .649 -.029 .459 .13 .526 .027 .533
B South Carolina W 28-0 21-0 1.63 .959 1.11 .869 2.33 .883 .245 .832 .83 .639 .344 .867

Virginia Tech 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida State W 24-3 24-3 .61 .756 .78 .783 1.20 .733 .105 .661 -.39 .424 .107 .633
4 Old Dominion L 35-49 35-49 -1.30 .076 -.47 .292 -.93 .307 -.068 .393 -.73 .374 -.200 .259
5 Duke W 31-14 31-14 1.00 .874 .77 .781 1.55 .782 .121 .683 1.94 .793 .182 .728
6 Notre Dame L 23-45 23-45 -.13 .431 -.88 .193 -1.69 .204 -.091 .358 -1.88 .212 -.007 .483
7 North Carolina W 22-19 22-19 -.12 .442 .12 .548 .23 .547 -.218 .192 -2.18 .176 -.308 .155
9 Georgia Tech L 28-49 21-42 -1.15 .105 -1.24 .106 -2.63 .093 -.354 .089 .56 .603 -.375 .115
10 Boston College L 21-31 21-31 -.17 .416 -.34 .330 -.81 .327 -.081 .373 -.79 .367 -.090 .394
11 Pittsburgh L 22-52 22-45 -1.01 .130 -1.21 .109 -2.80 .075 -.264 .154 -7.06 .010 -.378 .113
12 Miami L 14-38 14-38 -.68 .217 -1.00 .163 -1.65 .209 -.121 .317 -.22 .453 -.205 .249
13 Virginia W 34-31 34-31 .40 .670 .10 .538 -.67 .350 .029 .541 -.13 .473 -.027 .467
14 Marshall W 41-20 34-13 .77 .810 .95 .832 1.91 .831 .155 .733 .90 .655 .364 .880
B Cincinnati L 31-35 31-35 .14 .560 -.17 .412 -.60 .369 -.028 .460 -1.02 .324 .045 .554

Wake Forest 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Tulane W 23-17 23-17 -.09 .449 .22 .612 -.11 .475 -.017 .479 .03 .506 .058 .566
3 Boston College L 34-41 34-41 -.04 .481 -.22 .391 -.93 .307 .013 .516 -3.14 .100 -.067 .427
4 Notre Dame L 27-56 13-49 -.89 .154 -1.64 .054 -3.27 .051 -.350 .094 -4.39 .045 -.182 .282
5 Rice W 56-24 56-24 .11 .543 1.28 .903 2.35 .885 .300 .876 2.49 .853 .215 .765
6 Clemson L 3-63 3-49 -.24 .385 -1.70 .048 -3.27 .052 -.393 .074 -7.29 .008 -.423 .093
8 Florida State L 17-38 10-38 -1.17 .101 -1.00 .163 -2.00 .157 -.255 .160 -3.99 .065 -.357 .130
9 Louisville W 56-35 56-35 .04 .518 .91 .816 1.98 .841 .193 .778 2.60 .861 .283 .824
10 Syracuse L 24-41 24-41 -.19 .403 -.59 .264 -1.33 .251 -.123 .312 .26 .557 -.233 .214
11 NC State W 27-23 27-23 .55 .725 .16 .582 .69 .650 -.035 .445 .59 .609 .070 .578
12 Pittsburgh L 13-34 13-34 -.80 .188 -1.00 .163 -1.79 .187 -.149 .277 -.07 .485 -.155 .313
13 Duke W 59-7 45-7 1.81 .973 1.58 .941 2.87 .927 .360 .913 2.86 .878 .462 .930
B Memphis W 37-34 37-34 .12 .553 .10 .538 1.04 .708 .125 .691 1.14 .689 .181 .716

Washington 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Auburn L 16-21 16-21 .60 .751 -.23 .386 -.45 .403 -.023 .469 .55 .601 -.182 .282
3 Utah W 21-7 21-7 1.07 .889 .61 .739 1.33 .748 .091 .641 1.61 .746 .189 .731
4 Arizona State W 27-20 27-20 .59 .745 .37 .682 1.00 .707 .198 .785 2.99 .892 .156 .691
5 BYU W 35-7 35-0 2.72 .996 2.69 .994 5.00 .992 .618 .988 4.38 .953 .690 .983
6 UCLA W 31-24 31-24 .26 .612 .37 .682 1.04 .709 .203 .788 -.03 .493 .056 .565
7 Oregon L 27-30 27-30 .05 .520 -.14 .440 -.27 .448 .018 .522 2.15 .819 -.056 .437
8 Colorado W 27-13 27-13 .60 .751 .67 .753 1.52 .776 .204 .791 1.61 .747 .227 .780
9 California L 10-12 10-12 -.13 .435 -.10 .461 .33 .571 .043 .567 .25 .555 -.133 .339
10 Stanford W 27-23 27-23 .56 .730 .17 .591 .54 .613 -.100 .346 -1.80 .225 .121 .645
12 Oregon State W 42-23 42-23 .08 .533 .70 .759 1.58 .786 .129 .698 2.18 .823 .083 .603
13 Washington State W 28-15 28-15 1.24 .916 .68 .756 1.95 .837 .303 .881 4.86 .966 .300 .843
C Utah W 10-3 10-3 .83 .826 .37 .682 .08 .517 .268 .852 .32 .560 .150 .680
B Ohio State L 23-28 23-28 .63 .762 -.19 .403 -.38 .414 .070 .612 -.57 .394 .000 .516

Washington State 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Wyoming W 41-19 41-19 .76 .804 .85 .799 1.69 .797 .283 .861 2.33 .835 .308 .846
2 San Jose State W 31-0 31-0 .84 .828 1.48 .930 2.82 .926 .536 .979 4.14 .941 .545 .955
4 USC L 36-39 36-39 -.09 .453 -.14 .440 -.27 .446 .055 .590 -1.28 .290 .091 .614
5 Utah W 28-24 28-24 .64 .766 .18 .593 .36 .580 .082 .630 1.96 .795 .091 .614
6 Oregon State W 56-37 49-30 .32 .644 .95 .825 2.25 .874 .204 .791 2.95 .887 .250 .801
8 Oregon W 34-20 34-20 .93 .851 .74 .769 1.78 .811 .205 .793 1.10 .681 .156 .691
9 Stanford W 41-38 41-38 .52 .716 .14 .565 .27 .555 -.031 .449 -.04 .488 .091 .614
10 California W 19-13 19-13 .24 .604 .27 .635 .72 .655 .134 .707 1.59 .745 .136 .667
11 Colorado W 31-7 24-7 .71 .790 .77 .781 1.55 .782 .198 .784 -.58 .393 .273 .819
12 Arizona W 69-28 55-28 1.11 .897 1.13 .873 1.56 .783 .207 .795 1.85 .784 .327 .852
13 Washington L 15-28 15-28 -.06 .469 -.68 .244 -1.95 .162 -.303 .118 -4.86 .034 -.300 .163
B Iowa State W 28-26 28-26 .60 .749 .09 .532 .38 .584 -.128 .303 -2.15 .181 -.136 .336

West Virginia 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Tennessee W 40-14 33-14 1.23 .915 1.06 .858 2.11 .858 .286 .865 3.82 .930 .444 .919
4 Kansas State W 35-6 35-6 1.64 .961 1.45 .928 2.90 .932 .379 .920 4.10 .940 .400 .900
5 Texas Tech W 42-34 42-34 .60 .749 .30 .649 .49 .603 .073 .617 1.50 .738 .071 .585
6 Kansas W 38-22 31-14 .61 .754 .77 .781 1.42 .765 .333 .894 2.00 .802 .255 .802
7 Iowa State L 14-30 14-30 -.19 .406 -.70 .243 -2.09 .146 -.399 .069 -3.30 .091 -.455 .076
9 Baylor W 58-14 51-7 2.06 .981 2.00 .974 3.94 .970 .633 .990 6.04 .984 .900 .997
10 Texas W 42-41 42-41 .66 .773 .05 .519 .10 .523 -.067 .396 .12 .523 .000 .516
11 TCU W 47-10 40-10 1.44 .939 1.20 .889 2.79 .923 .417 .938 3.50 .918 .379 .890
12 Oklahoma State L 41-45 41-45 .32 .642 -.12 .446 -.59 .370 -.022 .470 -.58 .392 -.055 .437
13 Oklahoma L 56-59 56-59 .95 .857 -.12 .451 -.19 .457 -.164 .255 -3.72 .072 -.085 .396
B Syracuse L 18-34 18-34 -.17 .412 -.57 .267 -1.14 .275 .027 .536 .18 .540 -.071 .421

Western Kentucky 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Wisconsin L 3-34 3-34 -1.28 .080 -1.63 .057 -3.07 .060 -.300 .124 -2.58 .139 -.489 .063
3 Louisville L 17-20 17-20 -1.01 .130 -.14 .440 -.27 .444 .057 .593 .21 .545 .091 .614
4 Ball State W 28-20 28-20 -.31 .350 .44 .705 .89 .686 .082 .632 1.00 .668 .000 .516
5 Marshall L 17-20 17-20 -.28 .370 -.09 .464 -.19 .459 -.012 .485 -.51 .407 -.125 .353
7 Charlotte L 14-40 7-33 -2.09 .012 -1.44 .073 -2.89 .071 -.441 .049 -2.57 .139 -.556 .043
8 Old Dominion L 34-37 34-37 -.95 .141 -.11 .457 .00 .506 -.012 .484 -.43 .419 .154 .686
9 Florida International L 17-38 17-38 -1.38 .063 -1.17 .120 -2.33 .119 -.143 .282 -1.13 .312 -.222 .228
10 Middle Tennessee L 10-29 10-29 -.88 .157 -.70 .242 -1.30 .253 -.131 .298 -.63 .384 -.269 .189
11 Florida Atlantic L 15-34 15-34 -1.13 .108 -.86 .198 -2.04 .153 -.268 .149 -.46 .416 -.427 .093
12 UTEP W 40-16 40-16 -.21 .396 .92 .819 1.52 .777 .256 .840 -1.77 .231 .346 .867
13 Louisiana Tech W 30-15 30-15 .07 .527 .56 .729 1.21 .735 -.094 .352 -1.13 .312 -.049 .442

Western Michigan 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Syracuse L 42-55 35-55 -.32 .348 -.71 .235 -1.43 .234 -.135 .292 1.92 .791 -.214 .240
2 Michigan L 3-49 0-35 -1.28 .080 -2.19 .018 -4.38 .018 -.473 .040 -7.32 .007 -.750 .011
4 Georgia State W 34-15 34-15 -.06 .468 1.12 .871 2.58 .902 .294 .870 2.17 .822 .417 .905
5 Miami (OH) W 40-39 40-39 -.03 .484 .04 .516 .73 .657 .195 .781 .58 .608 .000 .516
6 Eastern Michigan W 27-24 27-24 -.12 .439 .12 .552 .40 .591 -.072 .385 .49 .587 -.051 .441
7 Bowling Green W 42-35 42-35 -.65 .229 .26 .629 .73 .658 .167 .747 -2.70 .132 .104 .631
8 Central Michigan W 35-10 28-10 -.17 .417 .67 .753 1.44 .767 .091 .642 1.45 .729 .165 .698
9 Toledo L 24-51 24-51 -1.34 .069 -1.17 .117 -2.07 .150 -.186 .229 -1.00 .330 -.386 .105
10 Ohio L 14-59 7-52 -1.66 .036 -2.05 .025 -3.72 .036 -.359 .087 -2.62 .137 -.578 .033
12 Ball State L 41-42 41-42 -.80 .185 -.04 .486 -.32 .434 .147 .721 -.95 .337 .045 .551
13 Northern Illinois W 28-21 28-21 .03 .514 .27 .635 .99 .699 .234 .823 1.11 .683 .295 .834
B BYU L 18-49 10-35 -1.29 .078 -1.32 .092 -2.89 .071 -.238 .174 -5.04 .029 -.356 .131

Wisconsin 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Western Kentucky W 34-3 34-3 .85 .833 1.63 .945 3.07 .939 .300 .876 2.58 .861 .489 .937
2 New Mexico W 45-14 38-14 .47 .701 1.20 .889 2.40 .889 .432 .946 4.29 .949 .400 .900
3 BYU L 21-24 21-24 -.13 .433 -.16 .420 -.57 .378 .039 .560 -1.07 .322 -.156 .312
4 Iowa W 28-17 28-17 1.26 .919 .50 .720 .66 .646 -.031 .451 -1.45 .268 .030 .538
6 Nebraska W 41-24 41-24 .90 .848 .81 .792 1.92 .835 .226 .816 .65 .617 .336 .865
7 Michigan L 13-38 7-31 -.29 .359 -1.20 .113 -1.97 .161 -.338 .103 -1.29 .289 -.678 .017
8 Illinois W 49-20 49-20 .56 .727 1.12 .870 2.23 .872 .304 .882 1.21 .701 .308 .846
9 Northwestern L 17-31 17-31 -.23 .386 -.52 .278 -1.17 .270 -.112 .327 .19 .541 -.027 .467
10 Rutgers W 31-17 31-10 .41 .678 1.00 .846 1.82 .820 .256 .841 2.68 .865 .155 .687
11 Penn State L 10-22 10-22 .15 .561 -.50 .287 -1.17 .272 -.223 .187 -.63 .388 -.470 .066
12 Purdue W 47-44 47-44 .40 .671 .09 .535 .32 .567 .038 .560 .43 .581 .143 .674
13 Minnesota L 15-37 7-30 -.97 .134 -1.21 .109 -2.18 .136 -.251 .163 -.94 .339 -.550 .044
B Miami W 35-3 21-3 1.22 .913 .90 .813 1.80 .815 .302 .878 1.32 .712 .400 .900

Wyoming 2018 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
0 New Mexico State W 29-7 29-0 .25 .609 1.32 .911 2.64 .910 .507 .972 5.18 .974 .455 .926
1 Washington State L 19-41 19-41 -.29 .358 -.85 .202 -1.69 .203 -.283 .138 -2.33 .165 -.308 .155
2 Missouri L 13-40 10-37 -.39 .319 -1.29 .096 -2.79 .076 -.499 .030 -2.99 .108 -.618 .026
5 Boise State L 14-34 7-27 -.48 .293 -.95 .174 -2.06 .150 -.324 .107 -.98 .334 -.509 .052
6 Hawaii L 13-17 13-17 -.75 .203 -.19 .404 -1.10 .280 -.192 .223 -.12 .477 -.100 .380
7 Fresno State L 3-27 3-27 -.57 .259 -1.26 .100 -2.70 .084 -.422 .060 -2.87 .120 -.344 .133
8 Utah State L 16-24 16-24 .31 .635 -.27 .369 -.15 .470 .123 .688 1.12 .686 -.019 .477
9 Colorado State W 34-21 34-21 -.17 .411 .52 .722 1.22 .736 .112 .671 1.45 .731 .192 .735
10 San Jose State W 24-9 24-9 .05 .519 .68 .755 1.36 .755 .385 .922 2.70 .868 .273 .819
12 Air Force W 35-27 35-27 .35 .654 .44 .705 .89 .686 .059 .595 .79 .631 .000 .516
13 New Mexico W 31-3 31-3 .54 .721 1.27 .902 2.55 .898 .402 .933 3.96 .933 .364 .880