Overall Game Ratings
:: 2024 :: 2023 :: 2022 :: 2021 :: 2020 :: 2019 :: 2018 :: 2017 :: 2016 :: 2015 :: 2014 :: 2013 :: 2012 :: 2011 :: 2010 :: 2009 :: 2008 :: 2007


Game Ratings detail game results (R) including the final score (Final) and the score at the conclusion of non-garbage possessions in the game (N Final). Final scores are linked to Possession Splits, the complete record of game results by possession. Overall Game Ratings (GR) are opponent-adjusted data representing scoring value generated per possession relative to an average performance on a neutral field against an average opponent. Possession efficiency (PVE) is unadjusted scoring value per non-garbage possession. Net points per drive (NPD), net available yards percentage (NAY), net yards per play (NPP), and net drive success rate (NSR) are the difference between offensive and opponent offensive efficiencies on non-garbage drives. Each game rating includes the percentile rating (Pct) of the performance relative to all others recorded this season.


Air Force 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Michigan L 25-31 25-31 .32 .648 -.30 .336 -.60 .360 .008 .511 -3.39 .078 .000 .518
4 UNLV L 35-38 35-38 -.92 .145 -.14 .424 -.62 .355 .001 .502 -.29 .441 -.145 .303
5 Colorado State W 42-21 42-21 .08 .546 .95 .842 1.91 .841 .273 .867 1.81 .801 .364 .870
6 Navy L 21-28 21-28 -.76 .186 -.30 .335 -.19 .459 .222 .821 1.31 .734 .055 .572
7 Wyoming W 28-27 28-27 -.44 .309 .05 .521 .41 .598 -.023 .459 1.59 .776 -.056 .423
8 New Mexico W 28-23 28-23 -.40 .326 .26 .646 .33 .575 -.052 .405 .75 .652 -.125 .332
9 Nevada W 48-31 48-31 .71 .806 .85 .818 1.70 .815 .245 .839 1.27 .727 .300 .831
10 Army L 21-41 21-41 -1.60 .040 -.83 .185 -1.49 .215 -.327 .098 -.01 .495 -.427 .097
11 San Diego State L 9-28 9-28 -.72 .199 -.90 .169 -1.52 .211 .003 .507 -.12 .473 -.061 .415
12 Hawaii W 21-7 21-7 -.43 .315 .56 .740 1.37 .763 .186 .777 2.43 .853 .119 .658
13 Fresno State L 15-48 7-45 -1.48 .056 -1.90 .039 -3.80 .037 -.547 .018 -5.08 .027 -.600 .030
B Rice L 14-33 14-33 -1.11 .100 -.76 .206 -1.37 .235 -.297 .113 -2.78 .122 -.372 .126

Akron 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UCF L 14-56 7-49 -1.69 .031 -2.00 .033 -3.68 .040 -.235 .168 -2.75 .124 -.414 .104
2 Florida International L 38-41 38-41 -.70 .207 -.08 .471 .29 .568 -.016 .472 -1.22 .279 -.020 .477
4 Tennessee L 26-47 26-47 -.52 .281 -.75 .210 -1.90 .159 -.293 .120 -2.43 .145 -.258 .201
5 Miami (OH) L 49-56 49-56 -1.12 .097 -.29 .340 -.58 .362 -.203 .202 .32 .564 -.250 .208
6 Bowling Green L 10-24 10-24 -.84 .164 -.56 .260 -1.23 .256 -.197 .208 -2.04 .180 -.263 .200
7 Ohio L 28-34 28-34 -.64 .232 -.24 .374 -.68 .337 -.052 .403 -.24 .454 -.192 .260
8 Northern Illinois L 7-37 7-37 -1.09 .105 -1.36 .089 -2.66 .096 -.384 .073 -3.01 .107 -.718 .012
9 Central Michigan L 14-35 14-35 -1.53 .048 -.88 .175 -1.75 .181 -.036 .436 -.92 .327 -.333 .155
10 Kent State L 24-35 24-35 -.56 .262 -.50 .276 -1.00 .284 .016 .525 -.02 .494 -.182 .267
11 Massachusetts L 14-22 14-22 -1.76 .025 -.31 .333 -.62 .356 -.044 .417 .62 .622 -.231 .221
13 Toledo L 23-35 17-35 -.89 .150 -.78 .202 -1.77 .179 -.255 .150 -2.34 .155 -.205 .247

Alabama 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Michigan W 41-14 41-14 1.80 .971 1.17 .876 1.82 .830 .331 .904 2.32 .843 .455 .921
2 Western Kentucky W 35-0 28-0 1.44 .943 1.65 .945 3.50 .955 .209 .807 3.31 .913 .500 .941
3 Arkansas W 52-0 38-0 2.12 .986 2.00 .969 4.22 .976 .358 .917 4.44 .960 .667 .984
4 Florida Atlantic W 40-7 33-0 1.44 .941 2.20 .983 4.71 .987 .792 .999 6.77 .990 .857 .996
5 Ole Miss W 33-14 33-14 1.44 .942 .86 .823 1.62 .800 .296 .884 1.76 .796 .485 .928
7 Missouri W 42-10 35-10 1.39 .935 1.04 .851 2.64 .902 .362 .918 4.37 .956 .326 .842
8 Tennessee W 44-13 37-10 1.52 .954 1.29 .896 2.79 .913 .332 .904 2.87 .885 .618 .975
9 Mississippi State W 38-7 31-0 1.85 .975 1.55 .935 3.10 .936 .290 .878 2.78 .877 .389 .883
10 LSU W 21-17 21-17 1.00 .874 .17 .587 .49 .614 -.059 .389 1.34 .740 -.144 .306
11 Texas A&M L 24-29 24-29 1.09 .888 -.24 .376 -.72 .328 -.060 .387 .53 .611 -.236 .212
13 Auburn W 49-0 49-0 3.48 .999 3.77 .999 7.00 .999 .800 .999 5.36 .980 1.000 .999
C Georgia W 32-28 32-28 1.23 .913 .15 .581 .71 .669 .164 .762 1.43 .755 .128 .673
P Notre Dame W 42-14 42-7 3.18 .998 2.33 .988 4.25 .978 .385 .928 1.35 .742 .607 .975

Arizona 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Toledo W 24-17 24-17 .12 .560 .23 .617 -.17 .462 .155 .752 3.12 .900 .026 .526
2 Oklahoma State W 59-38 59-38 1.56 .956 .68 .768 .87 .703 .107 .683 -.16 .469 .200 .751
4 Oregon L 0-49 0-35 .04 .528 -1.35 .094 -2.33 .120 -.064 .382 -1.11 .297 -.340 .145
5 Oregon State L 35-38 35-38 .56 .751 -.12 .447 -.23 .450 -.030 .445 .25 .546 -.077 .400
6 Stanford L 48-54 48-54 .53 .740 -.23 .380 .00 .510 .028 .548 -1.78 .200 .083 .611
8 Washington W 52-17 45-17 1.50 .952 1.33 .905 2.68 .904 .328 .902 3.44 .925 .394 .885
9 USC W 39-36 39-36 .67 .793 .09 .534 .04 .514 -.005 .490 -2.03 .182 .167 .725
10 UCLA L 10-66 10-52 -1.70 .029 -2.10 .026 -4.09 .028 -.464 .038 -2.82 .117 -.578 .040
11 Colorado W 56-31 56-31 .32 .645 1.25 .889 2.50 .892 .219 .818 5.76 .982 .300 .831
12 Utah W 34-24 34-24 .54 .745 .42 .708 .83 .695 .025 .544 .63 .626 .167 .725
13 Arizona State L 34-41 34-41 .31 .643 -.23 .384 -.61 .358 .034 .559 .39 .574 -.092 .374
B Nevada W 49-48 49-48 -.10 .462 .03 .506 .34 .579 -.023 .456 1.53 .770 -.033 .461

Arizona State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Illinois W 45-14 38-14 .41 .682 1.04 .852 2.29 .875 .443 .956 3.08 .898 .379 .880
3 Missouri L 20-24 20-24 .21 .602 -.13 .428 -.17 .462 .002 .503 1.33 .738 -.252 .202
4 Utah W 37-7 34-7 1.47 .945 1.35 .908 2.70 .908 .495 .970 3.55 .928 .700 .986
5 California W 27-17 27-17 .23 .609 .36 .695 .71 .670 .273 .866 .78 .657 .357 .863
7 Colorado W 51-17 44-17 .11 .555 1.04 .850 2.06 .854 .418 .941 4.23 .951 .315 .839
8 Oregon L 21-43 21-43 .70 .803 -.69 .227 -1.93 .156 -.068 .374 -1.02 .308 -.200 .253
9 UCLA L 43-45 43-45 .33 .654 -.06 .477 -.53 .372 -.022 .460 -.27 .449 .000 .518
10 Oregon State L 26-36 19-36 .06 .537 -.61 .249 -1.66 .191 -.098 .324 -2.29 .160 -.269 .198
11 USC L 17-38 17-38 -.13 .446 -.70 .223 -1.76 .180 -.250 .154 -2.13 .173 -.246 .208
12 Washington State W 46-7 46-0 1.50 .949 1.92 .962 3.83 .966 .455 .959 3.93 .943 .583 .966
13 Arizona W 41-34 41-34 .62 .776 .23 .617 .61 .641 -.034 .440 -.39 .425 .092 .626
B Navy W 62-28 55-14 2.11 .986 2.56 .993 5.88 .995 .552 .983 7.08 .995 .714 .987

Arkansas 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 UL Monroe L 31-34 31-34 -.16 .429 -.11 .454 .00 .510 -.197 .208 .42 .581 .000 .518
3 Alabama L 0-52 0-38 -.34 .351 -2.00 .033 -4.22 .025 -.358 .083 -4.44 .040 -.667 .018
4 Rutgers L 26-35 26-35 -.22 .406 -.33 .320 -.84 .303 -.028 .449 .88 .667 -.181 .268
5 Texas A&M L 10-58 10-44 -.03 .496 -1.36 .090 -2.59 .101 -.315 .105 -3.67 .065 -.587 .033
6 Auburn W 24-7 24-7 .39 .677 .68 .770 1.64 .806 .146 .738 1.69 .787 .392 .883
7 Kentucky W 49-7 42-0 2.62 .994 3.00 .997 6.00 .996 .717 .995 7.74 .997 .857 .996
9 Ole Miss L 27-30 27-30 .46 .712 -.11 .450 -.07 .482 .077 .641 .64 .628 -.044 .451
10 Tulsa W 19-15 19-15 .36 .669 .17 .589 .48 .611 .168 .768 2.07 .822 .121 .666
11 South Carolina L 20-38 13-38 -.41 .320 -1.32 .098 -2.58 .103 -.193 .214 -1.66 .216 -.325 .159
12 Mississippi State L 14-45 14-45 -.99 .125 -1.29 .102 -2.48 .110 -.230 .171 -1.86 .193 -.402 .108
13 LSU L 13-20 13-20 .53 .734 -.30 .335 -.73 .322 .146 .738 1.26 .724 .053 .570

Arkansas State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Oregon L 34-57 13-50 -.37 .339 -1.76 .043 -3.82 .035 -.424 .055 -1.73 .208 -.436 .089
2 Memphis W 33-28 33-28 -.33 .354 .18 .590 1.37 .765 .243 .837 1.20 .716 .288 .821
3 Nebraska L 13-42 13-42 -.84 .163 -1.32 .096 -3.60 .042 -.300 .111 -2.92 .111 -.400 .113
5 Western Kentucky L 13-26 13-26 -.83 .167 -.62 .245 -1.42 .223 -.153 .250 -1.34 .258 -.227 .226
6 Florida International W 34-20 34-20 -.04 .489 .58 .749 1.17 .738 .134 .727 3.14 .904 .167 .725
7 South Alabama W 36-29 36-29 -.60 .245 .32 .675 .64 .653 -.111 .307 1.87 .809 -.182 .267
9 Louisiana W 50-27 43-21 .80 .833 .92 .835 1.83 .833 .255 .850 -.01 .497 .500 .941
10 North Texas W 37-19 37-19 .24 .613 .86 .822 2.57 .895 .191 .781 2.47 .859 .394 .885
11 UL Monroe W 45-23 45-23 .99 .871 1.05 .855 1.79 .824 .050 .587 2.33 .844 .236 .788
12 Troy W 41-34 41-34 -.04 .490 .32 .675 1.13 .733 -.002 .497 .84 .664 .036 .542
14 Middle Tennessee W 45-0 35-0 3.25 .999 3.50 .999 7.00 .999 .732 .996 6.96 .994 1.000 .999
B Kent State W 17-13 17-13 .13 .566 .19 .597 .52 .624 -.004 .492 -.25 .452 .027 .529

Army 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 San Diego State L 7-42 7-42 -1.65 .033 -1.84 .041 -3.11 .063 -.293 .119 -3.00 .107 -.556 .048
3 Northern Illinois L 40-41 40-41 .22 .606 -.05 .482 -.46 .391 -.043 .417 -5.22 .024 -.055 .427
4 Wake Forest L 37-49 37-49 -1.10 .103 -.57 .257 -1.54 .210 -.106 .318 -2.80 .118 -.155 .294
6 Boston College W 34-31 34-31 -.32 .357 .13 .566 .25 .560 .255 .848 -1.04 .306 .167 .725
7 Kent State L 17-31 17-31 -.67 .221 -.61 .248 -1.40 .228 .042 .579 -1.93 .189 -.121 .337
8 Eastern Michigan L 38-48 38-48 -1.22 .083 -.38 .297 -1.08 .275 -.246 .159 -.12 .475 -.205 .241
9 Ball State L 22-30 20-30 -.73 .195 -.50 .276 -1.00 .284 -.100 .323 -.07 .479 -.100 .367
10 Air Force W 41-21 41-21 .25 .618 .83 .816 1.49 .785 .327 .902 .01 .504 .427 .906
11 Rutgers L 7-28 7-28 -.84 .165 -.95 .159 -1.46 .217 .134 .725 -.19 .462 -.027 .471
12 Temple L 32-63 32-63 -1.95 .014 -1.48 .073 -3.39 .051 -.372 .079 -3.28 .087 -.445 .087
15 Navy L 13-17 13-17 -.64 .230 -.19 .404 -.40 .407 .155 .753 1.27 .726 .100 .639

Auburn 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Clemson L 19-26 19-26 .33 .650 -.32 .329 -.64 .350 -.147 .259 -.29 .442 -.182 .267
2 Mississippi State L 10-28 10-28 -.45 .301 -.75 .210 -2.06 .145 -.252 .153 -3.12 .098 -.409 .105
3 UL Monroe W 31-28 31-28 .06 .536 .12 .561 -.21 .454 -.058 .390 1.74 .792 -.121 .337
4 LSU L 10-12 10-12 .75 .819 -.08 .471 -.10 .473 -.139 .268 -1.10 .298 -.064 .409
6 Arkansas L 7-24 7-24 -.56 .260 -.68 .231 -1.64 .193 -.146 .261 -1.69 .212 -.392 .116
7 Ole Miss L 20-41 20-41 -.27 .380 -.84 .183 -1.42 .222 -.267 .137 -3.56 .070 -.212 .238
8 Vanderbilt L 13-17 13-17 .35 .663 -.18 .408 -.36 .415 -.168 .232 -1.24 .277 .000 .518
9 Texas A&M L 21-63 7-49 -1.47 .057 -2.80 .003 -5.13 .006 -.769 .002 -6.25 .015 -.857 .005
10 New Mexico State W 42-7 42-7 -.08 .481 1.46 .921 2.60 .899 .204 .801 2.80 .879 .379 .880
11 Georgia L 0-38 0-38 -1.30 .072 -2.38 .010 -4.75 .011 -.511 .025 -3.88 .057 -.750 .010
13 Alabama L 0-49 0-49 -2.11 .008 -3.77 .000 -7.00 .001 -.800 .000 -5.36 .019 -1.000 .002

Ball State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Eastern Michigan W 37-26 37-26 -.41 .321 .42 .710 .85 .701 .261 .855 .74 .648 .308 .835
2 Clemson L 27-52 20-52 -.81 .171 -1.45 .080 -2.91 .073 -.266 .137 -.69 .361 -.364 .135
3 Indiana W 41-39 41-39 -.13 .442 .07 .524 .13 .531 .023 .542 -1.13 .292 .067 .593
4 South Florida W 31-27 31-27 -.08 .477 .27 .647 1.05 .723 .070 .627 -.63 .376 .089 .617
5 Kent State L 43-45 43-45 -.13 .445 -.07 .475 -.06 .484 .148 .742 .28 .554 .138 .685
6 Northern Illinois L 23-35 23-35 -.13 .443 -.40 .294 -.97 .286 .037 .570 -1.47 .236 .110 .648
7 Western Michigan W 30-24 30-24 -.35 .344 .21 .610 .25 .560 .075 .635 -1.84 .194 .000 .518
8 Central Michigan W 41-30 41-23 .13 .564 .78 .802 1.33 .756 .078 .643 -.75 .350 .129 .675
9 Army W 30-22 30-20 -.26 .381 .50 .727 1.00 .719 .100 .676 .07 .520 .100 .639
11 Toledo W 34-27 34-27 .21 .600 .32 .675 .64 .652 .036 .566 -.17 .464 .182 .736
12 Ohio W 52-27 45-27 .46 .706 .86 .822 2.05 .852 .113 .698 2.29 .840 .155 .707
13 Miami (OH) W 31-24 31-24 -.54 .269 .29 .661 .40 .597 .028 .551 -.75 .349 .136 .684
B UCF L 17-38 10-35 -1.61 .038 -1.92 .037 -3.33 .053 -.357 .084 -1.26 .275 -.214 .236

Baylor 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 SMU W 59-24 45-10 1.58 .959 1.59 .941 2.89 .926 .236 .833 3.74 .936 .327 .844
4 UL Monroe W 47-42 47-42 .15 .572 .21 .606 .42 .600 .064 .620 -.39 .426 .167 .725
5 West Virginia L 63-70 63-70 .11 .555 -.26 .361 -.88 .294 -.052 .404 -1.64 .217 -.060 .417
7 TCU L 21-49 21-49 -.96 .132 -1.40 .086 -2.80 .085 -.280 .128 2.94 .890 -.400 .113
8 Texas L 50-56 50-56 .43 .691 -.22 .385 -.74 .320 .001 .501 -.51 .392 .027 .531
9 Iowa State L 21-35 21-35 -.19 .417 -.52 .270 -1.08 .275 -.041 .422 .85 .665 -.231 .221
10 Kansas W 41-14 41-14 .77 .824 1.13 .867 2.25 .872 .356 .915 2.30 .841 .500 .941
11 Oklahoma L 34-42 34-42 .56 .753 -.36 .303 -.73 .324 -.116 .296 -1.44 .243 .000 .518
12 Kansas State W 52-24 52-24 2.31 .990 1.17 .875 2.33 .883 .282 .872 3.18 .906 .333 .853
13 Texas Tech W 52-45 52-45 .60 .768 .26 .643 -.29 .431 .060 .614 -1.09 .300 .205 .758
14 Oklahoma State W 41-34 41-34 1.15 .901 .27 .652 .22 .547 .192 .783 .51 .606 .205 .760
B UCLA W 49-26 49-19 1.47 .945 1.07 .857 2.14 .861 .255 .848 3.84 .941 .214 .765

Boise State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Michigan State L 13-17 13-17 .15 .573 -.18 .408 -.95 .287 -.153 .249 -.95 .322 -.164 .290
3 Miami (OH) W 39-12 36-9 .86 .848 1.69 .950 3.38 .948 .504 .972 4.76 .967 .500 .941
4 BYU W 7-6 7-6 .49 .720 .04 .513 -.46 .393 .151 .747 .80 .658 .014 .518
5 New Mexico W 32-29 32-29 -.52 .281 .14 .574 .56 .631 .195 .789 2.57 .866 .236 .788
6 Southern Mississippi W 40-14 37-14 -.16 .431 .82 .813 1.57 .794 .013 .519 .05 .515 .121 .661
7 Fresno State W 20-10 20-3 1.23 .912 .81 .808 1.73 .817 .229 .827 2.24 .835 .218 .768
8 UNLV W 32-7 32-7 .47 .714 1.25 .889 2.78 .913 .294 .882 3.09 .899 .444 .912
9 Wyoming W 45-14 45-14 1.45 .943 1.94 .964 3.68 .960 .537 .980 2.35 .847 .482 .927
10 San Diego State L 19-21 19-21 .08 .543 -.11 .450 .36 .584 .014 .520 .80 .659 -.042 .452
11 Hawaii W 49-14 42-7 .41 .686 1.40 .915 3.18 .943 .268 .863 3.67 .934 .364 .870
12 Colorado State W 42-14 42-0 1.34 .929 2.21 .984 5.25 .994 .705 .994 6.88 .992 .750 .992
14 Nevada W 27-21 27-21 .18 .585 .32 .669 .90 .709 .105 .681 -.58 .382 .256 .798
B Washington W 28-26 28-26 .25 .617 .08 .529 .33 .578 -.028 .450 -.67 .366 .038 .545

Boston College 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Miami L 32-41 32-41 -.31 .359 -.33 .320 -.15 .467 .077 .639 1.62 .779 .000 .518
3 Northwestern L 13-22 13-22 -.02 .500 -.45 .285 -.90 .292 -.282 .127 -.26 .450 -.300 .173
5 Clemson L 31-45 31-45 .14 .570 -.50 .276 -1.00 .284 -.096 .331 -.41 .419 -.143 .314
6 Army L 31-34 31-34 -.89 .151 -.13 .437 -.25 .443 -.255 .152 1.04 .693 -.167 .288
7 Florida State L 7-51 7-41 -.95 .136 -1.70 .048 -3.40 .050 -.386 .070 -5.34 .020 -.600 .030
8 Georgia Tech L 17-37 17-37 -.73 .196 -.95 .161 -2.15 .137 -.452 .042 .22 .543 -.536 .053
9 Maryland W 20-17 20-17 -.25 .391 .10 .544 .30 .569 -.056 .397 -.05 .486 .019 .521
10 Wake Forest L 14-28 14-28 -1.11 .098 -.58 .253 -1.17 .264 .019 .532 1.31 .734 -.083 .393
11 Notre Dame L 6-21 6-21 -.09 .473 -.94 .163 -1.88 .163 -.159 .242 -1.30 .266 -.125 .332
12 Virginia Tech L 23-30 23-30 -.15 .433 -.24 .372 -.13 .471 -.089 .345 -.57 .383 -.027 .470
13 NC State L 10-27 10-27 -.60 .244 -.57 .258 -.76 .315 -.076 .362 -.65 .370 -.224 .228

Bowling Green 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida L 14-27 14-27 .41 .685 -.48 .277 -1.00 .284 -.039 .426 -.77 .345 -.154 .299
2 Idaho W 21-13 21-13 -.72 .198 .38 .702 .92 .712 .096 .673 .54 .612 -.064 .410
3 Toledo L 15-27 15-27 -.68 .215 -.57 .257 -1.34 .242 -.095 .332 -1.47 .238 -.136 .319
4 Virginia Tech L 0-37 0-37 -1.59 .040 -1.68 .051 -3.36 .052 -.248 .156 -2.97 .109 -.455 .083
6 Akron W 24-10 24-10 -.44 .307 .56 .740 1.23 .745 .197 .792 2.04 .819 .263 .799
7 Miami (OH) W 37-12 37-12 .36 .670 1.19 .878 1.80 .827 .430 .951 2.78 .876 .200 .751
8 Massachusetts W 24-0 24-0 -.57 .258 .89 .829 1.42 .776 .209 .805 1.84 .805 .250 .796
9 Eastern Michigan W 24-3 21-3 -.01 .503 .82 .811 1.10 .730 .113 .699 1.46 .761 .200 .751
11 Ohio W 26-14 26-14 .17 .583 .57 .745 1.31 .753 -.016 .475 1.17 .710 .218 .768
12 Kent State L 24-31 24-31 -.31 .360 -.25 .368 -.50 .384 -.038 .427 -1.30 .269 .000 .518
13 Buffalo W 21-7 21-7 -.10 .469 .52 .732 1.12 .731 .125 .717 .95 .676 .236 .786
B San Jose State L 20-29 20-29 -.09 .471 -.33 .320 -.79 .310 -.136 .271 -2.54 .136 -.099 .370

Buffalo 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Georgia L 23-45 16-38 .20 .594 -.88 .172 -1.59 .204 -.303 .110 -2.04 .180 -.315 .161
4 Kent State L 7-23 7-23 -.61 .242 -.55 .262 -1.18 .260 -.219 .182 -.63 .374 -.362 .135
5 Connecticut L 17-24 17-24 -.58 .253 -.26 .361 -.79 .312 -.160 .240 -.75 .348 -.119 .340
6 Ohio L 31-38 31-38 -.66 .225 -.26 .361 -.20 .458 -.010 .486 .45 .592 -.032 .466
7 Northern Illinois L 3-45 3-42 -1.78 .023 -2.05 .029 -4.37 .018 -.256 .148 -3.37 .079 -.467 .075
8 Pittsburgh L 6-20 6-20 -.54 .265 -.74 .214 -1.62 .199 .030 .553 .01 .501 -.244 .210
9 Toledo L 20-25 20-25 -.26 .382 -.16 .417 -.33 .423 -.052 .404 -.43 .414 .000 .518
10 Miami (OH) W 27-24 27-24 -.71 .202 .12 .561 .08 .521 -.027 .452 1.51 .768 .128 .673
11 Western Michigan W 29-24 29-24 -.41 .318 .15 .580 .40 .596 .066 .624 -.07 .478 .143 .693
12 Massachusetts W 29-19 29-19 -1.07 .111 .38 .703 .37 .588 .041 .576 1.16 .709 -.058 .421
13 Bowling Green L 7-21 7-21 -.80 .176 -.52 .270 -1.12 .268 -.125 .283 -.95 .323 -.236 .214

BYU 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Washington State W 30-6 30-6 .99 .872 1.41 .917 3.08 .932 .474 .964 1.15 .708 .653 .981
3 Utah L 21-24 21-24 .02 .516 -.11 .454 .19 .541 .071 .628 .24 .544 .049 .564
4 Boise State L 6-7 6-7 .39 .678 -.04 .488 .46 .607 -.151 .252 -.80 .341 -.014 .481
5 Hawaii W 47-0 34-0 .56 .755 1.55 .932 3.09 .934 .427 .949 4.96 .971 .455 .921
6 Utah State W 6-3 6-3 .60 .766 .14 .574 .27 .566 .119 .709 .98 .684 .000 .518
7 Oregon State L 24-42 24-42 -.11 .453 -.78 .202 -1.00 .284 -.078 .355 -3.36 .081 -.091 .380
8 Notre Dame L 14-17 14-17 .70 .803 -.14 .424 -.43 .398 -.194 .212 -2.70 .126 -.227 .226
9 Georgia Tech W 41-17 38-17 1.28 .921 1.05 .856 3.43 .950 .320 .898 1.49 .767 .450 .916
11 Idaho W 52-13 49-10 .46 .706 1.56 .936 3.05 .932 .535 .979 2.44 .857 .406 .893
12 San Jose State L 14-20 14-20 .00 .510 -.24 .374 -.74 .319 .037 .568 -.51 .393 -.119 .342
13 New Mexico State W 50-14 43-14 -.01 .505 1.53 .930 2.74 .911 .472 .963 1.90 .809 .578 .962
B San Diego State W 23-6 23-6 .80 .832 .61 .751 .32 .574 .169 .768 .44 .590 .024 .525

California 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Nevada L 24-31 24-31 -.40 .325 -.26 .361 -.87 .296 -.071 .369 .71 .641 -.060 .418
3 Ohio State L 28-35 28-35 .27 .625 -.24 .372 -.63 .351 .142 .735 .06 .517 .110 .648
4 USC L 9-27 9-27 -.28 .368 -.86 .180 -1.55 .207 -.248 .156 -3.02 .105 -.055 .429
5 Arizona State L 17-27 17-27 .18 .587 -.36 .306 -.71 .330 -.273 .133 -.78 .342 -.357 .137
6 UCLA W 43-17 36-17 1.16 .902 .76 .794 1.58 .794 .117 .705 1.46 .760 .167 .725
7 Washington State W 31-17 31-17 .16 .579 .58 .749 1.17 .738 -.019 .468 1.29 .730 .083 .613
8 Stanford L 3-21 3-21 .01 .514 -.75 .210 -1.50 .214 -.295 .117 -2.23 .165 -.333 .155
9 Utah L 27-49 6-42 -1.77 .024 -1.89 .040 -2.83 .078 -.386 .070 -.68 .365 -.278 .187
10 Washington L 13-21 13-21 -.13 .447 -.30 .338 -.69 .335 .037 .569 .15 .528 .055 .575
11 Oregon L 17-59 17-45 .12 .559 -1.27 .109 -2.55 .105 -.288 .123 -1.83 .197 -.273 .196
12 Oregon State L 14-62 7-49 -1.33 .070 -2.00 .033 -3.75 .038 -.434 .045 -5.27 .022 -.536 .053

Central Michigan 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Michigan State L 7-41 0-34 -1.66 .032 -2.00 .033 -3.78 .038 -.407 .061 -3.15 .095 -.778 .007
4 Iowa W 32-31 32-31 -.11 .455 .04 .513 -.36 .416 -.035 .438 -1.42 .245 .084 .615
5 Northern Illinois L 24-55 24-48 -.82 .169 -1.09 .140 -2.18 .136 -.212 .187 .08 .522 -.273 .196
6 Toledo L 35-50 35-50 -.62 .238 -.52 .271 .00 .510 -.107 .316 .21 .542 -.143 .314
7 Navy L 13-31 13-31 -1.65 .035 -1.20 .120 -2.80 .082 -.362 .082 -.62 .379 -.339 .145
8 Ball State L 30-41 23-41 -1.02 .117 -.78 .202 -1.33 .244 -.078 .356 .75 .650 -.129 .325
9 Akron W 35-14 35-14 -.12 .448 .88 .827 1.75 .818 .036 .563 .92 .672 .333 .853
10 Western Michigan L 31-42 31-42 -.99 .126 -.42 .290 -.65 .344 .021 .536 -1.84 .196 .122 .667
11 Eastern Michigan W 34-31 34-31 -.70 .208 .14 .574 -.12 .473 -.020 .467 .28 .555 .045 .558
12 Miami (OH) W 30-16 30-16 -.19 .416 .64 .759 1.27 .749 -.036 .435 1.57 .774 .091 .624
13 Massachusetts W 42-21 42-21 -.54 .266 .91 .834 2.07 .856 .088 .654 1.68 .786 .295 .826
B Western Kentucky W 24-21 24-21 -.06 .484 .15 .579 .30 .570 .189 .780 .95 .675 .200 .751

Cincinnati 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Pittsburgh W 34-10 31-3 1.67 .965 1.47 .926 3.14 .941 .220 .820 4.79 .969 .456 .923
5 Virginia Tech W 27-24 27-24 .20 .592 .11 .548 .21 .546 .170 .770 .62 .622 .143 .692
6 Miami (OH) W 52-14 45-14 .72 .810 1.55 .935 2.82 .920 .263 .857 .30 .560 .578 .962
8 Toledo L 23-29 23-29 -.35 .346 -.24 .374 .27 .564 .042 .580 1.12 .705 -.115 .349
9 Louisville L 31-34 31-34 .08 .544 -.10 .460 .17 .536 -.036 .434 -1.58 .224 .033 .540
10 Syracuse W 35-24 35-24 .69 .802 .38 .700 .98 .714 .044 .583 .74 .647 -.044 .451
11 Temple W 34-10 31-10 .57 .759 1.05 .856 2.10 .858 .183 .776 4.77 .968 .300 .831
12 Rutgers L 3-10 3-10 -.23 .400 -.35 .308 -.70 .333 -.065 .377 -.42 .417 -.100 .367
13 South Florida W 27-10 27-10 .46 .708 .81 .808 1.79 .824 .162 .761 1.66 .784 .127 .671
14 Connecticut W 34-17 34-17 .34 .655 .65 .764 1.31 .753 .096 .671 1.77 .797 .231 .782
B Duke W 48-34 48-34 .28 .629 .54 .733 1.17 .738 -.064 .380 4.20 .950 .083 .613

Clemson 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Auburn W 26-19 26-19 .03 .523 .32 .675 .64 .652 .147 .740 .29 .557 .182 .736
2 Ball State W 52-27 52-20 1.22 .910 1.45 .920 2.91 .927 .266 .862 .69 .639 .364 .870
4 Florida State L 37-49 31-49 .06 .531 -.69 .226 -1.70 .185 -.403 .064 -3.62 .068 -.365 .129
5 Boston College W 45-31 45-31 .06 .533 .50 .727 1.00 .719 .096 .668 .41 .580 .143 .692
6 Georgia Tech W 47-31 47-31 .95 .865 .73 .784 1.45 .781 .155 .754 -1.70 .211 .091 .624
8 Virginia Tech W 38-17 38-17 .84 .844 .75 .792 1.08 .727 .013 .520 -.68 .363 .154 .705
9 Wake Forest W 42-13 42-13 .68 .798 1.21 .882 2.42 .887 .277 .870 1.75 .793 .417 .898
10 Duke W 56-20 56-20 1.30 .924 1.57 .937 2.85 .923 .425 .947 4.77 .969 .303 .831
11 Maryland W 45-10 38-10 .92 .859 1.27 .892 2.54 .894 .592 .988 3.86 .942 .485 .928
12 NC State W 62-48 62-45 .51 .730 .55 .736 1.32 .755 .076 .638 1.17 .710 .167 .725
13 South Carolina L 17-27 17-27 .47 .712 -.43 .289 -1.04 .278 -.141 .266 .98 .684 -.205 .247
B LSU W 25-24 25-24 .86 .850 .03 .506 -.05 .485 .138 .730 -.19 .464 .048 .561

Colorado 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Colorado State L 17-22 17-22 -1.06 .113 -.19 .402 -.28 .433 -.015 .476 -1.17 .288 -.135 .321
3 Fresno State L 14-69 7-62 -1.70 .030 -2.12 .023 -4.26 .020 -.704 .006 -8.72 .001 -.623 .023
4 Washington State W 35-34 35-34 -.39 .332 .03 .506 .23 .553 .051 .591 1.36 .743 -.038 .455
5 UCLA L 14-42 7-35 -.72 .197 -1.12 .135 -2.38 .113 -.276 .131 -1.32 .264 -.423 .100
7 Arizona State L 17-51 17-44 -.50 .288 -1.04 .149 -2.06 .145 -.418 .058 -4.23 .048 -.315 .161
8 USC L 6-50 6-40 -1.55 .044 -2.13 .022 -4.25 .023 -.232 .170 -6.59 .011 -.500 .070
9 Oregon L 14-70 14-63 -1.19 .086 -2.58 .005 -4.47 .015 -.560 .015 -5.21 .025 -.639 .020
10 Stanford L 0-48 0-45 -1.88 .016 -2.65 .004 -4.75 .011 -.597 .011 -4.66 .033 -.750 .010
11 Arizona L 31-56 31-56 -.86 .157 -1.25 .111 -2.50 .108 -.219 .181 -5.76 .018 -.300 .173
12 Washington L 3-38 3-31 -1.10 .102 -1.27 .109 -2.52 .107 -.452 .041 -3.74 .062 -.445 .087
13 Utah L 35-42 35-42 -.10 .463 -.23 .384 -.83 .306 -.077 .359 -.64 .373 -.128 .328

Colorado State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Colorado W 22-17 22-17 -.74 .192 .19 .598 .28 .566 .015 .523 1.17 .711 .135 .680
3 San Jose State L 20-40 20-40 -.67 .219 -.91 .167 -2.18 .136 -.285 .126 -.88 .332 -.427 .097
4 Utah State L 19-31 12-31 -.45 .303 -.90 .169 -2.01 .149 -.326 .098 -2.80 .119 -.227 .226
5 Air Force L 21-42 21-42 -1.53 .046 -.95 .159 -1.91 .158 -.273 .133 -1.81 .198 -.364 .135
6 Fresno State L 7-28 0-28 -.98 .127 -1.40 .086 -2.80 .085 -.287 .124 -.27 .449 -.500 .070
7 San Diego State L 14-38 7-38 -1.75 .026 -1.94 .036 -3.88 .033 -.464 .038 -3.72 .064 -.625 .023
9 Hawaii W 42-27 42-27 -.53 .275 .45 .717 .75 .681 -.157 .243 1.01 .690 -.027 .472
10 Wyoming L 31-45 17-42 -1.80 .021 -1.32 .098 -2.68 .096 -.307 .108 1.48 .765 -.450 .085
11 UNLV W 33-11 27-0 .45 .702 1.23 .886 1.44 .780 .297 .885 2.55 .865 .333 .853
12 Boise State L 14-42 0-42 -1.78 .023 -2.21 .016 -5.25 .005 -.705 .005 -6.88 .008 -.750 .010
13 New Mexico W 24-20 24-20 -.45 .303 .21 .608 .67 .661 .042 .578 .31 .562 .044 .553

Connecticut 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Massachusetts W 37-0 27-0 -.17 .424 1.29 .896 1.63 .801 .548 .982 4.08 .948 .375 .876
2 NC State L 7-10 7-10 -.14 .437 -.10 .460 -.25 .444 -.022 .460 .49 .603 -.148 .301
3 Maryland W 24-21 24-21 -.24 .399 .12 .556 -.20 .458 .041 .575 .43 .587 .103 .643
4 Western Michigan L 24-30 24-30 -.78 .179 -.21 .391 -.13 .469 .087 .653 .50 .605 .049 .564
5 Buffalo W 24-17 24-17 -.36 .343 .26 .643 .79 .688 .160 .759 .75 .652 .119 .661
6 Rutgers L 3-19 3-19 -.52 .280 -.64 .240 -1.05 .277 -.076 .361 .36 .570 -.233 .216
7 Temple L 14-17 14-17 -.58 .254 -.10 .462 .00 .510 .089 .656 .95 .678 .214 .765
8 Syracuse L 10-40 10-37 -1.11 .099 -1.42 .082 -3.11 .063 -.411 .060 -2.21 .169 -.578 .040
10 South Florida L 6-13 6-13 -.68 .213 -.33 .320 -.75 .317 -.036 .436 -.12 .474 -.118 .343
11 Pittsburgh W 24-17 24-17 .53 .735 .33 .687 .34 .581 .110 .689 -.22 .457 -.030 .468
13 Louisville W 23-20 23-20 .27 .628 .09 .533 .05 .515 -.130 .279 -.36 .428 -.060 .417
14 Cincinnati L 17-34 17-34 -.28 .370 -.65 .238 -1.31 .247 -.096 .328 -1.77 .202 -.231 .221

Duke 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida International W 46-26 44-14 .53 .739 1.15 .872 1.92 .842 .037 .571 1.30 .731 .167 .725
2 Stanford L 13-50 6-43 -.78 .180 -1.54 .068 -2.50 .108 -.242 .163 -2.62 .130 -.433 .092
4 Memphis W 38-14 31-14 .23 .608 .74 .788 2.12 .860 .479 .966 4.25 .953 .355 .860
5 Wake Forest W 34-27 34-27 -.25 .392 .28 .657 .76 .684 .054 .600 -.68 .365 .115 .654
6 Virginia W 42-17 35-17 .29 .632 .62 .756 1.37 .762 -.018 .469 .15 .527 .024 .525
7 Virginia Tech L 20-41 20-41 -.79 .178 -.88 .175 -2.23 .130 -.150 .253 -3.82 .059 -.311 .163
8 North Carolina W 33-30 33-30 .28 .630 .13 .570 .50 .620 .148 .744 -.66 .368 .136 .684
9 Florida State L 7-48 7-45 -.83 .165 -1.58 .061 -3.22 .055 -.493 .031 -7.62 .003 -.433 .092
10 Clemson L 20-56 20-56 -.92 .143 -1.57 .062 -2.85 .076 -.425 .052 -4.77 .031 -.303 .168
12 Georgia Tech L 24-42 24-42 -.97 .129 -1.20 .120 -1.82 .169 -.256 .149 -.82 .338 -.179 .271
13 Miami L 45-52 45-52 -.23 .404 -.25 .368 -.50 .384 -.117 .294 -3.25 .089 -.143 .314
B Cincinnati L 34-48 34-48 -.17 .428 -.54 .266 -1.17 .264 .064 .619 -4.20 .049 -.083 .388

East Carolina 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 South Carolina L 10-48 3-41 -.75 .188 -1.65 .054 -2.82 .081 -.206 .197 -.99 .314 -.273 .196
3 Southern Mississippi W 24-14 24-14 -.62 .239 .36 .695 .31 .572 -.037 .429 .19 .539 .165 .711
4 North Carolina L 6-27 6-24 -.85 .160 -1.00 .155 -2.00 .151 -.264 .141 -2.56 .134 -.333 .155
5 UTEP W 28-18 28-18 -.09 .472 .36 .695 1.38 .767 .203 .796 1.22 .721 .077 .605
6 UCF L 20-40 20-40 -.74 .190 -1.05 .143 -2.13 .139 -.288 .124 -1.29 .270 -.475 .074
7 Memphis W 41-7 34-0 1.03 .879 1.55 .932 3.09 .934 .349 .912 3.16 .905 .455 .918
8 UAB W 42-35 42-35 -.41 .322 .35 .692 .70 .667 .170 .771 1.07 .697 .200 .751
9 Navy L 28-56 21-49 -2.20 .005 -1.75 .044 -3.13 .061 -.514 .023 -2.49 .139 -.446 .085
10 Houston W 48-28 41-21 .38 .673 .74 .788 1.65 .808 .297 .885 -.72 .356 .401 .891
12 Tulane W 28-23 28-23 -.69 .212 .20 .603 .56 .633 .093 .663 1.70 .790 -.051 .434
13 Marshall W 65-59 65-59 -.35 .345 .19 .599 -.29 .432 -.013 .481 -.42 .416 -.044 .449
B Louisiana L 34-43 34-43 -.43 .313 -.31 .332 -.64 .346 -.108 .314 -1.42 .247 -.143 .314

Eastern Michigan 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Ball State L 26-37 26-37 -.66 .225 -.42 .290 -.85 .298 -.261 .144 -.74 .352 -.308 .167
3 Purdue L 16-54 9-40 -1.43 .060 -1.19 .120 -2.83 .079 -.201 .205 -3.32 .086 -.378 .122
4 Michigan State L 7-23 7-23 -.28 .372 -.62 .245 -1.23 .256 -.236 .167 -2.36 .151 -.385 .119
6 Kent State L 14-41 7-38 -1.61 .038 -1.55 .066 -2.74 .090 -.473 .036 -2.68 .127 -.456 .077
7 Toledo L 47-52 47-52 -.30 .363 -.19 .402 -.13 .467 -.093 .335 -.20 .460 .032 .538
8 Army W 48-38 48-38 -.38 .334 .38 .703 1.08 .727 .246 .840 .12 .525 .205 .760
9 Bowling Green L 3-24 3-21 -1.10 .104 -.82 .190 -1.10 .271 -.113 .301 -1.46 .238 -.200 .253
10 Ohio L 14-45 14-38 -1.49 .053 -1.09 .140 -2.18 .136 -.244 .161 -3.49 .072 -.273 .196
11 Central Michigan L 31-34 31-34 -.79 .176 -.14 .428 .12 .527 .020 .533 -.28 .444 -.045 .443
12 Western Michigan W 29-23 29-23 -.27 .378 .30 .664 .60 .641 -.069 .373 -.75 .348 .100 .639
13 Northern Illinois L 7-49 7-35 -1.20 .085 -1.47 .077 -2.80 .085 -.347 .091 -2.38 .148 -.525 .056

Florida 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Bowling Green W 27-14 27-14 .20 .596 .48 .722 1.00 .719 .039 .573 .77 .654 .154 .705
2 Texas A&M W 20-17 20-17 1.49 .948 .16 .583 .52 .626 .033 .556 .45 .591 .144 .695
3 Tennessee W 37-20 37-20 .91 .855 .68 .770 1.18 .740 .094 .666 4.31 .955 .288 .821
4 Kentucky W 38-0 31-0 1.26 .918 1.63 .944 3.00 .931 .377 .923 2.39 .852 .425 .902
6 LSU W 14-6 14-6 1.18 .904 .35 .691 .77 .685 .091 .659 -.46 .404 .015 .520
7 Vanderbilt W 31-17 31-17 1.17 .903 .64 .759 1.27 .749 .073 .633 2.29 .839 .182 .736
8 South Carolina W 44-11 37-8 2.06 .982 1.16 .874 2.37 .885 .079 .645 .42 .582 .227 .778
9 Georgia L 9-17 9-17 .76 .820 -.32 .324 -.72 .327 -.018 .469 -.53 .388 -.103 .359
10 Missouri W 14-7 14-7 .60 .770 .26 .643 .58 .635 -.034 .442 1.05 .695 .165 .711
11 Louisiana W 27-20 27-20 .16 .576 .28 .657 .48 .613 .045 .585 -.62 .378 .061 .588
13 Florida State W 37-26 37-20 1.40 .936 .65 .764 1.18 .740 .119 .710 .06 .516 .205 .760
B Louisville L 23-33 23-33 -.29 .363 -.48 .279 -1.29 .248 -.294 .118 -.89 .331 -.478 .073

Florida Atlantic 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Middle Tennessee L 17-31 10-31 -1.35 .069 -1.11 .139 -1.99 .152 -.213 .186 -1.39 .252 -.278 .187
3 Georgia L 20-56 14-56 -.75 .189 -1.83 .042 -3.73 .039 -.537 .019 -7.94 .001 -.533 .054
4 Alabama L 7-40 0-33 -.54 .273 -2.20 .016 -4.71 .012 -.792 .001 -6.77 .009 -.857 .005
5 North Texas L 14-20 14-20 -.88 .154 -.26 .356 -.65 .343 -.094 .334 -1.58 .225 -.197 .258
7 UL Monroe L 14-35 7-35 -1.53 .047 -1.47 .077 -2.80 .085 -.344 .092 -3.74 .061 -.400 .113
8 South Alabama L 34-37 34-37 -1.02 .119 -.10 .464 -.37 .412 .022 .537 .96 .680 .083 .611
9 Troy W 34-27 34-27 -.12 .452 .24 .630 .63 .646 .131 .721 .32 .564 .167 .725
10 Navy L 17-24 17-24 -.84 .163 -.39 .296 -.78 .314 -.112 .304 -1.44 .242 -.333 .155
11 Western Kentucky W 37-28 31-28 -.10 .466 .11 .548 .60 .639 .026 .545 -1.34 .259 .049 .564
12 Florida International L 24-34 24-34 -.99 .124 -.37 .301 -.83 .305 -.064 .381 -.16 .467 -.097 .371
14 Louisiana L 21-35 21-35 -.70 .205 -.58 .253 -1.17 .264 .085 .652 .77 .654 .000 .518

Florida International 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Duke L 26-46 14-44 -1.42 .062 -1.15 .127 -1.92 .158 -.037 .428 -1.30 .268 -.167 .288
2 Akron W 41-38 41-38 -.92 .144 .08 .529 -.29 .432 .016 .527 1.22 .721 .020 .523
3 UCF L 20-33 20-33 -.23 .402 -.54 .266 -1.32 .245 -.271 .135 -.50 .394 -.205 .247
4 Louisville L 21-28 21-28 -.21 .411 -.39 .296 -.49 .386 .121 .713 -.47 .401 -.069 .405
5 Louisiana L 20-48 20-48 -1.16 .089 -1.04 .150 -2.26 .126 -.348 .089 -3.58 .068 -.401 .109
6 Arkansas State L 20-34 20-34 -.53 .274 -.58 .253 -1.17 .264 -.134 .273 -3.14 .096 -.167 .288
7 Middle Tennessee L 30-34 30-34 -.43 .314 -.18 .408 -.36 .415 .030 .552 .61 .619 .000 .518
8 Troy L 37-38 37-38 -.39 .328 -.03 .497 -.50 .384 -.093 .335 .61 .620 -.071 .404
9 Western Kentucky L 6-14 6-14 -.59 .249 -.38 .298 -.85 .298 -.052 .406 .44 .589 .073 .599
10 South Alabama W 28-20 28-20 -.62 .238 .30 .663 .73 .673 -.089 .344 -.78 .344 -.049 .438
12 Florida Atlantic W 34-24 34-24 -.39 .327 .37 .699 .83 .694 .064 .618 .16 .532 .097 .628
13 UL Monroe L 17-23 17-23 -.29 .366 -.23 .380 .51 .622 .171 .773 2.21 .831 .068 .594

Florida State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
3 Wake Forest W 52-0 38-0 1.20 .908 1.73 .955 3.10 .936 .458 .960 6.93 .993 .500 .941
4 Clemson W 49-37 49-31 1.34 .928 .69 .775 1.70 .814 .403 .936 3.62 .932 .365 .871
5 South Florida W 30-17 30-17 .19 .592 .54 .735 .67 .661 .197 .792 2.43 .854 .295 .826
6 NC State L 16-17 16-17 -.08 .480 -.04 .488 -.19 .460 .026 .546 .98 .685 .058 .581
7 Boston College W 51-7 41-7 1.26 .919 1.70 .951 3.40 .949 .386 .929 5.34 .980 .600 .972
8 Miami W 33-20 33-13 .82 .842 .80 .803 1.46 .781 .221 .820 2.21 .832 .365 .871
9 Duke W 48-7 45-7 1.32 .927 1.58 .940 3.22 .944 .493 .969 7.62 .997 .433 .908
11 Virginia Tech W 28-22 28-22 .30 .635 .21 .605 .67 .661 -.002 .494 -.62 .376 .051 .568
12 Maryland W 41-14 34-7 .93 .861 1.29 .896 2.70 .908 .320 .899 2.91 .887 .500 .941
13 Florida L 26-37 20-37 .24 .612 -.65 .238 -1.18 .260 -.119 .290 -.06 .484 -.205 .241
C Georgia Tech W 21-15 21-15 .54 .747 .32 .669 .83 .695 .116 .702 1.56 .773 -.067 .408
B Northern Illinois W 31-10 31-10 1.15 .899 .88 .827 1.98 .847 .300 .888 3.36 .917 .379 .880

Fresno State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Oregon L 25-42 19-42 .57 .756 -.82 .187 -1.64 .194 -.132 .277 -2.00 .184 -.071 .404
3 Colorado W 69-14 62-7 1.18 .904 2.12 .977 4.26 .979 .704 .993 8.72 .999 .623 .976
4 Tulsa L 26-27 26-27 .16 .574 -.03 .499 -.68 .337 -.033 .443 -.43 .413 -.101 .360
5 San Diego State W 52-40 52-40 .54 .746 .35 .693 1.27 .749 .316 .895 2.78 .878 .204 .752
6 Colorado State W 28-7 28-0 .53 .737 1.40 .915 2.80 .917 .287 .875 .27 .550 .500 .941
7 Boise State L 10-20 3-20 -.38 .335 -.81 .193 -1.73 .182 -.229 .173 -2.24 .164 -.218 .233
8 Wyoming W 42-14 35-7 .51 .732 1.00 .849 1.65 .808 .205 .801 1.21 .718 .236 .786
9 New Mexico W 49-32 42-24 .03 .523 .69 .775 1.81 .827 .153 .750 1.21 .719 .128 .673
10 Hawaii W 45-10 45-3 1.11 .894 2.10 .975 4.20 .973 .418 .941 4.16 .949 .500 .941
11 Nevada W 52-36 52-28 .72 .809 .86 .822 1.10 .730 .280 .870 2.00 .815 .071 .598
13 Air Force W 48-15 45-7 1.32 .926 1.90 .961 3.80 .963 .547 .981 5.08 .973 .600 .972
B SMU L 10-43 10-36 -.98 .128 -.96 .156 -1.68 .189 -.213 .186 -1.41 .249 -.357 .137

Georgia 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Buffalo W 45-23 38-16 .27 .624 .88 .828 1.59 .795 .303 .889 2.04 .820 .315 .839
2 Missouri W 41-20 41-20 .98 .868 .64 .759 1.56 .793 .099 .676 .74 .646 .173 .726
3 Florida Atlantic W 56-20 56-14 1.06 .883 1.83 .958 3.73 .960 .537 .980 7.94 .998 .533 .945
4 Vanderbilt W 48-3 48-3 3.03 .997 2.50 .991 5.00 .992 .529 .978 4.61 .965 .556 .956
5 Tennessee W 51-44 51-44 .45 .702 .22 .614 .72 .672 -.034 .441 3.04 .895 .033 .541
6 South Carolina L 7-35 0-28 -.65 .226 -1.56 .064 -2.63 .099 -.246 .158 -4.58 .037 -.375 .124
8 Kentucky W 29-24 29-24 -.15 .434 .23 .618 .45 .605 .134 .725 .96 .679 .091 .624
9 Florida W 17-9 17-9 1.21 .909 .32 .676 .72 .673 .018 .531 .53 .611 .103 .643
10 Ole Miss W 37-10 37-10 1.57 .958 1.00 .849 1.88 .838 .273 .865 2.85 .884 .275 .811
11 Auburn W 38-0 38-0 2.09 .984 2.38 .990 4.75 .990 .511 .974 3.88 .943 .750 .992
13 Georgia Tech W 42-10 42-3 2.83 .996 2.60 .995 5.63 .995 .379 .925 4.58 .963 .607 .975
C Alabama L 28-32 28-32 1.51 .953 -.15 .419 -.71 .331 -.164 .237 -1.43 .244 -.128 .328
B Nebraska W 45-31 45-31 .98 .867 .50 .727 1.38 .766 .169 .770 3.34 .915 .115 .654

Georgia Tech 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Virginia Tech L 17-20 17-20 -.03 .495 -.12 .443 .13 .530 -.060 .387 -.75 .351 -.061 .415
3 Virginia W 56-20 42-7 1.61 .961 1.94 .964 3.89 .968 .430 .952 5.07 .972 .556 .956
4 Miami L 36-42 36-42 -.21 .411 -.23 .380 .44 .603 -.121 .287 -.30 .440 -.129 .325
5 Middle Tennessee L 28-49 28-49 -1.09 .107 -.84 .183 -1.22 .258 -.220 .180 -2.70 .126 -.252 .203
6 Clemson L 31-47 31-47 -.08 .477 -.73 .215 -1.45 .219 -.155 .245 1.70 .788 -.091 .380
8 Boston College W 37-17 37-17 .51 .731 .95 .839 2.15 .863 .452 .958 -.22 .456 .536 .948
9 BYU L 17-41 17-38 -.60 .246 -1.05 .144 -3.43 .049 -.320 .101 -1.49 .232 -.450 .085
10 Maryland W 33-13 33-7 1.09 .891 1.44 .919 3.35 .947 .489 .968 4.00 .946 .514 .942
11 North Carolina W 68-50 68-50 .82 .839 .67 .767 1.86 .835 .246 .842 .48 .602 .372 .874
12 Duke W 42-24 42-24 .94 .862 1.20 .880 1.82 .831 .256 .850 .82 .661 .179 .729
13 Georgia L 10-42 3-42 -1.52 .049 -2.60 .005 -5.63 .005 -.379 .074 -4.58 .036 -.607 .026
C Florida State L 15-21 15-21 .43 .693 -.32 .331 -.83 .305 -.116 .297 -1.56 .226 .067 .593
B USC W 21-7 21-7 1.09 .890 .52 .732 1.25 .746 .129 .719 .46 .597 .107 .645

Hawaii 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 USC L 10-49 7-42 -.95 .137 -1.52 .070 -2.26 .126 -.401 .064 -6.58 .012 -.409 .105
4 Nevada L 24-69 17-55 -2.04 .009 -1.90 .039 -3.80 .037 -.424 .054 -2.54 .137 -.500 .070
5 BYU L 0-47 0-34 -1.09 .105 -1.55 .068 -3.09 .066 -.427 .050 -4.96 .029 -.455 .081
6 San Diego State L 14-52 14-45 -1.05 .114 -1.24 .113 -2.19 .133 -.276 .132 -2.34 .154 -.357 .139
7 New Mexico L 23-35 23-35 -1.23 .081 -.57 .257 -1.72 .183 -.036 .434 -.82 .339 -.056 .423
9 Colorado State L 27-42 27-42 -1.32 .072 -.45 .283 -.75 .318 .157 .756 -1.01 .309 .027 .527
10 Fresno State L 10-45 3-45 -1.68 .031 -2.10 .026 -4.20 .026 -.418 .059 -4.16 .051 -.500 .070
11 Boise State L 14-49 7-42 -.97 .130 -1.40 .086 -3.18 .057 -.268 .136 -3.67 .066 -.364 .135
12 Air Force L 7-21 7-21 -1.14 .092 -.56 .260 -1.37 .236 -.186 .222 -2.43 .146 -.119 .342
13 UNLV W 48-10 34-0 .53 .740 1.31 .900 2.25 .872 .376 .923 3.35 .916 .583 .966
14 South Alabama W 23-7 23-7 -.25 .387 .67 .767 1.33 .757 .250 .846 2.90 .887 .333 .853

Houston 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Texas State L 13-30 13-30 -1.27 .075 -.65 .238 -1.31 .247 -.167 .233 -.99 .313 -.308 .167
2 Louisiana Tech L 49-56 49-56 .03 .521 -.22 .387 -.44 .398 -.056 .398 -1.11 .296 .000 .518
3 UCLA L 6-37 0-30 -.54 .267 -.94 .163 -1.53 .210 -.273 .135 -1.21 .279 -.271 .197
5 Rice W 35-14 35-7 .77 .823 1.12 .865 2.33 .883 .354 .913 3.56 .930 .500 .941
6 North Texas W 44-21 44-21 .54 .742 1.15 .872 2.30 .877 .277 .869 2.83 .883 .500 .941
7 UAB W 39-17 36-10 .42 .690 1.18 .877 2.36 .885 .337 .906 1.84 .804 .636 .978
8 SMU L 42-72 42-66 -.70 .206 -.69 .227 -.71 .330 -.035 .439 -.48 .398 -.143 .314
9 UTEP W 45-35 45-35 -.13 .443 .32 .679 .74 .678 .015 .523 -.19 .463 .087 .615
10 East Carolina L 28-48 21-41 -1.15 .091 -.74 .211 -1.65 .192 -.297 .114 .72 .643 -.401 .109
11 Tulsa L 7-41 0-34 -1.17 .087 -1.36 .090 -2.83 .078 -.318 .102 -1.46 .239 -.423 .100
12 Marshall L 41-44 41-44 -.65 .229 -.10 .460 -.41 .402 -.223 .178 -.51 .391 -.105 .355
13 Tulane W 40-17 40-17 -.17 .426 .72 .782 1.44 .779 .242 .837 2.27 .837 .313 .837

Idaho 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Bowling Green L 13-21 13-21 -.66 .224 -.38 .298 -.92 .288 -.096 .327 -.54 .387 .064 .589
3 LSU L 14-63 14-49 -.63 .235 -1.46 .079 -2.33 .120 -.422 .056 -3.98 .054 -.333 .155
4 Wyoming L 37-40 37-40 -.61 .243 -.12 .443 -.26 .437 .063 .616 -.91 .328 -.045 .444
5 North Carolina L 0-66 0-52 -2.11 .007 -2.26 .014 -4.73 .012 -.650 .008 -6.78 .008 -.727 .011
6 New Mexico State W 26-18 26-18 -1.25 .081 .29 .658 .47 .611 -.039 .426 -.38 .427 .198 .743
7 Texas State L 7-38 7-31 -1.88 .017 -1.26 .109 -2.74 .090 -.260 .146 -.89 .331 -.467 .075
8 Louisiana Tech L 28-70 21-70 -1.71 .029 -1.96 .033 -3.98 .029 -.613 .010 -4.24 .048 -.646 .020
10 San Jose State L 13-42 13-42 -.67 .221 -.91 .168 -2.10 .141 -.348 .090 -3.45 .074 -.167 .288
11 BYU L 13-52 10-49 -1.11 .098 -1.56 .063 -3.05 .068 -.535 .020 -2.44 .143 -.406 .106
12 UTSA L 27-34 27-34 -1.06 .112 -.28 .345 -.58 .363 -.009 .487 .43 .588 .000 .518
13 Utah State L 9-45 9-38 -.75 .189 -1.21 .118 -2.07 .144 -.152 .251 -1.78 .201 -.205 .247

Illinois 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Western Michigan W 24-7 24-7 .09 .547 .65 .764 .88 .704 .081 .649 .32 .565 .179 .730
2 Arizona State L 14-45 14-38 -.50 .283 -1.04 .148 -2.29 .124 -.443 .043 -3.08 .101 -.379 .122
4 Louisiana Tech L 24-52 17-45 -.72 .199 -.97 .156 -1.95 .155 -.155 .245 -2.36 .152 -.286 .183
5 Penn State L 7-35 7-35 -.75 .187 -1.22 .117 -2.48 .109 -.134 .275 .07 .520 -.345 .143
6 Wisconsin L 14-31 14-31 -.02 .501 -.68 .231 -1.42 .226 -.113 .300 -2.37 .150 -.167 .288
7 Michigan L 0-45 0-38 -1.49 .054 -2.11 .024 -4.22 .025 -.567 .014 -5.40 .018 -.556 .048
9 Indiana L 17-31 17-31 -.72 .201 -.52 .270 -1.08 .275 -.011 .485 -1.33 .260 -.154 .299
10 Ohio State L 22-52 14-45 -.90 .149 -1.41 .083 -2.82 .081 -.389 .068 -4.37 .042 -.364 .135
11 Minnesota L 3-17 3-17 -.91 .147 -.67 .235 -1.43 .221 -.169 .230 -.39 .423 -.209 .239
12 Purdue L 17-20 17-20 -.37 .339 -.13 .437 -.25 .443 -.035 .439 -1.01 .310 -.083 .393
13 Northwestern L 14-50 14-41 -1.26 .079 -1.69 .050 -3.13 .061 -.388 .069 -.67 .367 -.589 .032

Indiana 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Massachusetts W 45-6 45-6 .32 .645 1.77 .957 3.55 .956 .404 .936 3.06 .898 .455 .921
3 Ball State L 39-41 39-41 -.30 .362 -.07 .475 -.13 .468 -.023 .458 1.13 .707 -.067 .408
5 Northwestern L 29-44 29-44 -.12 .447 -.56 .261 -1.69 .186 -.239 .165 -1.75 .205 -.308 .167
6 Michigan State L 27-31 27-31 .18 .588 -.15 .419 -.51 .379 -.024 .456 .78 .656 -.032 .466
7 Ohio State L 49-52 49-52 .41 .684 -.10 .464 -.40 .408 -.213 .185 -1.19 .285 -.115 .349
8 Navy L 30-31 30-31 -.50 .284 -.05 .479 .00 .510 -.072 .368 -.46 .403 .100 .639
9 Illinois W 31-17 31-17 -.12 .450 .52 .732 1.08 .727 .011 .514 1.33 .739 .154 .705
10 Iowa W 24-21 24-21 -.03 .493 .12 .556 .68 .663 .146 .739 .45 .594 .218 .766
11 Wisconsin L 14-62 14-48 -.96 .135 -1.62 .057 -2.96 .070 -.437 .044 -4.47 .039 -.527 .055
12 Penn State L 22-45 22-42 -.25 .389 -.71 .218 -1.66 .191 -.103 .319 -1.71 .209 -.033 .461
13 Purdue L 35-56 35-56 -.94 .139 -.70 .223 -1.40 .230 -.111 .309 -1.73 .208 -.200 .253

Iowa 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Northern Illinois W 18-17 18-17 .32 .644 .05 .517 .09 .525 .133 .723 -.90 .329 .273 .811
2 Iowa State L 6-9 6-9 .21 .600 -.12 .447 -.23 .449 -.151 .253 -.55 .385 -.077 .400
4 Central Michigan L 31-32 31-32 -.69 .208 -.04 .488 .36 .583 .035 .561 1.42 .754 -.084 .385
5 Minnesota W 31-13 24-7 .53 .738 .77 .796 1.55 .792 .226 .823 2.14 .828 .273 .811
7 Michigan State W 19-16 19-16 .44 .697 .10 .544 .08 .523 -.002 .495 -.70 .359 .019 .522
8 Penn State L 14-38 7-38 -.83 .167 -1.29 .102 -3.17 .058 -.429 .049 -2.29 .161 -.402 .108
9 Northwestern L 17-28 17-28 -.15 .434 -.58 .254 -1.41 .227 -.090 .341 -2.32 .157 -.144 .305
10 Indiana L 21-24 21-24 -.31 .358 -.12 .447 -.68 .337 -.146 .260 -.45 .406 -.218 .234
11 Purdue L 24-27 24-27 -.35 .344 -.11 .450 -.51 .376 -.096 .329 -1.38 .254 -.179 .271
12 Michigan L 17-42 10-42 -1.51 .051 -2.13 .020 -4.75 .011 -.511 .025 -3.13 .097 -.607 .026
13 Nebraska L 7-13 7-13 .22 .605 -.26 .356 -.72 .329 -.066 .376 -.55 .385 -.133 .323

Iowa State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Tulsa W 38-23 38-23 .63 .781 .44 .713 .88 .705 .112 .696 1.01 .689 .176 .727
2 Iowa W 9-6 9-6 -.03 .493 .12 .556 .23 .552 .151 .747 .55 .614 .077 .605
5 Texas Tech L 13-24 13-24 -.10 .467 -.44 .287 -1.50 .214 -.266 .138 -1.61 .222 -.250 .208
6 TCU W 37-23 37-23 .95 .866 .52 .732 .86 .702 -.068 .374 1.54 .771 .060 .582
7 Kansas State L 21-27 21-27 .87 .851 -.27 .347 -.79 .311 -.219 .183 -.96 .319 -.227 .226
8 Oklahoma State L 10-31 10-31 .07 .542 -.81 .195 -1.62 .202 -.398 .065 -3.13 .098 -.385 .119
9 Baylor W 35-21 35-21 1.19 .906 .52 .732 1.08 .727 .041 .577 -.85 .335 .231 .782
10 Oklahoma L 20-35 20-35 .24 .611 -.68 .229 -1.36 .240 -.214 .184 -1.75 .204 -.091 .380
11 Texas L 7-33 7-30 -.50 .288 -1.15 .129 -2.30 .124 -.425 .053 -4.26 .045 -.400 .113
12 Kansas W 51-23 48-23 .74 .814 1.09 .859 2.45 .888 .263 .858 .80 .660 .394 .885
13 West Virginia L 24-31 24-31 .03 .525 -.33 .320 -.92 .288 -.057 .393 -1.21 .280 -.245 .210
B Tulsa L 17-31 17-31 -.28 .370 -.47 .281 -1.35 .240 -.163 .238 -.84 .337 -.119 .340

Kansas 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Rice L 24-25 24-25 -.39 .329 -.04 .486 .13 .529 -.036 .437 .19 .538 .055 .574
3 TCU L 6-20 6-20 -.26 .380 -.70 .223 -1.40 .230 -.260 .145 -1.48 .235 -.200 .253
4 Northern Illinois L 23-30 23-30 .00 .511 -.27 .352 -.89 .293 -.129 .279 -.97 .317 -.135 .321
6 Kansas State L 16-56 16-42 -.23 .404 -1.37 .088 -2.89 .074 -.109 .313 -5.27 .021 -.333 .155
7 Oklahoma State L 14-20 14-20 .65 .790 -.23 .380 -.46 .393 .053 .598 -.77 .346 -.231 .221
8 Oklahoma L 7-52 0-52 -1.97 .012 -2.89 .003 -6.33 .002 -.731 .004 -6.65 .010 -1.000 .002
9 Texas L 17-21 17-21 .48 .716 -.17 .411 -.36 .415 -.141 .265 -.69 .361 .000 .518
10 Baylor L 14-41 14-41 -.46 .298 -1.13 .133 -2.25 .129 -.356 .085 -2.30 .158 -.500 .070
11 Texas Tech L 34-41 34-41 .09 .548 -.25 .368 .00 .510 -.076 .363 .05 .514 -.083 .393
12 Iowa State L 23-51 23-48 -.76 .183 -1.09 .141 -2.45 .111 -.263 .141 -.80 .339 -.394 .115
14 West Virginia L 10-59 7-45 -2.01 .010 -2.38 .010 -4.75 .011 -.579 .013 -5.02 .028 -.750 .010

Kansas State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Miami W 52-13 45-6 2.19 .988 2.17 .980 4.33 .980 .468 .962 2.03 .816 .667 .984
3 North Texas W 35-21 35-13 .61 .770 1.22 .885 2.06 .853 .166 .765 3.42 .923 .167 .725
4 Oklahoma W 24-19 24-19 1.18 .905 .26 .646 .23 .548 .077 .643 .37 .572 -.025 .474
6 Kansas W 56-16 42-16 1.02 .877 1.37 .911 2.89 .925 .109 .686 5.27 .978 .333 .853
7 Iowa State W 27-21 27-21 .60 .767 .27 .652 .79 .689 .219 .816 .96 .680 .227 .778
8 West Virginia W 55-14 45-7 2.90 .997 2.53 .992 6.43 .998 .758 .997 4.85 .970 1.000 .999
9 Texas Tech W 55-24 48-17 1.89 .976 1.55 .935 2.86 .924 .224 .822 1.32 .735 .378 .876
10 Oklahoma State W 44-30 44-30 1.38 .934 .50 .727 .73 .676 .132 .722 .17 .533 .199 .745
11 TCU W 23-10 23-3 1.27 .920 .83 .816 1.82 .830 .103 .680 1.47 .762 .273 .811
12 Baylor L 24-52 24-52 -.50 .289 -1.17 .125 -2.33 .120 -.282 .128 -3.18 .094 -.333 .155
14 Texas W 42-24 35-17 1.51 .952 .86 .822 1.80 .827 .057 .607 -.07 .480 .100 .639
B Oregon L 17-35 17-35 .57 .758 -.82 .190 -1.15 .265 -.190 .219 -1.66 .217 -.136 .319

Kent State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Kentucky L 14-47 14-40 -1.56 .044 -1.18 .123 -2.36 .115 -.300 .112 -2.63 .129 -.273 .196
4 Buffalo W 23-7 23-7 -.06 .483 .55 .738 1.18 .739 .219 .817 .63 .625 .362 .864
5 Ball State W 45-43 45-43 -.17 .427 .07 .526 .06 .516 -.148 .257 -.28 .445 -.138 .314
6 Eastern Michigan W 41-14 38-7 .72 .809 1.55 .935 2.74 .911 .473 .964 2.68 .872 .456 .923
7 Army W 31-17 31-17 -.15 .432 .61 .753 1.40 .771 -.042 .421 1.93 .811 .121 .666
8 Western Michigan W 41-24 41-24 .06 .538 .63 .757 1.12 .732 -.051 .409 .89 .670 .214 .765
9 Rutgers W 35-23 35-23 .53 .738 .41 .707 .62 .645 .043 .581 -.68 .364 .118 .656
10 Akron W 35-24 35-24 -.50 .290 .50 .727 1.00 .719 -.016 .475 .02 .505 .182 .736
11 Miami (OH) W 48-32 48-32 -.24 .398 .59 .749 1.41 .772 .081 .648 1.04 .695 .187 .737
12 Bowling Green W 31-24 31-24 -.03 .497 .25 .637 .50 .620 .038 .572 1.30 .730 .000 .518
13 Ohio W 28-6 28-6 .42 .686 .81 .809 .84 .699 .140 .733 3.05 .896 .039 .546
C Northern Illinois L 37-44 37-44 .04 .529 -.23 .384 -.76 .316 -.229 .174 -1.85 .193 -.115 .349
B Arkansas State L 13-17 13-17 -.14 .439 -.19 .404 -.52 .375 .004 .508 .25 .548 -.027 .471

Kentucky 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Louisville L 14-32 14-32 -.82 .170 -1.00 .155 -2.44 .112 -.092 .337 -1.45 .241 -.292 .177
2 Kent State W 47-14 40-14 1.12 .895 1.18 .877 2.36 .885 .300 .887 2.63 .870 .273 .811
3 Western Kentucky L 31-32 31-32 -.25 .391 -.04 .488 -.40 .407 .061 .615 .79 .658 -.067 .408
4 Florida L 0-38 0-31 -.74 .193 -1.63 .056 -3.00 .069 -.377 .076 -2.39 .148 -.425 .099
5 South Carolina L 17-38 17-35 .12 .561 -.78 .202 -1.77 .179 -.206 .197 -1.02 .309 -.205 .247
6 Mississippi State L 14-27 14-27 -.24 .395 -.54 .266 -1.29 .249 -.311 .107 -2.22 .166 -.288 .182
7 Arkansas L 7-49 0-42 -2.88 .001 -3.00 .002 -6.00 .003 -.717 .005 -7.74 .002 -.857 .005
8 Georgia L 24-29 24-29 .85 .846 -.23 .381 -.45 .395 -.134 .274 -.96 .320 -.091 .380
9 Missouri L 10-33 10-33 -.54 .268 -.88 .171 -1.59 .203 -.203 .202 -.89 .330 -.224 .229
10 Vanderbilt L 0-40 0-34 -1.59 .041 -2.13 .022 -4.25 .023 -.389 .068 -3.47 .073 -.500 .070
13 Tennessee L 17-37 17-34 -.58 .253 -.81 .193 -1.85 .165 -.110 .311 -1.99 .186 -.136 .319

Louisiana 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Troy W 37-24 37-24 .09 .548 .45 .714 .71 .668 -.057 .395 .57 .616 .195 .740
3 Oklahoma State L 24-65 7-51 -1.43 .059 -2.32 .012 -4.56 .014 -.581 .012 -2.73 .125 -.667 .018
5 Florida International W 48-20 48-20 .42 .687 1.04 .850 2.26 .874 .348 .910 3.58 .931 .401 .891
6 Tulane W 41-13 38-13 .20 .595 1.09 .859 2.02 .851 .334 .905 2.60 .867 .350 .859
8 North Texas L 23-30 23-30 -.91 .148 -.29 .340 -.58 .363 -.164 .236 -.34 .431 -.167 .288
9 Arkansas State L 27-50 21-43 -.87 .156 -.92 .165 -1.83 .167 -.255 .150 .01 .502 -.500 .070
10 UL Monroe W 40-24 34-24 .38 .674 .43 .712 1.09 .727 .135 .727 -.06 .483 .038 .543
11 Florida L 20-27 20-27 .61 .775 -.28 .345 -.48 .387 -.045 .415 .62 .621 -.061 .415
12 Western Kentucky W 31-27 31-27 -.03 .498 .18 .594 .12 .527 .077 .640 3.35 .917 -.045 .443
13 South Alabama W 52-30 52-30 -.04 .488 .88 .828 1.50 .788 .092 .661 2.64 .871 .032 .538
14 Florida Atlantic W 35-21 35-21 -.18 .421 .58 .749 1.17 .738 -.085 .348 -.77 .346 .000 .518
B East Carolina W 43-34 43-34 -.10 .467 .31 .668 .64 .654 .108 .686 1.42 .753 .143 .692

Louisiana Tech 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Houston W 56-49 56-49 -.15 .435 .22 .614 .44 .602 .056 .602 1.11 .704 .000 .518
3 Rice W 56-37 49-23 .95 .865 1.30 .900 2.60 .900 .376 .922 3.39 .922 .300 .831
4 Illinois W 52-24 45-17 .33 .652 .97 .844 1.95 .844 .155 .755 2.36 .848 .286 .817
5 Virginia W 44-38 44-38 -.10 .464 .23 .622 .16 .536 -.080 .352 -2.52 .138 .045 .555
6 UNLV W 58-31 51-24 .35 .662 1.13 .867 2.25 .872 .219 .818 .16 .531 .417 .898
7 Texas A&M L 57-59 57-59 1.27 .919 -.06 .477 -.80 .309 -.031 .445 -1.40 .251 -.181 .269
8 Idaho W 70-28 70-21 .86 .848 1.96 .966 3.98 .970 .613 .990 4.24 .952 .646 .980
9 New Mexico State W 28-14 28-0 -.32 .357 1.22 .884 2.33 .883 .295 .883 1.62 .779 .583 .966
10 UTSA W 51-27 44-27 -.01 .505 .77 .796 1.55 .792 .156 .755 1.10 .700 .364 .870
11 Texas State W 62-55 62-55 -.36 .341 .26 .643 .84 .698 .112 .693 -.39 .422 .049 .564
12 Utah State L 41-48 41-48 .22 .605 -.24 .372 -.32 .426 .012 .516 -2.08 .176 -.032 .466
13 San Jose State L 43-52 43-52 -.09 .471 -.33 .320 -1.26 .252 -.096 .331 -1.30 .267 -.167 .288

Louisville 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Kentucky W 32-14 32-14 .62 .779 1.00 .849 2.44 .887 .092 .662 1.45 .758 .292 .822
3 North Carolina W 39-34 39-34 .37 .671 .22 .612 1.07 .723 .159 .758 -.65 .370 .283 .816
4 Florida International W 28-21 28-21 -.23 .401 .39 .704 .49 .613 -.121 .286 .47 .598 .069 .594
5 Southern Mississippi W 21-17 21-17 -.79 .177 .19 .597 1.10 .730 .103 .679 .04 .512 .100 .639
7 Pittsburgh W 45-35 45-28 1.00 .876 .81 .808 1.76 .819 .108 .685 3.13 .903 .192 .739
8 South Florida W 27-25 27-25 -.25 .393 .11 .545 .50 .620 -.002 .495 1.62 .778 .044 .553
9 Cincinnati W 34-31 34-31 .48 .717 .10 .544 -.17 .463 .036 .565 1.58 .775 -.033 .461
10 Temple W 45-17 45-17 .86 .847 1.33 .905 3.50 .955 .392 .934 4.02 .947 .500 .941
11 Syracuse L 26-45 19-45 -1.13 .096 -1.44 .081 -2.63 .099 -.229 .172 -.82 .337 -.278 .187
13 Connecticut L 20-23 20-23 -.41 .320 -.09 .467 -.05 .484 .130 .721 .36 .571 .060 .584
14 Rutgers W 20-17 20-17 .24 .611 .12 .561 .25 .560 .110 .689 -2.41 .147 .167 .725
B Florida W 33-23 33-23 1.37 .933 .48 .721 1.29 .751 .294 .881 .89 .669 .478 .926

LSU 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 North Texas W 41-14 34-7 .67 .795 1.29 .896 2.00 .850 .433 .954 3.43 .924 .500 .941
2 Washington W 41-3 34-3 1.80 .972 1.63 .944 3.95 .969 .561 .985 4.38 .958 .650 .980
3 Idaho W 63-14 49-14 .36 .665 1.46 .921 2.33 .883 .422 .943 3.98 .945 .333 .853
4 Auburn W 12-10 12-10 -.21 .409 .08 .529 .10 .526 .139 .731 1.10 .702 .064 .590
6 Florida L 6-14 6-14 .55 .750 -.35 .310 -.77 .314 -.091 .340 .46 .596 -.015 .480
7 South Carolina W 23-21 23-21 .99 .870 .09 .531 .34 .580 .316 .896 1.42 .753 .295 .826
8 Texas A&M W 24-19 24-19 1.50 .950 .17 .587 .33 .578 -.127 .281 -.47 .400 -.067 .408
10 Alabama L 17-21 17-21 1.50 .951 -.17 .413 -.49 .385 .059 .610 -1.34 .260 .144 .693
11 Mississippi State W 37-17 37-17 1.25 .917 .95 .839 1.63 .803 .188 .779 .02 .506 .367 .873
12 Ole Miss W 41-35 41-35 .76 .820 .18 .594 .08 .522 .071 .630 -.04 .488 .092 .626
13 Arkansas W 20-13 20-13 .42 .689 .30 .666 .73 .678 -.146 .262 -1.26 .275 -.053 .430
B Clemson L 24-25 24-25 .61 .771 -.03 .497 .05 .514 -.138 .269 .19 .536 -.048 .441

Marshall 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 West Virginia L 34-69 20-62 -1.63 .036 -2.00 .033 -3.50 .046 -.433 .046 -4.54 .038 -.400 .113
3 Ohio L 24-27 24-27 -.52 .279 -.13 .437 -.25 .443 .079 .645 .63 .624 -.083 .388
4 Rice W 54-51 54-51 -.24 .400 .11 .551 .31 .573 -.077 .357 -1.03 .307 -.038 .456
5 Purdue L 41-51 41-51 -.59 .251 -.34 .311 -.65 .341 -.017 .471 .84 .663 -.071 .403
6 Tulsa L 38-45 38-45 -.06 .482 -.25 .368 -.34 .421 .166 .766 2.06 .820 -.026 .473
8 Southern Mississippi W 59-24 45-17 .14 .568 1.12 .865 2.92 .928 .322 .900 3.02 .893 .500 .941
9 UCF L 17-54 10-47 -1.54 .046 -1.85 .040 -3.13 .061 -.364 .080 -6.38 .014 -.425 .099
10 Memphis W 38-28 38-28 -.10 .468 .42 .708 1.25 .747 .147 .742 3.06 .897 .145 .697
11 UAB L 31-38 31-38 -1.03 .115 -.27 .352 -.20 .458 -.098 .325 -.95 .324 -.115 .349
12 Houston W 44-41 44-41 -.26 .383 .10 .544 .41 .598 .223 .822 .51 .608 .105 .644
13 East Carolina L 59-65 59-65 -.60 .245 -.19 .400 .29 .567 .013 .518 .42 .583 .044 .550

Maryland 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Temple W 36-27 36-27 -.17 .426 .31 .668 .95 .713 .188 .779 1.40 .748 .062 .589
3 Connecticut L 21-24 21-24 -.43 .312 -.12 .447 .20 .543 -.041 .424 -.43 .412 -.103 .359
4 West Virginia L 21-31 21-31 -.03 .495 -.40 .294 -.57 .365 -.023 .458 -.01 .499 -.056 .421
6 Wake Forest W 19-14 19-14 -.38 .337 .15 .580 .39 .590 .023 .542 .19 .538 .083 .611
7 Virginia W 27-20 27-20 -.09 .475 .24 .630 .21 .544 -.075 .365 .34 .569 .051 .568
8 NC State L 18-20 18-20 -.11 .457 -.07 .475 -.23 .451 .053 .598 .46 .594 .048 .561
9 Boston College L 17-20 17-20 -.55 .264 -.10 .460 -.30 .430 .056 .602 .05 .513 -.019 .478
10 Georgia Tech L 13-33 7-33 -1.22 .083 -1.44 .081 -3.35 .053 -.489 .031 -4.00 .053 -.514 .057
11 Clemson L 10-45 10-38 -.63 .234 -1.27 .109 -2.54 .105 -.592 .012 -3.86 .057 -.485 .072
12 Florida State L 14-41 7-34 -.54 .270 -1.29 .107 -2.70 .092 -.320 .100 -2.91 .112 -.500 .070
13 North Carolina L 38-45 38-45 -.11 .456 -.26 .361 -1.37 .238 -.152 .251 -.28 .443 -.199 .255

Massachusetts 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Connecticut L 0-37 0-27 -1.60 .039 -1.29 .107 -1.63 .198 -.548 .018 -4.08 .051 -.375 .124
2 Indiana L 6-45 6-45 -1.97 .011 -1.77 .042 -3.55 .044 -.404 .063 -3.06 .102 -.455 .081
3 Michigan L 13-63 13-56 -1.64 .036 -2.26 .014 -4.85 .008 -.607 .010 -6.65 .010 -.550 .049
4 Miami (OH) L 16-27 16-27 -1.38 .067 -.55 .262 -1.10 .271 .034 .559 -2.28 .162 .000 .518
5 Ohio L 34-37 34-37 -.53 .275 -.13 .432 -.53 .372 -.090 .342 -.27 .447 -.227 .226
6 Western Michigan L 14-52 7-42 -2.62 .002 -2.06 .028 -4.38 .017 -.550 .017 -7.21 .004 -.625 .023
8 Bowling Green L 0-24 0-24 -1.17 .088 -.89 .170 -1.42 .226 -.209 .194 -1.84 .195 -.250 .208
9 Vanderbilt L 7-49 0-42 -1.57 .042 -2.10 .026 -3.89 .032 -.427 .051 -4.37 .042 -.556 .048
10 Northern Illinois L 0-63 0-49 -2.79 .001 -3.06 .001 -6.13 .003 -.554 .016 -4.59 .036 -.875 .003
11 Akron W 22-14 22-14 -.69 .210 .31 .667 .62 .644 .044 .583 -.62 .378 .231 .782
12 Buffalo L 19-29 19-29 -1.00 .122 -.38 .297 -.37 .411 -.041 .423 -1.16 .290 .058 .581
13 Central Michigan L 21-42 21-42 -1.57 .042 -.91 .165 -2.07 .144 -.088 .346 -1.68 .213 -.295 .176

Memphis 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Arkansas State L 28-33 28-33 -.13 .444 -.18 .409 -1.37 .235 -.243 .162 -1.20 .283 -.288 .180
3 Middle Tennessee L 30-48 23-48 -1.50 .053 -1.25 .111 -1.68 .188 -.291 .120 -.96 .321 -.278 .187
4 Duke L 14-38 14-31 -1.00 .120 -.74 .213 -2.12 .139 -.479 .033 -4.25 .047 -.355 .139
6 Rice W 14-10 14-10 -.19 .419 .16 .585 .89 .707 .050 .586 .31 .563 -.015 .480
7 East Carolina L 7-41 0-34 -1.95 .014 -1.55 .068 -3.09 .066 -.349 .087 -3.16 .094 -.455 .083
8 UCF L 17-35 10-28 -.47 .293 -.78 .202 -1.83 .168 -.057 .394 -1.27 .272 -.118 .343
9 SMU L 13-44 13-37 -1.16 .089 -1.14 .131 -2.52 .107 -.423 .055 -3.49 .072 -.427 .097
10 Marshall L 28-38 28-38 -.96 .133 -.42 .292 -1.25 .253 -.147 .258 -3.06 .102 -.145 .303
11 Tulane W 37-23 37-16 -.01 .506 .88 .827 1.39 .768 .211 .811 2.84 .883 .121 .666
12 UAB W 46-9 44-3 1.29 .923 2.05 .970 4.10 .972 .488 .967 3.96 .944 .700 .986
13 Southern Mississippi W 42-24 35-10 .69 .800 1.67 .948 4.58 .986 .676 .992 3.35 .915 .583 .966

Miami 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Boston College W 41-32 41-32 -.11 .456 .33 .687 .15 .534 -.077 .360 -1.62 .221 .000 .518
2 Kansas State L 13-52 6-45 -1.02 .116 -2.17 .020 -4.33 .019 -.468 .037 -2.03 .183 -.667 .018
4 Georgia Tech W 42-36 42-36 .46 .705 .23 .622 -.44 .396 .121 .712 .30 .559 .129 .675
5 NC State W 44-37 44-37 .16 .578 .20 .603 .53 .626 .148 .743 1.20 .717 .196 .741
6 Notre Dame L 3-41 3-34 -1.22 .082 -2.07 .027 -3.82 .034 -.438 .044 -3.33 .085 -.589 .032
7 North Carolina L 14-18 14-18 -.05 .487 -.20 .400 -.40 .407 .037 .568 .16 .531 -.300 .173
8 Florida State L 20-33 13-33 -.05 .486 -.80 .196 -1.46 .218 -.221 .179 -2.21 .167 -.365 .129
10 Virginia Tech W 30-12 30-12 .78 .827 .69 .775 1.38 .767 -.058 .391 .94 .674 .154 .705
11 Virginia L 40-41 40-41 -.38 .335 -.05 .484 -.45 .395 .090 .657 1.42 .752 -.045 .444
12 South Florida W 40-9 30-3 .94 .861 1.29 .896 2.70 .908 .286 .874 2.38 .850 .300 .831
13 Duke W 52-45 52-45 -.01 .503 .25 .637 .50 .620 .117 .706 3.25 .911 .143 .692

Miami (OH) 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Ohio State L 10-56 10-42 -.64 .233 -1.14 .131 -1.98 .153 -.240 .164 -2.38 .149 -.170 .274
3 Boise State L 12-39 9-36 -1.25 .080 -1.69 .050 -3.38 .051 -.504 .027 -4.76 .032 -.500 .070
4 Massachusetts W 27-16 27-16 -.91 .148 .55 .737 1.10 .730 -.034 .441 2.28 .837 .000 .518
5 Akron W 56-49 56-49 -.71 .203 .29 .661 .58 .637 .203 .797 -.32 .436 .250 .796
6 Cincinnati L 14-52 14-45 -1.18 .087 -1.55 .066 -2.82 .079 -.263 .142 -.30 .439 -.578 .040
7 Bowling Green L 12-37 12-37 -1.47 .057 -1.19 .122 -1.80 .174 -.430 .048 -2.78 .123 -.200 .253
9 Ohio W 23-20 23-20 -.28 .367 .12 .556 .23 .552 -.001 .499 1.05 .696 .077 .605
10 Buffalo L 24-27 24-27 -.73 .195 -.12 .443 -.08 .479 .027 .548 -1.51 .231 -.128 .328
11 Kent State L 32-48 32-48 -.65 .228 -.59 .250 -1.41 .227 -.081 .351 -1.04 .305 -.187 .262
12 Central Michigan L 16-30 16-30 -1.29 .073 -.64 .242 -1.27 .251 .036 .564 -1.57 .225 -.091 .380
13 Ball State L 24-31 24-31 -.53 .277 -.29 .340 -.40 .402 -.028 .449 .75 .650 -.136 .319

Michigan 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Alabama L 14-41 14-41 .49 .719 -1.17 .124 -1.82 .171 -.331 .096 -2.32 .156 -.455 .081
2 Air Force W 31-25 31-25 -.28 .371 .30 .664 .60 .641 -.008 .488 3.39 .921 .000 .518
3 Massachusetts W 63-13 56-13 .81 .837 2.26 .986 4.85 .991 .607 .989 6.65 .990 .550 .950
4 Notre Dame L 6-13 6-13 .48 .715 -.37 .303 -.84 .299 .117 .707 .13 .527 -.033 .459
6 Purdue W 44-13 37-13 .80 .835 1.04 .852 1.82 .830 .312 .893 2.24 .835 .427 .906
7 Illinois W 45-0 38-0 1.47 .946 2.11 .976 4.22 .976 .567 .986 5.40 .981 .556 .956
8 Michigan State W 12-10 12-10 .42 .689 .09 .531 .09 .525 -.017 .471 .34 .568 .061 .588
9 Nebraska L 9-23 9-23 -.13 .441 -.61 .248 -1.34 .241 -.134 .273 -1.30 .268 -.121 .337
10 Minnesota W 35-13 35-13 .92 .857 1.16 .873 2.59 .898 .112 .693 3.10 .900 .156 .708
11 Northwestern W 38-31 38-31 .75 .818 .32 .675 .00 .510 .020 .533 2.20 .830 .000 .518
12 Iowa W 42-17 42-10 1.98 .980 2.13 .979 4.75 .990 .511 .975 3.13 .902 .607 .975
13 Ohio State L 21-26 21-26 .30 .636 -.21 .394 -.61 .357 -.192 .215 .48 .600 -.386 .117
B South Carolina L 28-33 28-33 .70 .804 -.20 .400 -.21 .455 -.175 .225 -4.34 .044 -.084 .385

Michigan State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Boise State W 17-13 17-13 .62 .775 .18 .594 .95 .712 .153 .751 .95 .677 .164 .710
2 Central Michigan W 41-7 34-0 1.35 .931 2.00 .969 3.78 .962 .407 .939 3.15 .904 .778 .993
3 Notre Dame L 3-20 3-20 .11 .552 -.74 .213 -1.39 .232 -.112 .305 -1.63 .219 -.152 .300
4 Eastern Michigan W 23-7 23-7 -.22 .407 .62 .754 1.23 .745 .236 .833 2.36 .848 .385 .881
5 Ohio State L 16-17 16-17 .46 .709 -.05 .482 -.25 .445 -.097 .326 -1.60 .223 .155 .707
6 Indiana W 31-27 31-27 -.04 .488 .15 .581 .51 .621 .024 .544 -.78 .343 .032 .538
7 Iowa L 16-19 16-19 -.25 .387 -.10 .460 -.08 .477 .002 .505 .70 .640 -.019 .477
8 Michigan L 10-12 10-12 .54 .742 -.09 .469 -.09 .475 .017 .529 -.34 .432 -.061 .415
9 Wisconsin W 16-13 16-13 .79 .830 .13 .566 .00 .510 .050 .587 .52 .609 .000 .518
10 Nebraska L 24-28 24-28 .33 .653 -.15 .422 -.15 .467 -.051 .408 -1.09 .301 .027 .531
12 Northwestern L 20-23 20-23 .33 .651 -.10 .460 .12 .528 .100 .677 .21 .541 -.041 .453
13 Minnesota W 26-10 26-10 .43 .691 .67 .767 1.89 .839 .357 .916 3.20 .907 .492 .929
B TCU W 17-16 17-16 .47 .714 .04 .508 -.02 .487 -.096 .330 -1.87 .191 -.093 .373

Middle Tennessee 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Florida Atlantic W 31-17 31-10 .34 .656 1.11 .861 1.99 .848 .213 .813 1.39 .747 .278 .814
3 Memphis W 48-30 48-23 .74 .816 1.25 .889 1.68 .811 .291 .879 .96 .678 .278 .814
5 Georgia Tech W 49-28 49-28 1.07 .883 .84 .817 1.22 .742 .220 .819 2.70 .874 .252 .796
6 UL Monroe L 17-31 17-31 -.76 .185 -.70 .223 -1.40 .230 -.139 .268 -.11 .475 -.200 .253
7 Florida International W 34-30 34-30 -.44 .306 .18 .594 .36 .587 -.030 .447 -.61 .380 .000 .518
8 Mississippi State L 3-45 3-38 -1.89 .016 -2.19 .019 -4.38 .017 -.500 .028 -3.57 .069 -.750 .010
9 North Texas W 38-21 38-21 .09 .549 .71 .781 1.42 .776 .227 .824 2.43 .855 .333 .853
10 Western Kentucky W 34-29 34-27 .16 .577 .37 .697 .38 .589 -.008 .488 -1.13 .293 -.042 .452
12 South Alabama W 20-12 20-12 -.57 .257 .35 .691 .82 .693 .118 .708 1.19 .715 .295 .826
13 Troy W 24-21 24-21 -.26 .385 .10 .538 -.26 .438 -.111 .308 -.28 .443 .157 .708
14 Arkansas State L 0-45 0-35 -3.45 .000 -3.50 .001 -7.00 .001 -.732 .003 -6.96 .005 -1.000 .002

Minnesota 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UNLV W 30-27 30-27 -.68 .214 .09 .534 .08 .523 .209 .806 2.13 .827 .103 .643
3 Western Michigan W 28-23 28-23 -.37 .340 .20 .603 .56 .633 .096 .672 1.52 .769 .032 .538
4 Syracuse W 17-10 17-10 .63 .784 .32 .675 .64 .652 .012 .515 -.28 .446 .273 .811
5 Iowa L 13-31 7-24 -.92 .143 -.77 .205 -1.55 .209 -.226 .176 -2.14 .171 -.273 .196
7 Northwestern L 13-21 13-21 .08 .546 -.35 .310 -.73 .325 .115 .702 -.50 .395 .000 .518
8 Wisconsin L 13-38 13-38 -.47 .292 -1.14 .132 -2.27 .125 -.375 .078 -2.67 .128 -.273 .196
9 Purdue W 44-28 44-21 .80 .836 1.05 .853 1.79 .824 .252 .847 3.28 .911 .427 .906
10 Michigan L 13-35 13-35 -.53 .273 -1.16 .126 -2.59 .102 -.112 .306 -3.10 .100 -.156 .292
11 Illinois W 17-3 17-3 .03 .522 .67 .767 1.43 .778 .169 .769 .39 .577 .209 .760
12 Nebraska L 14-38 0-38 -1.11 .101 -1.58 .061 -2.82 .081 -.426 .051 -3.85 .058 -.455 .081
13 Michigan State L 10-26 10-26 -.33 .355 -.67 .235 -1.89 .160 -.357 .083 -3.20 .092 -.492 .070
B Texas Tech L 31-34 31-34 .21 .599 -.13 .432 .36 .587 -.037 .432 -.98 .316 -.091 .380

Mississippi State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Auburn W 28-10 28-10 .46 .711 .75 .792 2.06 .855 .252 .846 3.12 .901 .409 .895
3 Troy W 30-24 30-24 -.10 .470 .26 .645 .55 .630 -.086 .347 1.41 .750 .000 .518
4 South Alabama W 30-10 30-3 .31 .640 1.23 .886 2.45 .889 .142 .736 1.33 .738 .364 .870
6 Kentucky W 27-14 27-14 .17 .579 .54 .735 1.29 .751 .311 .893 2.22 .833 .288 .818
7 Tennessee W 41-31 34-31 .35 .663 .12 .561 .65 .657 .112 .694 -.04 .487 .220 .769
8 Middle Tennessee W 45-3 38-3 1.94 .977 2.19 .982 4.38 .983 .500 .971 3.57 .930 .750 .992
9 Alabama L 7-38 0-31 .11 .557 -1.55 .066 -3.10 .065 -.290 .122 -2.78 .122 -.389 .117
10 Texas A&M L 13-38 13-38 .01 .515 -1.32 .098 -2.36 .116 -.420 .057 -1.48 .236 -.578 .040
11 LSU L 17-37 17-37 -.12 .449 -.95 .161 -1.63 .197 -.188 .220 -.02 .493 -.367 .128
12 Arkansas W 45-14 45-14 1.41 .937 1.29 .899 2.48 .889 .230 .828 1.86 .807 .402 .893
13 Ole Miss L 24-41 17-41 -.35 .346 -.92 .163 -2.32 .122 -.257 .148 -3.22 .090 -.288 .180
B Northwestern L 20-34 20-34 -.07 .482 -.50 .276 -.65 .344 -.125 .283 -.33 .434 -.099 .370

Missouri 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Georgia L 20-41 20-41 .44 .698 -.64 .242 -1.56 .206 -.099 .324 -.74 .353 -.173 .273
3 Arizona State W 24-20 24-20 .67 .796 .13 .571 .17 .537 -.002 .496 -1.33 .262 .252 .797
4 South Carolina L 10-31 3-28 -.49 .290 -1.39 .087 -2.78 .088 -.509 .026 -3.36 .081 -.333 .155
5 UCF W 21-16 21-16 .50 .722 .19 .595 .02 .513 -.016 .473 .73 .645 -.048 .441
6 Vanderbilt L 15-19 15-19 .37 .672 -.16 .416 -.42 .400 .057 .604 .43 .589 .058 .581
7 Alabama L 10-42 10-35 .62 .777 -1.04 .148 -2.64 .098 -.362 .081 -4.37 .043 -.326 .158
9 Kentucky W 33-10 33-10 .51 .729 .88 .829 1.59 .796 .203 .798 .89 .669 .224 .770
10 Florida L 7-14 7-14 .64 .785 -.26 .361 -.58 .365 .034 .557 -1.05 .304 -.165 .289
11 Tennessee W 51-48 51-48 .33 .652 .10 .536 -.64 .350 -.116 .296 -1.11 .296 -.182 .267
12 Syracuse L 27-31 27-31 .15 .572 -.16 .416 -.51 .379 -.079 .353 -.05 .485 .045 .555
13 Texas A&M L 29-59 23-59 -.38 .333 -1.71 .048 -3.81 .036 -.424 .053 -2.14 .171 -.536 .053

Navy 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Notre Dame L 10-50 10-40 -.73 .194 -1.58 .061 -3.13 .061 -.304 .109 -1.35 .258 -.425 .099
3 Penn State L 7-34 0-34 -1.96 .013 -2.43 .009 -4.50 .014 -.411 .059 -3.04 .105 -.667 .018
5 San Jose State L 0-12 0-12 -.47 .295 -.71 .221 -1.50 .214 -.348 .089 -1.67 .214 -.500 .070
6 Air Force W 28-21 28-21 -.28 .373 .30 .666 .19 .540 -.222 .178 -1.31 .265 -.055 .429
7 Central Michigan W 31-13 31-13 .55 .749 1.20 .880 2.80 .917 .362 .917 .62 .620 .339 .854
8 Indiana W 31-30 31-30 -.14 .436 .05 .521 .00 .510 .072 .631 .46 .596 -.100 .367
9 East Carolina W 56-28 49-21 1.34 .930 1.75 .956 3.13 .940 .514 .977 2.49 .860 .446 .914
10 Florida Atlantic W 24-17 24-17 -.38 .337 .39 .704 .78 .686 .112 .695 1.44 .757 .333 .853
11 Troy L 31-41 31-41 -.83 .166 -.48 .279 -1.28 .249 -.266 .139 -1.26 .274 -.245 .210
12 Texas State W 21-10 21-10 -.16 .430 .46 .718 1.00 .719 .085 .651 .72 .644 .273 .811
15 Army W 17-13 17-13 -.57 .256 .19 .597 .40 .594 -.155 .246 -1.27 .273 -.100 .367
B Arizona State L 28-62 14-55 -2.02 .010 -2.56 .006 -5.88 .004 -.552 .016 -7.08 .005 -.714 .012

NC State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Tennessee L 21-35 21-35 -.27 .376 -.50 .276 -1.00 .284 -.203 .200 -1.81 .199 -.143 .314
2 Connecticut W 10-7 10-7 -.22 .408 .10 .544 .25 .555 .022 .539 -.49 .396 .148 .698
3 South Alabama W 31-7 31-0 .56 .752 1.48 .928 3.10 .936 .340 .907 1.77 .796 .600 .972
5 Miami L 37-44 37-44 -.18 .423 -.20 .400 -.53 .373 -.148 .256 -1.20 .283 -.196 .258
6 Florida State W 17-16 17-16 .79 .831 .04 .513 .19 .539 -.026 .454 -.98 .314 -.058 .421
8 Maryland W 20-18 20-18 -.28 .369 .07 .526 .23 .548 -.053 .401 -.46 .405 -.048 .441
9 North Carolina L 35-43 35-43 -.06 .484 -.21 .393 .00 .510 -.021 .464 -.27 .448 -.056 .423
10 Virginia L 6-33 6-26 -1.00 .122 -.67 .235 -1.43 .221 -.206 .196 -1.22 .277 -.286 .183
11 Wake Forest W 37-6 37-6 .58 .762 1.11 .862 1.88 .837 .324 .900 1.79 .800 .544 .949
12 Clemson L 48-62 45-62 .09 .550 -.55 .263 -1.32 .245 -.076 .361 -1.17 .290 -.167 .288
13 Boston College W 27-10 27-10 .12 .564 .57 .742 .76 .684 .076 .637 .65 .629 .224 .771
B Vanderbilt L 24-38 17-38 -.27 .374 -.81 .195 -2.09 .142 -.082 .350 .57 .615 -.288 .180

Nebraska 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Southern Mississippi W 49-20 42-17 .49 .721 1.47 .922 3.24 .945 .450 .957 4.26 .954 .603 .973
2 UCLA L 30-36 30-36 .22 .604 -.18 .408 -.48 .387 -.247 .157 -.01 .496 -.088 .383
3 Arkansas State W 42-13 42-13 1.37 .932 1.32 .903 3.60 .958 .300 .889 2.92 .889 .400 .889
5 Wisconsin W 30-27 30-27 .78 .828 .12 .561 .42 .600 .111 .690 1.18 .713 .199 .745
6 Ohio State L 38-63 38-56 -.14 .441 -.64 .239 -.79 .312 -.120 .288 -1.75 .206 -.071 .403
8 Northwestern W 29-28 29-28 .46 .707 .03 .501 .26 .561 .202 .795 2.45 .858 .035 .542
9 Michigan W 23-9 23-9 1.23 .913 .61 .753 1.34 .758 .134 .726 1.30 .732 .121 .666
10 Michigan State W 28-24 28-24 .48 .718 .15 .578 .15 .534 .051 .592 1.09 .698 -.027 .470
11 Penn State W 32-23 32-23 .80 .833 .33 .687 .69 .665 .071 .629 .00 .499 .077 .605
12 Minnesota W 38-14 38-0 1.34 .930 1.58 .940 2.82 .919 .426 .948 3.85 .941 .455 .921
13 Iowa W 13-7 13-7 .11 .557 .26 .645 .72 .671 .066 .623 .55 .615 .133 .678
C Wisconsin L 31-70 17-63 -1.53 .048 -2.19 .017 -3.90 .031 -.464 .039 -5.91 .016 -.600 .030
B Georgia L 31-45 31-45 .58 .761 -.50 .276 -1.38 .234 -.169 .230 -3.34 .085 -.115 .349

Nevada 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 California W 31-24 31-24 .13 .565 .26 .643 .87 .704 .071 .630 -.71 .358 .060 .582
2 South Florida L 31-32 31-32 -.39 .333 -.03 .497 -.39 .408 -.022 .462 -1.55 .227 -.051 .434
4 Hawaii W 69-24 55-17 .91 .857 1.90 .961 3.80 .963 .424 .945 2.54 .862 .500 .941
5 Texas State W 34-21 34-21 .00 .512 .62 .755 1.49 .785 .237 .834 2.07 .822 .327 .844
6 Wyoming W 35-28 35-28 -.24 .397 .25 .637 .00 .510 .211 .810 2.54 .863 .077 .605
7 UNLV W 42-37 42-37 -.54 .270 .24 .624 .84 .697 .263 .857 -.01 .495 .055 .574
8 San Diego State L 38-39 38-39 .14 .569 -.05 .484 .00 .510 .056 .603 .20 .540 -.100 .367
9 Air Force L 31-48 31-48 -1.43 .061 -.85 .181 -1.70 .184 -.245 .160 -1.27 .273 -.300 .173
11 Fresno State L 36-52 28-52 -.44 .307 -.86 .180 -1.10 .271 -.280 .129 -2.00 .184 -.071 .403
12 New Mexico W 31-24 31-24 -.34 .348 .32 .675 .64 .653 .073 .632 -.67 .367 .091 .624
14 Boise State L 21-27 21-27 .12 .559 -.32 .331 -.90 .292 -.105 .318 .58 .617 -.256 .202
B Arizona L 48-49 48-49 .36 .667 -.03 .497 -.34 .420 .023 .543 -1.53 .229 .033 .540

New Mexico 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Texas L 0-45 0-31 -1.56 .043 -2.21 .015 -4.43 .016 -.499 .029 -4.44 .040 -.857 .005
3 Texas Tech L 14-49 14-49 -1.85 .020 -2.19 .019 -4.96 .008 -.772 .001 -6.29 .014 -.708 .013
4 New Mexico State W 27-14 27-7 -.43 .316 1.11 .863 2.22 .869 .261 .855 .93 .673 .444 .912
5 Boise State L 29-32 29-32 .30 .635 -.14 .428 -.56 .368 -.195 .210 -2.57 .133 -.236 .212
6 Texas State W 35-14 35-14 .34 .656 .95 .842 1.78 .822 .122 .714 1.00 .688 .345 .858
7 Hawaii W 35-23 35-23 -.41 .319 .57 .745 1.72 .816 .036 .566 .82 .661 .056 .577
8 Air Force L 23-28 23-28 -.84 .162 -.26 .354 -.33 .424 .052 .594 -.75 .347 .125 .669
9 Fresno State L 32-49 24-42 -.27 .374 -.69 .226 -1.81 .172 -.153 .249 -1.21 .281 -.128 .328
10 UNLV L 7-35 7-28 -1.94 .015 -1.17 .125 -2.33 .120 -.144 .262 -4.67 .033 -.333 .155
11 Wyoming L 23-28 23-28 -.71 .204 -.22 .389 -.63 .352 .101 .678 -.01 .497 .053 .570
12 Nevada L 24-31 24-31 -.46 .300 -.32 .329 -.64 .347 -.073 .367 .67 .632 -.091 .380
13 Colorado State L 20-24 20-24 -1.08 .109 -.21 .393 -.67 .340 -.042 .421 -.31 .437 -.044 .449

New Mexico State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Ohio L 24-51 24-48 -1.40 .063 -1.00 .155 -2.18 .136 -.405 .062 -2.91 .111 -.364 .135
3 UTEP L 28-41 14-41 -1.74 .027 -1.29 .107 -2.33 .121 -.216 .184 -2.16 .170 -.345 .143
4 New Mexico L 14-27 7-27 -1.77 .025 -1.11 .137 -2.22 .131 -.261 .145 -.93 .326 -.444 .089
5 UTSA L 14-35 14-35 -1.78 .022 -1.00 .155 -1.63 .197 .051 .589 -.71 .357 -.232 .217
6 Idaho L 18-26 18-26 -1.39 .066 -.29 .342 -.47 .389 .039 .574 .38 .572 -.198 .256
8 Utah State L 7-41 7-38 -1.26 .078 -1.72 .046 -3.44 .048 -.289 .122 -3.36 .080 -.444 .089
9 Louisiana Tech L 14-28 0-28 -.97 .130 -1.22 .117 -2.33 .120 -.295 .116 -1.62 .220 -.583 .037
10 Auburn L 7-42 7-42 -1.75 .027 -1.46 .079 -2.60 .100 -.204 .199 -2.80 .120 -.379 .122
11 San Jose State L 7-47 0-44 -1.86 .018 -2.10 .027 -4.11 .027 -.480 .033 -9.18 .000 -.667 .018
13 BYU L 14-50 14-43 -1.08 .109 -1.53 .069 -2.74 .090 -.472 .036 -1.90 .190 -.578 .040
14 Texas State L 28-66 28-59 -1.97 .012 -1.35 .092 -2.20 .133 -.162 .239 -3.19 .093 -.295 .176

North Carolina 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Wake Forest L 27-28 27-28 -.57 .259 -.04 .491 -.08 .480 -.050 .411 -.69 .362 .000 .518
3 Louisville L 34-39 34-39 -.04 .491 -.22 .389 -1.07 .276 -.159 .241 .65 .630 -.283 .184
4 East Carolina W 27-6 24-6 .59 .764 1.00 .849 2.00 .850 .264 .859 2.56 .865 .333 .853
5 Idaho W 66-0 52-0 1.16 .902 2.26 .985 4.73 .988 .650 .991 6.78 .991 .727 .988
6 Virginia Tech W 48-34 48-34 .57 .758 .48 .723 1.42 .776 .147 .741 1.20 .717 .226 .773
7 Miami W 18-14 18-14 .22 .607 .20 .603 .40 .594 -.037 .432 -.16 .469 .300 .831
8 Duke L 30-33 30-33 -.39 .327 -.13 .432 -.50 .384 -.148 .255 .66 .631 -.136 .319
9 NC State W 43-35 43-35 .17 .584 .21 .608 .00 .510 .021 .535 .27 .551 .056 .577
11 Georgia Tech L 50-68 50-68 -.44 .305 -.67 .235 -1.86 .164 -.246 .158 -.48 .398 -.372 .126
12 Virginia W 37-13 37-13 .67 .794 1.00 .849 1.92 .842 .191 .783 1.94 .811 .327 .844
13 Maryland W 45-38 45-38 -.09 .474 .26 .643 1.37 .761 .152 .748 .28 .556 .199 .745

North Texas 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 LSU L 14-41 7-34 -.46 .299 -1.29 .107 -2.00 .151 -.433 .046 -3.43 .075 -.500 .070
3 Kansas State L 21-35 13-35 -.08 .480 -1.22 .115 -2.06 .146 -.166 .234 -3.42 .077 -.167 .288
4 Troy L 7-14 7-14 -.63 .237 -.27 .352 -.49 .385 .138 .730 .65 .628 .103 .643
5 Florida Atlantic W 20-14 20-14 -.50 .285 .26 .645 .65 .656 .094 .665 1.58 .775 .197 .742
6 Houston L 21-44 21-44 -1.51 .051 -1.15 .129 -2.30 .124 -.277 .130 -2.83 .117 -.500 .070
8 Louisiana W 30-23 30-23 .17 .583 .29 .661 .58 .637 .164 .763 .34 .568 .167 .725
9 Middle Tennessee L 21-38 21-38 -.96 .135 -.71 .220 -1.42 .226 -.227 .175 -2.43 .144 -.333 .155
10 Arkansas State L 19-37 19-37 -.81 .173 -.86 .180 -2.57 .104 -.191 .218 -2.47 .140 -.394 .115
11 South Alabama W 24-14 24-14 -.59 .251 .33 .687 .60 .641 -.011 .486 1.19 .714 .119 .661
12 UL Monroe L 16-42 10-35 -1.45 .059 -1.39 .087 -2.78 .088 -.150 .255 -1.50 .232 -.333 .155
13 Western Kentucky L 24-25 24-25 -.25 .393 -.04 .491 .26 .563 -.068 .375 -1.45 .240 .051 .568

Northern Illinois 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Iowa L 17-18 17-18 -.19 .415 -.05 .484 -.09 .474 -.133 .276 .90 .671 -.273 .196
3 Army W 41-40 41-40 -.72 .200 .05 .518 .46 .608 .043 .582 5.22 .975 .055 .574
4 Kansas W 30-23 30-23 -.08 .478 .27 .652 .89 .706 .129 .720 .97 .682 .135 .680
5 Central Michigan W 55-24 48-24 .44 .695 1.09 .860 2.18 .865 .212 .812 -.08 .477 .273 .811
6 Ball State W 35-23 35-23 .17 .580 .40 .706 .97 .714 -.037 .430 1.47 .763 -.110 .353
7 Buffalo W 45-3 42-3 1.44 .941 2.05 .971 4.37 .982 .256 .851 3.37 .920 .467 .925
8 Akron W 37-7 37-7 .37 .671 1.36 .911 2.66 .903 .384 .926 3.01 .893 .718 .988
9 Western Michigan W 48-34 45-27 .25 .617 .82 .811 1.64 .805 .179 .775 1.53 .770 .273 .811
10 Massachusetts W 63-0 49-0 1.61 .960 3.06 .998 6.13 .997 .554 .984 4.59 .964 .875 .997
12 Toledo W 31-24 31-24 .20 .593 .30 .666 .82 .693 .188 .778 1.82 .802 .121 .666
13 Eastern Michigan W 49-7 35-7 .64 .786 1.47 .926 2.80 .917 .347 .908 2.38 .851 .525 .943
C Kent State W 44-37 44-37 .17 .582 .23 .617 .76 .684 .229 .825 1.85 .806 .115 .654
B Florida State L 10-31 10-31 -.13 .445 -.88 .175 -1.98 .152 -.300 .111 -3.36 .082 -.379 .122

Northwestern 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Syracuse W 42-41 42-41 .35 .660 .03 .502 -.58 .364 -.171 .227 -1.68 .214 -.226 .227
2 Vanderbilt W 23-13 23-13 .97 .867 .43 .712 1.01 .720 .075 .636 -.17 .465 .205 .758
3 Boston College W 22-13 22-13 .01 .514 .45 .716 .90 .709 .282 .872 .26 .549 .300 .831
5 Indiana W 44-29 44-29 .36 .668 .56 .738 1.69 .814 .239 .835 1.75 .794 .308 .835
6 Penn State L 28-39 28-39 .06 .532 -.41 .293 -1.63 .195 -.329 .096 -.61 .381 -.269 .198
7 Minnesota W 21-13 21-13 .11 .554 .35 .691 .73 .675 -.115 .298 .50 .604 .000 .518
8 Nebraska L 28-29 28-29 .45 .700 -.03 .498 -.26 .439 -.202 .204 -2.45 .141 -.035 .458
9 Iowa W 28-17 28-17 .43 .692 .58 .745 1.41 .773 .090 .658 2.32 .842 .144 .695
11 Michigan L 31-38 31-38 .30 .639 -.32 .329 .00 .510 -.020 .466 -2.20 .169 .000 .518
12 Michigan State W 23-20 23-20 .44 .697 .10 .544 -.12 .471 -.100 .322 -.21 .458 .041 .546
13 Illinois W 50-14 41-14 1.05 .882 1.69 .950 3.13 .940 .388 .930 .67 .633 .589 .968
B Mississippi State W 34-20 34-20 .80 .835 .50 .727 .65 .656 .125 .716 .33 .566 .099 .631

Notre Dame 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Navy W 50-10 40-10 1.13 .896 1.58 .938 3.13 .940 .304 .890 1.35 .742 .425 .902
2 Purdue W 20-17 20-17 -.11 .454 .13 .570 .40 .596 .112 .697 .97 .682 .205 .758
3 Michigan State W 20-3 20-3 1.08 .885 .74 .788 1.39 .768 .112 .695 1.63 .781 .152 .699
4 Michigan W 13-6 13-6 .99 .872 .37 .697 .84 .700 -.117 .292 -.13 .473 .033 .541
6 Miami W 41-3 34-3 2.09 .985 2.07 .972 3.82 .965 .438 .956 3.33 .914 .589 .968
7 Stanford W 20-13 20-13 1.03 .880 .27 .652 .54 .628 .022 .538 .42 .581 -.023 .476
8 BYU W 17-14 17-14 .59 .764 .14 .577 .43 .601 .194 .787 2.70 .873 .227 .778
9 Oklahoma W 30-13 30-13 1.69 .967 .77 .796 1.55 .792 .123 .714 1.63 .780 .364 .870
10 Pittsburgh W 29-26 29-26 .29 .633 .10 .538 .00 .510 .173 .773 -.43 .415 .083 .613
11 Boston College W 21-6 21-6 .50 .723 .94 .837 1.88 .837 .159 .758 1.30 .733 .125 .669
12 Wake Forest W 38-0 38-0 1.58 .960 2.11 .976 4.22 .976 .622 .990 6.88 .992 .778 .993
13 USC W 22-13 22-13 1.02 .878 .45 .716 .90 .709 .150 .745 .33 .567 .400 .889
P Alabama L 14-42 7-42 -.67 .218 -2.33 .012 -4.25 .023 -.385 .072 -1.35 .257 -.607 .026

Ohio 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Penn State W 24-14 24-14 .92 .858 .45 .717 .78 .686 .117 .706 .71 .643 .345 .858
2 New Mexico State W 51-24 48-24 -.54 .272 1.00 .849 2.18 .865 .405 .937 2.91 .888 .364 .870
3 Marshall W 27-24 27-24 -.42 .318 .13 .566 .25 .560 -.079 .355 -.63 .375 .083 .613
5 Massachusetts W 37-34 37-34 -1.33 .071 .13 .570 .53 .628 .090 .658 .27 .553 .227 .778
6 Buffalo W 38-31 38-31 -.36 .343 .26 .643 .20 .543 .010 .513 -.45 .407 .032 .538
7 Akron W 34-28 34-28 -.76 .184 .24 .626 .68 .663 .052 .596 .24 .545 .192 .740
9 Miami (OH) L 20-23 20-23 -.94 .138 -.12 .447 -.23 .449 .001 .501 -1.05 .303 -.077 .400
10 Eastern Michigan W 45-14 38-14 .26 .622 1.09 .860 2.18 .865 .244 .839 3.49 .928 .273 .811
11 Bowling Green L 14-26 14-26 -.85 .158 -.57 .257 -1.31 .246 .016 .524 -1.17 .289 -.218 .233
12 Ball State L 27-52 27-45 -1.09 .106 -.86 .180 -2.05 .147 -.113 .301 -2.29 .159 -.155 .294
13 Kent State L 6-28 6-28 -.87 .154 -.81 .191 -.84 .300 -.140 .266 -3.05 .103 -.039 .454
B UL Monroe W 45-14 45-14 1.42 .939 1.48 .928 3.23 .945 .384 .927 5.25 .977 .427 .906

Ohio State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Miami (OH) W 56-10 42-10 .31 .642 1.14 .870 1.98 .846 .240 .835 2.38 .850 .170 .725
2 UCF W 31-16 31-16 .99 .873 .68 .771 1.36 .760 .065 .622 -.28 .445 .182 .736
3 California W 35-28 35-28 .11 .556 .24 .630 .63 .648 -.142 .264 -.06 .482 -.110 .353
4 UAB W 29-15 29-15 -.20 .413 .56 .740 1.89 .839 .021 .536 1.02 .692 .030 .532
5 Michigan State W 17-16 17-16 .38 .676 .05 .518 .25 .555 .097 .673 1.60 .777 -.155 .294
6 Nebraska W 63-38 56-38 1.12 .895 .64 .760 .79 .688 .120 .711 1.75 .794 .071 .598
7 Indiana W 52-49 52-49 -.10 .465 .10 .536 .40 .592 .213 .814 1.19 .714 .115 .654
8 Purdue W 29-22 29-22 .00 .510 .24 .630 .35 .582 -.109 .312 -.16 .467 -.048 .441
9 Penn State W 35-23 35-16 1.29 .923 .83 .814 1.65 .807 .063 .615 1.29 .728 .164 .710
10 Illinois W 52-22 45-14 .77 .822 1.41 .916 2.82 .919 .389 .932 4.37 .958 .364 .870
12 Wisconsin W 21-14 21-14 .94 .863 .28 .657 -.47 .391 -.166 .235 -.55 .387 -.150 .301
13 Michigan W 26-21 26-21 .83 .843 .21 .606 .61 .643 .192 .784 -.48 .399 .386 .882

Oklahoma 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UTEP W 24-7 24-7 .20 .596 .65 .764 1.85 .834 .147 .740 1.10 .701 .135 .680
4 Kansas State L 19-24 19-24 .88 .852 -.26 .354 -.23 .452 -.077 .357 -.37 .428 .025 .525
6 Texas Tech W 41-20 41-13 1.74 .969 1.40 .915 2.95 .928 .308 .892 1.48 .766 .450 .916
7 Texas W 63-21 46-8 2.17 .988 1.52 .929 3.67 .958 .479 .965 4.48 .961 .583 .966
8 Kansas W 52-7 52-0 2.54 .993 2.89 .997 6.33 .997 .731 .995 6.65 .989 1.000 .999
9 Notre Dame L 13-30 13-30 .07 .541 -.77 .205 -1.55 .209 -.123 .285 -1.63 .219 -.364 .135
10 Iowa State W 35-20 35-20 1.01 .876 .68 .771 1.36 .760 .214 .815 1.75 .795 .091 .624
11 Baylor W 42-34 42-34 1.03 .878 .36 .696 .73 .676 .116 .703 1.44 .756 .000 .518
12 West Virginia W 50-49 50-49 .40 .681 .03 .506 .30 .571 -.002 .493 -2.22 .167 .110 .648
13 Oklahoma State W 51-48 51-48 .98 .870 .10 .544 -.62 .356 .142 .736 -.25 .452 .077 .606
14 TCU W 24-17 24-17 .69 .799 .25 .637 .63 .648 .117 .704 .85 .665 .099 .631
B Texas A&M L 13-41 13-41 -.14 .436 -1.47 .077 -2.66 .097 -.229 .173 -4.60 .035 -.267 .199

Oklahoma State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Arizona L 38-59 38-59 -.28 .367 -.68 .232 -.87 .296 -.107 .316 .16 .530 -.200 .253
3 Louisiana W 65-24 51-7 2.20 .989 2.32 .987 4.56 .986 .581 .987 2.73 .874 .667 .984
5 Texas L 36-41 36-41 .43 .695 -.22 .389 -.40 .407 .012 .516 2.74 .875 .167 .725
7 Kansas W 20-14 20-14 -.12 .449 .23 .622 .46 .607 -.053 .402 .77 .653 .231 .782
8 Iowa State W 31-10 31-10 1.13 .897 .81 .805 1.62 .799 .398 .934 3.13 .902 .385 .881
9 TCU W 36-14 36-14 1.19 .907 .76 .792 2.03 .852 .186 .777 2.10 .824 .341 .855
10 Kansas State L 30-44 30-44 .64 .787 -.50 .276 -.73 .323 -.132 .277 -.17 .466 -.199 .255
11 West Virginia W 55-34 55-34 1.09 .889 .72 .783 1.08 .727 .060 .611 1.86 .807 .154 .705
12 Texas Tech W 59-21 52-14 2.07 .984 1.73 .955 3.45 .953 .433 .952 4.04 .947 .545 .949
13 Oklahoma L 48-51 48-51 .82 .839 -.10 .460 .62 .644 -.142 .264 .25 .547 -.077 .393
14 Baylor L 34-41 34-41 .40 .680 -.27 .352 -.22 .452 -.192 .216 -.51 .393 -.205 .241
B Purdue W 58-14 45-0 2.13 .987 2.37 .988 4.22 .976 .338 .906 2.44 .856 .556 .956

Ole Miss 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 UTEP W 28-10 28-10 .33 .654 .78 .802 1.97 .845 .249 .844 4.25 .953 .350 .859
3 Texas L 31-66 24-59 -1.02 .118 -1.67 .053 -2.80 .085 -.406 .061 -2.35 .154 -.500 .070
4 Tulane W 39-0 36-0 .83 .842 1.71 .952 3.60 .958 .507 .973 5.10 .974 .600 .972
5 Alabama L 14-33 14-33 .80 .834 -.86 .176 -1.62 .199 -.296 .115 -1.76 .204 -.485 .072
6 Texas A&M L 27-30 27-30 1.21 .908 -.12 .447 -.01 .488 -.161 .240 -1.64 .218 .098 .629
7 Auburn W 41-20 41-20 .55 .751 .84 .817 1.42 .777 .267 .863 3.56 .929 .212 .762
9 Arkansas W 30-27 30-27 .23 .610 .11 .551 .07 .517 -.077 .358 -.64 .372 .044 .549
10 Georgia L 10-37 10-37 .08 .544 -1.00 .155 -1.88 .161 -.273 .134 -2.85 .115 -.275 .188
11 Vanderbilt L 26-27 26-27 .50 .723 -.04 .492 -.07 .481 .041 .577 -.39 .426 .143 .692
12 LSU L 35-41 35-41 .65 .789 -.18 .408 -.08 .477 -.071 .370 .04 .511 -.092 .374
13 Mississippi State W 41-24 41-17 1.22 .911 .92 .836 2.32 .878 .257 .852 3.22 .909 .288 .821
B Pittsburgh W 38-17 38-10 1.41 .938 1.22 .884 2.26 .872 .233 .830 1.00 .687 .402 .893

Oregon 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Arkansas State W 57-34 50-13 1.81 .973 1.76 .956 3.82 .964 .424 .945 1.73 .792 .436 .910
2 Fresno State W 42-25 42-19 1.24 .916 .82 .813 1.64 .805 .132 .723 2.00 .816 .071 .596
4 Arizona W 49-0 35-0 1.74 .969 1.35 .906 2.33 .883 .064 .617 1.11 .702 .340 .855
5 Washington State W 51-26 51-19 .72 .811 1.14 .870 1.92 .843 .209 .807 2.80 .880 .231 .782
6 Washington W 52-21 52-14 1.82 .973 1.65 .946 2.69 .906 .305 .891 2.88 .885 .527 .945
8 Arizona State W 43-21 43-21 1.23 .911 .69 .773 1.93 .844 .068 .625 1.02 .691 .200 .751
9 Colorado W 70-14 63-14 1.65 .964 2.58 .994 4.47 .984 .560 .984 5.21 .975 .639 .979
10 USC W 62-51 62-45 1.28 .922 .71 .781 1.42 .776 .210 .809 1.06 .697 .250 .796
11 California W 59-17 45-17 1.14 .898 1.27 .892 2.55 .895 .288 .876 1.83 .803 .273 .811
12 Stanford L 14-17 14-17 .66 .792 -.10 .460 -.08 .480 -.044 .415 .35 .570 -.016 .479
13 Oregon State W 48-24 48-17 1.96 .979 1.29 .899 2.30 .877 .198 .794 .39 .576 .367 .873
B Kansas State W 35-17 35-17 1.96 .978 .82 .811 1.15 .734 .190 .781 1.66 .783 .136 .684

Oregon State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Wisconsin W 10-7 10-7 .79 .830 .13 .566 .25 .560 .093 .663 .72 .645 .167 .725
4 UCLA W 27-20 27-20 .63 .783 .23 .623 .47 .609 .016 .527 -.11 .476 .000 .518
5 Arizona W 38-35 38-35 .51 .730 .12 .556 .23 .549 .030 .554 -.25 .453 .077 .605
6 Washington State W 19-6 19-6 .14 .571 .57 .741 1.23 .742 .211 .811 -.64 .372 .197 .742
7 BYU W 42-24 42-24 1.23 .914 .78 .802 1.00 .719 .078 .644 3.36 .919 .091 .624
8 Utah W 21-7 21-7 .73 .814 .61 .753 1.33 .756 .016 .525 .31 .561 .106 .645
9 Washington L 17-20 17-20 .06 .531 -.12 .447 -.23 .449 .113 .697 1.17 .712 -.077 .400
10 Arizona State W 36-26 36-19 1.15 .900 .61 .751 1.66 .809 .098 .675 2.29 .839 .269 .802
11 Stanford L 23-27 23-27 .60 .766 -.17 .413 -.33 .423 -.052 .406 -1.18 .287 .000 .518
12 California W 62-14 49-7 1.87 .975 2.00 .969 3.75 .961 .434 .954 5.27 .977 .536 .948
13 Oregon L 24-48 17-48 .10 .551 -1.29 .102 -2.30 .124 -.198 .206 -.39 .423 -.367 .128
B Texas L 27-31 27-31 .50 .724 -.15 .422 -.46 .394 -.030 .447 -1.09 .301 -.104 .356

Penn State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Ohio L 14-24 14-24 -.85 .158 -.45 .283 -.78 .313 -.117 .293 -.71 .357 -.345 .143
2 Virginia L 16-17 16-17 -.38 .338 -.04 .486 -.21 .454 .211 .809 .04 .510 .311 .837
3 Navy W 34-7 34-0 1.98 .980 2.43 .990 4.50 .985 .411 .940 3.04 .895 .667 .984
4 Temple W 24-13 24-6 .47 .713 .95 .838 1.73 .818 .391 .933 2.46 .859 .178 .727
5 Illinois W 35-7 35-7 .58 .763 1.22 .884 2.48 .890 .134 .724 -.07 .480 .345 .858
6 Northwestern W 39-28 39-28 .84 .845 .41 .706 1.63 .804 .329 .903 .61 .618 .269 .802
8 Iowa W 38-14 38-7 1.14 .898 1.29 .899 3.17 .942 .429 .950 2.29 .838 .402 .893
9 Ohio State L 23-35 16-35 -.32 .356 -.83 .186 -1.65 .193 -.063 .384 -1.29 .271 -.164 .290
10 Purdue W 34-9 34-3 1.11 .893 1.35 .908 2.84 .923 .264 .859 3.81 .939 .379 .880
11 Nebraska L 23-32 23-32 .14 .570 -.33 .320 -.69 .334 -.071 .370 .00 .500 -.077 .400
12 Indiana W 45-22 42-22 .52 .734 .71 .781 1.66 .809 .103 .680 1.71 .790 .033 .540
13 Wisconsin W 24-21 24-21 .78 .828 .12 .561 .16 .535 .004 .508 -.43 .413 .114 .650

Pittsburgh 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Cincinnati L 10-34 3-31 -1.10 .102 -1.47 .077 -3.14 .059 -.220 .180 -4.79 .030 -.456 .077
3 Virginia Tech W 35-17 35-17 .81 .837 .72 .783 1.78 .822 .177 .775 .15 .529 .357 .861
6 Syracuse L 13-14 13-14 .26 .623 -.05 .480 .52 .626 .091 .660 -.07 .481 .289 .822
7 Louisville L 35-45 28-45 -.63 .236 -.81 .193 -1.76 .180 -.108 .314 -3.13 .096 -.192 .261
8 Buffalo W 20-6 20-6 .12 .563 .74 .786 1.62 .801 -.030 .446 -.01 .498 .244 .789
9 Temple W 47-17 40-17 .67 .797 1.15 .872 2.11 .859 .136 .729 2.93 .889 .367 .873
10 Notre Dame L 26-29 26-29 .74 .818 -.10 .462 .00 .510 -.173 .226 .43 .585 -.083 .388
11 Connecticut L 17-24 17-24 -.65 .227 -.33 .320 -.34 .419 -.110 .311 .22 .542 .030 .532
13 Rutgers W 27-6 27-6 .92 .859 .81 .805 1.62 .799 .258 .852 1.99 .814 .308 .835
14 South Florida W 27-3 27-0 1.24 .915 1.59 .941 3.00 .931 .354 .913 2.35 .846 .556 .956
B Ole Miss L 17-38 10-38 -.64 .230 -1.22 .117 -2.26 .127 -.233 .169 -1.00 .312 -.402 .108

Purdue 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Notre Dame L 17-20 17-20 .71 .808 -.13 .432 -.40 .403 -.112 .303 -.97 .318 -.205 .247
3 Eastern Michigan W 54-16 40-9 .36 .669 1.19 .879 2.83 .921 .201 .794 3.32 .913 .378 .877
5 Marshall W 51-41 51-41 -.20 .414 .34 .688 .65 .658 .017 .528 -.84 .336 .071 .598
6 Michigan L 13-44 13-37 -.42 .317 -1.04 .148 -1.82 .171 -.312 .106 -2.24 .165 -.427 .097
7 Wisconsin L 14-38 7-38 -.63 .236 -1.29 .102 -2.58 .102 -.494 .030 -5.24 .023 -.583 .037
8 Ohio State L 22-29 22-29 .27 .625 -.24 .372 -.35 .417 .109 .687 .16 .533 .048 .561
9 Minnesota L 28-44 21-44 -1.29 .074 -1.05 .146 -1.79 .176 -.252 .152 -3.28 .088 -.427 .097
10 Penn State L 9-34 3-34 -.88 .152 -1.35 .092 -2.84 .077 -.264 .140 -3.81 .060 -.379 .122
11 Iowa W 27-24 27-24 -.04 .490 .11 .551 .51 .623 .096 .670 1.38 .745 .179 .729
12 Illinois W 20-17 20-17 -.51 .282 .13 .566 .25 .560 .035 .561 1.01 .689 .083 .611
13 Indiana W 56-35 56-35 .50 .725 .70 .778 1.40 .770 .111 .691 1.73 .791 .200 .751
B Oklahoma State L 14-58 0-45 -1.49 .055 -2.37 .011 -4.22 .025 -.338 .093 -2.44 .143 -.556 .048

Rice 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UCLA L 24-49 24-49 -.46 .296 -.86 .177 -1.59 .204 -.266 .139 -3.78 .061 -.181 .268
2 Kansas W 25-24 25-24 -.31 .359 .04 .514 -.13 .470 .036 .562 -.19 .462 -.055 .427
3 Louisiana Tech L 37-56 23-49 -1.05 .113 -1.30 .100 -2.60 .100 -.376 .077 -3.39 .077 -.300 .173
4 Marshall L 51-54 51-54 -.65 .227 -.11 .450 -.31 .426 .077 .642 1.03 .693 .038 .544
5 Houston L 14-35 7-35 -1.48 .055 -1.12 .135 -2.33 .120 -.354 .087 -3.56 .070 -.500 .070
6 Memphis L 10-14 10-14 -.67 .217 -.16 .416 -.89 .292 -.050 .413 -.31 .436 .015 .520
7 UTSA W 34-14 34-14 .33 .650 1.11 .863 2.22 .869 .291 .878 1.54 .772 .222 .770
8 Tulsa L 24-28 24-28 .06 .533 -.13 .432 -.73 .322 -.032 .444 -2.62 .130 .000 .518
9 Southern Mississippi W 44-17 38-17 -.20 .412 .78 .797 1.37 .762 -.014 .478 .27 .552 .131 .676
10 Tulane W 49-47 49-47 -.82 .168 .06 .522 -.06 .483 .000 .500 -2.55 .135 -.100 .367
12 SMU W 36-14 36-14 1.03 .880 1.05 .855 1.87 .836 .236 .832 -.03 .490 .518 .943
13 UTEP W 33-24 33-24 -.10 .460 .35 .689 .52 .624 .154 .751 -1.32 .263 .147 .697
B Air Force W 33-14 33-14 .18 .586 .76 .794 1.37 .765 .297 .886 2.78 .878 .372 .874

Rutgers 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Tulane W 24-12 24-12 -.34 .349 .55 .736 .61 .642 .208 .804 2.61 .868 .127 .671
3 South Florida W 23-13 23-13 .01 .513 .36 .695 .69 .664 .080 .648 -.96 .318 .212 .761
4 Arkansas W 35-26 35-26 .45 .701 .33 .687 .84 .696 .028 .550 -.88 .333 .181 .732
6 Connecticut W 19-3 19-3 .32 .646 .64 .760 1.05 .722 .076 .639 -.36 .429 .233 .784
7 Syracuse W 23-15 23-15 .61 .772 .30 .663 .18 .538 -.139 .267 -1.38 .253 -.058 .421
8 Temple W 35-10 35-10 .71 .807 1.19 .878 1.80 .827 .243 .838 3.64 .933 .100 .639
9 Kent State L 23-35 23-35 -.47 .294 -.41 .292 -.62 .354 -.043 .419 .68 .635 -.118 .344
11 Army W 28-7 28-7 .19 .591 .95 .842 1.46 .782 -.134 .275 .19 .537 .027 .529
12 Cincinnati W 10-3 10-3 .72 .811 .35 .692 .70 .667 .065 .622 .42 .583 .100 .639
13 Pittsburgh L 6-27 6-27 -.62 .241 -.81 .195 -1.62 .202 -.258 .147 -1.99 .185 -.308 .167
14 Louisville L 17-20 17-20 .06 .535 -.12 .443 -.25 .443 -.110 .310 2.41 .852 -.167 .288
B Virginia Tech L 10-13 10-13 .00 .512 -.08 .469 -.40 .404 .051 .592 .48 .602 -.051 .431

San Diego State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Washington L 12-21 12-21 -.28 .372 -.45 .285 -.36 .417 -.113 .299 .78 .655 -.133 .323
2 Army W 42-7 42-7 1.08 .886 1.84 .958 3.11 .937 .293 .880 3.00 .892 .556 .956
4 San Jose State L 34-38 34-38 .08 .545 -.16 .416 .02 .512 -.021 .465 -.70 .359 .045 .558
5 Fresno State L 40-52 40-52 .07 .539 -.35 .307 -1.27 .250 -.316 .104 -2.78 .121 -.204 .247
6 Hawaii W 52-14 45-14 .25 .619 1.24 .887 2.19 .866 .276 .867 2.34 .845 .357 .861
7 Colorado State W 38-14 38-7 1.07 .884 1.94 .964 3.88 .967 .464 .962 3.72 .936 .625 .977
8 Nevada W 39-38 39-38 -.09 .473 .05 .517 .00 .510 -.056 .396 -.20 .459 .100 .639
9 UNLV W 24-13 24-13 -.25 .388 .52 .732 1.22 .741 .234 .831 1.48 .766 .218 .768
10 Boise State W 21-19 21-19 .54 .748 .11 .551 -.36 .415 -.014 .479 -.80 .340 .042 .548
11 Air Force W 28-9 28-9 .32 .649 .90 .831 1.52 .788 -.003 .492 .12 .526 .061 .588
13 Wyoming W 42-28 42-28 .12 .561 .61 .753 1.48 .783 .196 .790 1.97 .813 .212 .762
B BYU L 6-23 6-23 -.16 .432 -.61 .249 -.32 .425 -.169 .231 -.44 .409 -.024 .475

San Jose State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Stanford L 17-20 17-20 .63 .781 -.14 .428 -.27 .435 -.126 .282 -.66 .369 -.091 .380
3 Colorado State W 40-20 40-20 .04 .525 .91 .833 2.18 .865 .285 .874 .88 .667 .427 .906
4 San Diego State W 38-34 38-34 .35 .661 .16 .585 -.02 .488 .021 .534 .70 .641 -.045 .443
5 Navy W 12-0 12-0 .25 .620 .71 .779 1.50 .788 .348 .911 1.67 .785 .500 .941
7 Utah State L 27-49 27-49 -.39 .331 -.85 .182 -1.69 .186 -.063 .383 -3.37 .079 -.154 .299
8 UTSA W 52-24 52-17 .56 .755 1.35 .906 2.15 .862 .374 .921 3.21 .908 .315 .839
9 Texas State W 31-20 31-20 -.14 .439 .48 .721 1.15 .734 .319 .898 2.99 .891 .121 .666
10 Idaho W 42-13 42-13 -.20 .415 .91 .831 2.10 .859 .348 .909 3.45 .926 .167 .725
11 New Mexico State W 47-7 44-0 .56 .754 2.10 .973 4.11 .973 .480 .967 9.18 .999 .667 .984
12 BYU W 20-14 20-14 .69 .801 .24 .626 .74 .680 -.037 .431 .51 .607 .119 .658
13 Louisiana Tech W 52-43 52-43 .58 .762 .33 .687 1.26 .747 .096 .669 1.30 .732 .167 .725
B Bowling Green W 29-20 29-20 .05 .530 .33 .687 .79 .689 .136 .728 2.54 .863 .099 .631

SMU 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Baylor L 24-59 10-45 -.92 .142 -1.59 .058 -2.89 .074 -.236 .166 -3.74 .063 -.327 .157
3 Texas A&M L 3-48 3-41 -.25 .386 -1.58 .061 -3.17 .058 -.356 .085 -3.63 .067 -.417 .103
5 TCU L 16-24 16-24 .21 .598 -.23 .380 -.47 .389 .014 .522 1.36 .745 -.118 .344
6 UTEP W 17-0 17-0 .26 .620 .71 .781 .91 .710 .095 .667 .33 .566 .280 .815
7 Tulane L 26-27 26-27 -.92 .141 -.04 .491 -.08 .479 .198 .793 -1.40 .250 .154 .705
8 Houston W 72-42 66-42 .32 .647 .69 .772 .71 .670 .035 .560 .48 .601 .143 .692
9 Memphis W 44-13 37-13 .63 .783 1.14 .870 2.52 .893 .423 .944 3.49 .927 .427 .906
10 UCF L 17-42 10-35 -1.36 .068 -1.67 .053 -3.57 .043 -.379 .075 -5.08 .026 -.429 .092
11 Southern Mississippi W 34-6 34-6 .35 .665 1.33 .905 2.49 .891 .312 .894 2.11 .825 .536 .948
12 Rice L 14-36 14-36 -1.39 .064 -1.05 .145 -1.87 .163 -.236 .167 .03 .509 -.518 .057
13 Tulsa W 35-27 35-27 .46 .710 .28 .654 .70 .667 -.227 .176 -.87 .333 .090 .618
B Fresno State W 43-10 36-10 1.38 .934 .96 .843 1.68 .811 .213 .814 1.41 .751 .357 .863

South Alabama 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UTSA L 31-33 31-33 -.86 .156 -.07 .472 -.15 .467 -.040 .425 -.93 .327 -.154 .299
3 NC State L 7-31 0-31 -1.51 .050 -1.48 .073 -3.10 .065 -.340 .092 -1.77 .203 -.600 .030
4 Mississippi State L 10-30 3-30 -.93 .141 -1.23 .114 -2.45 .111 -.142 .263 -1.33 .261 -.364 .135
5 Troy L 10-31 10-31 -1.13 .094 -.78 .203 -1.62 .202 -.364 .081 -3.43 .076 -.308 .167
7 Arkansas State L 29-36 29-36 -.27 .378 -.32 .329 -.64 .347 .111 .692 -1.87 .191 .182 .736
8 Florida Atlantic W 37-34 37-34 -.67 .220 .10 .536 .37 .587 -.022 .462 -.96 .320 -.083 .393
9 UL Monroe L 24-38 24-38 -.64 .231 -.58 .253 -1.17 .264 -.194 .213 .06 .518 -.167 .288
10 Florida International L 20-28 20-28 -.92 .145 -.30 .338 -.73 .326 .089 .656 .78 .656 .049 .564
11 North Texas L 14-24 14-24 -.95 .137 -.33 .320 -.60 .360 .011 .514 -1.19 .286 -.119 .340
12 Middle Tennessee L 12-20 12-20 -.60 .248 -.35 .310 -.82 .309 -.118 .291 -1.19 .284 -.295 .176
13 Louisiana L 30-52 30-52 -1.00 .121 -.88 .172 -1.50 .214 -.092 .339 -2.64 .128 -.032 .466
14 Hawaii L 7-23 7-23 -1.65 .034 -.67 .235 -1.33 .242 -.250 .154 -2.90 .113 -.333 .155

South Carolina 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Vanderbilt W 17-13 17-13 .71 .805 .17 .589 .46 .607 -.049 .414 .04 .510 -.061 .415
2 East Carolina W 48-10 41-3 1.24 .917 1.65 .946 2.82 .919 .206 .803 .99 .686 .273 .811
3 UAB W 49-6 42-6 .74 .817 1.50 .928 2.68 .905 .195 .788 4.17 .949 .288 .818
4 Missouri W 31-10 28-3 1.73 .968 1.39 .913 2.78 .913 .509 .973 3.36 .918 .333 .853
5 Kentucky W 38-17 35-17 .41 .682 .78 .802 1.77 .821 .206 .802 1.02 .691 .205 .758
6 Georgia W 35-7 28-0 2.63 .995 1.56 .936 2.63 .901 .246 .841 4.58 .962 .375 .876
7 LSU L 21-23 21-23 .74 .816 -.09 .469 -.34 .419 -.316 .103 -1.42 .246 -.295 .176
8 Florida L 11-44 8-37 -.27 .379 -1.16 .126 -2.37 .114 -.079 .354 -.42 .417 -.227 .226
9 Tennessee W 38-35 38-35 .36 .666 .13 .566 .25 .560 .058 .608 -.16 .470 .083 .611
11 Arkansas W 38-20 38-13 1.43 .940 1.32 .902 2.58 .896 .193 .785 1.66 .783 .325 .840
13 Clemson W 27-17 27-17 1.08 .885 .43 .712 1.04 .721 .141 .734 -.98 .316 .205 .758
B Michigan W 33-28 33-28 .82 .841 .20 .603 .21 .544 .175 .774 4.34 .956 .084 .615

South Florida 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Nevada W 32-31 32-31 -.10 .462 .03 .506 .39 .591 .022 .538 1.55 .773 .051 .568
3 Rutgers L 13-23 13-23 -.24 .394 -.36 .306 -.69 .335 -.080 .352 .96 .681 -.212 .238
4 Ball State L 27-31 27-31 -.50 .286 -.27 .352 -1.05 .277 -.070 .372 .63 .624 -.089 .383
5 Florida State L 17-30 17-30 .21 .598 -.54 .266 -.67 .338 -.197 .207 -2.43 .145 -.295 .176
6 Temple L 28-37 28-37 -.80 .175 -.32 .322 -.64 .346 -.007 .489 -.08 .477 -.071 .403
8 Louisville L 25-27 25-27 .08 .542 -.11 .454 -.50 .384 .002 .504 -1.62 .221 -.044 .449
9 Syracuse L 36-37 36-37 .27 .627 -.05 .484 -.09 .475 -.055 .398 1.12 .706 .091 .624
10 Connecticut W 13-6 13-6 .01 .516 .33 .687 .75 .682 .036 .564 .12 .525 .118 .657
12 Miami L 9-40 3-30 -1.26 .079 -1.29 .107 -2.70 .092 -.286 .125 -2.38 .150 -.300 .173
13 Cincinnati L 10-27 10-27 -.44 .309 -.81 .193 -1.79 .176 -.162 .238 -1.66 .215 -.127 .329
14 Pittsburgh L 3-27 0-27 -1.40 .064 -1.59 .059 -3.00 .069 -.354 .086 -2.35 .153 -.556 .048

Southern Mississippi 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Nebraska L 20-49 17-42 -.99 .124 -1.47 .077 -3.24 .054 -.450 .042 -4.26 .046 -.603 .027
3 East Carolina L 14-24 14-24 -.77 .182 -.36 .306 -.31 .428 .037 .570 -.19 .460 -.165 .289
4 Western Kentucky L 17-42 3-42 -2.50 .004 -2.29 .013 -4.29 .020 -.524 .022 -6.24 .016 -.417 .103
5 Louisville L 17-21 17-21 -.01 .507 -.19 .404 -1.10 .271 -.103 .320 -.04 .488 -.100 .367
6 Boise State L 14-40 14-37 -.39 .330 -.82 .187 -1.57 .206 -.013 .480 -.05 .484 -.121 .338
7 UCF L 31-38 31-38 -.01 .508 -.32 .329 .00 .510 -.106 .317 .47 .600 -.111 .351
8 Marshall L 24-59 17-45 -1.66 .033 -1.12 .135 -2.92 .072 -.322 .100 -3.02 .106 -.500 .070
9 Rice L 17-44 17-38 -1.12 .096 -.78 .203 -1.37 .237 .014 .521 -.27 .447 -.131 .324
10 UAB L 19-27 19-27 -1.03 .115 -.28 .346 -.65 .342 -.092 .338 -1.04 .305 -.090 .382
11 SMU L 6-34 6-34 -1.35 .070 -1.33 .096 -2.49 .109 -.312 .105 -2.11 .174 -.536 .053
12 UTEP L 33-34 33-34 -.50 .287 -.05 .480 .30 .570 .050 .588 2.08 .824 .044 .553
13 Memphis L 24-42 10-35 -2.18 .006 -1.67 .053 -4.58 .013 -.676 .008 -3.35 .084 -.583 .037

Stanford 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 San Jose State W 20-17 20-17 .38 .673 .14 .574 .27 .566 .126 .717 .66 .630 .091 .624
2 Duke W 50-13 43-6 1.28 .921 1.54 .931 2.50 .892 .242 .836 2.62 .870 .433 .908
3 USC W 21-14 21-14 .84 .846 .27 .652 .54 .629 .204 .800 2.44 .857 .308 .835
5 Washington L 13-17 13-17 .03 .520 -.14 .424 -.75 .318 -.074 .366 -1.11 .295 -.060 .417
6 Arizona W 54-48 54-48 .62 .779 .23 .622 .00 .510 -.028 .451 1.78 .799 -.083 .393
7 Notre Dame L 13-20 13-20 .58 .760 -.27 .352 -.54 .371 -.022 .461 -.42 .419 .023 .523
8 California W 21-3 21-3 .62 .777 .75 .792 1.50 .788 .295 .883 2.23 .834 .333 .853
9 Washington State W 24-17 24-17 -.09 .475 .33 .687 .34 .581 -.042 .420 .40 .579 .061 .588
10 Colorado W 48-0 45-0 1.72 .967 2.65 .995 4.75 .990 .597 .988 4.66 .966 .750 .992
11 Oregon State W 27-23 27-23 .84 .844 .17 .587 .33 .578 .052 .594 1.18 .712 .000 .518
12 Oregon W 17-14 17-14 1.49 .949 .10 .544 .08 .520 .044 .584 -.35 .430 .016 .520
13 UCLA W 35-17 35-17 1.09 .887 .69 .775 .92 .710 .115 .701 1.43 .755 .167 .725
C UCLA W 27-24 27-24 .53 .741 .14 .574 .27 .566 -.060 .386 -1.44 .242 .000 .518
B Wisconsin W 20-14 20-14 .95 .864 .29 .658 .73 .675 .013 .518 1.41 .751 .218 .768

Syracuse 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Northwestern L 41-42 41-42 .40 .680 -.03 .497 .58 .635 .171 .772 1.68 .786 .226 .772
2 USC L 29-42 22-42 -.26 .384 -.83 .185 -1.67 .189 -.070 .372 -1.14 .292 -.167 .288
4 Minnesota L 10-17 10-17 -.56 .261 -.32 .329 -.64 .350 -.012 .484 .28 .553 -.273 .196
6 Pittsburgh W 14-13 14-13 .24 .613 .05 .520 -.52 .374 -.091 .339 .07 .518 -.289 .178
7 Rutgers L 15-23 15-23 -.18 .421 -.30 .338 -.18 .461 .139 .732 1.38 .746 .058 .581
8 Connecticut W 40-10 37-10 1.10 .892 1.42 .917 3.11 .937 .411 .939 2.21 .831 .578 .962
9 South Florida W 37-36 37-36 -.31 .361 .05 .517 .09 .524 .055 .601 -1.12 .294 -.091 .380
10 Cincinnati L 24-35 24-35 -.01 .508 -.38 .299 -.98 .285 -.044 .416 -.74 .352 .044 .549
11 Louisville W 45-26 45-19 1.63 .962 1.44 .919 2.63 .901 .229 .827 .82 .662 .278 .814
12 Missouri W 31-27 31-27 .51 .726 .16 .585 .51 .621 .079 .646 .05 .514 -.045 .445
13 Temple W 38-20 38-20 .31 .639 .78 .802 .82 .693 .210 .808 .40 .578 .055 .572
B West Virginia W 38-14 38-14 1.37 .932 1.00 .849 2.00 .850 .297 .887 1.38 .747 .250 .796

TCU 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
3 Kansas W 20-6 20-6 .35 .661 .70 .778 1.40 .770 .260 .854 1.48 .764 .200 .751
4 Virginia W 27-7 27-7 .54 .744 .87 .824 1.61 .797 .124 .715 1.36 .744 .326 .842
5 SMU W 24-16 24-16 .21 .602 .23 .619 .47 .610 -.014 .477 -1.36 .255 .118 .655
6 Iowa State L 23-37 23-37 -.19 .417 -.52 .270 -.86 .297 .068 .626 -1.54 .228 -.060 .418
7 Baylor W 49-21 49-21 2.07 .983 1.40 .915 2.80 .917 .280 .871 -2.94 .109 .400 .889
8 Texas Tech L 53-56 53-56 .25 .616 -.09 .467 .00 .510 .196 .790 .70 .639 .231 .782
9 Oklahoma State L 14-36 14-36 .12 .562 -.76 .207 -2.03 .148 -.186 .223 -2.10 .175 -.341 .144
10 West Virginia W 39-38 39-38 .39 .678 .03 .500 .19 .540 .083 .650 1.91 .810 -.145 .304
11 Kansas State L 10-23 3-23 .31 .641 -.83 .185 -1.82 .171 -.103 .320 -1.47 .237 -.273 .196
13 Texas W 20-13 20-13 .98 .869 .33 .687 .82 .693 .026 .547 .51 .609 .227 .778
14 Oklahoma L 17-24 17-24 .67 .796 -.25 .368 -.63 .352 -.117 .295 -.85 .334 -.099 .370
B Michigan State L 16-17 16-17 .30 .638 -.04 .492 .02 .512 .096 .669 1.87 .808 .093 .626

Temple 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Maryland L 27-36 27-36 -.66 .222 -.31 .332 -.95 .286 -.188 .221 -1.40 .251 -.062 .411
4 Penn State L 13-24 6-24 -.48 .291 -.95 .161 -1.73 .182 -.391 .066 -2.46 .141 -.178 .272
6 South Florida W 37-28 37-28 -.03 .497 .32 .677 .64 .654 .007 .510 .08 .523 .071 .598
7 Connecticut W 17-14 17-14 -.22 .405 .10 .538 .00 .510 -.089 .343 -.95 .322 -.214 .236
8 Rutgers L 10-35 10-35 -1.07 .110 -1.19 .122 -1.80 .174 -.243 .161 -3.64 .066 -.100 .367
9 Pittsburgh L 17-47 17-40 -.96 .134 -1.15 .129 -2.11 .140 -.136 .270 -2.93 .110 -.367 .128
10 Louisville L 17-45 17-45 -1.15 .090 -1.33 .096 -3.50 .046 -.392 .066 -4.02 .053 -.500 .070
11 Cincinnati L 10-34 10-31 -.68 .216 -1.05 .144 -2.10 .141 -.183 .223 -4.77 .031 -.300 .173
12 Army W 63-32 63-32 .71 .807 1.48 .928 3.39 .949 .372 .920 3.28 .912 .445 .913
13 Syracuse L 20-38 20-38 -.47 .294 -.78 .202 -.82 .309 -.210 .191 -.40 .421 -.055 .429

Tennessee 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 NC State W 35-21 35-21 .46 .710 .50 .727 1.00 .719 .203 .799 1.81 .801 .143 .692
3 Florida L 20-37 20-37 .21 .603 -.68 .231 -1.18 .260 -.094 .333 -4.31 .044 -.288 .180
4 Akron W 47-26 47-26 -.25 .390 .75 .792 1.90 .840 .293 .880 2.43 .855 .258 .798
5 Georgia L 44-51 44-51 .86 .849 -.22 .387 -.72 .327 .034 .558 -3.04 .104 -.033 .459
7 Mississippi State L 31-41 31-34 .18 .587 -.12 .443 -.65 .342 -.112 .305 .04 .512 -.220 .230
8 Alabama L 13-44 10-37 .38 .675 -1.29 .107 -2.79 .086 -.332 .095 -2.87 .115 -.618 .024
9 South Carolina L 35-38 35-38 .78 .826 -.13 .437 -.25 .443 -.058 .391 .16 .529 -.083 .393
10 Troy W 55-48 55-48 -.11 .459 .25 .637 .50 .620 .118 .708 2.31 .842 .143 .692
11 Missouri L 48-51 48-51 .25 .615 -.10 .464 .64 .652 .116 .704 1.11 .703 .182 .736
12 Vanderbilt L 18-41 10-41 -.57 .255 -1.11 .138 -2.21 .132 -.165 .236 -2.60 .132 -.357 .137
13 Kentucky W 37-17 34-17 .43 .694 .81 .808 1.85 .835 .110 .688 1.99 .814 .136 .684

Texas 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Wyoming W 37-17 37-17 .42 .688 .91 .833 1.82 .830 .194 .786 -.24 .456 .455 .921
2 New Mexico W 45-0 31-0 1.56 .956 2.21 .984 4.43 .984 .499 .971 4.44 .959 .857 .996
3 Ole Miss W 66-31 59-24 2.24 .990 1.67 .948 2.80 .917 .406 .938 2.35 .846 .500 .941
5 Oklahoma State W 41-36 41-36 1.10 .891 .22 .612 .40 .594 -.012 .484 -2.74 .124 -.167 .288
6 West Virginia L 45-48 45-48 .24 .614 -.13 .437 -.55 .370 .053 .597 .03 .508 -.114 .350
7 Oklahoma L 21-63 8-46 -.60 .247 -1.52 .070 -3.67 .041 -.479 .034 -4.48 .038 -.583 .037
8 Baylor W 56-50 56-50 .89 .853 .22 .615 .74 .679 -.001 .498 .51 .607 -.027 .470
9 Kansas W 21-17 21-17 -.18 .422 .17 .589 .36 .587 .141 .734 .69 .638 .000 .518
10 Texas Tech W 31-22 31-22 .81 .838 .47 .719 1.24 .745 -.026 .453 2.06 .821 -.044 .449
11 Iowa State W 33-7 30-7 1.48 .947 1.15 .872 2.30 .877 .425 .947 4.26 .954 .400 .889
13 TCU L 13-20 13-20 .10 .551 -.33 .320 -.82 .309 -.026 .452 -.51 .391 -.227 .226
14 Kansas State L 24-42 17-35 .29 .631 -.86 .180 -1.80 .174 -.057 .393 .07 .519 -.100 .367
B Oregon State W 31-27 31-27 .82 .840 .15 .578 .46 .605 .030 .553 1.09 .699 .104 .643

Texas A&M 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Florida L 17-20 17-20 .74 .815 -.16 .417 -.52 .374 -.033 .443 -.45 .408 -.144 .305
3 SMU W 48-3 41-3 1.57 .957 1.58 .940 3.17 .942 .356 .914 3.63 .932 .417 .898
5 Arkansas W 58-10 44-10 1.48 .947 1.36 .910 2.59 .898 .315 .895 3.67 .934 .587 .967
6 Ole Miss W 30-27 30-27 .69 .801 .12 .556 .01 .511 .161 .760 1.64 .781 -.098 .370
7 Louisiana Tech W 59-57 59-57 .31 .641 .06 .523 .80 .690 .031 .555 1.40 .749 .181 .730
8 LSU L 19-24 19-24 .66 .792 -.17 .413 -.33 .423 .127 .718 .47 .599 .067 .593
9 Auburn W 63-21 49-7 2.51 .992 2.80 .996 5.13 .993 .769 .997 6.25 .984 .857 .996
10 Mississippi State W 38-13 38-13 1.62 .962 1.32 .902 2.36 .883 .420 .943 1.48 .764 .578 .962
11 Alabama W 29-24 29-24 1.90 .977 .24 .624 .72 .671 .060 .613 -.53 .389 .236 .788
13 Missouri W 59-29 59-23 2.06 .982 1.71 .952 3.81 .964 .424 .946 2.14 .829 .536 .948
B Oklahoma W 41-13 41-13 2.40 .991 1.47 .926 2.66 .902 .229 .826 4.60 .964 .267 .801

Texas State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Houston W 30-13 30-13 .29 .633 .65 .764 1.31 .753 .167 .766 .99 .686 .308 .835
2 Texas Tech L 10-58 10-45 -1.85 .020 -2.19 .019 -4.00 .029 -.418 .057 -6.42 .013 -.571 .041
5 Nevada L 21-34 21-34 -.76 .186 -.62 .245 -1.49 .215 -.237 .165 -2.07 .177 -.327 .157
6 New Mexico L 14-35 14-35 -1.61 .037 -.95 .159 -1.78 .178 -.122 .286 -1.00 .311 -.345 .143
7 Idaho W 38-7 31-7 .16 .577 1.26 .890 2.74 .911 .260 .853 .89 .668 .467 .925
9 San Jose State L 20-31 20-31 -.24 .396 -.48 .278 -1.15 .266 -.319 .102 -2.99 .108 -.121 .337
10 Utah State L 7-38 7-38 -1.26 .078 -1.72 .046 -3.44 .048 -.511 .024 -6.52 .012 -.556 .048
11 Louisiana Tech L 55-62 55-62 -.01 .504 -.26 .361 -.84 .301 -.112 .307 .39 .577 -.049 .438
12 Navy L 10-21 10-21 -.91 .146 -.46 .281 -1.00 .284 -.085 .348 -.72 .355 -.273 .196
13 UTSA L 31-38 31-38 -1.06 .112 -.28 .345 -.23 .446 -.128 .281 -.30 .441 -.136 .319
14 New Mexico State W 66-28 59-28 -.19 .419 1.35 .908 2.20 .867 .162 .760 3.19 .906 .295 .826

Texas Tech 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Texas State W 58-10 45-10 1.57 .958 2.19 .982 4.00 .971 .418 .942 6.42 .986 .571 .958
3 New Mexico W 49-14 49-14 1.53 .954 2.19 .982 4.96 .992 .772 .998 6.29 .985 .708 .986
5 Iowa State W 24-13 24-13 .77 .821 .44 .712 1.50 .788 .266 .861 1.61 .777 .250 .796
6 Oklahoma L 20-41 13-41 -.48 .292 -1.40 .086 -2.95 .071 -.308 .107 -1.48 .233 -.450 .085
7 West Virginia W 49-14 35-7 1.84 .974 1.47 .926 3.19 .943 .385 .928 5.84 .982 .567 .957
8 TCU W 56-53 56-53 .53 .736 .09 .533 .00 .510 -.196 .210 -.70 .360 -.231 .221
9 Kansas State L 24-55 17-48 -.41 .322 -1.55 .066 -2.86 .075 -.224 .177 -1.32 .264 -.378 .123
10 Texas L 22-31 22-31 .18 .585 -.47 .280 -1.24 .254 .026 .546 -2.06 .178 .044 .553
11 Kansas W 41-34 41-34 -.10 .464 .25 .637 .00 .510 .076 .637 -.05 .486 .083 .611
12 Oklahoma State L 21-59 14-52 -.85 .161 -1.73 .045 -3.45 .046 -.433 .047 -4.04 .052 -.545 .050
13 Baylor L 45-52 45-52 .41 .683 -.26 .361 .29 .568 -.060 .385 1.09 .699 -.205 .247
B Minnesota W 34-31 34-31 -.11 .454 .13 .570 -.36 .415 .037 .567 .98 .683 .091 .624

Toledo 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Arizona L 17-24 17-24 .17 .581 -.23 .384 .17 .538 -.155 .247 -3.12 .099 -.026 .473
2 Wyoming W 34-31 34-31 -.36 .342 .13 .570 .51 .622 .059 .611 -1.69 .212 .227 .778
3 Bowling Green W 27-15 27-15 .29 .634 .57 .745 1.34 .758 .095 .667 1.47 .762 .136 .684
5 Western Michigan W 37-17 37-17 .34 .658 .91 .833 1.97 .846 .263 .856 2.25 .836 .596 .969
6 Central Michigan W 50-35 50-35 -.14 .440 .52 .728 .00 .510 .107 .684 -.21 .458 .143 .692
7 Eastern Michigan W 52-47 52-47 -.64 .232 .19 .598 .13 .532 .093 .664 .20 .540 -.032 .466
8 Cincinnati W 29-23 29-23 .61 .774 .24 .626 -.27 .436 -.042 .419 -1.12 .294 .115 .654
9 Buffalo W 25-20 25-20 -.46 .296 .16 .582 .33 .578 .052 .595 .43 .585 .000 .518
11 Ball State L 27-34 27-34 -.55 .263 -.32 .329 -.64 .350 -.036 .433 .17 .535 -.182 .267
12 Northern Illinois L 24-31 24-31 -.03 .492 -.30 .335 -.82 .309 -.188 .221 -1.82 .197 -.121 .337
13 Akron W 35-23 35-17 -.22 .408 .78 .802 1.77 .821 .255 .849 2.34 .844 .205 .758
B Utah State L 15-41 15-34 -.27 .376 -.73 .214 -2.08 .143 -.203 .201 -3.98 .055 -.250 .208

Troy 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UAB W 39-29 39-29 -.43 .311 .32 .679 .84 .699 .043 .581 .52 .610 .095 .628
2 Louisiana L 24-37 24-37 -.57 .258 -.45 .286 -.71 .331 .057 .605 -.57 .383 -.195 .259
3 Mississippi State L 24-30 24-30 .04 .526 -.26 .356 -.55 .370 .086 .652 -1.41 .249 .000 .518
4 North Texas W 14-7 14-7 -.35 .348 .27 .652 .49 .615 -.138 .270 -.65 .371 -.103 .359
5 South Alabama W 31-10 31-10 -.14 .438 .78 .797 1.62 .799 .364 .919 3.43 .923 .308 .835
7 Western Kentucky L 26-31 26-31 -.46 .298 -.25 .368 -.50 .384 -.005 .490 -.75 .351 .100 .639
8 Florida International W 38-37 38-37 -.59 .250 .03 .506 .50 .620 .093 .665 -.61 .380 .071 .596
9 Florida Atlantic L 27-34 27-34 -1.01 .120 -.24 .372 -.63 .353 -.131 .278 -.32 .435 -.167 .288
10 Tennessee L 48-55 48-55 -.02 .501 -.25 .368 -.50 .384 -.118 .292 -2.31 .158 -.143 .314
11 Navy W 41-31 41-31 .03 .519 .48 .721 1.28 .750 .266 .861 1.26 .725 .245 .790
12 Arkansas State L 34-41 34-41 -.27 .378 -.32 .329 -1.13 .266 .002 .503 -.84 .335 -.036 .457
13 Middle Tennessee L 21-24 21-24 -.35 .347 -.10 .462 .26 .561 .111 .691 .28 .557 -.157 .291

Tulane 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Rutgers L 12-24 12-24 -.43 .314 -.55 .264 -.61 .357 -.208 .195 -2.61 .131 -.127 .329
2 Tulsa L 10-45 3-35 -1.27 .076 -1.45 .080 -2.91 .073 -.512 .023 -5.34 .020 -.455 .083
4 Ole Miss L 0-39 0-36 -1.14 .093 -1.71 .048 -3.60 .042 -.507 .027 -5.10 .025 -.600 .030
5 UL Monroe L 10-63 3-56 -2.58 .003 -2.52 .008 -4.37 .018 -.679 .007 -7.46 .003 -.567 .043
6 Louisiana L 13-41 13-38 -1.21 .085 -1.09 .141 -2.02 .148 -.334 .094 -2.60 .133 -.350 .141
7 SMU W 27-26 27-26 .02 .518 .04 .510 .08 .521 -.198 .206 1.40 .749 -.154 .299
8 UTEP L 20-24 20-24 -.66 .223 -.21 .393 -.67 .340 -.102 .321 -.26 .451 -.044 .449
9 UAB W 55-45 55-45 -.43 .311 .32 .679 1.12 .732 .119 .710 .39 .575 .143 .692
10 Rice L 47-49 47-49 -.41 .323 -.06 .477 .06 .516 .000 .499 2.55 .864 .100 .639
11 Memphis L 23-37 16-37 -1.39 .066 -.88 .175 -1.39 .232 -.211 .188 -2.84 .116 -.121 .337
12 East Carolina L 23-28 23-28 -.61 .242 -.20 .400 -.56 .367 -.093 .337 -1.70 .210 .051 .568
13 Houston L 17-40 17-40 -1.08 .108 -.72 .217 -1.44 .220 -.242 .163 -2.27 .163 -.313 .162

Tulsa 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Iowa State L 23-38 23-38 -.12 .452 -.44 .286 -.88 .294 -.112 .303 -1.01 .311 -.176 .273
2 Tulane W 45-10 35-3 .57 .757 1.45 .920 2.91 .927 .512 .976 5.34 .979 .455 .918
4 Fresno State W 27-26 27-26 .45 .699 .03 .501 .68 .662 .033 .557 .43 .586 .101 .639
5 UAB W 49-42 49-42 -.54 .268 .22 .614 .44 .602 .158 .757 .45 .593 .125 .669
6 Marshall W 45-38 45-38 -.29 .365 .25 .637 .34 .579 -.166 .234 -2.06 .179 .026 .527
7 UTEP W 33-11 33-11 .51 .727 .96 .842 1.68 .812 .208 .805 1.25 .723 .333 .853
8 Rice W 28-24 28-24 -.22 .406 .13 .567 .73 .677 .032 .555 2.62 .869 .000 .518
10 Arkansas L 15-19 15-19 -.06 .485 -.17 .411 -.48 .388 -.168 .232 -2.07 .178 -.121 .337
11 Houston W 41-7 34-0 1.00 .874 1.36 .910 2.83 .922 .318 .897 1.46 .760 .423 .900
12 UCF W 23-21 23-21 .38 .676 .07 .527 .57 .633 .195 .788 1.97 .812 .126 .669
13 SMU L 27-35 27-35 -.29 .365 -.28 .346 -.70 .333 .227 .824 .87 .666 -.090 .382
C UCF W 33-27 33-27 .52 .733 .21 .605 -.63 .350 .120 .712 .55 .613 -.103 .359
B Iowa State W 31-17 31-17 .79 .831 .47 .719 1.35 .759 .163 .762 .84 .663 .119 .661

UAB 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Troy L 29-39 29-39 -.68 .214 -.32 .322 -.84 .301 -.043 .418 -.52 .389 -.095 .372
3 South Carolina L 6-49 6-42 -.60 .247 -1.50 .071 -2.68 .094 -.195 .212 -4.17 .050 -.288 .182
4 Ohio State L 15-29 15-29 -.05 .486 -.56 .260 -1.89 .161 -.021 .463 -1.02 .307 -.030 .468
5 Tulsa L 42-49 42-49 -.03 .494 -.22 .387 -.44 .398 -.158 .242 -.45 .406 -.125 .332
7 Houston L 17-39 10-36 -1.55 .045 -1.18 .123 -2.36 .115 -.337 .094 -1.84 .195 -.636 .021
8 East Carolina L 35-42 35-42 -.76 .184 -.35 .308 -.70 .333 -.170 .228 -1.07 .302 -.200 .253
9 Tulane L 45-55 45-55 -1.21 .084 -.32 .322 -1.12 .268 -.119 .289 -.39 .424 -.143 .314
10 Southern Mississippi W 27-19 27-19 -.70 .206 .28 .654 .65 .658 .092 .661 1.04 .694 .090 .618
11 Marshall W 38-31 38-31 -.27 .375 .27 .652 .20 .543 .098 .674 .95 .676 .115 .654
12 Memphis L 9-46 3-44 -2.56 .003 -2.05 .029 -4.10 .027 -.488 .032 -3.96 .055 -.700 .014
13 UCF L 24-49 24-42 -.51 .283 -.82 .190 -1.71 .184 -.038 .428 -.30 .439 -.192 .261

UCF 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Akron W 56-14 49-7 1.00 .875 2.00 .969 3.68 .959 .235 .831 2.75 .876 .414 .895
2 Ohio State L 16-31 16-31 -.17 .423 -.68 .229 -1.36 .240 -.065 .378 .28 .555 -.182 .267
3 Florida International W 33-20 33-20 -.08 .479 .54 .735 1.32 .754 .271 .864 .50 .605 .205 .758
5 Missouri L 16-21 16-21 .16 .575 -.19 .404 -.02 .486 .016 .526 -.73 .354 .048 .561
6 East Carolina W 40-20 40-20 .64 .788 1.05 .857 2.13 .861 .288 .876 1.29 .729 .475 .926
7 Southern Mississippi W 38-31 38-31 -.66 .223 .32 .675 .00 .510 .106 .682 -.47 .400 .111 .648
8 Memphis W 35-17 28-10 .27 .628 .78 .802 1.83 .832 .057 .605 1.27 .727 .118 .657
9 Marshall W 54-17 47-10 1.31 .925 1.85 .959 3.13 .940 .364 .919 6.38 .986 .425 .902
10 SMU W 42-17 35-10 1.65 .964 1.67 .948 3.57 .956 .379 .924 5.08 .973 .429 .907
11 UTEP W 31-24 31-24 -.18 .420 .27 .652 .74 .680 .029 .551 .45 .592 .115 .654
12 Tulsa L 21-23 21-23 .11 .558 -.07 .473 -.57 .366 -.195 .211 -1.97 .187 -.126 .330
13 UAB W 49-24 42-24 .06 .534 .82 .811 1.71 .816 .038 .572 .30 .561 .192 .739
C Tulsa L 27-33 27-33 -.02 .499 -.21 .395 .63 .649 -.120 .288 -.55 .386 .103 .643
B Ball State W 38-17 35-10 1.69 .966 1.92 .962 3.33 .946 .357 .915 1.26 .725 .214 .765

UCLA 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Rice W 49-24 49-24 .52 .732 .86 .822 1.59 .796 .266 .860 3.78 .939 .181 .732
2 Nebraska W 36-30 36-30 .66 .791 .18 .594 .48 .612 .247 .842 .01 .503 .088 .616
3 Houston W 37-6 30-0 .57 .760 .94 .837 1.53 .789 .273 .865 1.21 .720 .271 .803
4 Oregon State L 20-27 20-27 .44 .696 -.23 .376 -.47 .391 -.016 .473 .11 .523 .000 .518
5 Colorado W 42-14 35-7 .19 .589 1.12 .865 2.38 .886 .276 .868 1.32 .736 .423 .900
6 California L 17-43 17-36 -.89 .150 -.76 .206 -1.58 .205 -.117 .294 -1.46 .240 -.167 .288
7 Utah W 21-14 21-14 .46 .704 .33 .687 1.63 .803 .107 .684 -.02 .492 .233 .784
9 Arizona State W 45-43 45-43 .60 .769 .06 .523 .53 .627 .022 .540 .27 .551 .000 .518
10 Arizona W 66-10 52-10 2.49 .992 2.10 .975 4.09 .971 .464 .961 2.82 .882 .578 .962
11 Washington State W 44-36 44-36 -.16 .430 .26 .637 .07 .518 -.064 .378 -.25 .454 -.133 .323
12 USC W 38-28 38-28 .94 .863 .37 .699 1.23 .745 -.089 .344 -2.04 .181 .077 .605
13 Stanford L 17-35 17-35 .07 .540 -.69 .226 -.92 .289 -.115 .298 -1.43 .245 -.167 .288
C Stanford L 24-27 24-27 .63 .781 -.14 .428 -.27 .435 .060 .613 1.44 .758 .000 .518
B Baylor L 26-49 19-49 -.40 .324 -1.07 .142 -2.14 .138 -.255 .151 -3.84 .059 -.214 .236

UL Monroe 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Arkansas W 34-31 34-31 .22 .607 .11 .548 .00 .510 .197 .791 -.42 .418 .000 .518
3 Auburn L 28-31 28-31 -.41 .324 -.12 .443 .21 .546 .058 .609 -1.74 .207 .121 .666
4 Baylor L 42-47 42-47 .46 .708 -.21 .394 -.42 .400 -.064 .380 .39 .574 -.167 .288
5 Tulane W 63-10 56-3 1.64 .963 2.52 .992 4.37 .982 .679 .992 7.46 .996 .567 .957
6 Middle Tennessee W 31-17 31-17 .45 .703 .70 .778 1.40 .770 .139 .732 .11 .524 .200 .751
7 Florida Atlantic W 35-14 35-7 .71 .805 1.47 .926 2.80 .917 .344 .908 3.74 .938 .400 .889
8 Western Kentucky W 43-42 43-42 -.17 .425 .04 .510 .00 .510 -.155 .247 .40 .579 .000 .518
9 South Alabama W 38-24 38-24 -.34 .353 .58 .749 1.17 .738 .194 .786 -.06 .482 .167 .725
10 Louisiana L 24-40 24-34 -.55 .262 -.43 .289 -1.09 .272 -.135 .272 .06 .516 -.038 .456
11 Arkansas State L 23-45 23-45 -1.00 .123 -1.05 .145 -1.79 .176 -.050 .412 -2.33 .156 -.236 .212
12 North Texas W 42-16 35-10 .77 .824 1.39 .913 2.78 .913 .150 .745 1.50 .768 .333 .853
13 Florida International W 23-17 23-17 -.39 .329 .23 .622 -.51 .377 -.171 .227 -2.21 .168 -.068 .406
B Ohio L 14-45 14-45 -1.88 .018 -1.48 .073 -3.23 .055 -.384 .072 -5.25 .023 -.427 .097

UNLV 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Minnesota L 27-30 27-30 -.34 .352 -.09 .466 -.08 .477 -.209 .193 -2.13 .173 -.103 .359
3 Washington State L 27-35 27-35 -.74 .191 -.32 .324 -.84 .302 .054 .600 -.68 .363 -.032 .466
4 Air Force W 38-35 38-35 -.44 .308 .14 .577 .62 .645 -.001 .497 .29 .558 .145 .697
5 Utah State L 13-35 13-35 -.46 .297 -.92 .165 -1.83 .167 -.232 .171 -3.21 .091 -.250 .208
6 Louisiana Tech L 31-58 24-51 -.88 .153 -1.13 .133 -2.25 .129 -.219 .182 -.16 .468 -.417 .103
7 Nevada L 37-42 37-42 -.38 .336 -.24 .376 -.84 .303 -.263 .143 .01 .505 -.055 .427
8 Boise State L 7-32 7-32 -.82 .171 -1.25 .111 -2.78 .088 -.294 .117 -3.09 .100 -.444 .089
9 San Diego State L 13-24 13-24 -.34 .352 -.52 .267 -1.22 .258 -.234 .169 -1.48 .234 -.218 .233
10 New Mexico W 35-7 28-7 .51 .728 1.17 .875 2.33 .883 .144 .737 4.67 .967 .333 .853
11 Colorado State L 11-33 0-27 -2.10 .008 -1.23 .114 -1.44 .219 -.297 .115 -2.55 .135 -.333 .155
12 Wyoming L 23-28 23-28 -.74 .193 -.25 .368 -1.02 .279 -.013 .482 -2.03 .182 -.267 .199
13 Hawaii L 10-48 0-34 -2.29 .005 -1.31 .099 -2.25 .129 -.376 .077 -3.35 .083 -.583 .037

USC 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Hawaii W 49-10 42-7 .54 .743 1.52 .930 2.26 .873 .401 .935 6.58 .988 .409 .895
2 Syracuse W 42-29 42-22 1.15 .900 .83 .816 1.67 .810 .070 .628 1.14 .708 .167 .725
3 Stanford L 14-21 14-21 .49 .721 -.27 .352 -.54 .370 -.204 .199 -2.44 .142 -.308 .167
4 California W 27-9 27-9 .73 .812 .86 .822 1.55 .792 .248 .843 3.02 .894 .055 .572
6 Utah W 38-28 38-21 .86 .850 .74 .788 1.83 .832 .285 .873 2.89 .886 .427 .906
7 Washington W 24-14 24-14 .54 .745 .37 .699 .23 .552 .064 .620 .42 .584 .077 .605
8 Colorado W 50-6 40-6 1.19 .906 2.13 .978 4.25 .978 .232 .829 6.59 .988 .500 .941
9 Arizona L 36-39 36-39 .30 .637 -.09 .466 -.04 .486 .005 .509 2.03 .817 -.167 .288
10 Oregon L 51-62 45-62 .68 .798 -.71 .220 -1.42 .226 -.210 .191 -1.06 .303 -.250 .208
11 Arizona State W 38-17 38-17 1.24 .915 .70 .778 1.76 .820 .250 .845 2.13 .826 .246 .791
12 UCLA L 28-38 28-38 .03 .520 -.37 .301 -1.23 .256 .089 .655 2.04 .818 -.077 .400
13 Notre Dame L 13-22 13-22 .39 .679 -.45 .285 -.90 .292 -.150 .254 -.33 .432 -.400 .113
B Georgia Tech L 7-21 7-21 -.29 .364 -.52 .270 -1.25 .253 -.129 .280 -.46 .402 -.107 .354

Utah 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Utah State L 20-27 20-27 .26 .622 -.20 .400 .31 .572 -.054 .400 -1.32 .262 .094 .627
3 BYU W 24-21 24-21 .56 .753 .11 .548 -.19 .458 -.071 .371 -.24 .455 -.049 .438
4 Arizona State L 7-37 7-34 -.81 .172 -1.35 .091 -2.70 .092 -.495 .029 -3.55 .071 -.700 .014
6 USC L 28-38 21-38 -.17 .428 -.74 .213 -1.83 .168 -.285 .126 -2.89 .113 -.427 .097
7 UCLA L 14-21 14-21 .07 .538 -.33 .320 -1.63 .197 -.107 .315 .02 .507 -.233 .216
8 Oregon State L 7-21 7-21 .06 .536 -.61 .248 -1.33 .244 -.016 .474 -.31 .438 -.106 .355
9 California W 49-27 42-6 1.77 .971 1.89 .960 2.83 .922 .386 .930 .68 .634 .278 .814
10 Washington State W 49-6 39-0 1.53 .955 1.95 .965 3.44 .952 .380 .926 2.50 .861 .456 .923
11 Washington L 15-34 15-34 -.62 .240 -.79 .197 -1.47 .217 -.191 .217 -1.78 .202 -.235 .214
12 Arizona L 24-34 24-34 -.02 .499 -.42 .292 -.83 .305 -.025 .455 -.63 .374 -.167 .288
13 Colorado W 42-35 42-35 -.71 .204 .23 .617 .83 .693 .077 .641 .64 .626 .128 .673

Utah State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Utah W 27-20 27-20 .32 .648 .20 .603 -.31 .427 .054 .599 1.32 .737 -.094 .372
3 Wisconsin L 14-16 14-16 .59 .765 -.07 .475 .24 .554 .017 .529 .03 .508 -.031 .467
4 Colorado State W 31-19 31-12 .03 .524 .90 .831 2.01 .850 .326 .901 2.80 .880 .227 .778
5 UNLV W 35-13 35-13 .14 .568 .92 .835 1.83 .833 .232 .829 3.21 .908 .250 .796
6 BYU L 3-6 3-6 .31 .643 -.14 .428 -.27 .435 -.119 .290 -.98 .315 .000 .518
7 San Jose State W 49-27 49-27 1.09 .887 .85 .818 1.69 .814 .063 .617 3.37 .921 .154 .705
8 New Mexico State W 41-7 38-7 .19 .589 1.72 .954 3.44 .952 .289 .877 3.36 .919 .444 .912
9 UTSA W 48-17 48-17 .46 .704 1.24 .887 2.69 .906 .349 .911 2.13 .827 .436 .909
10 Texas State W 38-7 38-7 1.10 .893 1.72 .954 3.44 .952 .511 .975 6.52 .987 .556 .956
12 Louisiana Tech W 48-41 48-41 .49 .719 .24 .630 .32 .574 -.012 .483 2.08 .823 .032 .538
13 Idaho W 45-9 38-9 .11 .553 1.21 .882 2.07 .856 .152 .749 1.78 .798 .205 .758
B Toledo W 41-15 34-15 .62 .778 .73 .785 2.08 .857 .203 .798 3.98 .945 .250 .796

UTEP 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Oklahoma L 7-24 7-24 .27 .626 -.65 .238 -1.85 .165 -.147 .260 -1.10 .298 -.135 .321
2 Ole Miss L 10-28 10-28 -.21 .410 -.78 .202 -1.97 .154 -.249 .155 -4.25 .047 -.350 .141
3 New Mexico State W 41-28 41-14 -.25 .389 1.29 .896 2.33 .878 .216 .816 2.16 .829 .345 .858
4 Wisconsin L 26-37 19-37 -.09 .476 -.75 .210 -1.37 .236 -.202 .204 -3.68 .064 -.136 .319
5 East Carolina L 18-28 18-28 -.77 .182 -.36 .306 -1.38 .233 -.203 .203 -1.22 .278 -.077 .400
6 SMU L 0-17 0-17 -.72 .197 -.71 .220 -.91 .290 -.095 .333 -.33 .433 -.280 .184
7 Tulsa L 11-33 11-33 -.77 .180 -.96 .157 -1.68 .187 -.208 .195 -1.25 .276 -.333 .155
8 Tulane W 24-20 24-20 -.67 .217 .21 .608 .67 .661 .102 .678 .26 .548 .044 .553
9 Houston L 35-45 35-45 -.69 .211 -.32 .322 -.74 .321 -.015 .477 .19 .536 -.087 .384
11 UCF L 24-31 24-31 .04 .527 -.27 .352 -.74 .320 -.029 .448 -.45 .408 -.115 .349
12 Southern Mississippi W 34-33 34-33 -.93 .140 .05 .520 -.30 .430 -.050 .411 -2.08 .176 -.044 .449
13 Rice L 24-33 24-33 -.69 .209 -.35 .311 -.52 .376 -.154 .248 1.32 .736 -.147 .302

UTSA 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 South Alabama W 33-31 33-31 -.84 .161 .07 .527 .15 .534 .040 .574 .93 .673 .154 .705
5 New Mexico State W 35-14 35-14 -.54 .272 1.00 .849 1.63 .802 -.051 .410 .71 .642 .232 .783
7 Rice L 14-34 14-34 -1.46 .058 -1.11 .137 -2.22 .131 -.291 .121 -1.54 .227 -.222 .230
8 San Jose State L 24-52 17-52 -1.11 .100 -1.35 .094 -2.15 .137 -.374 .079 -3.21 .092 -.315 .161
9 Utah State L 17-48 17-48 -.78 .178 -1.24 .113 -2.69 .093 -.349 .088 -2.13 .172 -.436 .090
10 Louisiana Tech L 27-51 27-44 -.53 .278 -.77 .205 -1.55 .209 -.156 .244 -1.10 .299 -.364 .135
12 Idaho W 34-27 34-27 -.82 .169 .28 .657 .58 .637 .009 .512 -.43 .411 .000 .518
13 Texas State W 38-31 38-31 -.34 .350 .28 .657 .23 .553 .128 .719 .30 .559 .136 .684

Vanderbilt 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 South Carolina L 13-17 13-17 .73 .813 -.17 .411 -.46 .392 .049 .585 -.04 .489 .061 .588
2 Northwestern L 13-23 13-23 .00 .509 -.43 .289 -1.01 .279 -.075 .363 .17 .534 -.205 .247
4 Georgia L 3-48 3-48 -1.42 .061 -2.50 .008 -5.00 .007 -.529 .021 -4.61 .034 -.556 .048
6 Missouri W 19-15 19-15 .51 .726 .16 .585 .42 .600 -.057 .395 -.43 .411 -.058 .421
7 Florida L 17-31 17-31 .26 .621 -.64 .242 -1.27 .251 -.073 .367 -2.29 .161 -.182 .267
8 Auburn W 17-13 17-13 -.10 .460 .18 .594 .36 .587 .168 .767 1.24 .723 .000 .518
9 Massachusetts W 49-7 42-0 .64 .788 2.10 .975 3.89 .968 .427 .949 4.37 .957 .556 .956
10 Kentucky W 40-0 34-0 1.75 .970 2.13 .978 4.25 .978 .389 .931 3.47 .926 .500 .941
11 Ole Miss W 27-26 27-26 .61 .773 .04 .508 .07 .518 -.041 .423 .39 .573 -.143 .314
12 Tennessee W 41-18 41-10 1.34 .928 1.11 .862 2.21 .867 .165 .764 2.60 .867 .357 .863
13 Wake Forest W 55-21 48-14 1.09 .889 1.62 .943 2.98 .930 .390 .932 3.24 .910 .568 .958
B NC State W 38-24 38-17 .77 .822 .81 .805 2.09 .857 .082 .650 -.57 .384 .288 .821

Virginia 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Penn State W 17-16 17-16 .51 .727 .04 .514 .21 .546 -.211 .190 -.04 .490 -.311 .163
3 Georgia Tech L 20-56 7-42 -1.72 .028 -1.94 .035 -3.89 .032 -.430 .048 -5.07 .027 -.556 .048
4 TCU L 7-27 7-27 -.43 .311 -.87 .176 -1.61 .202 -.124 .284 -1.36 .255 -.326 .158
5 Louisiana Tech L 38-44 38-44 .02 .517 -.23 .380 -.16 .464 .080 .647 2.52 .861 -.045 .445
6 Duke L 17-42 17-35 -.88 .152 -.62 .243 -1.37 .238 .018 .530 -.15 .472 -.024 .475
7 Maryland L 20-27 20-27 -.59 .249 -.24 .372 -.21 .456 .075 .635 -.34 .430 -.051 .434
8 Wake Forest L 10-16 10-16 -.74 .191 -.21 .391 -.37 .411 .057 .607 .46 .595 -.055 .425
10 NC State W 33-6 26-6 .63 .782 .67 .767 1.43 .779 .206 .803 1.22 .722 .286 .817
11 Miami W 41-40 41-40 .07 .540 .05 .517 .45 .604 -.090 .342 -1.42 .247 .045 .556
12 North Carolina L 13-37 13-37 -.85 .160 -1.00 .155 -1.92 .157 -.191 .217 -1.94 .188 -.327 .157
13 Virginia Tech L 14-17 14-17 -.02 .502 -.10 .460 -.59 .361 -.075 .365 .46 .598 -.190 .262

Virginia Tech 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Georgia Tech W 20-17 20-17 .35 .659 .12 .561 -.13 .469 .060 .612 .75 .649 .061 .588
3 Pittsburgh L 17-35 17-35 -.53 .277 -.72 .217 -1.78 .177 -.177 .225 -.15 .471 -.357 .139
4 Bowling Green W 37-0 37-0 1.40 .936 1.68 .949 3.36 .947 .248 .844 2.97 .891 .455 .918
5 Cincinnati L 24-27 24-27 .27 .626 -.11 .454 -.21 .453 -.170 .229 -.62 .377 -.143 .314
6 North Carolina L 34-48 34-48 -.33 .355 -.48 .277 -1.42 .226 -.147 .258 -1.20 .282 -.226 .227
7 Duke W 41-20 41-20 .61 .773 .88 .827 2.23 .870 .150 .746 3.82 .940 .311 .837
8 Clemson L 17-38 17-38 -.11 .458 -.75 .210 -1.08 .275 -.013 .480 .68 .637 -.154 .299
10 Miami L 12-30 12-30 -.67 .219 -.69 .226 -1.38 .233 .058 .609 -.94 .325 -.154 .299
11 Florida State L 22-28 22-28 .54 .747 -.21 .395 -.67 .340 .002 .505 .62 .623 -.051 .434
12 Boston College W 30-23 30-23 -.20 .413 .24 .630 .13 .529 .089 .654 .57 .617 .027 .531
13 Virginia W 17-14 17-14 -.23 .403 .10 .544 .59 .638 .075 .634 -.46 .402 .190 .738
B Rutgers W 13-10 13-10 .20 .594 .08 .530 .40 .596 -.051 .407 -.48 .397 .051 .568

Wake Forest 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 North Carolina W 28-27 28-27 .19 .590 .04 .510 .08 .519 .050 .589 .69 .637 .000 .518
3 Florida State L 0-52 0-38 -.98 .128 -1.73 .045 -3.10 .065 -.458 .040 -6.93 .006 -.500 .070
4 Army W 49-37 49-37 -.19 .418 .57 .745 1.54 .790 .106 .682 2.80 .881 .155 .707
5 Duke L 27-34 27-34 -.54 .266 -.28 .345 -.76 .316 -.054 .400 .68 .635 -.115 .349
6 Maryland L 14-19 14-19 -.50 .286 -.15 .420 -.39 .409 -.023 .457 -.19 .461 -.083 .393
8 Virginia W 16-10 16-10 -.12 .451 .21 .610 .37 .589 -.057 .392 -.46 .404 .055 .575
9 Clemson L 13-42 13-42 -.57 .260 -1.21 .118 -2.42 .113 -.277 .130 -1.75 .206 -.417 .103
10 Boston College W 28-14 28-14 .14 .567 .58 .749 1.17 .738 -.019 .467 -1.31 .266 .083 .611
11 NC State L 6-37 6-37 -1.15 .092 -1.11 .138 -1.88 .162 -.324 .099 -1.79 .199 -.544 .051
12 Notre Dame L 0-38 0-38 -1.27 .077 -2.11 .024 -4.22 .025 -.622 .009 -6.88 .007 -.778 .007
13 Vanderbilt L 21-55 14-48 -1.09 .107 -1.62 .057 -2.98 .070 -.390 .067 -3.24 .089 -.568 .042

Washington 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 San Diego State W 21-12 21-12 .64 .786 .45 .716 .36 .583 .113 .700 -.78 .344 .133 .678
2 LSU L 3-41 3-34 -.80 .174 -1.63 .056 -3.95 .030 -.561 .014 -4.38 .041 -.650 .019
5 Stanford W 17-13 17-13 .91 .855 .14 .577 .75 .682 .074 .633 1.11 .704 .060 .584
6 Oregon L 21-52 14-52 -.26 .383 -1.65 .054 -2.69 .094 -.305 .109 -2.88 .114 -.527 .055
7 USC L 14-24 14-24 .20 .597 -.37 .301 -.23 .449 -.064 .379 -.42 .415 -.077 .400
8 Arizona L 17-52 17-45 -.94 .139 -1.33 .096 -2.68 .095 -.328 .097 -3.44 .074 -.394 .115
9 Oregon State W 20-17 20-17 .79 .829 .12 .556 .23 .552 -.113 .302 -1.17 .288 .077 .605
10 California W 21-13 21-13 .17 .581 .30 .663 .69 .665 -.037 .430 -.15 .471 -.055 .425
11 Utah W 34-15 34-15 .91 .856 .79 .803 1.47 .783 .191 .782 1.78 .798 .235 .785
12 Colorado W 38-3 31-3 .34 .657 1.27 .892 2.52 .893 .452 .958 3.74 .937 .445 .913
13 Washington State L 28-31 28-31 -.53 .276 -.11 .454 .00 .510 -.096 .329 -1.70 .210 .000 .518
B Boise State L 26-28 26-28 .35 .664 -.08 .470 -.33 .423 .028 .549 .67 .633 -.038 .454

Washington State 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 BYU L 6-30 6-30 -.96 .133 -1.41 .083 -3.08 .067 -.474 .035 -1.15 .291 -.653 .018
3 UNLV W 35-27 35-27 -.46 .301 .32 .676 .84 .697 -.054 .399 .68 .637 .032 .538
4 Colorado L 34-35 34-35 -.97 .131 -.03 .497 -.23 .447 -.051 .408 -1.36 .256 .038 .544
5 Oregon L 26-51 19-51 .25 .615 -1.14 .131 -1.92 .156 -.209 .192 -2.80 .120 -.231 .221
6 Oregon State L 6-19 6-19 .11 .553 -.57 .258 -1.23 .257 -.211 .189 .64 .627 -.197 .258
7 California L 17-31 17-31 -.71 .202 -.58 .253 -1.17 .264 .019 .531 -1.29 .270 -.083 .388
9 Stanford L 17-24 17-24 .43 .693 -.33 .320 -.34 .419 .042 .579 -.40 .421 -.061 .415
10 Utah L 6-49 0-39 -1.83 .020 -1.95 .034 -3.44 .048 -.380 .074 -2.50 .139 -.456 .077
11 UCLA L 36-44 36-44 .14 .566 -.26 .362 -.07 .482 .064 .621 .25 .546 .133 .678
12 Arizona State L 7-46 0-46 -1.38 .068 -1.92 .038 -3.83 .033 -.455 .040 -3.93 .056 -.583 .037
13 Washington W 31-28 31-28 .28 .630 .11 .548 .00 .510 .096 .671 1.70 .789 .000 .518

West Virginia 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Marshall W 69-34 62-20 1.46 .944 2.00 .969 3.50 .955 .433 .953 4.54 .962 .400 .889
4 Maryland W 31-21 31-21 .05 .529 .40 .706 .57 .634 .023 .541 .01 .501 .056 .578
5 Baylor W 70-63 70-63 .93 .860 .26 .643 .88 .706 .052 .596 1.64 .782 .060 .584
6 Texas W 48-45 48-45 .78 .825 .13 .566 .55 .630 -.053 .402 -.03 .491 .114 .650
7 Texas Tech L 14-49 7-35 -1.13 .094 -1.47 .077 -3.19 .056 -.385 .071 -5.84 .017 -.567 .043
8 Kansas State L 14-55 7-45 -1.39 .065 -2.53 .007 -6.43 .001 -.758 .003 -4.85 .029 -1.000 .002
10 TCU L 38-39 38-39 .41 .684 -.03 .499 -.19 .460 -.083 .349 -1.91 .189 .145 .695
11 Oklahoma State L 34-55 34-55 .16 .574 -.72 .216 -1.08 .275 -.060 .388 -1.86 .192 -.154 .299
12 Oklahoma L 49-50 49-50 .89 .852 -.03 .497 -.30 .428 .002 .506 2.22 .833 -.110 .353
13 Iowa State W 31-24 31-24 .66 .790 .33 .687 .92 .712 .057 .606 1.21 .719 .245 .790
14 Kansas W 59-10 45-7 2.02 .981 2.38 .990 4.75 .990 .579 .986 5.02 .971 .750 .992
B Syracuse L 14-38 14-38 -.69 .212 -1.00 .155 -2.00 .151 -.297 .113 -1.38 .253 -.250 .208

Western Kentucky 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Alabama L 0-35 0-28 .02 .518 -1.65 .055 -3.50 .046 -.209 .193 -3.31 .087 -.500 .070
3 Kentucky W 32-31 32-31 -.34 .350 .04 .513 .40 .594 -.061 .385 -.79 .342 .067 .593
4 Southern Mississippi W 42-17 42-3 1.32 .926 2.29 .986 4.29 .980 .524 .977 6.24 .984 .417 .898
5 Arkansas State W 26-13 26-13 .67 .794 .62 .755 1.42 .777 .153 .749 1.34 .741 .227 .778
7 Troy W 31-26 31-26 -.11 .459 .25 .637 .50 .620 .005 .510 .75 .649 -.100 .367
8 UL Monroe L 42-43 42-43 -.10 .469 -.04 .491 .00 .510 .155 .753 -.40 .420 .000 .518
9 Florida International W 14-6 14-6 -.24 .395 .38 .702 .85 .702 .052 .593 -.44 .410 -.073 .400
10 Middle Tennessee L 29-34 27-34 -.62 .240 -.37 .303 -.38 .410 .008 .512 1.13 .706 .042 .547
11 Florida Atlantic L 28-37 28-31 -.87 .155 -.11 .454 -.60 .361 -.026 .454 1.34 .740 -.049 .438
12 Louisiana L 27-31 27-31 -.30 .361 -.18 .408 -.12 .473 -.077 .359 -3.35 .083 .045 .558
13 North Texas W 25-24 25-24 -.58 .255 .04 .510 -.26 .436 .068 .624 1.45 .759 -.051 .434
B Central Michigan L 21-24 21-24 -.80 .173 -.15 .421 -.30 .430 -.189 .219 -.95 .324 -.200 .253

Western Michigan 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Illinois L 7-24 7-24 -1.29 .074 -.65 .238 -.88 .295 -.081 .350 -.32 .434 -.179 .270
3 Minnesota L 23-28 23-28 -.44 .305 -.20 .400 -.56 .367 -.096 .327 -1.52 .230 -.032 .466
4 Connecticut W 30-24 30-24 -.10 .461 .21 .610 .13 .531 -.087 .346 -.50 .395 -.049 .438
5 Toledo L 17-37 17-37 -1.02 .117 -.91 .167 -1.97 .154 -.263 .143 -2.25 .163 -.596 .031
6 Massachusetts W 52-14 42-7 .60 .768 2.06 .971 4.38 .983 .550 .982 7.21 .995 .625 .977
7 Ball State L 24-30 24-30 -.45 .302 -.21 .391 -.25 .443 -.075 .364 1.84 .805 .000 .518
8 Kent State L 24-41 24-41 -.69 .210 -.63 .242 -1.12 .267 .051 .590 -.89 .329 -.214 .236
9 Northern Illinois L 34-48 27-45 -.55 .264 -.82 .190 -1.64 .195 -.179 .224 -1.53 .230 -.273 .196
10 Central Michigan W 42-31 42-31 -.23 .402 .42 .710 .65 .655 -.021 .464 1.84 .803 -.122 .333
11 Buffalo L 24-29 24-29 -.77 .181 -.15 .420 -.40 .404 -.066 .376 .07 .521 -.143 .307
12 Eastern Michigan L 23-29 23-29 -1.13 .095 -.30 .336 -.60 .360 .069 .626 .75 .651 -.100 .367

Wisconsin 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Oregon State L 7-10 7-10 .55 .749 -.13 .437 -.25 .443 -.093 .336 -.72 .355 -.167 .288
3 Utah State W 16-14 16-14 .53 .736 .07 .526 -.24 .445 -.017 .470 -.03 .492 .031 .533
4 UTEP W 37-26 37-19 .30 .637 .75 .792 1.37 .764 .202 .796 3.68 .935 .136 .684
5 Nebraska L 27-30 27-30 .36 .667 -.12 .443 -.42 .399 -.111 .309 -1.18 .286 -.199 .255
6 Illinois W 31-14 31-14 .04 .527 .68 .770 1.42 .776 .113 .699 2.37 .849 .167 .725
7 Purdue W 38-14 38-7 1.05 .881 1.29 .899 2.58 .897 .494 .969 5.24 .976 .583 .966
8 Minnesota W 38-13 38-13 .89 .854 1.14 .867 2.27 .874 .375 .921 2.67 .872 .273 .811
9 Michigan State L 13-16 13-16 .21 .601 -.13 .437 .00 .510 -.050 .413 -.52 .390 .000 .518
11 Indiana W 62-14 48-14 1.42 .939 1.62 .943 2.96 .929 .437 .955 4.47 .960 .527 .945
12 Ohio State L 14-21 14-21 .23 .609 -.28 .345 .47 .609 .166 .764 .55 .613 .150 .699
13 Penn State L 21-24 21-24 .34 .658 -.12 .443 -.16 .464 -.004 .491 .43 .587 -.114 .350
C Nebraska W 70-31 63-17 2.67 .995 2.19 .982 3.90 .969 .464 .960 5.91 .983 .600 .972
B Stanford L 14-20 14-20 .48 .717 -.29 .342 -.73 .325 -.013 .482 -1.41 .248 -.218 .233

Wyoming 2012 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Texas L 17-37 17-37 -.26 .385 -.91 .167 -1.82 .171 -.194 .214 .24 .544 -.455 .081
2 Toledo L 31-34 31-34 -.24 .398 -.13 .432 -.51 .378 -.059 .389 1.69 .788 -.227 .226
4 Idaho W 40-37 40-37 -.98 .126 .12 .561 .26 .562 -.063 .383 .91 .671 .045 .556
6 Nevada L 28-35 28-35 -.39 .331 -.25 .368 .00 .510 -.211 .189 -2.54 .137 -.077 .400
7 Air Force L 27-28 27-28 -.63 .234 -.05 .479 -.41 .401 .023 .540 -1.59 .223 .056 .577
8 Fresno State L 14-42 7-35 -.58 .252 -1.00 .155 -1.65 .192 -.205 .198 -1.21 .281 -.236 .214
9 Boise State L 14-45 14-45 -1.50 .052 -1.94 .036 -3.68 .040 -.537 .020 -2.35 .152 -.482 .072
10 Colorado State W 45-31 42-17 .45 .699 1.32 .902 2.68 .904 .307 .891 -1.48 .234 .450 .916
11 New Mexico W 28-23 28-23 -.44 .304 .22 .612 .63 .647 -.101 .322 .01 .503 -.053 .430
12 UNLV W 28-23 28-23 -.53 .279 .25 .637 1.02 .721 .013 .517 2.03 .818 .267 .801
13 San Diego State L 28-42 28-42 -.42 .316 -.61 .248 -1.48 .216 -.196 .209 -1.97 .186 -.212 .238